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Swift Testingの実装を読む
2024/8/4に Swift TestingにaddTearDownBlockがないことが気になり、実装を読んで調査しようとコードリーディングを進めた。 コードを読む前にこちらのコードを用意し、
@Test func expectTrue() {
let isTrue = true
これをXcode上でExpand Macroを実行する。
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function is an implementation detail of the testing library. Do not use it directly.")
@Sendable private static func $s18SampleProject07SampleB9TestC10expectTrue0F0fMp_16funcexpectTrue__fMu0_() async throws -> Void {
try await Testing.__ifMainActorIsolationEnforced { [] in
let $s18SampleProject07SampleB9TestC10expectTrue0F0fMp_16funcexpectTrue__fMu_ = try await (SampleTest(), Testing.__requiringTry, Testing.__requiringAwait).0
_ = try await ($s18SampleProject07SampleB9TestC10expectTrue0F0fMp_16funcexpectTrue__fMu_.expectTrue(), Testing.__requiringTry, Testing.__requiringAwait).0
} else: { [] in
let $s18SampleProject07SampleB9TestC10expectTrue0F0fMp_16funcexpectTrue__fMu_ = try await (SampleTest(), Testing.__requiringTry, Testing.__requiringAwait).0
_ = try await ($s18SampleProject07SampleB9TestC10expectTrue0F0fMp_16funcexpectTrue__fMu_.expectTrue(), Testing.__requiringTry, Testing.__requiringAwait).0
さらに @Test にコードジャンプすると以下の定義を確認できる。
/// This macro declaration is necessary to help the compiler disambiguate
/// display names from traits, but it does not need to be documented separately.
/// ## See Also
/// - Test(_:_:)
@attached(peer) public macro Test(_ traits: any Testing.TestTrait...) = #externalMacro(module: "TestingMacros", type: "TestDeclarationMacro") ざっくりだが TestDeclarationMacro というのが関係してそうということがわかる。
ざっと読んで気になったのが XCTestCase という文字列があるこのコード。
if let selectorExpr {
// Provide XCTest the source location of the test function. Use the
// start of the function's name when determining the location (instead
// of the start of the @Test attribute as used elsewhere.) This
// matches the indexer's heuristic when discovering XCTest functions.
let sourceLocationExpr = createSourceLocationExpr(of: functionDecl.name, context: context)
thunkBody = """
if try await Testing.__invokeXCTestCaseMethod(\(selectorExpr), onInstanceOf: \(typeName).self, sourceLocation: \(sourceLocationExpr)) {
__invokeXCTestCaseMethod が気になる。
// If this function is synchronous and is not explicitly isolated to the
// main actor, it may still need to run main-actor-isolated depending on the
// runtime configuration in the test process.
if functionDecl.signature.effectSpecifiers?.asyncSpecifier == nil && !isMainActorIsolated {
thunkBody = """
try await Testing.__ifMainActorIsolationEnforced { \(captureListExpr) in
} else: { \(captureListExpr) in
Macro展開時に出てきた __ifMainActorIsolationEnforced を発見。
__invokeXCTestCaseMethod に話を戻し、こちらの定義ファイルを探す。
/// Run a test function as an XCTestCase-compatible method.
/// This overload is used for types that are classes. If the type is not a
/// subclass of XCTestCase, or if XCTest is not loaded in the current process,
/// this function returns immediately.
/// - Warning: This function is used to implement the @Test macro. Do not call
/// it directly.
public func __invokeXCTestCaseMethod<T>(
_ selector: __XCTestCompatibleSelector?,
onInstanceOf xcTestCaseSubclass: T.Type,
sourceLocation: SourceLocation
) async throws -> Bool where T: AnyObject {
// All classes will end up on this code path, so only record an issue if it is
// really an XCTestCase subclass.
guard let xcTestCaseClass, isClass(xcTestCaseSubclass, subclassOf: xcTestCaseClass) else {
return false
backtrace: nil,
sourceLocation: sourceLocation
return true
XCTestCaseを継承していなければfalseを返すだけとなっている。Swift Testingを利用する場合基本継承しないので、ここではfalseを返される。
ちなみに度々出てくる thunk とはサブルーチンに別の演算(関数実行)を埋め込むサブルーチンのことらしい。
先程から見ていた関数の定義は以下で、引数に渡した functionDeclに挿入する関数を定義するsyntax nodeを返り値とする。
@Sendable private ... func ... async throws -> Void { ... } が挿入される関数となる。
/// Create a thunk function with a normalized signature that calls a
/// developer-supplied test function.
/// - Parameters:
/// - functionDecl: The function declaration to write a thunk for.
/// - typeName: The name of the type of which functionDecl is a member, if
/// any.
/// - selectorExpr: The XCTest-compatible selector corresponding to
/// functionDecl, if any.
/// - context: The macro context in which the expression is being parsed.
/// - Returns: A syntax node that declares a function thunking functionDecl.
private static func _createThunkDecl(
calling functionDecl: FunctionDeclSyntax,
on typeName: TypeSyntax?,
xcTestCompatibleSelector selectorExpr: ExprSyntax?,
in context: some MacroExpansionContext
) -> FunctionDeclSyntax {
let thunkDecl: DeclSyntax = """
@available(*, deprecated, message: "This function is an implementation detail of the testing library. Do not use it directly.")
@Sendable private \(_staticKeyword(for: typeName)) func \(thunkName)\(thunkParamsExpr) async throws -> Void {
return thunkDecl.cast(FunctionDeclSyntax.self)
// MARK: - FunctionDeclSyntax
/// A Swift func declaration.
/// ### Example
/// A func declaration may be declared without any parameter.
/// `swift
/// func foo() {
/// }
/// `
/// A func declaration with multiple parameters.
/// `swift
/// func bar(_ arg1: Int, _ arg2: Int) {
/// }
/// `
/// ### Children
/// - attributes: AttributeListSyntax
/// - modifiers: DeclModifierListSyntax
/// - funcKeyword: func
/// - name: (<identifier> | <binaryOperator> | <prefixOperator> | <postfixOperator>)
/// - genericParameterClause: GenericParameterClauseSyntax?
/// - signature: FunctionSignatureSyntax
/// - genericWhereClause: GenericWhereClauseSyntax?
/// - body: CodeBlockSyntax?
public struct FunctionDeclSyntax: DeclSyntaxProtocol, SyntaxHashable, _LeafDeclSyntaxNodeProtocol {