ドロテア: あのね、ユーくん。実は私……見ちゃったのよ。
Dorothea: It's time I fessed up, Yurikins. I saw the whole thing.
ユーリス: は? 何を。
Yuri: What was it you think you saw?
ドロテア: 貴方が路地裏で、街の子供たちに歌を歌ってあげているところ。
Dorothea: It looked like you were singing to the children in the alley out back.
And may I say, you were fantastic. Your performance hit me right in the heart.
That was a song from Mittelfrank's Imperial capital show, right?
Ah, the good old days. You must have come back night after night if you remember it that well.
ユーリス: ああ……まあ、何度かな。よく覚えてるぜ、舞台に立つお前の姿。
Yuri: Perhaps a few times... I remember well how you looked upon that stage.
You were the talk of the capital among all the nobles. Unsurpassable? Yes, that was it.
It's hard to believe I'd run into that unsurpassable songstress in a place like this. Hm. Luck is on my side, as ever.
ドロテア: ねえ、ユーくん。貴方、歌劇に興味はない?きっと才能があると思うのよ。
Dorothea: I couldn't convince you to sing tenor yourself, hm? You're talented enough for it.
ユーリス: ……何だよ。“神秘の歌姫”直々に勧誘か?
Yuri: What are you getting at? Is this an invitation from the Mystical Songstress herself?
ドロテア: 男性の歌い手はね、貴重なのよ。歌姫に憧れる女の子は多いけれど……
Dorothea: Male virtuosos are hard to come by. Would-be divas are a dime a dozen, but men? Not so much.
And they have to be talented. As good as I am, which is very talented indeed.
I think you have what it takes. If you're interested, I can―
ユーリス: 悪いが、興味はねえな。歌劇だなんて真っ平御免だ。
Yuri: Sorry, but no. No way in hell am I ever doing that.
ドロテア: あら……つれないわね。そんなけんもほろろに断るなんて。
Dorothea: Goodness. You could have stopped at ''no.''
ユーリス: 俺は、誰かの前で歌うってのがこの世で一番嫌いなんだよ。
Yuri: I can't think of anything more wretched than getting up on stage to sing in front of a bunch of people.
ドロテア: その割には、子どもたちに歌を歌ってあげてたじゃない。
Dorothea: You didn't seem to mind singing for those children.
ユーリス: 具合が悪くて眠れねえって言うから、しばらく歌ってやってただけさ。
Yuri: The little ones weren't feeling well and couldn't sleep, so I sang them a lullaby to help.
That's a far cry from standing on the same stage as you have with all those stuffy nobles staring at me.
Truthfully? I'm not brave enough for it.
ドロテア: ……なんだか棘のある言い方ね。歌劇の舞台は、そんな場所じゃないわ。
Dorothea: Rein it in, Yurikins. It's the opera, not the battlefield. This isn't a life or death situation.
ユーリス: ああいや……悪かった。ただのくだらねえ八つ当たりだよ。
Yuri: Heh heh... Fair enough. Sometimes I forget what's a real threat and what isn't.
But I must ask you never to bring up singing again. Not to me.
Not if you want to keep things amicable between us.
ドロテア: ……歌が嫌いで、あそこまで上手くなるものかしら?
Dorothea: How can someone so good at singing hate it so much?
ドロテア: こんにちは、ユーくん。実は、一つお願いを聞いてほしいんだけど。
Dorothea: Nice to see you, Yurikins. I was wondering if you might do me a favor.
ユーリス: どうした、歌姫。そんな真剣な顔して。……ん? 足、痛めたのか。
Yuri: You're looking a bit serious, ladybird. Oh... your foot. What happened?
ドロテア: もうだいぶ平気よ。でも忙しく動き回るのは駄目だって言われて。
Dorothea: It's healing nicely, but I'm not supposed to put too much weight on it.
ユーリス: なるほど、それで俺にお願いってことか。雑用くらいなら引き受けてやってもいいが。
Yuri: Ah, so that's why you've called me here. What do you need? Help with errands?
ドロテア: 雑用じゃないけれど……貴方に歌劇の手伝いをお願いしたいの。
Dorothea: Not an errand. An opera.
ユーリス: ……歌劇の、手伝い?
Yuri: I see.
ドロテア: 実は近々、有志の人たちで歌劇を催す話があるのよ。
Dorothea: There's been some loose plans for a performance. Nothing professional, strictly volunteer.
I signed up to take part as one of the main roles.
And then this happened. The professor told me I should bow out, just to be on the safe side.
ユーリス: そりゃあ、そのほうがいいが……まさか俺に代役でもやれってんじゃないだろうな。
Yuri: Makes sense to stay off your feet while you heal. Meanwhile, you want me to fill your role, right?
ドロテア: ふふ、まさにそう言おうと思っていたの。話が早くて助かるわ。
Dorothea: Got it in one! I'm glad we're on the same page here.
ユーリス: ……もっと他にいるだろ。ほら、マヌエラ先生とかさ。
Yuri: Surely someone else is up to the task. Professor Manuela for example...
ドロテア: そんな簡単に代役が都合できたら、わざわざ歌嫌いの貴方に頼んだりしないわよ。
Dorothea: Already tried. Trust me, I wouldn't ask unless I was desperate. I knew how much you'd hate the idea.
ユーリス: だとしても、だ。俺は男で、お前は女。同じようには歌えねえぞ。
Yuri: Aside from hating it, I also wouldn't remotely sound like you do.
ドロテア: お金を取るわけじゃないんだから、それでいいのよ。逆に盛り上がるかもしれないわ。
Dorothea: Oh, don't worry about that. Most of our audience won't be able to tell the difference.
The crowd's going to be a bunch of down-on-their-luck children that the monastery's taken in.
I'm only talking about a small festival in the plaza. We want to give them a good show, that's all.
You have an idea of what they've been through. I thought you might want to pitch in.
ユーリス: ……勝手なことを言いやがる。
Yuri: Mm-hmm... I hear your angle.
Fine, fine, yes. I'll do it.
ドロテア: ふふっ、ありがとう。貴方って本当に優しい人ね。
Dorothea: Good for you. I knew you'd rise to the occasion.
ユーリス: お前……何を言えば俺を説き伏せられるか、全部わかった上で喋ってんだろ。
Yuri: You certainly know how to pull on heartstrings to get your way, don't you?
Where did you learn to do that, anyway? The opera?
ドロテア: さあねえ? でも確かに、歌姫の先輩がたは美しさとしたたかさを兼ね備えているわね。
Dorothea: Could be! I've never known a songstress who wasn't both beautiful and resourceful.
Now, are you ready to go over the libretto? You've got a lot of rehearsing to do before the performance.
Seriously, though... Thanks, Yurikins.
ユーリス: ……もう、どうにでもなれってやつだ。
Yuri: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ドロテア: ねえ、ユーくん……そろそろ、普通に接してくれてもいいんじゃないかしら?
Dorothea: All right, Yurikins. Isn't it about time you let go of this grudge?
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
ドロテア: 舞台に引っ張り出したのは悪かったわ。でも、いまだに根に持ってるなんて。
Dorothea: I'm sorry I dragged you out onto the stage, but I can't believe you're still holding it against me.
ユーリス: 別に……根に持ってるとかじゃねえよ。
Yuri: I bear no grudge.
ドロテア: なら、どうして私と顔を合わせるたび、険しい顔してそっぽを向いてしまうの?
Dorothea: Then why do you get this stony look and face the other way any time you catch a glimpse of me?
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
Oh, ladybird. Truth be told, when I see you, it reminds me of my own self-loathing... of my past.
ドロテア: 自己嫌悪!? ……貴方、そんな言葉とは無縁の人だと思っていたけれど。
Dorothea: Huh. I didn't know you were carrying something like that.
ユーリス: お前は汚え路地裏から、自分の足で歩いて歌姫として舞台に上ったってのに……
Yuri: You rose up from your hardship and became the lead singer for a prestigious opera, all on your own.
While I made my way through the world by licking the boots of wretched nobles, watching you on stage from the sidelines.
It wasn't until recently that I felt a real sense of accomplishment in my life. But recalling that first pivotal moment when I saw you on stage...
You were brilliant. You shone like nothing I'd ever seen. Whenever I see you, ladybird, I'm reminded of that moment.
And in that moment, I had never felt so filthy and unlovable in all my life.
ドロテア: ……それで歌嫌いに?いえ、他に理由があるんじゃ……
Dorothea: That's why you don't like singing? There's got to be more to it than that.
ユーリス: ああ。あの頃の帝都には、歌姫ドロテアを自分のものにしたい貴族が腐るほどいた。
Yuri: Back then, the Imperial capital was swarming with disgusting nobles, all of them vying for your attention― for the love of the Dorothea.
Many were willing to compromise with an inferior substitute. If they couldn't have you, perhaps someone else was capable of singing just as sweetly.
the Dorothea はジ・ドロテア
ドロテア: それでも真っ直ぐに歩いてきた貴方が、醜く汚い存在だというのなら……
Dorothea: You do what you must to chase your dreams.
You say it left you filthy and unlovable, but my life didn't leave me unscathed either. There's not much love left in what I do.
There was one, of course. As a child, I lived for singing. No matter how hard times got, I always had that.
I counted myself so lucky to have met Manuela and joined the opera.
But the more I sang for a living, the less certain I was that I loved it anymore.
ユーリス: わかんねえ奴だなあ……したたかなんだか、無駄に繊細なんだか……
Yuri: You're a tricky one to assess. I can't tell if you're too wise or too naive for your own good.
Whether or not your heart's in it now, you certainly didn't appear to hate it back then.
I'd never seen you beam so... brightly... as you did when you helped me train for the performance.
ドロテア: ……ふふ、そうかもしれないわね。確かにあの時は、純粋に楽しかった気もするわ。
Dorothea: You might be onto something. I felt... genuinely happy in that moment.
ユーリス: お前は、迷子になってるだけだろ。俺の歌嫌いも似たようなもんだ、わかるよ。
Yuri: You just lost your spark for singing. Nothing more. It's how I feel about it, in a way.
How about this. Why not join an opera that doesn't have dealings with nobles?
ドロテア: ! ……それ、いいわねえ!私と貴方で、新しい歌劇団を立ち上げるの。
Dorothea: That's... a great idea, actually. We'll start something new together. You and me.
ユーリス: は? いきなり何を言い出すんだよ。
Yuri: I don't know about all that, now...
ドロテア: 世の中には、私や貴方のように、迷子になったままの人がたくさんいるわ。
Dorothea: The world is full of people who fell through the cracks, just like us.
We'll take them in whenever we can and aim to become Fódlan's premier opera company.
I can't remember the last time I was this fired up! Though we'll have to table it until after the war.
ユーリス: ………………。……歌劇団、歌劇団か。
Yuri: Hm... Our own one-of-a-kind traveling opera.
You know, that does sound fairly thrilling. I've no doubts it could help deepen our pockets.
ドロテア: ふふっ、貴方って、本当に現実的ねえ。根っこは理想家のくせに。
Dorothea: Leave it to you to take all the romance out of it! But I know you're an idealist deep down.
ユーリス: どの口が言うんだって話だ……。まあ俺も、お前のそういうしたたかさは嫌いじゃねえ。
Yuri: Takes one to know one! I must say, I do enjoy seeing your mischievous side at work.
ドロテア: ふふっ……それを言うなら私も、貴方のそういうところ、好きよ。
Dorothea: I'll take that as a compliment. I could say the same for you too.
It's exactly why I'm comfortable sharing this dream with you.
A new opera company was born of the postwar rebuilding period. This troupe, headed up by a former songstress, was comprised of hand-picked talent from all walks of life.
Though it began humbly, over the years it grew to rival even the Mittelfrank Opera Company in its greatness.
The most popular production in its repertoire was a tale of a disillusioned songstress making a comeback with the help of her ambitious lover. Through that story, the names of Yuri and Dorothea live on to this very day.