シルヴァン: やあアネット、今日も魔法の勉強かい?いや、一生懸命な君の姿は……
Sylvain: Hey, Annette. Hitting the magic books again? Has anyone ever told you that you're pretty cute when you're studying?
アネット: あ、ごめんシルヴァン。今ちょっと考えてるから黙ってて。
Annette: Sorry, Sylvain, but I'm trying to think right now. Could you keep quiet for a bit?
シルヴァン: ……ん、そいつは理学の教本だよな?へえ、随分小難しいものを、また熱心に……
Sylvain: How can you stay focused reading a book that thick...with such small print? Is some of that text upside down?
アネット: この行の術式があるから、こっちに魔力が流れて、ううん、違う、そうじゃなくて……
Annette: If I use the formula in this line here, the magical energy should... No, that's not right...
シルヴァン: けど、難題に頭を悩ませるアネットの顔も、それはそれでまた違った魅力が……
Sylvain: You're even cuter when you're working through a difficult problem.
アネット: シルヴァン、うるさいからちょっと黙ってて。
Annette: Sylvain, I'm serious! Please be quiet.
シルヴァン: あ、そこ、当てはめる式が違うだろ。3つ前の行にばっちり書いてあるぞー。
Sylvain: Hang on. Look at the third line. You've got the formula wrong.
アネット: だからうるさ……えっ!?……あ、ほんとだ! 何でわかったの!?
Annette: I said be... Oh. You're right. How did you know that?
シルヴァン: いや、何でって言われてもなあ。だって、そう書いてあるし……。
Sylvain: Well, I mean, it's written right there...
アネット: 普通、さらっと読んだだけじゃこの式を使うなんて気がつかないよ。
Annette: Most people wouldn't be able to grasp this formula just by glancing at it. Have you read this book before?
シルヴァン: いや、今初めて読んだけど。無駄に難しい書き方してるんだな、この本。
Sylvain: Nope, this is the first time. OK, now that I look at it... Wow. This book makes things way more complicated than they need to be.
アネット: ……じゃあ、こっちの魔法は?
Annette: Hmm... And what's your take on this part here?
シルヴァン: 同じ術式を応用すればいいだけの話さ。ははは、結構簡単じゃないか!
Sylvain: It's just describing another application for the same formula. Ha! This is pretty easy!
アネット: むむ……すごいんだね、シルヴァンは。あたし、考えても全然わかんなかったのに。
Annette: You're actually kind of amazing. I've been studying magic for a while now, but even I have trouble with this stuff.
You act like all you do is mess around, but are you actually working really hard in secret?
シルヴァン: あはは、いやいや、そんなわけないだろ?女の子と遊んでたほうが楽しいし。
Sylvain: Nah, hanging out with girls is way more fun. I guess I just picked this stuff up somewhere.
Life is short, Annette. If you waste it working hard, it'll be over before you know it. Get out in the world. Have some fun!
アネット: ……いいよね、シルヴァンは。そういうことが言えて。
Annette: That's easy for you to say.
You're strong and smart without even trying. It's not fair.
シルヴァン: ………………。
Sylvain: Uh...
アネット: あ……シルヴァン、ごめん。あたし、変なこと言っちゃって……
Annette: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.
シルヴァン: ……いや、ちょっと別のことを考えてた。君は不貞腐れた顔も可愛いなあ、とか。
Sylvain: No, I was just thinking you're pretty cute when you're sulking. You know that?
アネット: ……もう、何、それ。
Annette: What is wrong with you?
シルヴァン: ま、実際、今回のことはまぐれだろうさ。でなきゃ、俺が君に勝てるはずなんてない。
Sylvain: Hey, uh, I just got lucky with that stuff in the book. I'd normally never be able to outsmart you.
Anyway... I'm gonna get out of here and leave you to it.
アネット: はあ……まぐれ、かあ。そうは見えなかったけどなあ……。
Annette: Got lucky, huh? I'm not so sure about that.
Well, that does it. It might be tough, but I won't accept second place. Let's go, me! I can do this! I'm going to finish this whole book before sundown!
アネット: ……シルヴァン、ちょうどいいところに!あなたに言いたいことがあったの!
Annette: Sylvain! Good timing. There's something I want to say to you.
シルヴァン: い、いきなり何だよアネット。俺、なんか悪いことしたっけ……?
Sylvain: Uh-oh. Did I do something wrong?
Did you spot me sneaking back in this morning? Or is it about that girl who got mad I kissed her sister good-night... I can explain either way.
アネット: そういうのはあたしが注意しなくても、他の人が注意してくれるだろうから。
Annette: No! I'm not here to get after you about those things. Surely other people have that covered.
What I really want to talk about is your behavior during our training sessions.
When we're sparring, you're always passing on great opportunities to get the edge on me.
It's almost as though you're going out of your way to make me think you're incapable!
シルヴァン: なに、野郎は裏方に徹するってだけさ。女の子に花を持たせるのは当然のことだろ?
Sylvain: Nah, I just like giving other people the spotlight.
アネット: そんな……もしかしてシルヴァン、いつかあたしが言ったこと、ずっと気にしてる?
Annette: Uh-huh. It's not that you took something I said to heart?
About how you don't have to work hard to be good at stuff and how that isn't fair?
シルヴァン: そりゃ、気にはしたさ。仲良くなれたのに嫌われちまったら、悲しいからなあ。
Sylvain: I did take those things to heart. We're friends, right? I'd be sad if you started to hate me.
There's just one thing I want you to remember.
Guys like me who hate hard work and sorta get by on our wits? It all falls apart eventually. I'm smart enough to know that.
So I respect people like you. I mean it.
アネット: ねえ、そういう台詞! やっぱりシルヴァンらしくなくて、気持ち悪いよ!
Annette: Oh. Is that...sincerity? It's kind of creeping me out. It's just so unlike you!
シルヴァン: 気持ち悪い……。
Sylvain: Huh?
アネット: 今のシルヴァンには、何で勝っても全っ然嬉しくない。
Annette: When you say nice things like that, I can't take joy in beating you!
I want to beat you when you're at your best! That's why it bothers me so much when you don't try your hardest against me.
シルヴァン: はあ……君は難しいことを言うもんだなあ。
Sylvain: Let me put this a different way...
I've always been treated like I'm special, and I'm not. At least, I don't think I am.
I'm just tired of people thinking they know what I can and can't do.
When everybody expects something of you or envies's kind of suffocating. I'd rather people think I'm dumb.
Well, I mean, I can still be pretty dumb. Heh...
アネット: ……正直、シルヴァンの気持ちは、あたしにはよくわからないけれど。
Annette: I have to admit, I have a hard time understanding where you're coming from.
Just know that...I want you to keep being great at everything without trying.
If you stop being that way, I won't have any competition!
シルヴァン: ……ふ。はははは! 張り合いがない、か!
Sylvain: Heh, competition, huh? I like the sound of that.
Where the heck were you when I was growing up?
If I had someone like you back then, I think I may have turned out different. Better, I mean.
Anyway, I'd love to chat more with you. Would you like to grab some tea with me or...
アネット: あ、それはまた今度暇な時にねー。あたし、この後も魔法の練習があるから。
Annette: Sure thing! The very next moment I'm free. For now, I need to get to my magic training.
シルヴァン: お、おう……。……今度な! 約束だぞ、アネット!
Sylvain: Oh, I see. Some other time then. I look forward to it, Annette.