I believe in you, my teacher.
エーデルガルト: 私たちは、本軍と合流し、ガルグ=マクを攻略する。
Edelgard: We will join forces with the main army and attack Garreg Mach.
It's a fortress built on steep ground, but it's never seen battle.
That means we don't know much about it from a military perspective. But if we use all of the power at our disposal, we will capture it.
Choice 1: 勝てるだろうか I wonder if we can win.
Choice 2: やるしかない We have to try. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: もちろん、数字の上では絶対に勝てるだけの戦力を用意している。
Edelgard: From a purely mathematical standpoint, we most certainly have the power to win.
If the battle becomes a clash of beasts with inhuman strength...
You will be our only hope. I believe in you.
I'm relying on you to lead the Black Eagle Strike Force to victory.
We are relying on you.
ヒューベルト: 生徒をまとめるのは、皇帝ではない。そう、先生、貴殿が頼りですからな。
Hubert: It is not up to Her Majesty to bring the students to our cause. That task falls to you.
ヒューベルト: 特に、国を離れ帝国に味方しようという者には、心の支えが必要でしょう。
Hubert: Those who have forsaken their homelands to join the Empire will be feeling...vulnerable.
ヒューベルト: 貴殿が、皆の心の支えとなるのです。
Hubert: You are uniquely able to provide emotional support.
Please use that gift to guide others down the path that Lady Edelgard has laid before us.
I ask you to do this from the bottom of my heart.
Tell me what to do!
フェルディナント: ……エーデルガルトに父のことを聞いた。宰相を罷免、帝都で軟禁されていると。
Ferdinand: I asked Edelgard what happened to my father. He was dismissed as prime minister and is under arrest in the Imperial capital.
He always was a greedy, arrogant man. Some would say that this is the fate he deserves.
And yet I cannot help but feel indignant. After all his hard work for the Empire, to be disgraced like this!
I am conflicted, Professor. I do not know what to do.
As the next Duke Aegir, should I follow Edelgard into battle?
It occurs to me...
リンハルト: 前皇帝は、僕の父をはじめ主要な貴族たちに権力を奪われてましたから……
Linhardt: The most important nobles in the Empire are known for taking power from the previous emperor, my father included.
I didn't think it possible that the Imperial princess could ascend the throne so easily.
However, it seems that both my father and Caspar's are supporting Edelgard...
Having both the Minister of Domestic Affairs and Minister of Military Affairs on your side gives you total control over the Empire's military and finances.
They must have been making preparations for quite some time without anyone noticing...
That could have been dangerous!
カスパル: 危なかったぜ。あそこで修道院に残る選択をしてたら、親父が敵に回ってた……。
王国軍と一戦交えるのか? どこまでの連中が、教団の味方をするんかな……。
Caspar: That could have gotten dangerous fast. If I stayed at the monastery, I would've had to fight my father!
We aren't especially close, but he's not an opponent I'd want to face.
I'd almost rather fight a monster!
Anyway, it looks like he's going to be leading the western units.
I wonder if we'll wind up fighting the Kingdom's army, and who decided to fight for the church...
What do I do?
ベルナデッタ: 引き籠る部屋がなくなっちゃった……!お家に帰りたいです!
……あれ? そしたら父はずっとお家にいるってこと……!?
Bernadetta: I don't even get my own room here! At least I had that at home.
But speaking of home, Hubert told me something.
He said my father was stripped of his title. I guess he did as he pleased and opposed Edelgard.
Wait, does that mean my father's going to be home all the time now?
On second thought, I think I'm fine right here.
Edie... Our own Edie...
ドロテア: あのエーデルちゃんが、皇帝になって挙兵、ねえ……。
Dorothea: Edelgard became emperor and raised an army, huh? Who knew the kid had it in her?
I mean, yeah, of course, I knew she'd be emperor eventually, but...
The more I think about it, the more surprised I am. I wonder who's going to win?
Choice 1: 心配だ It's worrisome.
ドロテア: ええ。それに、同じ学校で学んだ人たちと戦うかもしれないのも……。
Dorothea: It is. We might have to fight against others from the academy, and that's... I can't think about it.
Choice 2: 必ず勝つ We will not lose. (⤴)
ドロテア: 敵はセイロス騎士団なんですよ。でも、先生なら何とかしちゃいそう……。
Dorothea: Thinking about it makes me scared. We're fighting the Knights of Seiros! Still, I know you'll figure something out.
I am having no regret
ペトラ: かつて、帝国、ブリギット、戦争、しました。
Petra: The Empire and Brigid were once warring with each other.
But now, I have made the decision to be fighting with the Empire.
It is a choice of irony, I feel. But I am having no regret.
My belief is with you and with Edelgard.
I've been preparing for this.
フェリクス: ……まあ、こうなる覚悟はしていた。
Felix: I've been preparing to take this path.
My own path―not my old man's, and not the boar's.
I want to know the truth.
アッシュ: やっぱり僕は、ロナート様や義兄さんを殺した、セイロス教団を信じられません……
Ashe: I can't bring myself to trust the Church of Seiros. Not after they killed Lonato and my brother.
I need to know the truth.
Even if it means...turning my weapon on Faerghus.
I guess Lonato would be happy to hear me say that, if he were still around.
I've done it now...
シルヴァン: ああ、クソッ、やっちまった……。帝国につくなんて、父上、何て言うかな……
Sylvain: I've gone and done it now, huh? What would my old man say if he knew I'd sided with the Empire?
His Highness must be angry. Dimitri gets super scary when he's like that.
I wonder how I'm going to die... Ugh, my knees turn to jelly just thinking about it.
No, I can't think that way. I promised to fight alongside you. I'm here until the end.
Heh, listen to me. I'm terrified, but I feel so calm.
Surely this is what the goddess willed...
メルセデス: ……きっと女神様なら、こうしろって仰ったと思うのね~?
Mercedes: Surely this is what the goddess willed, isn't it?
I feel she would not have wanted the Church of Seiros to become what it has...
アネット: あの、先生、あたし……。
Annette: Um, Professor...
I'm OK with fighting whoever we need to, but I really don't want to battle my father...
Oh, but I know that something is wrong with the church...
And more than that, I believe in you, and I trust your word. You lead and I'll follow.
I must make Father understand.
イングリット: ……私、ガラテア領に戻って、帝国方につくよう父を説得してみようと思います。
Ingrid: I may return to Galatea territory and try to convince my father to join our cause.
It's possible that... No. In my heart, I know that my father won't never listen.
Still, I must get him to see reason. That this is the only way to ensure our family's future.
A confrontation with Claude...
ローレンツ: 帝国に味方したことについては、父も理解を示してくれるだろう。
Lorenz: I've decided to ally myself with Lady Edelgard. Father will doubtless understand my reasoning.
House Gloucester has always had good intentions in its dealings with the Empire.
Of course, this does mean that I will no longer be able to avoid a confrontation with Claude.
It is unfortunate. We were classmates, after all.
Don't worry about me!
ラファエル: 別にオデのことは気にしなくていいぞ。妹の村さえ無事なら文句はねえんだ。
Raphael: No need to worry about me. I got no complaints as long as my little sis is safe.
Sure, I lived on Alliance land, but that doesn't mean I served their lords.
I'm sure this is the right path, seeing as you're the one who picked it, Professor!
I'm steeling myself.
イグナーツ: まさか、こんなことになるなんて……。数節前までは想像すらしていませんでした。
Ignatz: To think that things would come to this. Even a few months ago, I never could've imagined it.
I believe in you, Professor, so I'm steeling myself.
I can't promise that I'll be useful in battle, but I'm not running away from the fight.
I'm counting on you.
リシテア: 紋章ばかりを重んじるこの世界を作ったのがセイロスの教義なら、そんなもの不要です。
Lysithea: If the church is behind the current state of things―this society in which only Crests are valued―then I have no need of it.
Edelgard is taking the shortest path to change. No matter how drastic her measures, I agree that this is the only way.
That said, if Edelgard strays from her noble path, I trust you will set her straight again. Won't you?
I am counting on you, Professor.
She's so radiant and strong...
マリアンヌ: 自分の理想を貫くために、世界の半分を敵に回すなんて……。
Marianne: Imagine making half the world your enemy for the sake of realizing your own ideals...
Edelgard is so radiant and strong compared to someone like me...
What if I have the power to change the world too? Even just a little bit...
So, you've made up your mind?
レオニー: 教団を裏切って帝国につくなんて、先生も思い切ったもんだね。
Leonie: So, you've turned against the church to ally with the Empire too, huh?
I never pressed him for details, but Captain Jeralt was always suspicious of Lady Rhea, wasn't he?
I'm on your side, no matter what. I promised him I'd support you, and that's what I plan to do.
ユーリス: 何だ、俺がこっちについたのは不思議か?別に無謀な賭けをしたつもりはねえぞ。
Yuri: Surprised that I'm here, are you? I know a winning side when I see one.
I mean there is no way I'd risk my neck and my people by willingly joining a losing battle.
Choice 1: 頼もしい You really care for them? (⤴)
ユーリス: ……俺の読みが当たるも外れるも俺たちや、あんたの戦いぶりにかかってる。
Yuri: I do. We will see how this all shakes out. It all depends on how we, and you fight.
Choice 2: 読みは当たる? Do you feel you chose wisely?
ユーリス: ははは、俺の読みが間違ってたら、お前が負けるってことだぜ。……わかってんのか?
Yuri: You better hope I did, otherwise we'd both be dead.
ユーリス: まあ、騎士団が相手だろうと何とかなるさ。ここには他でもねえ、あんたがいるからな。
Yuri: Regardless of who comes after us, even if it's the knights. We have you on our side, so it'll all be fine.
バルタザール: どうした、おれがいちゃまずいのか?こっちのほうが面白そうだからな。
Balthus: What's the deal, pal? You don't want me here? Come on, have a heart. This side is where all the action is!Look,
I'll level with you. I want to help that Edelgard gal achieve her goal. I mean it.
If Her Majesty gets what she's after...My mother will...
Eh, forget it, now's not the time. We've got to keep our heads in the game so we can win, yeah?
バルタザール: けど、ユーリスの奴がいるってことは、こっちが勝つのは間違いねえと思うぜ。
Balthus: Having Yuri on our side will help things! He's not someone you want as an enemy.
コンスタンツェ: 私は……何も知りませんでしたわ。エーデルガルト様の過去も、想いも……。
Constance: I knew nothing of Lady Edelgard's past or of her innermost feelings.
But I know now, I persuaded her to tell all.
It would have been rude to hound her relentlessly until she revealed herself, yes?
Then that is certainly not what I did! Ahaha!
ハピ: ガルグ=マクを陥落させるって……アビスをどーするつもりかな。
Hapi: With the empire taking over Garreg Mach, I wonder what will happen to Abyss?
Some people have spent their whole lives there. For their sake, I hope Abyss doesn't get trampled into ruin.
Choice 1: 保証はできない I can't guarantee anything.
ハピ: そーだよね。ガーティ……じゃなくて陛下に頼むしかないじゃん。
Hapi: Yeah. I guess all I can do is talk about it with Eddy, I mean, Her Majesty.
Choice 2: 自分が守る I promise to protect them. (⤴)
ハピ: ありがと。キミからもガーティ……じゃなくて陛下に頼んどいてよ。
Hapi: Thanks. You should try talking about it with Eddy I mean, Her Majesty. She might listen to you.
ハピ: ハピの場所も、残ってるといーな。
Hapi: Also this is less important, but if someone trashes my room, I'm gonna be mad.
I'll show you what I'm made of!
ランドルフ: 俺はランドルフ=フォン=ベルグリーズ。まだ下級だが……一応、将の身にある。
Randolph: I'm Randolph von Bergliez. I'm not very high in the ranks yet, but I'm more or less a general.
Just like Caspar, I am from House Bergliez.
My mother married into House Bergliez after I was born, so my position within the family is rather lowly...
But I'm determined to make something of myself in this battle to bring glory to my part of the family, for the sake of my mother and sister!
I look forward to working with you!
ラディスラヴァ: 初めてお目にかかります。私の名は、ラディスラヴァ。
Ladislava: I believe this is the first time we have met. My name is Ladislava.
I have the great honor of leading Lady Edelgard's personal guard.
Her majesty is hard on others as she is on herself. She may seem composed, but that is only because she conceals her more passionate emotions.
For that reason, she is often misunderstood. But now she has you by her side...
I find that most reassuring. I look forward to working with you.
It wasn't an easy decision.
兵士: ……私は一介の兵士に過ぎませんが、それでも今回の件は悩みました。
Soldier: I'm a soldier, but I had to think long and hard about this one.
Since birth, I've believed in the teachings of Seiros without ever questioning them.
But Her Majesty's words are true. To think that the archbishop can take on such a monstrous form...
It's all so exciting!
兵士: 黒鷲遊撃軍(シュヴァルツァアドラーヴェーア)かあ……。ちょっとかっこいい名前ですよね。
Soldier: The Black Eagle Strike Force, eh? I like it.
It's really a twist of fate that brought me to this side of things, but I'm still proud to be here.
Between you and me...
兵士: 粛清された帝国貴族の中には、ベストラ侯の名もあったと聞きます。
Soldier: I have heard the name Lord Vestra mentioned among the purged noble families of the Empire.
He's Hubert's father. But Hubert seems rather unconcerned about it...
That alone is why we soldiers find Hubert quite frightening.
What happens now?
生徒: つい勢いでついてきちゃったけど、本当にこれでよかったのかしら……。
Student: I came this far mostly on impulse, but I wonder if it was the right choice...
Everything will be OK, right, Professor? I'm not wrong, am I?
If I know that you think it's OK, I feel like it will be easier to believe in myself...
No turning back.
生徒: ……エーデルガルトの言うことは、正直、どこまで信じていいのかわからない。
Student: To be frank, I'm not sure whether I should believe all that Edelgard says.
But if her words are true...I think it's best to be her ally.
So I'll fight. I'm not at ease with that decision just yet, but I'll stick by it.