もともとはルーターとかの用語だったはずだけど、AWS だと分散システム全般で使われがちで、外向けの文章とかにも時折出てくる。
Every distributed system has components that fall roughly into these two roles: data plane components that sit on the request path, and control plane components which help that data plane do its work.
The Amazon EC2 service consists of a control plane and a data plane. “Control plane” and “data plane” are terms of art from networking, but we use them all over the place within AWS. A control plane is the machinery involved in making changes to a system—adding resources, deleting resources, modifying resources—and getting those changes propagated to wherever they need to go to take effect. A data plane, in contrast, is the daily business of those resources, that is, what it takes for them to function.
Control plane operations let you create and manage DynamoDB tables. They also let you work with indexes, streams, and other objects that are dependent on tables.
Data plane operations let you perform create, read, update, and delete (also called CRUD) actions on data in a table. Some of the data plane operations also let you read data from a secondary index.