JackIn Neck: A Neckband Wearable Telepresence System Designed for High Comfortability
JackIn Neckは220°の広角カメラとディスプレイを搭載した首掛け型ウェアラブルテレプレゼンスシステムである。このシステムは遠隔地にいる対話相手との共同作業やコミュニケーションを支援する。首掛け型であるため、ハーネスやベルトで身体に固定する必要がなく着脱が容易であり両手を塞ぐことがない。また、デバイスが肩の上に接地することで装着者の頭部や腕の動きによりカメラが揺れることが少なく、安定した映像を撮影可能である。さらに、装着者の視点位置とカメラ位置が近いため、遠隔地にいるユーザと装着者は同じ視点を共有しながら作業可能である。
We present a wearable telepresence system, JackIn Neck, that can be worn on the neck and supports joint activities with a local user, a conversation partner who meet the local user, and a remote user of this system. While previous works demonstrated clear advantages of the neck for the location of wearable devices, a telepresence system tailored for such use had not been developed. JackIn Neck realizes this form factor by combining a camera with a fisheye lens, speakers, and microphones. Because our device is easy to put on and take off, as well as being comfortable to wear, we see the potential of our system to be adopted in the wild, such as sightseeing and event participation remotely.
Akira Matsuda, Kazunori Nozawa, and Jun Rekimoto. 2018. JackIn Neck: A Neckband Wearable Telepresence System Designed for High Comfortability. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 415-418. DOI https://gyazo.com/8760069b333ecdd247270ce6c4047f30