シルヴァン: それにしてもリシテアは偉いよなあ。俺、結構尊敬してるんだぜ?
Sylvain: Lysithea, I have to say you're really impressive. I respect you a lot, and I thought I should tell you.
リシテア: 何ですか、藪から棒に?
Lysithea: Uhh, OK.
シルヴァン: 俺より4つも年下だってのにいろいろ頑張ってるだろ?
Sylvain: It's just, you know, you're four years younger than me, but you work really hard at everything.
I mean, when I was your age, I wasted all my time just goofing off and doing whatever I wanted.
リシテア: あんたが好き勝手に遊び歩いているのは今も変わらないと思いますけど?
Lysithea: Doesn't look like much has changed for you since then.
And unlike you, I don't have time to waste, so leave me be.
シルヴァン: あ、もしかしてこの後は魔法の特訓かい?俺で良ければ付き合うぜ、リシテア。
Sylvain: Are you going to do some extra magic training? I'd be happy to join you, if you don't mind.
What do you want to start with?
リシテア: 結構です。わざわざあんたと一緒にやる必要はないわ。
Lysithea: I am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you.
What is it you want, anyway?
Clearly you haven't been listening to a word I've been saying.
Perhaps it's because I'm younger, you see fit to ignore me when I speak. Is that it?
シルヴァン: いや、君ができるってのはよく知ってる。年下とか関係なく、君は優秀な子だ。
Sylvain: What? No! Age has nothing to do with it.
You're amazing! You're true to yourself. You know what you want and who you are. Not a lot of girls I know can say that.
リシテア: ということは、わたしが下、というより女性を下に見ている、ということですか。
Lysithea: Ah, so it isn't my age that's to blame for you breezing over my wishes. It's my gender.
シルヴァン: ……おいおい、ひどい言われようだなあ。どこをどう解釈したらそうなるんだい。
Sylvain: I― What? Where did you get that idea?
I'm just trying to praise your smarts and hard work and everything. It's impressive how someone so young―
リシテア: 相手を見下している自覚がないならなおのこと厄介ね。
Lysithea: Your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling.
シルヴァン: はあ、いや、自覚も何も……君、いったい何と戦ってるんだい?
Sylvain: What I'm aware of is you trying to pick a fight. Calm down, kiddo.
リシテア: ……何にせよ、忙しいので失礼します。あ、1つだけつけ加えさせてもらえる?
Lysithea: Look. I'm really busy. Super, extremely, inordinately busy. I've got one last thing to say to you.
シルヴァン: ん、何だい、リシテア。
Sylvain: And what would that be?
リシテア: わたし、魔法は得意だし、日ごろから鍛えてるので、特訓の必要はありません。
Lysithea: I'm skilled with magic, and my abilities are finely honed. It's not like I need someone for target practice.
シルヴァン: ……やれやれ。口説く相手を間違えたか……。
Sylvain: No, but I do.
リシテア: シルヴァン、捜していたの。少し、いいですか。
Lysithea: Sylvain, I've been looking for you. Do you have a moment?
シルヴァン: やあリシテア、どうしたんだい?もしかしてお茶の誘いとか……
Sylvain: Hey, Lysithea. I was about to grab some food. Would you like to come along?
リシテア: そうね。たまには、それも良いかもしれません。
Lysithea: Actually, yes. That sounds fine.
シルヴァン: おおっと、本当かい?じゃ、ちょっとばかり行くとしようか。
Sylvain: Great. Let's go.
シルヴァン: 悪いな、食堂で。もし次があるなら、もっと気の利いた場所に案内できるんだが。
Sylvain: Hmm... The dining hall isn't exactly relaxing, is it? If there's a next time, I'll take you somewhere with a much better atmosphere.
リシテア: ここで構いません。わたしは一言、謝りたかっただけだから。
Lysithea: I don't really care about the atmosphere. I just wanted to apologize.
シルヴァン: は……? 詰られる理由は思い当たるが謝られるようなことはしてないぜ、俺。
Sylvain: Nah, I get why you told me off. There's nothing you need to apologize for.
リシテア: いいから、黙って聞いてください。
Lysithea: Ugh, can you just shut your mouth and listen for once?
Here's something you may have already picked up on... I very much dislike being treated like a child.
I've worked very hard to be where I am now, and such treatment makes it feel like all of that work is being ignored.
シルヴァン: ああ、君の才能と努力は尊敬に値するよ。俺が君くらいの年頃には……
Sylvain: But I think you're a genius! And you work harder than I ever did. When I was your age...
リシテア: その話は聞きました。今と変わらず遊び歩いてたんでしょ?
Lysithea: Yes, you already told me all of this. Back then you were just as devoted to goofing off as you are now.
シルヴァン: あれ、そうだったかな……。
Sylvain: Ah, so I already told you that... What a perfect memory you have.
リシテア: そうやって、いつも適当に相手の女性を持ち上げて口説いているんですよね。
Lysithea: And there it is. You're always so quick to flatter every woman you come across.
I knew that, and yet I never thought you would direct your antics at me.
シルヴァン: あはは……悪かったよ。頑張ってる君の邪魔しちまってさ。
Sylvain: Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I know how hard you work, and I really wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted to chat.
リシテア: いえ、言い寄ってきたことはいいんです。むしろ、ちょっと嬉しかったというか……
Lysithea: I do not mind that you wished to chat with me. In might even say I was happy about it. Just a bit.
シルヴァン: えっ!? そうなのか!? もはや君を怒らせたことしか覚えてないんだが……。
Sylvain: Seriously? It sure didn't seem that way...
リシテア: わたしを子供扱いしないで、一人前の女性として見てくれたってことでしょ?
Lysithea: Well, it's true. Your behavior is maddening, but in retrospect, I realize that was you treating me as you do all women, rather than like a child.
I wasn't thinking about it like that at the time, and so I snapped at you. I could have perhaps approached the matter with a tad more maturity.
Therefore, I would like to apologize.
シルヴァン: いやいや、君はまったく悪くないし。謝られても困惑するっつーか……。
Sylvain: An apology? That is not how these conversations usually turn out. There's no need for that though. Really, you'll make me blush if you keep this up.
Listen, Lysithea, I want you to know that I meant every word. Even if sincerity is...difficult for me.
You're as lovely as you are clever, and you have this strange charm about you. That's what I really, honestly think.
リシテア: それはそれで、取ってつけたようなお世辞に聞こえるんですけど。
Lysithea: There you go again with your false flattery...
シルヴァン: いやいや、お世辞じゃないって!フォドラの女神様に誓ってもいいぜ。
Sylvain: I swear to you, it isn't false at all! And it's not flattery if it's the truth.
リシテア: あんたのそういうところ、本当に胡散臭い……。
Lysithea: Say what you will—you're still going to have to earn my trust.
Just this once, I'll cut you some slack. Don't get used to it.
It's not like I can change who you are as a person.
シルヴァン: リシテアは美人の上に器も大きいときた。こりゃ他の男に渡すわけにはいかないなあ!
Sylvain: Sweet and tolerant! You never cease to amaze.
リシテア: でもこれは忠告だけど、思ってもないことはあまり口にしないほうがいいですよ。
Lysithea: I'll leave you with this—don't say things you don't mean. It makes it impossible to tell the lies from the truth.
Don't come crying to me if you carry on as you have and end up with no friends.
シルヴァン: ははは、そういう手厳しいところもまた君の魅力だと思うぜ、俺はな。
Sylvain: Heh heh... I have to say, Lysithea, your harshness is one of those things I find so charming about you!
リシテア: まったく……でも、シルヴァンのその前向きな軽薄さは尊敬に値するかも……。
Lysithea: Ugh, you are exhausting. I guess the positivity is OK though.