NetLSD: Hearing the Shape of a Graph
Comparison among graphs is ubiquitous in graph analytics. However, it is a hard task in terms of the expressiveness of the employed similarity measure and the efficiency of its computation. Ideally, graph comparison should be invariant to the order of nodes and the sizes of compared graphs, adaptive to the scale of graph patterns, and scalable. Unfortunately, these properties have not been addressed together. Graph comparisons still rely on direct approaches, graph kernels, or representation-based methods, which are all inefficient and impractical for large graph collections.
現状は、graph kernels, or representation-based methods, which are all inefficient and impractical for large graph collections.
In this paper, we propose the Network Laplacian Spectral Descriptor (NetLSD):
the first, to our knowledge, permutation- and size-invariant, scale-adaptive, and efficiently computable graph representation method that allows for straightforward comparisons of large graphs.
NetLSD extracts a compact signature that inherits the formal properties of the Laplacian spectrum, specifically its heat or wave kernel; thus, it \em hears the shape of a graph.
Our evaluation on a variety of real-world graphs demonstrates that it outperforms previous works in both expressiveness and efficiency.
Related word
Direct Methods
Graph edit distance(GED)
a family of tractable distances (FTD)
Kernel Methods
Shortest-path (SP) kernel
Multi-scale Laplacian Graph kernel (MLG)
Statistical representation
the Family of Spectral Distances (FSGD)
spectral representation
Rather than using the Laplacian spectrum per se, we consider an associated heat diffusion process on the graph, to obtain a more expressive representation, in a manner reminiscent of random walk models 12 ラプラシアン行列の固有値(spectrum)、固有行列を使って、
a heat trace signature, a wave signatureを定義