ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん♪……はっ! あれはユーリスさん……
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hmm hm-hmm... Hm hmm hm-hmm... ♪ Huh?! Is that Yuri?
I gotta evaporate! Maybe if I curl into a ball, I'll pass as a boulder. Or a... pebble.
ユーリス: ………………。……おい、ベルナデッタ。
Yuri: Hey, Bernadetta!
ベルナデッタ: ぎょえええ!?ききっ、気づいてたんですかあ!?
Bernadetta: Ah! You can see me?!
ユーリス: 当たり前だろ……何で俺を見るたび逃げるんだよ、お前。面倒くせえ奴だなあ。
Yuri: Clearly... You're a tricky one. Always trying to hide when I'm around.
ベルナデッタ: す! すみ! すみません!どうかお許しをおおおお!?
Bernadetta: S-sorry! Please forgive me!
ユーリス: 許してほしけりゃ理由を言え。ただしお前の話は回りくどいから簡潔に。
Yuri: If you want forgiveness, then explain yourself. But make it quick. You always ramble on.
ベルナデッタ: ええ!? そ、それはですね……、ベルがまだ子供だった頃、お父様とお母様が……
Bernadetta: Um! Well, when I was little, my mother and father, they―
ユーリス: 前置きが長え……。
Yuri: You've gotta be kidding. Cut to the chase, please.
ベルナデッタ: ひゃあっ!? ……ユ、ユーリスさんが、ベルの……昔の友達に、似てるからです!
Bernadetta: Uh... You remind me of one of my old friends.
ユーリス: ふうん、友達に。こんな美少年が、世界に2人もいるとは思えねえがなあ。
Yuri: Oh come now. Whoever this friend of yours is can't possibly compare to me.
ベルナデッタ: 簡潔に言ったのに駄目じゃないですかああ!なぜ!? なぜなの!? あたしが何を……
Bernadetta: I'm telling the truth!
ユーリス: わかった、わかったから騒ぐな。で、その友達ってのはどんな奴だったんだ?
Yuri: All right, all right. What was this friend like, then?
The way you run and hide from me, they must've been a real piece of work.
ベルナデッタ: そ、そんなことないですもん!
Bernadetta: That's not it at all!
He was the assistant to the gardener at our estate. My friend was gentle, trustworthy... gorgeous.
And... well, he was the only person who was ever nice to me.
We used to run around the gardens playing together.
ユーリス: なら何でそいつに似てる俺から逃げるような真似をしてるんだよ。
Yuri: And why is it you keep running away from me?
ベルナデッタ: それも説明するんですかあ!? ベルたち、そこまでまだ仲良くなってないような……
Bernadetta: That's... Uh... Do I really have to say? We hardly even know each other!
ユーリス: お前が説明しない限り仲良くはなれねえな。となるとこの問答は永遠に続くことに……。
Yuri: You never have to do anything. But if you don't, you and I won't have a shot at knowing one another, and you'll carry on avoiding me forever.
ベルナデッタ: なな何でそんな酷いこと言うんですうう!言います!言いますから!
Bernadetta: But that's no good either! OK! OK! I'll tell you!
The thing is, because of me, he got in trouble. After that, I never saw him again.
You see, my father hated commoners, and when he found out I was spending a lot of time with one... Well...
He's probably dead now! And it's all my fault! It's 'cause of me! He must've hated me!
ユーリス: ……ぷっ。いや、そりゃあねえだろ。何でまたそんな思い込みをしてんだ?
Yuri: That... Ugh. That doesn't sound right to me. Why would you think all that?
Nothing you did would make his death your fault. And hating you for something that isn't your fault is absolutely absurd―delusional, even.
ベルナデッタ: 違いますもん! 何でユーリスさんに、そんなことわかるんです!
Bernadetta: You're wrong! He'd definitely hate me if he knew! How would you know, anyway?
What, did you know my friend or something?
ユーリス: ………………。会ったことはねえが……ああ、面倒くせえ。
Yuri: In a manner... Right.
So, remember back when you were a kid?
You tripped while holding some gardening shears. And your friend got cut pretty badly.
ベルナデッタ: えっ、あ、はい。何で知ってるんです?
Bernadetta: Hmmm... Oh yeah! I remember... But... how did you know about that?
ユーリス: 俺がお前を恨んでるとしたら、あの時にこの顔に傷をつけられたことくらいだよ。
Yuri: If I bore you any ill will, it would have been for cutting my face with those damn shears.
ベルナデッタ: その顔に、傷う……? ううん……?えっと、いや、まさか、あの、ぶばばば……
Bernadetta: Cutting your face... Shears... But! There's no way!
ユーリス: その友達ってのは、他でもねえ俺のことだ。忘れるなんて薄情だなあ。
Yuri: But there is. That friend? That was me, Bernadetta.
Anyway, I'm glad I finally got to hear how you felt about all of that.
Let's spend time together and chat about the good ol' days. Get to know each other again.
ベルナデッタ: ほへえ……ぽひい……なんか、すごいこと、起こった気が……
Bernadetta: But how did... But he! But!
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
Bernadetta, knock it off. How long are you gonna keep this up.
ベルナデッタ: 嫌です! 出てきません!だって出たら恨みを晴らされますううう!
Bernadetta: I can't have him find me. Time for a tactical withdrawal!
ユーリス: おい、待てよ……いい加減周りに迷惑だろ。俺がいるからっていちいち逃げ回ってたら。
Yuri: Wait up, would you? Running away every time you see me is just going to wear both of us out.
If you've got something to say, say it already. You've been shadowing me for ages. Think how I feel.
ユーリス: 課題の時も、俺には近づこうとさえしねえ。流石に先生も呆れ果ててたぜ。
Yuri: I mean, when we have missions together, you avoid me like the plague. Even the professor doesn't know what to say.
ベルナデッタ: ユーリスさんに近づくのは、無理!絶対に無理なんですよおおお!
Bernadetta: I can't be around you, Yuri. It's just not doable!
ユーリス: 俺がいる軍議にも顔を出さねえしよ……状況わかってんのか? やる気あんのか?
Yuri: You don't even show up for the war council when I'm there. Do you even know what's going on in the world?
ベルナデッタ: 状況はわかってますけど、やる気が駄目なんですううう!
Bernadetta: I know, but I... I... I just can't, OK?! I can't be around you, Yuri. It's just not doable!
ベルナデッタ: お父様にあんな目に遭わされて、死んじゃって……もう嫌あああ!!
Bernadetta: I know what my father did to you. It's all just too overwhelming! I thought you died...
ユーリス: 勝手に殺すな。半殺しだ。それに、あの程度のことは慣れて……
Yuri: You thought I had. But I hadn't. I was halfway to my grave, but I survived.
ベルナデッタ: 半分死んじゃったら、半分恨みを晴らされるんですうううう!
Bernadetta: Half... way?! Then that means the half of you that survived is gonna seek revenge on me!
ユーリス: いや半分死ぬなんて器用な真似ができるか。
Yuri: I was half dead, sure, but that really meant I was able to get out with my life.
If I was to seek revenge, it would be on the count―not you.
When I'm looking to make things even, it's all or nothing.
You wouldn't be standing here talking to me right now if I'd targeted you.
ベルナデッタ: 修道院にいないなら、どこにいるんです!?えっと……た、谷底!?
Bernadetta: If not here, then where would I be?! At the bottom of a ravine?!
ユーリス: いや、突き落としたりはしねえよ……。
Yuri: I wouldn't push you off a cliffside.
ベルナデッタ: じゃ、じゃあ重石をつけられて海に沈められちゃうとかですか!?
あたし、魚についばまれるのだけは嫌ですううう! 餌じゃないですよおお!!
Bernadetta: Maybe you'll tie me to a big rock and drop me in the ocean! Is that it?!
You're going to turn me into fish food! I knew it!
ユーリス: 何の話だよ……。
Yuri: What are you going on about?
ベルナデッタ: 沈めるなら、せめて冷たい北の海に氷漬けでえええええ!
Bernadetta: Mercy! If it has to be a watery grave, please just drop me into icy waters so I freeze instead of drown!
ユーリス: ……重症だな。
Yuri: Kid's got issues...
Well, I guess I'd better tell her everything.
ベルナデッタ: ぎゃぎゃっ!? 冷たい海!!
Bernadetta: Frigid ocean waters! I can feel them already!
ユーリス: 誰が海だ、少しは人の話を聞きやがれ。お前に、本当のことを話してやる。
Yuri: Calm, caaaalm. Just listen to me for a moment. There's something I need to tell you.
The reason I worked for House Varley, Bernadetta, was to kill you.
ベルナデッタ: そうですよね! ベルを海に沈めて殺……こここここここここ殺すためええええ!?
Bernadetta: Aha! I knew it! I knew you were out to kill me. Sink me into the deep, dark, freezing depths...
Hold on. House Varley? But... why?
ユーリス: ヴァーリ家と言えば、実質的に帝国を支配していた六大貴族の一つ……
Yuri: As you well know, theirs is one of the six great noble houses―the true rulers of the Empire.
And you're the heir... with a Crest. There were tons of people who wanted you wiped out.
Like people who want to eradicate House Varley. Or a relative who wants the glory for themselves.
That particular breed of treacherous nobility... is the kind that'd hire a kid to do their dirty work.
The first thing that kid would do? Get close to the target by befriending her, find an in through, say, an assistant gig.
ベルナデッタ: え、えっと……もしかしてそれが、ユーリスさんだったってことですか?
Bernadetta: This kid you're mentioning sounds... real. That was you, wasn't it...
ユーリス: そうだ。……俺が犯した唯一の失敗は、お前と親しくなり過ぎちまったことだな。
Yuri: Yours truly. My biggest mistake? Getting to know you.
I crept into your room one night and readied my blade.
The whole thing had been a breeze, up until that moment. I couldn't bring myself to do it.
While I hovered there, hesitating, your father came in. You know the rest.
ベルナデッタ: つまりどういうことなんです?よくわかんなかったんですけど……。
Bernadetta: Why are you telling me this? I'm so confused...
ユーリス: 昔、俺はお前を殺そうとした。で、伯爵は汚い暗殺者の手から娘を守った。
Yuri: Because I want you to look at it objectively. I was hired to kill you. Your father protected you from me, a filthy assassin.
He was looking out for you. You're lucky to have a father who cares for you enough to do that.
ベルナデッタ: お父様がベルを、守った……?守ったってどういう……
Bernadetta: Father... protected me? He... protected me...
ユーリス: ごちゃごちゃうるせえな。俺が見た事実は変わらねえよ。
Yuri: Yeah, why would I lie?
At this point, I figure it's you who hates me, and not the other way around.
ベルナデッタ: 嫌じゃないです! いや嫌ですけど!!でも嫌じゃなくならないと……!
Bernadetta: I don't hate you, Yuri! But I mean, I do feel weird... But I don't know how to feel... I just...
Can't we just be friends? Like back then?
ユーリス: ……仲良く、したいのか? 俺と?
Yuri: You want to be friends? With... me?
ベルナデッタ: だって……ベルのこと、友達って思ってくれてたんですよね? 殺せないって。
Bernadetta: The reason you couldn't kill me was because we were friends. Right?
ユーリス: それは……
Yuri: Well...
ベルナデッタ: ユーリスさんは、ベルの初めてなんですよ!
Bernadetta: You were my first friend.
My very first friend. The first person who played with me. The first person who went on adventures with me. The first―
ユーリス: ……ふっ、俺もあそこまで世話を焼かされた友達ってのは、初めてだったけどな。
Yuri: And you were the first friend I had to baby that much.
ベルナデッタ: 何ですとー!? あ、あたしだって世話を焼いてくれた友達は初めてでしたもん!!
Bernadetta: What do you mean?! Well... even so... You were the first friend who cared for me!
ユーリス: ……まあ、お前と過ごした時間は、言ってしまえば偽物だったのかもしれない。
Yuri: The whole thing was probably a sham anyway.
Though, you know... Even if it was... I did have a lot of fun with you.
ベルナデッタ: ユーリスさああああああん!!
Bernadetta: Heh! I knew it!
Bernadetta's struggle with anxiety made it difficult for her to take over as the head of House Varley. She became so overwhelmed that when Yuri chanced to visit her domain, she literally grabbed hold of him and refused to let go. Baffling as it was for Yuri at the time, this peculiar state of affairs eventually led to marriage. The commonfolk were initially perplexed, but over the years they became grateful for Count Varley's surprising husband. His presence kept her calm and allowed her to deal with her people more frequently and easily. As a result, her talent for governance blossomed and her rule was widely celebrated.