[0.000] initConfigParams(): Configuration flags start [0.001] initConfigParams(): external-init false [0.001] initConfigParams(): pend-halt-timeout (null) [0.001] initConfigParams(): halt false [0.001] initConfigParams(): config-file "" [0.001] initConfigParams(): persistent false [0.001] initConfigParams(): +log-file "C:\Users\uchan\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.8.0\hello_stm32_nucleo\Debug\st-link_gdbserver_log.txt" [0.001] initConfigParams(): +log-level 31 [0.001] initConfigParams(): +port-number 61234 [0.001] initConfigParams(): +verbose true [0.001] initConfigParams(): refresh-delay 15 [0.001] initConfigParams(): +verify true [0.001] initConfigParams(): +swd true [0.001] initConfigParams(): swo-port 61234 [0.001] initConfigParams(): cpu-clock 8000000 [0.001] initConfigParams(): swo-clock-div 128 [0.001] initConfigParams(): +initialize-reset true [0.001] initConfigParams(): debuggers false [0.001] initConfigParams(): serial-number "" [0.001] initConfigParams(): +apid 0 [0.001] initConfigParams(): attach false [0.001] initConfigParams(): shared false [0.001] initConfigParams(): erase-all false [0.001] initConfigParams(): memory-map "" [0.001] initConfigParams(): ext-memory-loaders false [0.001] initConfigParams(): extload "" [0.001] initConfigParams(): +stm32cubeprogrammer-path "C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.8.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_2.0.100.202110141430\tools\bin" [0.001] initConfigParams(): temp-path "" [0.001] initConfigParams(): preserve-temps false [0.001] initConfigParams(): frequency -1 [0.001] initConfigParams(): licenses false [0.001] initConfigParams(): ignore-rest false [0.001] initConfigParams(): version false [0.001] initConfigParams(): help false [0.001] initConfigParams(): Configuration flags end [0.001] init(): STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.0.0 Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved. [0.008] openDevice(): COM frequency = 4000 kHz [0.008] openDevice(): Target connection mode: Under reset [0.014] readFromTarget(): Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xe00fffd0 [0.017] reset_hw_wtchpt_module(): Hardware watchpoint supported by the target [0.020] initContext(): ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J39M27 [0.020] initContext(): Device ID: 0x415 [0.020] initContext(): PC: 0x800294c [0.021] Device_GetStatus(): ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE [0.021] initContext(): ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.26 V [0.021] initContext(): ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE [0.021] initServerContext(): ST-LINK device initialization OK [0.021] pollAndNotifyRun(): Stm32Device, pollAndNotify running... [0.023] updateState(): SwvSrv state change: 0 -> 1 [0.023] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61235... [0.023] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61234... [4.308] WaitConnection(): Accepted connection on port 61234... [4.308] WaitConnection(): Waiting for connection on port 61234... [4.308] run(): GDB session thread running [4.308] handleSessionEvent(): GdbSessionManager, session started: 1 [4.308] read(): <712> Rx: +$qSupported:multiprocess+;swbreak+;hwbreak+;qRelocInsn+;fork-events+;vfork-events+;exec-events+;vContSupported+;QThreadEvents+;no-resumed+#df [4.323] write(): <712> Tx: + [4.323] write(): <712> Tx: $PacketSize=c00;qXfer:memory-map:read+;qXfer:features:read+;QStartNoAckMode+;QNonStop+;qXfer:threads:read+;hwbreak+;swbreak+#f2 [4.323] read(): <712> Rx: +$vMustReplyEmpty#3a [4.339] write(): <712> Tx: + [4.339] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.339] read(): <712> Rx: + [4.339] read(): <712> Rx: $QStartNoAckMode#b0 [4.339] write(): <712> Tx: + [4.339] write(): <712> Tx: $OK#9a [4.339] read(): <712> Rx: +$Hg0#df [4.354] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.354] read(): <712> Rx: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,bfb#75 [4.355] write(): <712> Tx: $l #ad [4.355] read(): <712> Rx: $QNonStop:0#8c [4.355] write(): <712> Tx: $OK#9a [4.356] read(): <712> Rx: $qTStatus#49 [4.356] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.356] read(): <712> Rx: $?#3f [4.356] write(): <712> Tx: $S05#b8 [4.356] read(): <712> Rx: $qXfer:threads:read::0,bfb#fb [4.356] write(): <712> Tx: $l#f7 [4.356] read(): <712> Rx: $qAttached#8f [4.357] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.357] read(): <712> Rx: $Hc-1#09 [4.357] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.357] read(): <712> Rx: $qC#b4 [4.357] write(): <712> Tx: $QC1#c5 [4.357] read(): <712> Rx: $qOffsets#4b [4.357] write(): <712> Tx: $#00 [4.358] read(): <712> Rx: $g#67 [4.369] write(): <712> Tx: $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020050020ffffffff4c29000800000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002005002000000000#0d [4.369] read(): <712> Rx: $qXfer:threads:read::0,bfb#fb [4.369] write(): <712> Tx: $l#f7 [4.387] read(): <712> Rx: $qXfer:memory-map:read::0,bfb#14 [4.388] write(): <712> Tx: $l\x0a\x0a\x0a\x0a\x0a0x800\x0a\x0a\x0a#d6 [4.388] read(): <712> Rx: $m800294c,4#67 [4.388] handlePacket(): Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0x800294c [4.389] write(): <712> Tx: $01488047#a0 [4.389] read(): <712> Rx: $m0,40#2d [4.389] handlePacket(): Reading 0x40 bytes of memory from addr 0x0 [4.390] write(): <712> Tx: $200500204d290008e9260008eb260008ed260008ef260008f126000800000000000000000000000000000000f3260008f526000800000000f7260008f9260008#84 [4.390] read(): <712> Rx: $m80026f2,4#65 [4.390] handlePacket(): Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0x80026f2 [4.391] write(): <712> Tx: $70477047#a4 [5.484] run(): GDB session terminated: Client connection lost [5.484] handleSessionEvent(): GdbSessionManager, session terminated: 1 [5.484] handleSessionEvent(): GdbSrv, master session terminated, signal dispose [5.484] stop(): Stopping port 61234 [5.502] WaitConnection(): Received stop for port 61234, not accepting new connections. [5.502] deInit(): GdbSrv, deInit entry. [5.502] deInit(): GdbSessionManager, deInit entry. [5.580] ~GdbSession(): GDB session disposed: 1 [5.580] deInit(): GdbSessionManager, deInit exit [5.580] deInit(): SwvSrv deInit entry [5.580] stop(): Stopping port 61235 [5.596] stop(): Stopping port 61234 [5.689] WaitConnection(): Received stop for port 61235, not accepting new connections. [5.689] deInit(): SwvSrv deInit exit [5.689] closeDevice(): Stm32Device, closeDevice() entry [5.797] pollAndNotifyRun(): Stm32Device, pollAndNotify stopped [5.811] closeDevice(): Stm32Device, closeDevice() exit [5.811] deInit(): Stm32Device, deInit success [5.811] deInit(): GdbSrv, deInit exit.