upgrade Istio 1.12
ask: taketo957.iconhiroqn.icon
Upgrade Guide
TCP probes now working as expected
When using TCP probes with older versions of Istio, the check was always successful. TCP probes simply check the port will accept a connection, and because all traffic is first redirected to the Istio sidecar, the sidecar will always accept the connection. In Istio 1.12, this issue is resolved by using the same mechanism used for HTTP probes. As a result, TCP probes in 1.12+ will start to properly check the health of the configured port. If your probes previously would have failed, they may now start failing unexpectedly. This change can be disabled temporarily by setting the REWRITE_TCP_PROBES=false environment variable in the Istiod deployment. The entire probe rewrite feature (HTTP and TCP) can also be disabled.
kubeletが行うhealth checkのtcp probeが今までSidecarのEnvoyが無条件に成功を返していたが、そうじゃなくなった?
Default revision must be switched when performing a revision-based upgrade
When installing a new Istio control plane revision the previous resource validator will remain unchanged to prevent unintended effects on the existing, stable revision. Once prepared to migrate over to the new control plane revision, cluster operators should switch the default revision. This can be done through istioctl tag set default --revision <new revision>, or if using a Helm-based flow, helm upgrade istio-base manifests/charts/base -n istio-system --set defaultRevision=<new revision>.
Default revisionという概念が生えた?
istioctl manifest generate -f .yaml --set revision=だったのが変わった気がする?
revision installの話
hiroqn.icondefault revisionを変えるのがMustになった? manifest generateになんか設定いるかも