Pop Philosophy vs Real Philosopy
- 第一次听到这个词是在 Derek Sivers 的一期播客里,当他介绍自己时,说自己创作的内容更多是简单的哲学,这时主持人抛出一个词,Pop Philosophy,Derek 立刻表示认同,并在后面几期播客里多次使用这个词。 - 如果 Derek 在创作的文字,书,演讲,分享等内容,算是 Pop Philosophy,流行哲学的话,以下这些人也可以算是这方面的代表:
- 然而网络上对于 Pop Philosophy 这个词的定义看起来不那么正面:
- Urban Dictionary
- When an individual has a late realisation on a mainstream idea which they believe is very insightful and decide to share this realisation with as many people as possible.
- One huge difference is in the amount of caution that goes into the philosophical claims made. Real philosophy - for the most part - is very cautious about over-stating results. Philosophers tend to hedge their claims with qualifications and possible objections. Pop philosophers do the exact opposite. They present their claims as boldly and exaggeratedly as possible. The more controversial, the better (e.g. Sam Harris' claims about science and morality).
- This points to another, more fundamental difference. Real philosophy wants to get at the truth of the matter, while pop philosophy wants to (a) be read by as many people as possible, and (b) impress them. I think most of the differences between real philosophy and pop philosophy flow from something like that.
- 我的看法
- 我自己也喜欢在Twitter上引用一些别人发表的类似Pop Philosophy的观点,有时也会发表一些自己的感悟。 - Urban Dictionary 里的解释一针见血,让我感觉有些脸红,因为感觉说的挺对 😄
- These individuals are often young and are aged between 12-27 but there are examples of even older pop-philosophers. They will make use of social media to preach their message in an effort to gain kudos from their fellow man and show how knowledgeable they are. What sets these pop-philosophers aside from regular learned men is that the ideas of a pop-philosopher are usually personal feelings, expressed on a very holistic level with no real world application, meaning and almost always very hypocritical. Quite frankly no one’s give shit about these ideas as they are complete waste of time.
- 然而不管看起来多么幼稚可笑的想法和点子,只要能给人帮助,无论是精神上的慰藉或者是激励人带来能量,那么这种 Pop Philosophy在我看来就是有价值的,值得分享和传播的。