セテス: フレン、ここにいたのか。姿が見えないから捜したぞ。
Seteth: Flayn! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.
フレン: 大げさですわ、お兄様。
Flayn: You worry too much, Brother.
セテス: 大げさなものか。以前お前がさらわれた時は心配のあまり私が倒れるところだったのだ。
Seteth: I think a kidnapping is good cause for concern! I was so worried about you I nearly fainted.
フレン: でも、おかげで先生の学級に入れましたわ。悪いことばかりではありませんでしょう?
Flayn: Had that not happened, I would have never been allowed to join the professor's class. Even from something so dire, some good did come of it.
セテス: そんな、のん気なことを……。もっと危機感を持ってくれ、我が妹よ。
Seteth: That is a dangerous attitude. This world is full of peril. You must be more vigilant!
Please understand, I allowed you to enroll here only because I thought it best for your safety.
フレン: わ、わかっていますわ。それで、何かご用ですの?
Flayn: I am very much aware of that. You wanted to speak to me of something?
セテス: ああ、そうだ。お前は純真無垢で、汚れを知らず、そして優し過ぎる……!
Seteth: Yes, my dear little sister. You are kind beyond all measure, and you are the very picture of innocence.
But, precisely because of these very fine qualities, I worry about your interactions with the others here.
セテス: しかも今年の生徒は曲者揃い……悩める妹の相談に乗るのも兄の務めだ。
Seteth: This year's students are... particularly eccentric. As your brother, it is my duty to help you with any concerns you may have.
セテス: しかも我が軍の若者たちは曲者揃い……悩める妹の相談に乗るのも兄の務めだ。
Seteth: The youths of our army are...particularly eccentric. As your brother, it is my duty to help you with any concerns you may have.
フレン: いえ、その……先生にも学友の皆さんにも、とても良くしていただいていますわ。
Flayn: I do appreciate the offer, but all the students and professors have treated me exceptionally well.
セテス: だとしても悩みの一つや二つあるはずだ。兄の前では正直に話して構わないのだぞ?
Seteth: Even so, there must be at least some worry. Please, you need not conceal anything from me.
フレン: まあ……お兄様ったら、心配し過ぎですわ。つらいことなんて、何一つありませんもの。
Flayn: You worry far too much. There is truly nothing to share. And nothing for you to fret over!
セテス: 本当か? 本当だろうな? 私は妹が苦難に耐えているのではと、心配で心配で……
Seteth: Are you absolutely sure? The idea of you suffering in silence is unbearable to me.
フレン: めっ、ですわ、お兄様。大丈夫だと申し上げてますでしょ?
Flayn: Enough! I made it clear that nothing is wrong. I stand by my word.
Well, there is one concern that comes to mind...
セテス: おお!? 何だ?早速、兄に相談してみなさい。
Seteth: What is it? Tell me! I will help however I can!
フレン: わたくしが学友の皆さんと仲良くするのを邪魔する方がいらっしゃるようですの。
Flayn: There is a certain somebody who seems determined to get in the way of my friendships with my classmates.
セテス: なにっ? そんな不埒な者がいるのか。私に任せておけ! どこの誰だ?
Seteth: What?! That's horrible! Fear not, I will handle this scoundrel for you. Just tell me his name.
フレン: お兄様ですわ。……わたくし、もう行きますから。
Flayn: It is you, Brother. Now then, I must be on my way.
セテス: ………………。
……はっ!? 何やらフレンと話していた気がするが……確か、悩みを聞いたのだな。
Seteth: …
What was Flayn getting at just now? Let's see... I was speaking to her, I asked her to share her concerns, and...
Was there something else? No matter. Fear not, Flayn. Your brother will protect you from all harm!
フレン: お兄様!
Flayn: Brother!
セテス: ああ、フレンか。どうした?
Seteth: Flayn, is something the matter?
フレン: わたくしが皆さんと仲良くする邪魔をしないでとお願いしましたわよね?
Flayn: I thought I made it clear that I do not want you meddling in the affairs of me and my friends!
セテス: お願い……? 何のことやらわからぬが、お前の邪魔をするはずがなかろう。
Seteth: I am not quite sure what you are referring to. But I promise you, I would never try to stand in your way.
フレン: ……わたくしのことをどのように思うか、聞いて回ったそうですわね。それも全員に!
Flayn: It has come to my attention that you have been running around asking people what they think of me. Asking everyone!
セテス: ああ、大変だったが気にすることはない。妹のため手間を惜しまないのが、この兄だ。
Seteth: Well of course I have. It took me quite some time. But for you, it was well worth the effort.
I was able to confirm that you are getting along well with everyone. It was very reassuring.
フレン: わたくし、それを知って恥ずかしくて……皆さんにもご迷惑をかけてしまいましたわ。
Flayn: I cannot emphasize enough how embarrassed I was when I found out. And you have caused such a stir for those whom you questioned!
Why, one person even said he feared for his life when you cornered him in the dining hall!
セテス: 食堂……? ああ、彼のことか。お前を見る目が普通ではなかったのでな。
Seteth: The dining hall? Ah, I know the fellow you are referring to. Yes... I have seen the way he looks at you.
I recognized in an instant that he had impure feelings for you. As your brother, I took it upon myself to test his resolve.
I nearly asked him if he was prepared to lay his life on the line for my beloved sister.
フレン: か、彼はただの学友ですわ! これ以上、わたくしのお友達に関わらないでくださる?
Flayn: He is nothing more than a friend! Kindly keep out of my social business in the future.
セテス: お前に友人ができるのは喜ばしいことだが、誰を友人にするかは慎重に検討すべきだ。
Seteth: I am happy to see that you are making friends. But you should weigh your options more carefully.
フレン: どなたとお友達になるかを、お兄様に決められる筋合いなんてありませんわ!
お兄様のような方を何と言うか、お分かりになる? 過干渉、過保護ですわ!
Flayn: Who I befriend is absolutely none of your business!
Do you know what they call people like you? Overprotective meddlers!
I am no longer a child. Are you incapable of trusting me, even a little?
セテス: お前を信頼していないはずがないだろう。だが、兄として果たすべき務めが……。
Seteth: Of course I trust you. But, as an elder brother, I have a certain responsibility...
フレン: 兄として……ですの?
Flayn: As my brother?
セテス: フレン……?
Seteth: Obviously.
フレン: ……何でもありません。わたくし、用事を思い出したので失礼いたしますわ。
Flayn: Oh, never mind it, if you'll excuse me.
セテス: ………………。
Seteth: …
セテス: フレン……。
Seteth: Flayn.
フレン: お兄様……。また、わたくしに文句を仰りにいらっしゃったんですの?
Flayn: Here to pester me, Brother?
セテス: いや。お前こそ、私に文句があるのではないのか?
Seteth: No, I think I'm the one who ought to be pestered.
フレン: いいえ。だって、わたくしが何をしてもお兄様はわたくしを心配なさるでしょう?
Flayn: Regardless of what I say to you, it is not as though it has any effect in reducing your worry over me.
セテス: ……そうだな。確かに私は、お前がどこで何をしていても、お前を心配するだろう。
Seteth: That is true. No matter where you are, and no matter what you're doing, I will always worry.
But that's only because I treasure you so very much.
Please understand. I'm not trying to hurt you.
フレン: もちろん、わかっていますわ。
Flayn: Of that I am well aware.
I am touched that you care so deeply.
When I think of it, it is my own fault that you have become so overprotective.
I cannot blame you.
セテス: フレン。お前は悪くない。悪いのは私だ。
Seteth: No. The fault is entirely mine.
You were still so young. I placed far too much strain on you, and our lack of resources was no excuse.
Worse, I failed to watch you during the battle. Your mother too. We...lost her because of me.
Afterward, it broke my heart to see how much you would need to rest just to survive.
I swore that I would dedicate every moment remaining in my life to your protection.
フレン: 確かに、この体になってから、眠るのがとても恐ろしくなりましたわ。
Flayn: Ever since then, I have been afraid of falling asleep.
My fear of sleeping is outmatched only by my fear of spending my life alone.
Even if it cannot last, I want to live among my peers as one of them—as an ordinary person.
Similar to how you and Mother coexisted with your own comrades back then, fighting side by side.
セテス: ……そうか。そう、だな。いつかお前は、私の元を離れていくのだ。
Seteth: Quite right. I know you must leave the nest someday.
No matter how many ages our lives may span, I know that's the way of it.
フレン: お父様……。
Flayn: Father...
セテス: フレン、その呼び方は……
Seteth: Don't.
フレン: 誰も聞いてはいません。今だけは、お父様と……。
Flayn: Nobody is listening, Father. Let me address you as such just this once.
I have valued the quiet days you and I have spent alone together.
But I am no longer a child.
Just as you and Mother met one another, and eventually I was brought into the world, I—
セテス: ああ……わかっている。だが、それ以上は言わないでくれ、フレン。
Seteth: I know. Please, no more.
No matter what happens, you're my daughter. It gives me great joy to see you grow.
But please, at least until this war is over, let me continue to worry.
You're the most precious person in my life. I can't bear the thought of losing you.
フレン: ふふ、わかりましたわ。仕方がありませんね。
Flayn: It seems I have no choice in the matter.
I shall allow you to worry about me enough for yourself and Mother both.
But only that much and no more, my dear father, Cichol.
セテス: ……ああ。ありがとう、セスリーン。
Seteth: Thank you, Cethleann.
While Flayn disappeared soon after the war, Seteth stayed at the monastery and worked to restore the authority of the Church of Seiros.
Doing away with his old strictness, he adopted a tolerant stance toward all, and encouraged his followers to do the same. When he was satisfied that the message was received, he vanished from the monastery.
Several centuries later, a man and a woman in ancient attire emerged to a Fodlan that had drastically changed.
When she asked the man beside her if it would be all right in this new era to call him "Father," he said that perhaps it would be better to remain on the safe side.