ユーリス: ……あっちの剣士だな。
Yuri: Hmm... The Myrmidon.
バルタザール: おおっと、ならおれはあっちの傭兵だ。あの目つき、まさしく達人って風格……
Balthus: Heh, suit yourself! My gut says the odds are in favor of that mercenary. He's clearly a seasoned f—
Gah! Right when I open my big mouth, he goes and loses on me.
ユーリス: だーっはっは! まーた勝っちまったな!いい加減懲りろって、バルタザール。
Yuri: Hahaha, I win! Again. Had enough, Balthus?
バルタザール: この野郎……さっきから勝ち続けやがって。仕込みじゃねえだろうな?
Balthus: Damn you! You've won every round! The fights are rigged, admit it. It's the only explanation.
ユーリス: いやいや、金を賭けてるわけでもねえんだ、そんな阿呆臭えことするかよ。
Yuri: Heh, of course they aren't. It's not like we're playing for money. We wouldn't be so foolish now, would we?
You're the one who started this silly game, anyway. So out with it. You lost—spill the beans.
It has to be juicy, though. Something that leaves you a bit... vulnerable.
バルタザール: くっ……。にしたって、おればかり喋ってるじゃねえかよ……。
Balthus: Why did I agree to these stakes? If this losing streak keeps up, you'll know an awful lot about me, pal.
Let's see... OK, got one! A few years back, I went toe-to-toe with a bird beast in some ancient ruins.
ユーリス: さっきも聞いたぞ。遺跡をぶっ壊したのが領主にバレて、賞金を懸けられたんだよな。
Yuri: This one again? You obliterated the ruins, and a lord who found out put a price on your head. You've told me a thousand times before.
バルタザール: クソッ、もう話の種がねえっ。こうなったら裸踊りでもしてやらあ!
Balthus: A good story bears repeating, yeah? But it seems I'm all out of anecdotes. How about I take my shirt off and let you look your fill instead. Two full minutes.
ユーリス: やめろやめろ、見たくもねえよそんなもん。しかし、まさかここまで賭けに弱いとは……
Yuri: Oh, come now. As if I'm interested in seeing your sweaty torso for the umpteenth time.
If you're fresh out of stories, then I have a question for you. About your Crest.
バルタザール: おっと……いきなりぐさりと来るねえ。そいつもお前流の交渉術ってやつかい?
Yuri: Perhaps... Or perhaps I'm simply curious. Tell me, how did you come across such a rarity? To my knowledge, nobody within House Albrecht has your Crest.
ユーリス: 純粋に、生い立ちに興味が湧いたんだよ。その紋章をどこから手に入れたのか……。
Balthus: Hit me where it hurts, why don'tcha?
Is this your idea of negotiation?
バルタザール: なら、答えはわかってんだろ。お前も珍しい紋章を持ってることだしな。
Balthus: Why ask what you already know? You've got your own rare Crest, so I'm sure you've figur out.
Unless you think the goddess gave us these things while we slept, hehe. Wait... do you?
ユーリス: 待て待て、賭けに勝ったのは俺だ。お前から質問する権利はねえはずだぜ?
Yuri: Hey now. I'm the one winning the bets, so I'm the one asking the questions.
バルタザール: くーっ! おっ、次の勝負が始まるぞ!今度こそ負けねえ……どっちだ、どっちだ?
Balthus: Got me there. Hey, look! The next round's starting. My luck's about to turn around, I can feel it.
ユーリス: なあ……もうやめといたらどうだ? お前、どうしようもなく賭け事に向いてねえぞ。
Yuri: Let's do you a favor and call it good here. No need to embarrass yourself further, friend.
バルタザール: たとえ向いてなかろうと、負けっ放しじゃあいられねえのが、おれって男よ。
Balthus: Even if I'm terrible at this, I can't walk away during a losing streak. I have my own sort of honor.
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
All right, Balthus. Check out... those two Myrmidons.
バルタザール: おっ、さっきまで二人仲良く飯を食ってた奴らじゃねえか。対戦相手同士だったのか。
Balthus: The two who were eating together earlier? Huh. Who knew they were opponents.
ユーリス: ああ、そうらしいな。……お前の目には、あいつらがどう映る?
Yuri: I kind of figured. Thoughts?
バルタザール: ん? 片方は……筋骨隆々じゃねえか。足運びもまさしく手練れってやつだ。
Balthus: Well, that one's pretty beefy. Quick on his feet too. Clearly a seasoned fighter.
His opponent's OK, but a bit showy. Compensating for being newer at this, would be my guess.
ユーリス: なるほどな。……で、お前はどっちに賭ける?
Yuri: Mm-hmm. So? Make your choice.
バルタザール: そりゃ、考える余地もなく手練れだろ。誰が見たってあっちが……
……ん? 様子がおかしいな。うおっ、あっさり負けたぞ……!
Balthus: Thank you. First guy, no doubt about it. You can see from a mile away... that...
HE LOST?! Wow. That was quick.
ユーリス: ……例えば今、俺とお前が殴り合ったとして万に一つも俺に勝ち目はねえ。
Yuri: Not everything is as it appears. For example, were you and I to go at it, perhaps you'd bet in favor of yourself over me.
And you'd lose. I'd use my cunning to ensure my victory. By any means necessary.
Maybe I'd slip something into your food—level the playing field. You see now?
バルタザール: なるほどな……肝に銘じておくぜ。さ、今の教えを踏まえてもう一勝負だ!
Balthus: Point taken. I'll keep that in mind for this next one. Gotta put that great advice to the test, right?
ユーリス: ははっ、お前、なかなかめげねえな。それなら、心が折れるまで負かしてやるよ!
Yuri: Heheheh, ever the bold one. It seems we must continue these games until you finally concede.
バルタザール: ぬうううううおおおおお……?ああ……駄目だ、頭が痛え……
Balthus: Argh! This is pointless! My head's about to split in two...
ユーリス: うわ……どうしたんだ、バルタザール。お前のそんな真剣な顔、初めて見たぞ。
Yuri: Wow. Balthus? What's with you, friend?
I've never seen you so deep in thought. Next thing I know, snow will be dumping out of the sky here in Abyss, hahaha!
バルタザール: ………………。……うるせえな、今必死に考えてんだよ!
Balthus: Shut your trap! I'm driving myself crazy over here. Got a lot on my mind, OK?
ユーリス: 考えてるって……何をだよ。
Yuri: Like?
バルタザール: いやその、何だ。いつぞやの勝負の時に、結局、お前の話は聞けなかったわけだろ?
Balthus: Gah, fine. You know how I never got any stories out of you the other day?
ユーリス: あー、そうだったな。結局、最後の最後まで俺の勝ちだったからなあ……。
Yuri: How could I forget? I won every last round.
It was clear that both Lady Luck and the goddess had given up on you. Your powers of deliberation weren't any help either.
バルタザール: だから、お前の口から聞けねえなら、自力で調べて弱みを握ってやろうと思ったわけよ。
Balthus: You cought me off my stride, got it? But it was clear I'd never win a story from you, so I went digging.
ユーリス: ふうん……
Yuri: Uh-huh.
バルタザール: とすれば、気になるのはお前の紋章だろ?心当たりを調べ回ってたら……
Balthus: I was especially curious about that Crest of yours, so I went rifling around for a lead and got to thinkin'.
ユーリス: 何というか……暇だな、お前……。……いや、まあいい、聞かせてくれよ。
Yuri: You must have time on your hands if you're spending it thinking. Well? Let's hear it.
バルタザール: おれの母の故郷には、言い伝えがあってな。遠い昔、里を奪おうとする奴と争った時……
Balthus: There's a story they tell where my mom grew up. Long ago, the village got in a squabble with some folks looking to conquer the place.
A village elder gave some kind of holy red stuff to their wounded soldiers. Some kind of liquid, who knows...
After she did that, some of them made a complete recovery, against all odds.
The rest of them were changed, but not for the better. They up and vanished before long.
ユーリス: ……へえ、それで?
Yuri: And then?
バルタザール: 奇妙な話だが……そこで回復した奴は、紋章の力を得られたんだそうだ。
Balthus: Crests suddenly manifested for the ones who survived.
They weren't inherited, or gifted by the goddess. It's a real thinker, yeah? A reaaal thinker...
ユーリス: 死にかけて、生き延びる……か。ならまさか、あの爺さんが……いや……。
Yuri: Near death but survived, despite all odds. Wait! The elder who my mom saved... Could he have used something similar?
No, it can't be. Yet... something here is unsettling in its familiarity.
バルタザール: ほう? 当たりか、これは。
Balthus: Hit the mark, did I?
ユーリス: ……当たりか外れかもわからねえのがまあ、なんとも笑える話なんだよな。
Yuri: I don't know whether you hit the mark or miss entirely. But your story was a cute one regardless.
The truth is, I've been trying to sort out who I am. And, well... I haven't been successful in it.
I don't even know whether my mother is truly my birth mother... or why it is I have this Crest.
At this point, I have nothing but speculations. Maybe I'll sink into my grave without ever knowing the truth.
バルタザール: 答えはねえか。ま、わからねえなら好きに決めちまえばいいじゃねえか。
Balthus: Lots of things in life don't have an answer. Just pick the story you like best and run with it.
That's better than finding out a truth you can't live with. You can really mess your head up like that.
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
Dammit, you're right. To think that something so trivial could bother someone like me.
バルタザール: おう、そうだそうだ!悩むなんて疲れるだけだ、やめちまえ!
Balthus: Look who's a quick learner! Thinking too much'll sap your energy, pal. I avoid it whenever possible.
In fact, it's been ages since I last thought so deeply. My head is really hurting right now, heh.
But if that old legend is true... what was that holy red stuff? What happened to the vanished soldiers?!
Once I start thinking about all that, I keep going round and round in my head... And then it's dawn... and then it's nightfall and then it's dawn again, and...
ユーリス: ……は? バルタザール?
Yuri: Ah– Hey! Balthus?!
バルタザール: はっはっは……頭の使い過ぎで……熱が……
Balthus: Let me at 'em! Oh? Ah. Not a fight, then. Heh, that's what I get for overusing the old noggin.
ユーリス: ばっ……ば、馬鹿かお前はーーーーっ!!
Yuri: You damn fool!
ユーリス: ほれ、バルタザール、受け取れ。
Yuri: Hey. Take this.
バルタザール: あん? ……はっ! この音、この手応え……か、金じゃねえかああ!
しかもこの量! 尋常じゃねえぞ!まさかついに教団の宝物庫に手を……
Balthus: Hm? That smell... that sound... This is gold! A sizable stash of precious gold!
What gives? Don't tell me you got your mitts on the church's vault...
ユーリス: 阿呆抜かすな。礼だ。たいした額じゃねえよ。
Yuri: You fool. It's simply a reward. Nothing to get in a tizzy over.
バルタザール: たいした額だろうがよ。何の礼か知らんが身に覚えのねえ金は受け取れねえな。
Balthus: No way I can accept this, pal. Trust me, I haven't done anything to deserve it.
ユーリス: 黙って受け取れって。こいつは礼というか、情報料だ。
Yuri: Just shut up and take it. Call it your fee for providing me with information.
What you told me–the tale from your mother's homeland–it really helped me.
Anyway, if you don't actually ne, I'm sure you'll find a use for it. Maybe take your mom out for a night on the town?
バルタザール: ……仕方ねえな。なら、これはおれの母のために使わせてもらう。
Balthus: Looks like you're insisting, then. Fine! I'll use it to buy her some good grub.
But I thought you didn't actually find any answers in my little .
ユーリス: いや……生憎そこは変わってねえんだがな。それでも、けじめになったというか。
Yuri: Not quite. But it helped me in other ways.
I've stopped vexing myself over unimportant details, like who I am or who I think I am.
バルタザール: そりゃ喜ばしい……が、その礼がこの金だってのか?
Balthus: That's all fine and good, but is it really worth its weight in gold? This is coin we're talking about!
ユーリス: 悪いが、俺はこういうやり方しか知らねえ。金じゃねえなら、何を用意すりゃあいい?
Yuri: Look, do you want it or not? Is there something else you'd prefer?
バルタザール: ………………。はああ……。
Balthus: Haa...
ユーリス: んだよ、人の顔見てでけえ溜め息つきやがって。
Yuri: Wow. That was one hell of a sigh.
バルタザール: いや……お前はおれと違って頭が回るのに、こういうところは馬鹿なんだよなあ……。
Balthus: Look, you're better than me at thinking. And betting. But right this moment, you're the fool. You.
Do I like gold? Yes. Do I want it? Ne? Yes and yes. While we're at it, I like brawling. Women too.
But there's something I care about even more than gold, fighting, and women. Any ideas?
ユーリス: 何って……勝てねえ賭けと、酒だろ。
Yuri: Oh, this is tough. Um, let me guess... Hopelessly losing every bet you place? A good drink?
バルタザール: おれを何だと思ってんだ、お前は!……戦友だ。共に戦う、信頼できる輩さ。
Balthus: You really think highly of me, don't you? Dead wrong! It's having a bash bro, a friend to fight with, fight for.
ユーリス: 戦友、ねえ……。いま一つ、しっくり来ねえんだが。
Yuri: Seems I was a bit off base there.
バルタザール: お前の周囲にいるのは、部下だの取引相手だのばかりだもんな。
Balthus: I guess to you, everyone is either an underling or a business associate.
But with a bash bro, there's no such thing as an ''overdue loan.'' No hierarchies or other nonsense.
It's someone to trust, both in and out of battle. Someone to share life's ups and downs with.
ユーリス: ……ははっ、だから、戦友の悩みを解決したことに礼もいらねえと?
Yuri: I... see. No need to reward a bash bro, I suppose.
バルタザール: ああ。慣れねえか? 弱みの握り合いや騙し合いばかりの世界で生きてきたお前にはよ。
Balthus: That's the ticket. I know you were born into a world of trickery and exploitation, but you don't have to live like that anymore. Now you've got me.
ユーリス: 慣れねえっつーか、何つーか……逆に聞きてえよ。いいのか、バルタザール。
Yuri: I'm not accustomed to talks like this, I must admit. Hm... How can I frame this...
Nobody even knows my real name. Are you actually comfortable confessing such warmth toward someone so... cold?
バルタザール: そんなの関係ねえよ。お前が何者だろうと、好きだってことに変わりはねえんだぜ。
Balthus: Clearly. No matter who you are or what you'be done, I care about you. That won't ever change.
ユーリス: ……あっははははは!ずっと思ってたがお前、ほんと最高だな!
Yuri: Haha, now that is fresh.
バルタザール: おいおい、笑うところか?てめえの正直な気持ちを伝えただけだ。
Balthus: I told you my feelings and you laughed... Heh! You're one-of-a-kind, pal.
ユーリス: いや悪い、これまで、好きだの愛してるだの聞き飽きるほど言われてきたが……
Yuri: I'm sorry. I've got to admit I thought I'd heard it all, but you've managed to surprise me.
It's the first time anyone has ever said anything so sincere, without trying to get something out of me.
バルタザール: で、不満か?
Balthus: I could try to say it again with more swagger, if that helps.
ユーリス: いいや……悪くねえ。戦友、戦友か。気に入ったぜ、俺は。
Yuri: Nah, no need. Bash bros. Has a nice ring to it.
From here forward, we are forever bash bros, friend!
バルタザール: おう、よろしくな、おれの戦友!
Balthus: I've got your back, pal.
After the war, Yuri returned to the underworld. Some time after assuming control of the illicit markets, he happened upon Balthus, who had become so down on his luck that he had collapsed in an alley. Yuri helped Balthus back to his feet and offered him work as a bodyguard. While Balthus first accepted just to get by, he came to enjoy the lifestyle so much that he remained at Yuri's side for the rest of his days. The underworld kingpin and the Indomitable King of Grappling made such an impression on the world that their names were feared for centuries.