M5Stack ATOM Matrix
Note: When using FastLED lib, the recommended brightness of RGB LED is 20. Please do not set it to a high brightness value to avoid damage to the LED and acrylic screen. (In ATOM lib, we have mapped its appropriate brightness range to 0~100)
Install M5Atom library to your project.
ATOM Library
Read the codes in the repository to get the information necessary for making a code for M5Stack ATOM.
There are sample codes in 'examples'.
Arguments of M5.begin()
How to turn on and off the LED matrix on ATOM Matrix
Use drawpix() method.
You need to install FastLED library to manipulate the LED matrix on ATOM Matrix.
How to use the Button on ATOM Matrix
How to use the Timer in ATOM Matrix
How to use MPU-6886 in ATOM Matrix
MPU-6886 is a high-performance 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelermeter.