Part 3-2、3-3の箇所になめ敵に関する記入箇所を提案
基本的にはNameraka Societyについて言及する。Part5でdivicracyやPICSYについて触れられるかもしれないことを言及
Part 5
5-6 voting; divicracyについて入れる
5-7 social markets PICSYが入るかな?
健さんの3-2 Connected Societyのセクションに追加
3-2 Connected Societyに関する言及
1. なめらか社会をこれらの先駆者と単に絡めるのみ
2. 先駆者としての一人として扱う。
新たなセクションに入れる。 Norbert Wiener's cybernetic societyの後。
section: Connected Society
The twentieth century saw as fundamental shifts in social as natural sciences. Henry George, author of the best-selling and most influential book on economics in American and perhaps world history, made his career as a searing critic of private property. Georg Simmel, one of the founders of sociology, originated the idea of the "web" as a critique of the individualist concept of identity. John Dewey, widely considered the greatest philosopher of American democracy, argued that the standard national and state institutions that instantiated the idea hardly scratched the surface of what democracy required. Norbert Wiener coined the term "cybernetics" for a field studying such rich interactive systems. (ここにNameraka Societyについて言及するか脚注に入れる) By perceiving the limits of the box of modernity they highlighted even as they helped construct it, these pioneers (ここに脚注を入れる方法もある) helped us imagine a social world outside it, pointing the way towards a vision of a Connected Society that harnesses the potential of collaboration across diversity. 修正案
The twentieth century saw as fundamental shifts in social as natural sciences. Henry George, author of the best-selling and most influential book on economics in American and perhaps world history, made his career as a searing critic of private property. Georg Simmel, one of the founders of sociology, originated the idea of the "web" as a critique of the individualist concept of identity. John Dewey, widely considered the greatest philosopher of American democracy, argued that the standard national and state institutions that instantiated the idea hardly scratched the surface of what democracy required. Norbert Wiener coined the term "cybernetics" for a field studying such rich interactive systems. Ken Suzuki, a Japanese natural philosopher of a Connected Society, proposed the concept of "Nameraka (Smooth) Society" that implements diverse degrees of membership and organization.(ここにNameraka Societyについて言及するか脚注に入れる) By perceiving the limits of the box of modernity they highlighted even as they helped construct it, these pioneers (ここに脚注を入れる方法もある) helped us imagine a social world outside it, pointing the way towards a vision of a Connected Society that harnesses the potential of collaboration across diversity. 自然科学と同様に、20世紀は社会科学においても根本的な変化を見ました。アメリカ、そしておそらく世界の経済学に関する最もよく売れ、最も影響力のある本の著者であるヘンリー・ジョージは、私有財産の鋭い批評家としてその経歴を築きました。社会学の創始者の一人であるゲオルグ・ジンメルは、個人主義的アイデンティティの概念に対する批判として「ウェブ」という考えを生み出しました。アメリカの民主主義の最も偉大な哲学者と広く考えられているジョン・デューイは、その思想を具現化する標準的な国家・州の制度は、民主主義に必要なものの表面をかすめているに過ぎないと論じました。ノーバート・ウィーナーは、そのような豊かな相互作用システムを研究する分野として「サイバネティクス」という用語を造り出しました。 (ここにNameraka Societyについて言及するか脚注に入れる)。モダニティの箱の限界を認識することで、これらの先駆者たちは、多様性を超えた協力の可能性を活用する「つながりのある社会」というビジョンに向けた道を示してくれました。 Ken Suzuki proposed Divicracy and PICSY to implement "Nameraka Society". Divicracy is a democratic system based on Deleuze's concept of 'dividual' where individuals exercise multiple political identities (see 5-6 "voting" footnotes ^divicracy), and PISCY (Propagational Investment Currency System), a communication tool using investment as currency (see 5-7 "social markets" footnotes ^PICSY). パイオニアとしてセクションに盛り込まないケース 1 脚注案1: Ken Suzuki, a pioneer of Connected Society in the early twenty-first century, proposed the 'Nameraka Society' concept implementing diverse degrees of membership. His innovations include PISCY (Propagational Investment Currency System), a communication tool using investment as currency (see the detail 5-7), and Divicracy - a democratic system based on Deleuze's concept of 'dividual' where individuals exercise multiple political identities (see the detail 5-6).
section: Limits of Modernity
Private property. Individual identity and rights. Nation state democracy. These are the foundations of most modern liberal democracies. Yet they rest on fundamentally monist atomist foundations. Individuals are the atoms; the nation state is the whole that connects them. Every citizen is seen as equal and exchangeable in the eyes of the whole, rather than part of a network of relationships that forms the fabric of society and in which any state is just one social grouping. State institutions see direct, unmediated relationships to free and equal individuals, though in some cases federal and other subsidiary (e.g. city, religious or family) institutions intercede.
Three foundational institutions of modern social organization represent this structure most sharply: property, identity and voting. We will illustrate how this works in each context and then turn to the ways that ⿻ social science has challenged and offers ways past the limits of atomist monism.
section: voting
Just as the insights of Newtonian mechanics and Euclidean geometry gave those civilizations the physical power to sweep the earth, liberal social institutions gave them the social flexibility to do so. Yet just as the Euclidean-Newtonian worldview turned out to be severely limited and naïve, ⿻ social science was born by highlighting the limits of these atomist monist social systems. (原子論的な立場ではないものとしての例として言及することも可能。)
ノーバートウィーナーの後に、Ken Suzuki and the Nameraka Societyというセクションを作る。
3-3 The Lost Dao に関する言及
section: The Lost Dao (検討中)
Can a ⿻ understanding of society lay the foundation for social transformations as dramatic as those that fields like quantum mechanics and ecology have brought to natural sciences, physical technology and our relationship to nature? Liberal democracies often celebrate themselves as pluralistic societies, which would seem to indicate they have already drawn the available lessons from ⿻ social science. Yet despite this formal commitment to pluralism and democracy, almost every country has been forced by the limits of available information systems to homogenize and simplify social institutions in a monist atomist mold that runs into direct conflict with such values. The great hope of ⿻ social science and ⿻ built on top of it is to use the potential of information technology to begin to overcome these limitations.
section: Nodes of light (検討中)
Finally and perhaps most closely connected to our own paths to ⿻ have been the movements to revive the public and multisectoral spirit and ideals of the early internet by strengthening the digital participation of governments and democratic civil society. These "GovTech" and "Civic Tech" movements have harnessed OSS-style development practices to improve the delivery of government services and bring the public into the process in a more diverse range of ways. Leaders in the US include Jennifer Pahlka, founder of GovTech pioneer Code4America(https://codeforamerica.org/), and Beth Simone Noveck, Founder of The GovLab(https://thegovlab.org/).[^GovTech] (こちらに安野さんの例を入れるのが良いのでは?) 最後に、そしておそらく私たち自身の⿻への道のりと最も密接に関連しているのが、政府とデモクラティックな市民社会のデジタル参加を強化することで、初期のインターネットの公共的および多部門的な精神と理想を復活させる運動です。(ここに脚注として入れる?)これらの「GovTech」と「Civic Tech」の運動は、OSS型の開発実践を活用して、政府サービスの提供を改善し、より多様な方法で公衆をそのプロセスに参加させてきました。米国のリーダーには、GovTechのパイオニアであるCode4Americaを設立したジェニファー・パルカや、The GovLabを設立したベス・シモーン・ノヴェックが含まれます。 ここには安野さんの入れるのが良さそう。
Noveck, in particular, is a powerful bridge between the early development of ⿻ and its future, having been a driving force behind the Online Deliberation workshops mentioned above, having developed Unchat, one of the earliest attempts at software to serve these goals and which helped inspire the work of vTaiwan and more.^Unchat She went on to pioneer, in her work with the US Patent and Trademark Office and later as Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the US many of the transparent and inclusive practices that formed the core of the g0v movement we highlighted above.^Noveckwork Noveck was a critical mentor not just to g0v but to a range of other ambitious civic technology projects around the world from the Kenya collective crisis reporting platform Ushahidi(https://www.ushahidi.com/) founded by Juliana Rotich(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliana_Rotich) and collaborators to a variety of European participative policy-making platforms like Decidim(https://decidim.org/) founded by Francesca Bria(https://www.francescabria.com/) and collaborators and CONSUL(https://consuldemocracy.org/) that arose from the "Indignado" movement parallel to g0v in Spain, on the board of which one of us sits. Yet despite these important impacts, a variety of features of these settings has made it challenging for these examples to have the systemic, national and thus easily traceable macrolevel impacts that g0v had in Taiwan. 特にノヴェックは、⿻の初期の発展とその未来を結ぶ強力な架け橋となっています。上述のオンライン審議ワークショップの推進力となり、これらの目標に資する最も初期のソフトウェアの試みの一つであるUnchatを開発し、これがvTaiwanなどの取り組みにインスピレーションを与えました。彼女はその後、米国特許商標庁での仕事や後の米国副最高技術責任者としての立場で、私たちが上で強調したg0v運動の核心となった透明性と包摂性の実践の多くを開拓しました。ノヴェックは、g0vだけでなく、ジュリアナ・ロティッチと協力者たちが設立したケニアの集合的危機報告プラットフォームUshahidiから、フランチェスカ・ブリアと協力者たちが設立したDecidimや、スペインでg0vと並行して「インディグナード」運動から生まれたCONSUL(私たちの一人が理事を務めています)のような、様々なヨーロッパの参加型政策立案プラットフォームまで、世界中の他の野心的な市民技術プロジェクトの重要なメンターとなりました。(安野さんの例)しかし、これらの重要な影響にもかかわらず、これらの環境の様々な特徴により、これらの例が台湾でg0vが持ったような体系的で、国家的で、したがって容易に追跡可能なマクロレベルの影響を持つことは困難でした。 東アジアにおける国の事例として並べても良いのか迷う。
Other countries have, of course, excelled in various elements of ⿻. Estonia is perhaps the leading example and shares with Taiwan a strong history of Georgism and land taxes, is often cited as the most digitized democratic government in the world and pioneered digital democracy earlier than almost any other country, starting in the late 1990s.^Estoniamodel Finland has built on and scaled the success of its neighbor, extending digital inclusion deeper into society, educational system and the economy than Estonia, as well as adopting elements of digitized democratic participation. Singapore has the most ambitious Georgist-style policies on earth and harnesses more creative ⿻ economic mechanisms and fundamental protocols than any other jurisdiction. South Korea has invested extensively in both digital services and digital competence education. New Zealand has pioneered internet-based voting and harnessed civil society to improve public service inclusion. Iceland has harnessed digital tools to extend democratic participation more extensively than any other jurisdiction. Kenya, Brazil and especially India have pioneered digital infrastructure for development. We will return to many of these examples in what follows. もちろん、他の国々も⿻の様々な要素で卓越した成果を上げています。エストニアはおそらく最も顕著な例で、台湾と同様にジョージズムと土地税の強い歴史を持ち、しばしば世界で最もデジタル化された民主主義政府として引用され、1990年代後半から他のほとんどの国に先駆けてデジタル民主主義を開拓しました。フィンランドは隣国の成功を基に発展させ、デジタルインクルージョンを社会、教育システム、経済の深部にまで拡大し、デジタル化された民主的参加の要素も採用しています。シンガポールは地球上で最も野心的なジョージズム式の政策を持ち、他のどの管轄区域よりも創造的な⿻的経済メカニズムと基本的なプロトコルを活用しています。韓国はデジタルサービスとデジタル能力教育の両方に広範な投資を行ってきました。ニュージーランドはインターネットベースの投票を先駆け、市民社会を活用して公共サービスのインクルージョンを改善してきました。アイスランドは他のどの管轄区域よりも広範にデジタルツールを活用して民主的参加を拡大してきました。ケニア、ブラジル、そして特にインドは開発のためのデジタルインフラを先駆的に構築してきました。これらの例の多くには、以下で再び触れることになります。
5-6 voting; divicracy
Another compatible approach that has gained ground in recent years is "liquid democracy"(LD). This idea, which traces back to the path-breaking work of Charles Dodgson (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll, author of the children's classic Alice in Wonderland), who also first posed the question of weighting of votes for people holding multiple votes that helped inspire QV.9 LD extends the idea of proportional representation, allowing any voter to delegate their vote(s) to others, who may then re-delegate them, allowing bottom-up, emergent patterns of representation.10 Such systems are increasingly common, especially in corporate and other for-profit (e.g. DAO) governance, as well as in a limited set of political contexts such as Iceland. However, these systems have an unfortunate tendency to often excessively concentrate power, given that delegation often flows to a small number of hands. This tendency has somewhat soured initial enthusiasm. 近年注目を集めている互換性のあるアプローチの一つが「リキッド・デモクラシー(LD)」である。この概念は、児童文学の古典『不思議の国のアリス』の作者として知られるチャールズ・ドジソン(ルイス・キャロル)の画期的な研究に遡る。彼は複数の投票権を持つ人々の投票の重み付けという問題を最初に提起し、後の二次投票(QV)にも影響を与えた。LDは比例代表制の考えを発展させ、有権者が自身の投票権を他者に委任でき、その委任先がさらに再委任できるようにすることで、ボトムアップで創発的な代表のパターンを可能にする。このようなシステムは、企業やその他の営利組織(DAOなど)のガバナンス、さらにアイスランドのような限定的な政治的文脈で increasingly普及している。しかし、これらのシステムには委任が少数の手に集中しがちという望ましくない傾向があり、この傾向は当初の熱意を幾分冷ましている。
元案: 10. An early implementation of such a value-propagating system is exemplified by PICSY, pioneered by Ken Suzuki in 2009. While he initially developed it independently from Kojin Karatani, he later joined the New Associationist Movement. Ken Suzuki, Propagational investment currency system (PICSY): proposing a new currency system using social computing. PhD diss., Tokyo University, 2009.
PISCYとKojin Karataniの話は、セクションで先に言及しておいた方が良さそう。
修正案1: 10. (前段で鈴木健の活動について提案されている通り。) Similar to liquid democracy, a pioneer of a Connected Society, Ken Suzuki, proposed dividual democracy a.k.a "divicracy" which also allows (re-)delegation of their votes to others or any political issue. in 2013. Suzuki emphasized that people have multiple identities and thoughts, which can be mutually contradictory, within them. Divicracy was focused on such "dividual" perspective, inspired by Gilles Deleuze (1925 - 1995).
5-7 Social Markets
- Frontiers of social markets
3. ⿻ funding across boundaries: ⿻ funding can also extend dramatically beyond its current bounds, to allocate the resources thus raised. Two of the most interesting directions are cross-jurisdictional and inter-temporal. Current international trade treaties focus primarily on breaking down trade barriers, including the subsidies that help support supermodular production as we discussed above. A future form of international economic cooperation could assemble matching funds for cross-jurisdictional economic ventures, harnessing a mechanism like ⿻ funding. One key advantage of capitalism is that it is one of the few scaled systems with a significant intertemporal planning component, where companies raise funds for profits that appear distant. One can imagine, however, even more ambitious inter-temporal economic systems with matching funds, for example, for institutions that promote cooperation across generations or with those who are not even born yet. This might overcome concerns about the lack of long-term planning, as well as conservation of valued past institutions, in many quarters, creating an organic version of a "ministry for the future".^Robinson ^PISCY ^PISCY Another notable example of inter-temporal inter-temporal economic systems is PICSY (Propagational Investment Currency SYstem) developed by Ken Suzuki. PICSY is a value propagation system which tracks past transactions as contributions and assign a portion of recent contributions to initial contributors. Thus, in the framework of PICSY, transactions are track records for investments. See also "3-2 XXXX". Ken Suzuki, Propagational investment currency system (PICSY): proposing a new currency system using social computing. PhD diss., Tokyo University, 2009.