『フォドラの歴史1』 The History of Fódlan, PartⅠ
Under the tyranny of ruthless disorder, the people endured a long period of suffering. The vile Nemesis, who proclaimed himself the King of Liberation, delighted in war and bloodshed. Rather than rebelling against his persecution, the people of Fódlan fell to his depths in a mad scramble to attain power though murder and theft.
-帝国歴前41年 聖セイロスの出現-
-41 Years Before the Founding of the Adrestian Empire-
Saint Seiros appeared in the land of Enbarr and, through the many unfathomable miracles the performed, spread light across the land. In doing so, she joined the shattered hearts of the purest people of Fódlan, who went on to from the Holy Church of Seiros.
went on to from ⇒ went on to form では?
-帝国歴元年 アドラステア帝国の建国-
-Imperial Year 1: The Founding of the Adrestian Empire-
In the first year of our calendar, the glorious Adrestian Empire was founded. Its name was gifted by an oracle, and its future blessed by the goddess. Its capital, Enbarr, was chosen to govern the southern reaches of Fódlan, where the divine Saint Seiros also lent her power.
-帝国歴32年 英雄戦争の起こり-
-Imperial Year 32: The War of Heroes-
Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg, the inaugural Adrestian Emperor, raised an army in pursuit of the unification of Fódlan. With his might, he hunted and destroyed any house’s territory that dared to seek more power.-
-帝国歴46年 グロンダーズの会戦-
-Imperial Year 46: The Battle of Gronder-
An intense battle―erupted on Gronder Field, where the houses that were allied with Nemesis and the Imperial forces of the Adrestian Empire clashed. There, Imperial forces emerged victorious.
-帝国歴91年 タルティーンの会戦-
-Imperial Year 91: The Battle of Tailtean-
The houses that were allied with Nemesis once again faced off against the Imperial forces, this time at Tailtean Plains. There, the evil Nemesis finally fell and Empire a momentous victory.
-帝国歴98年 英雄戦争の終結-
-Imperial Year 98: The War of Heroes Ends-
The successor to Great Emperor WilhelmⅠ, LycaonⅠ, succumbed to sudden illness. The Empire, which ruled over the majority of Fódlan, took this opportunity to put end the seemingly endless fighting.
『フォドラの歴史2』 The History of Fódlan, PartⅡ
-帝国歴721年 第一次ミアハ戦役
-Imperial Year 721: The First Mach War-
The Dagdan army invaded from across the sea. Though the Imperial forces resisted the attack and drove off the enemy, the land of Mach sustained considerable damage.
-帝国歴728年 ブリギット侵攻-
- Imperial Year 728: The Invasion of Brigid-
The Empire invaded the Brigid archipelago, a land occupied by allies of Dagda. As penance for their refusal to surrender, the people of Brigid were relegated to a life of Imperial subjugation.
-帝国歴731年 ダグザ侵攻-
- Imperial Year 731: The Invasion of Dagda -
With the boon of a strong foothold in Brigid, the Empire mounted a large-scale invasion of Dagda. However, the fortunes of war were not on their side, and their attack failed.
-帝国歴747年 ファーガスの乱-
- Imperial Year 747: The Faerghus Rebellion-
Loog, a descendant of one of the houses that first quarreled with the Empire, raised an army to demand independence, pulling the land of Faerghus into a fierce rebellion, this clash came to be known as the War of the Eagle and Lion.
-帝国軍751年 タルティーンの戦い-
- Imperial Year 751: The Founding of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus -
Loog and his resistance army were victorious over the Imperial forces. The Holy Church of Seiros mediated between the two, and Faerghus secured its hard-won independence as the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
-帝国歴801年 レスター大乱-
- Imperial Year 801: The Leicester Rebellion -
A rebellion broke out in the Imperial lands of Leicester, which the Imperial army was unable to suppress. The Holy Kingdom, viewing the uprising as an opportunity to increase its own political sway, occupied the Leicester region, formally declaring it as a territory of Faerghus.
-帝国歴861年 ファーガス神聖王国分裂-
- Imperial Year 861: Faerghus Divided -
Following the death of King KlausⅠ, three princes became archdukes and split the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, that they may rule over it as three separate territories.
-帝国歴881年 三日月戦争-
- Imperial Year 881: The Crescent War -
The archduke ruling over the Leicester region of the Kingdom succumbed to illness. The lords of the Leicester lands refused to acknowledge the next archduke in line, instead plotting to rule jointly as an alliance.
-帝国歴901年 レスター諸侯同盟領の成立-
-Imperial Year 901: The Founding of the Leicester Alliance -
The Leicester Alliance was officially formed after the subjugation of hostile nobles and the removal of all opposing forces in the regions of Faerghus. An influential figure from the outset, Duke Reigan was inarguably the heart of the newly formed Alliance.
-帝国歴961年 パルミラ襲来-
-Imperial Year 961: The Almyran Invasion -
The great eastern nation of Alnyra crossed through Fódlan’s Throat and invaded Alliance territory. The Empire dispatched troops in order to help conquer this threat, and the attackers were just barely driven off.
-帝国歴1101年 フォドラの首飾り築造-
-Imperial Year 1101: The Construction of Fódlan’s Locket -
To defend against future Almyran invasions, the Alliance, the Kingdom, and the Empire joined their efforts and resources to construct the indomitable fort known as Fódlan’s Locket.
『帝国貴族名鑑1』Register of Empire Nobles, PartⅠ
A register of prominent noble houses of the Adrestian Empire. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
-House Hresvelg-
The most distinguished noble house in the Empire, tracing its roots all the way back to Great Emperor Wilhelm. It has been the governing house of the Empire for 1,100 years. In addition to the first emperor, its lineage is also traced back to Saint Seiros herself, which is why generations of emperors are believed to bear the Crest of Seiros.
House Hresvelg resides in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital, claiming all of the surrounding territory as its domain. It boasted supreme authority both within the Empire and without until the Insurrection of the Seven in 1171, in which much of its power was stripped away by the nobility. In recent years, a series of misfortunes has plagued this storied house, and some believe dark clouds hover over the future of the Hresvelg reign.
-House Aegir-
A house of dukes possessing great power within the Empire, second only to House Hresvelg. The head of the house came to occupy the post of prime minister, rendering the title a hereditary one thereafter. House Aegir led the Insurrection od the Seven and, in many ways, holds the true power governing the Empire.
-House Vestra-
A house of marquises without a domain, existing in the shadow of House Hresvelg. In addition to managing the darker tasks of the Empire, it is responsible for the emperor’s periphery affairs, including coordinating things such as ceremonies and rituals, Imperial consorts, and the Imperial Guard. House Vestra was allied with House Aegir in the Insurrestion.
-House Hevring-
A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire’s domestic affairs, particularly those relating to administration, finance, and the judiciary. It frequently clashes with the Minister of Military Affairs over these matters. Much of its territory lies in the Oghma Mountains, and as such, it enjoys the fruits of a lucrative mining industry.
-House Bergliez-
A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire’s Ministry of Military Affairs. It commands all of the armies that do not directly belong to the emperor. During times of war, the head of the house becomes the Imperial army’s commander-in-chief. Their territory encompasses most of the Empire’s main breadbasket, Gronder Field.
-House Varley-
A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire’s Ministry of Religion, whose main responsibility is to maintain amiable relations with the Church of Seiros. However, due to the estrangement of the church from the Empire in recent years, it is now more involved with the judiciary, causing political strife within the Ministry of the Interior.
『帝国貴族名鑑2』 Register of Empire Nobles, Part Ⅱ
-House Gerth-
A house of dukes that has inherited rule over the Empire’s Ministry of the Exterior. Diplomacy, foreign relations, and relations between various provinces and the capital fall under its purview. It worked hard to secure the ceasefires that ended both the Brigid and Dagda campaigns. Though complicit in the Insurrection, it remains distant from associated houses.
-House Arundel-
Formerly a minor noble house of the Empire. As head of the house, when Volkhard’s younger sister became betrothed to Emperor Ionius Ⅸ, Volkhard was granted the title of Lord Arundel. Having worked closely with House Aegir, House Arundel is seen as one of the chief instigators of the Insurrection of the Seven.
-House Hrym-
A house of Imperial viscounts. Resisting Emperor Ionius Ⅸ’s policy of power centralization, it set out to join the Alliance and secure independence from the Empire, but was unable to overcome the Imperial army’s intervention. In the aftermath, the house’s main genetic line was wiped out. Its current head of house is an adoptee.
-House Nuvelle-
A house of Imperial viscounts with territory on the western coast of the Empire, centered around its namesake harbor city of Nuvelle. The house flourished thanks to commerce with Dagda, Albinea, Brigid, and other territories. Even still, it fell to ruin in 1175 after permitting the combined invading forces of the Dagda and Brigid armies to make landfall.
-House Ochs-
A house of Imperial barons. Its territory occupies the northern half of the western peninsula known as Fódlan’s Fangs. The head of the house was lost to the Dagda and Brigid War.
-House Bartels-
A house of Imperial barons. Highly ambitious, it sought out and acquired several Crests for its bloodline. In 1176, many member’s including the head of the house, died under unexplained circumstances. The deed was attributed to the heir, Emile. As his whereabouts are unknown, leadership of the house fell to a distant relative.
『王国貴族名鑑』 Register of Kingdom Nobles
A register of prominent noble houses of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
-House Blaiddyd-
This House claims Blaiddyd of the 10 Elites as its ancestor. It has ruled the Kingdom for over 400 years, ever since Loog, the King of Lions, claimed victory in the War of the Eagle and Lion in 751. This secured the Kingdom’s independence from the Adrestian Empire, after which Loog was crowned as its inaugural king by the Church of Seiros. House Blaiddyd resides in Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital, claiming all of the surrounding territory as its domain and many of the fiefdoms in the north of Fódlan as its vassals. With the passing of King Lambert in 1176, his older brother, Grand Duke Rufus of Itha, assumed the burden of ruling the Kingdom in the young crown prince’s stead. Even still, strife and disorder continue to plague the land.
-House Fraldarius-
This House of duke claims Fraldarius of the 10 Elites as its ancestor. It is one of the most ancient houses on record, even amongst Kingdom nobility. It is said that Kyphon, the sworn friend of Loog, the King of Lions, was also related to the Hero Fraldarius.
-House Gautier-
This House of Margraves claims Gautier of the 10 Elites as its ancestor. Its territory lies in the northernmost reaches of the Kingdom. As such, is has safeguarded Kingdom territory against incursions by the people of the Sreng region for over 200 years.
-House Charon-
This House of counts claims Charon of the 10 Elites as its ancestor. Tasked with negotiation between the resistance armies and the Church of Seiros during the War of the Eagle and Lion, the head of House Charon continues the tradition of a ceremonial competition within the Kingdom.
-House Galatea-
When House Daphnel, once a cornerstone of the Leicester Alliance, was divided in two over an inheritance feud, half of them defected to Faerghus and established House Galatea, which was granted the noble title of count. Much of its territory consists of a frigid wasteland where a severe famine occurred in the early 1170s.
-House Rowe-
A noble house that once held territory in the northern Empire. When the Fortress City od Arianrhod was constructed within its domain, it revolted against the Empire and pledged the entirely of its territory, including Arianrhod, to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. For this contribution, it was awarded the noble the title of count.
-House Kleiman-
This house originally held no more than a lordship over a single castle in the west of the Kingdom, but it was awarded the noble title of viscount for its great success in the subjugation of the Duscur region in 1176. Afterwards, it was granted the Duscur region as its feudal estate.
『同盟貴族名鑑』 Register of Alliance Nobles
A register of prominent noble houses of the Leicester Alliance. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
-House Reigan-
The Leading house of the Leicester Alliance and descendants of one of the 10 Elites. In the Crescent Moon War of 881, they spearheaded the move toward independence from the Kingdom, as well as the establishment of republic by its former vassals. They have held the esteemed responsibility of leading the Alliance roundtable ever since. The position of this house of dukes relies on the noble rank bestowed upon it by the Kingdom, well before the Alliance’s founding. The current Duke Reigan’s heir, Godfrey, died in an accident while on duty. While he did leave behind a surviving daughter, she is presently unaccounted for.
-House Goneril-
Descendants of one of the 10 Elites, it is a military house that is chiefly tasked with military strikes and defense against the Almyran army, mostly due to its territory’s position in the east. Lord Holst, the next head of the house, is widely renowned as the Alliance’s bravest general.
-House Ordelia-
A house of counts with land in the east of Leicester territory. In 1167 it was involved in House Hrym’s rebellion, and the Empire retaliated by repeatedly meddling in the house’s internal affairs, leading to a sharp decline in its noble standing.
-House Gloucester-
Descendants of one of the 10 Elites, this house of counts hails from southern Leicester territory. The current head of house is ambitious, excels at public relations, and has an influential voice among the five noble families with voting rights at the Leicester Alliance Roundtable, second only to House Reigan.
-House Edmund-
A house of margraves with land in the north of Leicester territory. Its beneficial trade policies, emphasizing fair use of its personal harbors, have awarded the house a great deal of clout, to such a degree that it was eventually accepted into the ranks of the Five Great Lords of the Alliance. Their current head of house is a renowned orator.
-House Daphnel-
Descendants of one of the 10 Elites and formerly among the Five Great Lords of the Alliance, it lost much power due to internal discord. For the last several generations, no head of House Daphnel has born a Crest. In spite of this, it still maintains its status as a noble family.
『セイロスの書 第一章』 The Book of Seiros, Part Ⅰ
第二章 創世記
第五章 主の五戒