ハピ: ………………。
Hapi: ...
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
ハピ: ……暇なんだけど。寝ていい?
Hapi: This is boring. Mind if I sleep?
ユーリス: まあ、別にいいんじゃねえの。夜番っつっても、どうせただの演習だしよ。
Yuri: You know I don't care. Night watch or not, it's still just for training purposes.
Though, you'd likely get in trouble if someone sees you catching z's.
ハピ: 起こしてくれないわけ?じゃあ寝ないし。
Hapi: You wouldn't wake me if someone was here? Fine then, I won't sleep.
ユーリス: そうかよ。
Yuri: Your call.
ハピ: ………………。
Hapi: ...
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
ハピ: ……何で黙ってんの。キミ、いっつも喋ってんじゃん。
Hapi: You're being so quiet, Yuri-bird. Say something.
ユーリス: つっても別にたいした話題もねえだろ。黙って星でも見てたほうが楽しくねえか?
Yuri: I don't always fill the void with my voice, you know. Sometimes it's pleasant to just enjoy the quiet and stargaze.
ハピ: 星ー? ハピは別に……。無駄にいっぱいだし、季節ごとに変わるし。
Hapi: No, thanks. Stargazing is a waste of time. The stars don't even stay put all year, those jerks.
ユーリス: ほら、あの星に女神様がいるんだろ、確か。随分と遠くから見てくださってるもんだ。
Yuri: See that one? That star is home to the goddess... Yeah! Watching over us from afar.
ハピ: ………………。
Hapi: ...
ユーリス: ……ん、でも青海の星とかいうけど、青くないよな、あの星。
もしかして違うやつか? でも東の空のでっけえのが青海の星なんだったよな……?
Yuri: That's called the Blue Sea Star, but it doesn't look blue... at all, really.
Wait, no. Hang on. Maybe it wasn't that one. But that big one over there–that's it... isn't it?
ハピ: ……あのさ、キミ。星の見方、教わったことないの?
Hapi: You don't know the first thing about stars, do you? No one ever taught you?
ユーリス: そんなもんあるわけねえだろ。
Yuri: Never, no.
ハピ: 女神様がいる星は、もっとおっきくて目立つ星じゃん。
Hapi: Well, the Blue Sea Star is really big. It stands out.
Sometimes you can't see it at all, but other times it's the brightest thing in the sky.
ユーリス: ほおお……! じゃあ、さっき俺が見てたのは何の星なんだ?
Yuri: Interesting! So then, which star was I pointing out just now?
ハピ: 見てたのってどれよ。そっちの空には幾つか小さい星座があって……
Hapi: You might have to point it out again. Which constellation were you pointing at?
ユーリス: 星座ねえ……、うーん……猫とかか?いや、あれは……釣り池の、魚……?
Yuri: Let's see... It looks a bit like a cat... No, no, that's not right. Maybe more like a fish? Or a... fishing rod!
ハピ: ……ぷっ。
Hapi: Hm-hm!
ユーリス: 何だよ、俺は至って真面目に言ってんだぞ。ほら、あっちに見えんのが釣り竿座で……
Yuri: What? I'm serious! See, those stars there are forming a shape that looks very much like a fishing rod.
ハピ: あはは、ごめんって。……あー、でも釣り竿には見えないかな。
Hapi: OK, sorry, but that looks nothing like a fishing rod. Or a cat.
I'm surprised you know so little about stars. I thought you knew everything.
ユーリス: 俺を何だと思ってんだ、女神様か?知らねえことくらいあるさ。
Yuri: Who do you think I am–the goddess herself? There is plenty I don't know.
But I'm always aiming to learn more. I'm uncomfortable not... knowing things.
So come on then, Hapi. Teach me about the stars.
ハピ: え、メンドーなんだけど。
Hapi: That'll be a pain for both of us.
ユーリス: さっき暇だって言ってたじゃねえか。結局、寝ねえんだろ?
Yuri: As painful as sitting here idling? It's not like you're going to sleep at this point.
Clearly you know quite a bit about them–teach me.
ハピ: ……仕方ないなー。ほら、そしたら北天を見てよ。
Hapi: Fine, fine. Look up there, to the north. Your other north.
See that star? That's called the King's Right Hand.
ユーリス: ……じゃあ、星が動いてるんじゃなくて、動いてるのはこの地面のほうってことか?
Yuri: Let me get this straight. The stars aren't moving, but the ground we stand on... is?
ハピ: うん、少しずつ地面の場所が動いてるから星も動いてるように見えるんだってさ。
Hapi: Yup. We're on a big round thing that's always spinning, and that's why the stars seem to move through the sky.
Hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true.
ユーリス: にわかには信じがたい話だよなあ……。何でそんなことまで知ってんだ、お前?
Yuri: I admit I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around it. How is it you know these things, anyway?
If you were a noble, it would make sense that you'd have a formal education on all of this.
ハピ: ハピが生まれた里には、星に詳しい人がいっぱいいたからね。
Hapi: In the village where I was born, there were people who studied the stars. They taught me.
ユーリス: 星に詳しい奴が大勢いる里ねえ……。どんな里だ、そりゃ。
Yuri: A village of stargazing folk, huh? Do tell. I've never heard of such a place.
ハピ: うーん……隠れ里、みたいな?
Hapi: It's a... very well-hidden village.
It was a small settlement deep in the forest where no one ever bothered us.
I was born there, grew up there... But when I got older, I felt like I needed to see the world.
I couldn't live my whole life in one place, y'know? So I struck out on my own.
ユーリス: 一風変わった奴だとは思ってたが、これまた珍しい出自だな……。
Yuri: I always knew you were an odd little bird, but your birthplace makes you a rare little bird.
ハピ: ところが右も左もわからないハピさん、すぐに悪い連中に捕まっちゃったんだよねー。
Hapi: Yeah, well, pretty soon after leaving her nest, this rare little bird was put in a cage.
I thought it might be some kind of punishment for leaving the forest.
ユーリス: 何だそれ。外の世界を見ようとしただけで、罰も何もあるかよ。馬鹿馬鹿しい。
Yuri: What the hell? You think that because you wanted to live your life, you'd be punished? That's ridiculous.
Look at this objectively—was it punishment, or was it just plain bad luck?
There's nothing wrong with wanting to see the world and expand your horizons.
Take me... Had I never left that gutter I call home, I'd have gone my whole life never learning how to look at the stars.
ハピ: ……そうだね。ハピもそう思ったから、里を出たし。
Hapi: Yeah... I left my village because I thought I'd find a better life beyond the forest. Now I'm not so sure.
ユーリス: なら、後悔するだけ無駄ってもんだ。大事なのは今どうするか、だろ。
Yuri: Regret is pointless. What matters is how we live right here, right now. You know?
ハピ: ……うん。
Hapi: Yeah...
ユーリス: ……帰りてえのか?
Yuri: Do you ever want to return back home?
ハピ: 帰りたくないって言ったら嘘になるかも。最近、思うんだ。
Hapi: I could say no, but I'd be lying. I've been feeling homesick lately.
Nothing happened there, for better or worse. There wasn't much to be scared of.
Everyone said the outside world was dangerous, that beyond the forest, all we'd find was an early grave.
That wasn't exactly true, but my life was for sure easier when I lived there.
I used to spend my days fishing, hunting for pretty flowers, running around for no reason...
ユーリス: ……なんだ、珍しいな。
Yuri: A rare occurrence indeed.
ハピ: え? 何が?
Hapi: What is?
ユーリス: いや、お前もそんなふうに笑えたんだなと。いつもだるそうにしてるじゃねえか、お前。
Yuri: Seeing you smile in that way. You're always so... I don't know... neutral?
ハピ: 何言ってんの?ハピだって笑う時は笑うし。
Hapi: That's not true. I smile when there's something to smile about.
It's strange, though. When I'm talking to you, I can't help but let my guard down.
I don't like to discuss where I came from. But with you, I feel like I can open up.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about my mom and dad lately. I wonder... are they even alive?
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
ユーリス: なあハピ。お前、故郷には帰らねえのか?
Yuri: So, Hapi. Are you going back home or what?
ハピ: いきなり何?戦いの真っ最中じゃん、帰らないよ。
Hapi: That came out of nowhere. Haven't you noticed there's a war going on? I can't leave now.
ユーリス: じゃあ終わったら帰るのか?両親のこと、気にしてたろ。
Yuri: Hm, hadn't noticed, nope. Now that I have, will you head home once it's over? To check on your parents.
ハピ: うーん、気になるのは確かだけど……帰るつもりはないよ。
Hapi: No. Even after the war, I can't return.
With my curse, I might destroy the whole village. I won't put them at risk like that.
ユーリス: ため息つかなきゃいいって言いたいところだが、この世に絶対はないか。
Yuri: True. I want to say you could go there and everything would be dandy.
The way things tend to shake out, though, it can be pretty hard not to sigh...
ハピ: そういうキミは?帰るべき場所、放ったらかしでいいの?
Hapi: What about you? You don't mind spending all this time away from...wherever you call home?
ユーリス: 俺? そうだなあ。それを考えるのは戦いが終わってからかな。
Yuri: Can't say I've spent much time thinking about it. Maybe after the war is over.
I've got plenty to keep me occupied. If I drop things and head home, my people will lose respect for me. I can't have that.
ハピ: ふーん……。
Hapi: I see.
I know I should visit home at some point.
It's been more than a decade since I left, though. They probably think I died.
ユーリス: どうかね……何年経とうと、親は子供が生きていてほしいと願ってるんじゃねえか?
Yuri: They might. All the more reason for you to go back.
I know you're scared. But if you keep your visit brief, it'll work out fine.
I don't know about yours, but my mother would want to know that I'm OK.
ハピ: そっか……そうだといいけど。
Hapi: I suppose I could stop by for a short visit. That might be nice...
ユーリス: 心配だって言うなら、ついてってやるよ。俺でも、少しくらいは役に立てるだろ。
Yuri: Still worried? I can accompany you. I'm sure you'll find some use for me.
ハピ: は?
Hapi: Huh?
ユーリス: 例えば、俺が一緒に行って、お前がため息をつく暇もないくらい話しかけてやるとかさ。
Yuri: You know you'll be so caught up in my lively conversations, you'll have very little time for sighing.
ハピ: ………………。
……それって逆効果じゃない? ハピがキミの話にうんざりしたらどうすんの。
Hapi: ...
Hmm... That plan could backfire. I might find the conversation boring, and then...
ユーリス: させねえように精一杯努力するって話だろ。それでも万が一、魔獣が出たら……
Yuri: That would never happen. I wouldn't allow for it. And on the off chance a beast does appear...
Well, that'll clear up your boredom pretty quickly, won't it?
ハピ: ……ユリーって面白いよね。冗談きつすぎるところとかさ。
Hapi: You've got a weird sense of humor, Yuri-bird. I like that.
I guess I wouldn't feel so nervous about going home if you went with me. I might even have a good time.
When you're there, you feel closer to the stars. They look so clear and bright.
I'd love to show you.
ユーリス: ははっ、そいつは今から楽しみだ。お前に教わった星も見えるかな。
Yuri: Ahaha. I look forward to it. I bet we'll even see some of the stars you taught me about.
ハピ: いっぱい見えるよ。わかんなかったら、また教えてあげるし。
Hapi: And maybe I'll finally lay eyes on that constellation you told me about. A fishing rod, was it?
After the war, Yuri accompanied Hapi to the village where she was born.
The surprise nature of the visit, combined with a local custom of massive celebrations for family reunions, made things awkward at first.
The party did not get started until nightfall, but Hapi was able to reunite with her parents, and under that starry sky, lasting bonds were forged.
In fact, it is said that Yuri, a complete stranger, made such an impression that the welcome party lasted for seven days and nights before he was finally permitted to leave. Years later, they returned for another visit-this time as a couple. The village turned out en masse for the wedding, held under those same stars.