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公式ドキュメントは概要しかまとまってないので詳細はアメリカのBIS(Bureau of Industry and Security: 産業安全保障局)のドキュメントを読んで確認した方が良い。 主に該当するのは以下。
2. Items subject to Cat. 5, Part 2:
a. 5A002.a (and equivalent software under 5D002 c.1) applies to items that:
i. Use ‘cryptography for data confidentiality’; and
ii. Have ‘in excess of 56 bits of symmetric key length, or equivalent’; and
iii. Have cryptography described in 1 and 2 above where the cryptographic capability is usable, activated, or can be activated by means of "cryptographic activation" not employing a secure mechanism; and
iv. Are described under 5A002 a.1 – a.4; and
v. Are not described by Decontrol notes.
b. 5A992.c (and software equivalence controlled under 5D992.c) is also known as mass market. These items meet all of the above descried under 5A002.a and Note 3 to Category 5, Part 2. See the MASS MARKET section for more information.
c. 5A002.b (and software equivalence controlled under 5D002.b) applies to items designed or modified to enable, by means of “cryptographic activation,” an item to achieve/exceed the controlled performance levels for functionality specified by 5A002.a not otherwise enabled (e.g., license key to enable cryptography).
d. 5A004 (and equivalent software controlled under 5D002.c.3) applies to items designed or modified to perform ‘cryptanalytic functions’ including by means of reverse engineering.
iii. Have cryptography described in 1 and 2 above where the cryptographic capability is usable, activated, or can be activated by means of "cryptographic activation" not employing a secure mechanism
cryptogra capable is usableはⅰ,ⅱを満たす暗号化ライブラリをインストールした状態でAPIを使用せずとも該当するかが不明瞭
can be activa by ... 以下が最初に言及した点。