One of them was stating that Kevin Durant was his first teammate who he could defer to in clutch moments, or trust to make the same shots.
Another was how the Nets do not really ‘need a head coach’ given the presence of tacticians such as him and Durant.
首先,他已经功成名就(NBA总冠军 + 亿万富翁),没必要担心说话自毁前程
其次,我认为他“出格”的言论只是他率性的个性使然,在网易新闻一直有评论说他”情商低“,反而我觉得”情商低“是一种褒奖 Kyrie is, from all reports, sweet and serious and often generous. It’s just also not surprising that a guy who at one point believed the world was flat—despite literally all evidence and information to the contrary—would be a difficult guy to coach. The impulse that broke apart a relationship with the maybe greatest basketball player of all time is not a singular one, it’s one that will repeat itself again and again.
Ryan 没有说清楚他批评的到底是:
1,Kyrie 不该有这样的想法
2,Kyrie 不该随意表达自己的想法
然而无论是哪种原因,在我看来 Kyrie 都没有做错
好在 Ryan 的文章收尾收的还是很好的
As Seneca said, the purpose of philosophy was to scrub off your own faults, not the faults of others. https://gyazo.com/3b086717b81a7231e4c71de15bdaddbf