イングリット: はあ……。
Ingrid: ...
シルヴァン: どうしたんだ、イングリット。ため息なんてついてー、老けるぞー。
Sylvain: That was quite a sigh. What's wrong, Ingrid?
イングリット: ……ねえシルヴァン、私はあなたの何なのかしら?
Ingrid: Tell me, Sylvain. What am I to you?
シルヴァン: 何って……幼馴染みだろ、ただの。
Sylvain: You're my of my oldest, in fact.
イングリット: そうよね?ただの、幼馴染みよね?
Ingrid: An old friend, is it?
Then why must I clean up the casualties left behind by your... Your skirt chasing!
シルヴァン: はは、そんなこと誰も頼んでないけどな!まあ、役割だと思って諦めてくれ。
Sylvain: Heh, nobody asked you to do that. Heck, I thought you enjoyed it.
Besides, you're real good at it. I'm excited to continue working with you.
イングリット: ……これからも続くですって?あなた、少しは素行を改める気はないの!?
Ingrid: Do you mean to imply you have no intention of acting a bit more respectably?
シルヴァン: おい馬鹿、大声出すなよ、お前!みんなこっち見てるぞ。
Sylvain: Please don't yell like that. Everybody's staring at us.
イングリット: 8歳の頃、私のお祖母様を口説こうとしたことがあったわね? あの時は……
Ingrid: When you were eight, you came on to my sweet, sweet granny. My granny!
シルヴァン: お、おい……。何でまた、今更そんな話を……?
Sylvain: Come on. I was eight and she was gorgeou― That was a long time ago.
生徒: (まあ、シルヴァンの好みって、そういう……)
Student: Sylvain hit on Ingrid's grandmother? Wow...
シルヴァン: いやちょ、ちょーっと待て。周りに聞こえてるぞ。おい!
Sylvain: People can hear you! Please be quiet.
イングリット: 10歳の頃は、収穫祭の余興で女装した男性を本気で口説こうとして……
Ingrid: When you were ten, we went to that harvest festival, and you started making eyes at a scarecrow!
生徒: (へえ、シルヴァンって男まで口説くんだな……)
Student: A scarecrow?!
シルヴァン: 待て待て、違う!あれは事故、痛ましい事故だったんだ!
Sylvain: Wait a second. That was just an accident...a tragic, tragic accident.
イングリット: 15歳の頃は確か、あのグェンダル卿のご息女に手を出そうとしていたわよね。
Ingrid: When you were fifteen, you sought—relentlessly, might I add—to involve yourself with Lord Gwendal's daughter.
Who do you suppose made peace with the furious lord, despite having nothing to do with it? Hm? Me. Always me, always for you. Every time.
生徒: (うわっ、最低……)
Student: What a jerk...
シルヴァン: はい! この話は終わり!これ以上はやめてくれ、イングリット!
Sylvain: You know what? This conversation is over. I'm done.
イングリット: やめてほしいのは私のほうよ……。もう勘弁してちょうだい!
Ingrid: My point is that this has to end. Not later, but now.
シルヴァン: わかった! 素行は改めるから!ここはどうか! どうか穏便にー!
Sylvain: Fine, I promise I'll try to change. Are you happy now?
イングリット: はあ……。
Ingrid: ...
シルヴァン: どうしたんだ、イングリット。まーたため息ついて、皴が増えるぜー。
Sylvain: That's a heavy sigh...again.
イングリット: 誰のせいだと思ってるの?今節だけで、私がどれだけ……。
Ingrid: Yeah... That's the sigh of exhaustion after spending the past month apologizing for your behavior to, well, everyone.
シルヴァン: お、俺のせいかよ? いやいや、最近はおとなしくしてたつもりだったんだが……。
Sylvain: Apologizing? I've been pretty darn restrained lately.
イングリット: あなたの「おとなしくしてた」は全然おとなしくないのよ、自覚なさい。
Ingrid: If by restrained you mean falling all over yourself to garner the attention of every passing female, then, yes, you've been quite restrained.
Mark my words―the more you hurt people, the more weighty the repercussions will be. Your actions will come around to bite you.
シルヴァン: ははは、刺されたら刺されたでそれもまあ、仕方ないってことで。
Sylvain: Ha! If I get bitten, that's all just part of the game. Heck, I had one girl's brother come after me with a pitchfork. Heh heh...
イングリット: ……そんなくだらない理由で死ぬなんて、駄目に決まってるでしょ、馬鹿なの!?
Ingrid: If you end up getting maimed or killed by a pitchfork, don't expect me at your funeral.
Glenn used to make light of getting hurt too. Then one day, he got more than hurt. Now he's gone.
シルヴァン: あ……そう、だったな。すまん、今のは俺が全面的に悪かった。
Sylvain: I'm sorry. I was being... You're right.
I know what it did to you when he died. It hurt to see you hurt and not be able to do anything.
When you wouldn't even come out of your room to take care of your horse...
イングリット: ……そうだったわね。
Ingrid: Nothing affected me the way his passing affected me.
シルヴァン: けど、ま、お前が元気になって良かったよ。俺も安心して女の子たちを口説き回れる。
Sylvain: Well, I'm happy that you're better. Seeing you out and about helped me relax enough to be able to flirt with girls again.
イングリット: ……口説き回れる、ね。ねえ、シルヴァン。
Ingrid: Your predictability is utterly disappointing.
When I finally stopped mourning, you know what brought me back? My concern. For you.
シルヴァン: お……俺かよっ。
Sylvain: Me?
イングリット: ええ。だってあなた、私がいなかったら本当に何にもできないじゃない!
Ingrid: You know you can't get along without me following in your shadow and caring for you.
You flirt with anything that has a pulse, offend people left and right, and constantly cause commotions.
シルヴァン: う、事実ゆえに心が痛い……。
Sylvain: Huh... The truth really does hurt.
イングリット: 反省してるなら、後先考えず女の子を口説いて回るのは控えなさい。
Ingrid: Please, Sylvain. Consider your actions before you carry them out.
And stop acting so nonchalant about getting hurt or killed.
Promise me that.
シルヴァン: ……わかったよ。
Sylvain: OK... I promise.
シルヴァン: お、一人で訓練かい?頑張るねえ、イングリット。
Sylvain: Training on your own? You really do work hard.
イングリット: ああ、なんだ、シルヴァンか……。何? ここに口説く相手はいないわよ。
Ingrid: I hate to break it to you, Sylvain, but there's nobody here for you to flirt with, so there's not much reason to hang around.
シルヴァン: お前がいるじゃないか。
Sylvain: You're here, aren't you?
イングリット: 冗談は顔だけにしてくれる?
Ingrid: How ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as your face.
シルヴァン: お前なあ……この男前を見てそう言うか。いや、まあ、冗談は冗談なんだけどな。
Sylvain: You'd really say something like that to a handsome guy like me? I'm crushed!
Joking aside, may I join you? I only came out here so I could train too.
イングリット: いいわよ。邪魔しないでくれるならね。
Ingrid: Sure. Just don't get in my way.
シルヴァン: ……この間の話、ほんとお前の言うとおりだと思ってさ。
Sylvain: I've been thinking about it, and I really depend on you.
Maybe that's weird since I'm older than you, but still...
イングリット: あら、もしかして私を口説くつもり?ついに見境がなくなったのね……可哀想に。
Ingrid: Hitting on me? Again? Have some dignity, would you?
シルヴァン: 本音だよ!クソッ、これだからお前って奴は……
Sylvain: No! I'm being honest! I thought you'd listen.
Hey, I'd like it if you didn't get too far away from me on the battlefield, OK? Just stay where I can see you.
イングリット: そうね、状況が許せばそうする。私がいないとまるで駄目だものね、あなた。
Ingrid: I'll stay as long as I can. You're useless without me, after all.
シルヴァン: は? いやいやいや、俺だってお前一人を守ってやるくらいはできるつもりだぜ?
Sylvain: What? No, I'm saying if there's one thing I can do on the battlefield, it's keep you safe.
イングリット: ……はいはい。それじゃあ、せいぜい私の側で、私を守ってちょうだい。
Ingrid: Whatever helps you feel better. Stay and protect me, then.
I couldn't bear it if you went off and died on me while I wasn't around.
シルヴァン: ……まったく、そりゃあこっちの台詞だっての。
Sylvain: Heh, I'm pretty sure that's my line.
イングリット: あら、もうこんな時間。そろそろ上がろうかしら。
Ingrid: It's getting late. We'd better head out.
シルヴァン: ああ、そうだな。俺、もう限界……。
Sylvain: You're right. I'm exhausted anyway.
イングリット: 訓練不足ね、シルヴァン。女の子たちを口説いてる暇があったら体を動かしなさい。
Ingrid: You haven't been practicing enough. All that time you waste chasing after women would be better spent training.
I'll train with you anytime. So just... Hm? What's that strange look for?
シルヴァン: いや……なあ、イングリット。口説き文句って思うかもしれないけどさ……
Sylvain: I just, uh... Well, you're going to think I'm being a jerk or hitting on you or whatever...
When we're side by side like this, training, I feel―I don't know―oddly at ease.
イングリット: ……そうね。それは、私もわかる気がする。何だかんだ言って、長い付き合いだもの。
Ingrid: I know what you mean. It's probably because we've been friends for so long.
シルヴァン: ……だよな! つーことで、これからも変わらずいようぜ、相棒。
Sylvain: That must be it. Let's never change. Friends forever?
イングリット: ……ふふっ、そうね。私たち、何があってもずっと友達でいましょう。
Ingrid: Absolutely. No matter what happens, we'll always be friends, Sylvain.
シルヴァン: ……よ、よう、イングリット。今日も訓練か?
Sylvain: Hey, Ingrid. How are you― I mean, what are you― Are to train again?
イングリット: ううん、今日は街に物資の買いつけに。訓練はその後ね。それがどうかした?
Ingrid: No. I'm headed to town to buy supplies, but I'll be training after that, naturally. Why?
シルヴァン: い、いやー、相変わらず真面目だなー。そういうところは全然変わってないのかー。
Sylvain: Oh, I just thought you looked serious as ever. I guess that part of you hasn't changed.
イングリット: ……何の話?私は前から変わりないけど。
Ingrid: Of course it hasn't. I am as I ever was.
シルヴァン: そ、そうだよな、ははは。
Sylvain: Yeah, no... I mean, I guess you're right. Heh heh...
イングリット: ……ちょっと、どうしたの、シルヴァン。あなた、変なものでも食べた?
Ingrid: You're being weird. Have you always been this weird, and I just never noticed?
シルヴァン: い、いや、そういうわけではなく、だな。その……お前、好きな奴でもできたのか?
Sylvain: No. I'm pretty sure. I don't think so. By the by, have you, ya know, fallen for anybody recently?
イングリット: 好きな奴……?……何のことかしら。
Ingrid: Don't be ridiculous. What are you even bumbling on about?
シルヴァン: 何のって……お前、急にその、綺麗になったって、みんな噂してるぞ。
Sylvain: Well, everyone's been talking about how you got really, uh, pretty. Just, you know, all of a sudden.
イングリット: 綺麗……あ、お化粧のこと? おおげさね。ちょっとアネットに教わっただけよ。
Ingrid: Oh, you must be referring to the makeup. It's not a big deal or anything. Just experimenting.
I'm still learning. Did I mess something up?
シルヴァン: え? あ、いやまあ、良いと思うぜ、俺は。イングリットのくせに、そこそこ……
Sylvain: Huh? No, I...I think it looks good. You did surprisingly well. I mean, considering that it's you.
イングリット: 一言多いわよっ。……でも、ちょっと驚いたわ。
Ingrid: Very funny. But I must say, I'm a bit surprised.
It's unlike you to stumble over yourself this much.
シルヴァン: いや、別に慌ててるとかじゃなくてだな。……ただ少し、理由が気になっただけだ。
Sylvain: What? No, I'm not! I'm just, ya know, curious about why...all of a sudden.
イングリット: ……化粧の理由、ね。あなたはどうしてだと思う?
Ingrid: Why what? Why I'm wearing makeup?
シルヴァン: そうだな…………やっぱり、男か?
Sylvain: I'm still guessing it's for a guy.
If I had to try and guess what sort of guy, I suppose I'd say...
シルヴァン: フェリクス……いや、殿下の線もあるな。それとも大穴で……
Sylvain: Felix? No, wait, I'm forgetting the royal line. Dimitri would be a way better catch.
イングリット: ……シルヴァン、何を言ってるの。勝手に話を膨らまさないでくれる?
Ingrid: Wow. Way to make assumptions.
シルヴァン: 騎士連中ってこともあるだろうし…………あ、俺か!?
Sylvain: Is it one of the knights? If it's not them... Wait. Could it be me?!
イングリット: 殴るわよ。
Ingrid: Don't make me hurt you.
シルヴァン: じょ、冗談だって、暴力反対!あんまり乱暴だと美人が台無しだぞ!
Sylvain: No need for violence. It was just a joke!
Um, I mean...
It's not a joke that you're beautiful, but I wasn't trying to hit on you or anything. Promise.
イングリット: ……美人、か。ふふ。
Ingrid: Beautiful, huh?
As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of Sreng.
Under his leadership, nobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not necessary as they'd previously thought. Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not have done so without the constant support and counsel of his wife, Ingrid, whose wisdom and tenacity ensured that the people would prosper. Sylvain was ever loyal to his beloved wife.
The couple had many children, and while not one of them bore a Crest, they were all equally and wholeheartedly loved.