シルヴァン: やあメルセデス、今日も君は綺麗だなあ!これからお祈りかい?
Sylvain: Mercedes! You look divine, as always. Are you off to pray?
メルセデス: あらあらこんにちは、シルヴァン。そうよ、お祈りに。よくわかったわね~?
Mercedes: Oh, hello, Sylvain. I was just on my way to pray. How did you guess?
シルヴァン: はは、近頃は君から目を離せなくてさ。何しろ、俺は……
Sylvain: Well, because I've been watching your lovely—
メルセデス: そうね~、シルヴァンはいつも女の子のことばっかり見てるものね。
Mercedes: Oh, I get it. You're the type who's always looking at girls, aren't you?
シルヴァン: うっ……い、いやいや、俺が女の子をよく見てるってのは確かだが。
Sylvain: I won't lie. I do enjoy beholding women...
But I don't mean it like that with you. I know I sound like a dope. I just― I think you're special.
メルセデス: あらあら~、私って目が離せなくなるほど危なっかしいのかしら……?
Mercedes: Oh, really? You think I'm so clumsy that I need someone to watch over me? Is that why you can't take your eyes off me?
シルヴァン: いや、危なっかしいのは確かだが……くっ……伝わらねえ……!
Sylvain: You're beautiful. And I mean that. You're... Uh, how can I put it without sounding even worse?
OK, here goes... I want to get to know you better, as friends, I mean.
メルセデス: あら~、真面目なのね、シルヴァンは。でも、何から話したらいいのかしら~。
Mercedes: I don't know where to begin.
シルヴァン: 何でもいいさ。……といっても、難しいか。じゃ、君の好きなものの話でも。
Sylvain: Well, what's something you like?
メルセデス: 好きなもの……お祈りは好きね。子供の頃からずっと続けているのよ~。
Mercedes: I like to pray. I've been praying regularly since I was a child.
シルヴァン: 子供の頃、ね……。確か、メルセデスは帝国にいたんだっけ?
Sylvain: You grew up in the Empire, didn't you?
メルセデス: そうよ~。私はバルテルスのお家で育ったの~。
Mercedes: That's right. I was raised in House Bartels.
シルヴァン: ん? 待て待て。バルテルス家?メルセデスはマルトリッツ家の出身だろ?
Sylvain: Bartels? I thought you were born to House Martritz?
メルセデス: う~ん。事情を話してもいいけれど、あんまり面白い話でもないわよ~?
Mercedes: It's a complicated story. I'm not sure that it's a very interesting one, but I'm happy to share it with you.
シルヴァン: そうか、じゃ、やめとくか。野暮な詮索は三流の男のするこ……
Sylvain: I don't mean to be nosy...if it's too personal.
メルセデス: あ、いいのよ~、別に。隠しているわけじゃないし~。
Mercedes: Oh, no. I don't mind. I wasn't trying to hide anything from you.
House Martritz fell shortly before I was born.
シルヴァン: ……あ、そ、そうなのか。
Sylvain: Oh...
メルセデス: お父様も亡くなってしまったから、お母様は身重のまま行くあてを失って~……
Mercedes: My father passed away while my mother was still pregnant with me, so she had nowhere to go.
After I was born, my mother ended up marrying the head of House Bartels.
Shortly after, my mother bore a true Bartels child who bore a Crest. She and I were treated as though we were no longer useful to the family after that.
シルヴァン: ……紋章目当てだったってことかい?
Sylvain: You think the Bartels were just using her to secure a Crest?
メルセデス: きっとそうねえ……結局私とお母様は家を出て、王国の教会に駆け込んだわ~。
Mercedes: They must have been. My mother and I were removed from the family and forced to flee to a church in the Kingdom.
I abandoned the Bartels name and took up our old family name again.
シルヴァン: なるほど……。ああ、お祈りが好きなのは、教会暮らしが長いから、か。
Sylvain: So you grew up in a church. OK, it makes more sense now why you're praying all the time.
メルセデス: ええ、お祈り……ああっ、忘れてたわ~!そうだ、お祈りに行く途中だったのね、私。
Mercedes: Yes, I―oh! Praying! I forgot that I was on my way to pray!
シルヴァン: はは、そういうところが危なっかしいのさ。じゃ、また会おう、メルセデス!
Sylvain: Right...and I interrupted you. Well, see you around, Mercedes.
メルセデス: ええ、またね~。
Mercedes: Yes, see you!
シルヴァン: ……紋章目当て、ね。どいつもこいつも馬ッ鹿馬鹿しい……。
Sylvain: House Bartels wanted a Crest and ruined other people's lives to get one. These idiots are all the same.
シルヴァン: やあ、メルセデス! 君がいるだけで、この大聖堂もぱっと華やぐなあ!
Sylvain: Mercedes, I swear the whole cathedral glows with heavenly light when you're around.
メルセデス: こんにちは、シルヴァン。珍しいのね~、ここへ来るなんて。
Mercedes: Hello, Sylvain. What a treat to see you here.
I thought you preferred places with more ladies around.
シルヴァン: はは、何を言うんだ。俺はただ、君に会いに来たのさ。
Sylvain: I'm here because you're here.
And I don't care about other girls.
メルセデス: あら? その台詞、この間、別の女の子にも言ってたわよね~?
Mercedes: Oh, come now. I'm sure you use that line all the time.
シルヴァン: ええと、そ、それは……ただの口説き文句ってやつで、ですね……。
Sylvain: Actually, I've only said it to girls who thought I was lying about being faithfu― You know what? There's no reason to get into all that.
The truth is I would really like to spend some time with you. What do you say to that?
メルセデス: そうねえ。そういうのはもう少し仲良くなってからになさい、って言うわ。
Mercedes: Well, if you were really interested in me, I would want you to get to know me better.
シルヴァン: はは、ですよねー……クソッ、俺の素行!ああ、日頃の俺の馬鹿野郎!
Sylvain: I agree. I've been such an idiot in the past, always angling for the seduction... I've forgotten how to just talk to someone.
メルセデス: ふふふ。そうやって悔しがってるのだって、どうせ本気じゃないんでしょ~?
Mercedes: You act like you're full of regret, but I know you don't really mean it.
Still, I'm glad to hear you say that, at least. I told you such a boring story the last time we spoke...
I was worried you might think I was a dull person.
シルヴァン: いやいやとんでもない! むしろ俺も、嫌な話をさせちまったと反省したさ。
Sylvain: Dull? No. I was worried that I'd made you remember unhappy times.
It's horrible what you had to go through. It's not like anyone chooses to be born with a Crest.
メルセデス: ええ、そうよね~……だけど、子供は親を選べないから。
Mercedes: Right. We can't choose our bloodline.
You've got a Crest too, haven't you, Sylvain? What has your experience been like?
シルヴァン: どう、って……要するに、紋章に俺がどう振り回されてきたかってことかい?
Sylvain: Are you asking how being born with a Crest affected me?
《EP5 コナン塔の件以降で追加》
メルセデス: ええ、マイクランの件もあったし、あまり話したくないでしょうけど……。
Mercedes: Yes. I know there was that business with your brother, Miklan, but I'm sure you don't want to talk about all that.
シルヴァン: 聞いたところで嫌な気持ちになるだけだぜ、お世辞にも、愉快な話じゃあないからな。
Sylvain: It's not a very happy story.
メルセデス: あら、私のことは気にしないで~?あなたの傷を見せてほしいと思っただけよ。
Mercedes: Please don't feel the need to hold back on my account. I'm here if you need someone to share in your pain.
シルヴァン: ……もし俺が紋章持ちや貴族の出でなくても俺のことを知りたいと思ってくれるのか?
Sylvain: Would you want to know more about me even if I didn't have a Crest or come from a noble family?
メルセデス: 紋章も家柄も関係ないわ~。私も、仲間の一人として、あなたをもっと知りたいの。
Mercedes: This has nothing to do with your Crest or family. I'm just asking as your friend.
How should I put this? When I look at you, I don't see a Crest. I want to see the real you.
シルヴァン: ……参ったな。そりゃあ殺し文句だぜ、メルセデス。
Sylvain: do?
Here's the short version―I hate Crests. Even though having one is supposed to be such a great blessing, mine has ruined everything.
Miklan was heir to our house. Then I was born, and I became the heir because I had a Crest. That made my older brother jealous enough to want to kill me.
And every woman in Fódlan wants to have my little Crest baby so they can join the nobility. Yeah... There you go. That's what it's like to have a Crest.
メルセデス: ……ごめんなさい。思い出したくないことを思い出させてしまったかしら。
Mercedes: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up such awful things.
シルヴァン: ……悪い、つい。ああ、クソッ、こんな情けない面を見せるつもりじゃあ……。
Sylvain: No, I...I should keep my temper better. I don't want you to see me act that way.
メルセデス: ……ううん、嬉しいわ。初めて、本当のあなたの顔を見た気がする。
Mercedes: Don't say that. I'm glad we were able to talk. I feel like I'm finally seeing the real you.
Oh, Sylvain. Will you save me from the curse of having a Crest?
シルヴァン: す……救い出す! 誠心誠意救い出します!好きだ、よし、結婚しよう!
Sylvain: Of course! I think I love you! And I mean that. With all my heart. I love you, Mercedes! Let's get married and have Crest babies!
メルセデス: はいはい。
Mercedes: Sure, sure.
シルヴァン: やあ、メルセデス!今日も君は綺麗で……
Sylvain: Mercedes! You're looking divine, as always.
メルセデス: こんばんは~。シルヴァン。悪いわね、わざわざ来てもらっちゃって。
Mercedes: Good evening, Sylvain! Thank you for coming out to see me.
シルヴァン: ああ、こんな時間に二人っきりと来た。……意外と手が早いんだな、メルセデスは。
Sylvain: Just the two of us meeting at this time of night? You move quicker than I thought.
メルセデス: ……? 何の話かしら~?ちょっと話したいことがあっただけよ?
Mercedes: Hm? I don't know what speed has to do with it, but there was something I wanted to talk to you about.
シルヴァン: あ、そ、そうでしたかあ……。まあ、そりゃそうだよなあ……。
Sylvain: Ah, OK... I probably should have figured that out.
メルセデス: 私、ぼんやりしてるから、この間言うの忘れちゃったなって気づいたの。
Mercedes: I can be so forgetful at times. I neglected to mention this the other day.
I meant to say...that I know you've been through a lot in this life.
シルヴァン: ……それは、どういう?
Sylvain: Huh? Me?
メルセデス: 紋章を持つって、それだけたくさん期待や恨みを集めるってことでしょ。
Mercedes: Your parents have placed a great deal of pressure on you as their heir...
And it's all because you were born with a Crest. You've had to put up with such lofty expectations.
シルヴァン: ……そりゃまあ、王国でも大領主ってくくりの家だし、多少は期待するよな。
Sylvain: All of the Kingdom's noble houses expect a lot from their heirs.
I'm no different from any other noble guy or gal. We've all got responsibilities.
メルセデス: お兄様からは、殺されかけるほど妬まれていたって。
Mercedes: But didn't you mention that your brother envied you enough to wish you dead? I'm sure that wasn't easy.
シルヴァン: それも今思えば、つらかったのは俺よりもむしろ兄上だっただろうって……。
Sylvain: Thinking about it, life was probably a lot harder for my brother than it ever has been for me.
メルセデス: そして、あなたの紋章を目当てに、たくさんの女性が寄ってきた。
Mercedes: Didn't you also mention that women were only interested in having your, as you say, "Crest baby"?
I'm not very interested in the particulars, but...
I get the feeling that you don't care very much for these women who throw themselves at you.
シルヴァン: ……ええと。その話、仲間とか、他の女の子たちには……。
Sylvain: Um, I'd appreciate it if maybe you kept that observation between the two of us.
メルセデス: ふふっ、大丈夫~。言わないわよ。
Mercedes: Your secret's safe with me.
I understand the pain you've had to carry.
シルヴァン: ……そうだよな、君も俺と同じで散々嫌な思いをしてきたんだろうから。
Sylvain: I know you've got your share of bad memories too, but...
メルセデス: だから、シルヴァン。私の前だけでいいわ。
Mercedes: That's why you feel comfortable letting your guard down around me.
Come now, that's enough with the sad smile.
シルヴァン: メルセデス……。
Sylvain: Mercedes...
Was my sad smile really that bad? Did it ruin my dashing good looks?
メルセデス: 本当のことを話してくれたあなたは、今まで見たどのあなたよりも素敵だったわ。
Mercedes: Not at all. You actually look more handsome to me with honesty on your face.
シルヴァン: ………………。ああクソッ、メルセデス。君は本当に、何なんだよ、本当に……!
Sylvain: Aw, here come the waterworks...
メルセデス: シルヴァン、泣いてもいいのよ。私があなたを守るから。
Mercedes: Don't be ashamed of crying. I'm here to protect you.
Will you protect me in return?
シルヴァン: ……ああ、約束する。俺にとって、君は本当に、特別な女性だからさ。
Sylvain: I will. I promise. You know, Mercedes, you really are a special lady.
As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of Sreng. Under his leadership, nobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not necessary as they'd previously thought. Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not have done so without the constant support and counsel of his wife, Mercedes, whose wisdom and guidance brought prosperity to the people. The couple built a loving home life, surrounded by happy children, and when Sylvain at last passed away, he was succeeded by his oldest child, who bore no Crest.