セテス: ………………。
Seteth: Hmm...
ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん……♪あれ? セテスさん?
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm-hmm… ♪ Oh, is that Seteth?
Wow... He looks really deep in thought.
I wonder what he's writing... A secret diary, maybe?
セテス: ふむ、この表現は少し……これでどうだ? ううむ……。
Seteth: That phrase doesn't quite work, does it? Let's see about an alternative...
ベルナデッタ: 迷ってるってことは、日記じゃないよね。手紙とか……もしかして、詩?
Bernadetta: Hmm, too uncertain for a diary. Maybe it's a letter... or a poem!
セテス: いや……これでは誤解が生じ得るな。もっと正確に伝わるように……
Seteth: No, that's bound to introduce misunderstanding. Precision is the key.
ベルナデッタ: 随分、悩んでるなあ……。大事なものなのかな。
Bernadetta: It must be really important if he's putting that much thought into every word.
セテス: ……あまり難しい言葉を使うのもな。この別れの言葉など……
Seteth: But I mustn't over-complicate things either. Parting words ought to be precise.
ベルナデッタ: わ、別れ!? まさかお別れの手紙!?セテスさん、教団辞めちゃうの?
Bernadetta: Parting? It's a farewell letter? Huh! Is he writing his resignation?
Seteth can be a little scary sometimes, but I hope he doesn't leave. It'd be sad to see him go.
He shouldn't make such rash decisions. If he's unhappy about something, he should tell someone!
セテス: いやいや、そんなわけがないだろう。私は辞めたりしない。
Seteth: Come now. Do you really think I would resign?
ベルナデッタ: ふんぎゃああああ!き、き、聞いてたんですかあああ!?
Bernadetta: Ah! heard all that?!
セテス: ベルナデッタ、あのな……独り言にするには声が大きすぎるぞ。
Seteth: If you don't wish to be heard talking to yourself, then you should not speak so loudly.
I'm sorry to hear that you find me intimidating.
ベルナデッタ: うええ、いや、あの、えっと……。ごめんなさい! セテスさん!
Bernadetta: Uh, I just... Ah, I'm sorry!
I won't disturb you ever again!
セテス: おい、ベルナデッタ……。
いつもあの調子だが、本当にやっていけてるのか? 不安だ……。
Seteth: Wait. Bernadetta!
Ah, typical behavior for the girl. Most concerning. Can she really go through life this way?
ベルナデッタ: あ、あのう……。
Bernadetta: Um, excuse me.
セテス: ベルナデッタか。どうした?
Seteth: Yes? What is it?
ベルナデッタ: この前は、すみませんでした!
Bernadetta: I'm really sorry about what I said.
I shouldn't have called you scary. Even if, um... you are. Ah, I said it again! I'm sorry!
セテス: 気にする必要はない。怖いとは……たまに言われるのだ。
Seteth: It is nothing I haven't heard before.
I am well aware of my austere nature, and I am accustomed to the commentary it brings.
I do confess, however, that I was slightly hurt to see you flee from me in such abject terror.
ベルナデッタ: 逃げないようにしますから!しますから! 泣かないで!
Bernadetta: Don't be sad! I'll never do it again. I promise.
But, um, I've been wondering...
Were you really writing a farewell letter?
セテス: うん? ああ、あれは寓話を書いていた。聖人インデッハを主役にした、な。
Seteth: Ah—that. No, actually. I was composing a fable centered around Saint Indech.
ベルナデッタ: 寓話?
Bernadetta: I didn't know you wrote fables. Wh-what's it about?
セテス: そうだ。四聖人の一人であるインデッハは、過剰なまでの人見知りで……
Seteth: Saint Indech, one of the Four Saints. He was an extraordinarily shy person.
It is said that he spent most of his life in solitude, unable to open his heart to anyone.
ベルナデッタ: 何だか親近感が湧いちゃいますね。
Bernadetta: I like him already.
セテス: ああ、いつも湖の底に引き籠もっているような奴だからな……。
Seteth: He was, after all, a man who hid himself away at the bottom of a lake.
ベルナデッタ: 引き籠もって……何です?
Bernadetta: Um... What's that about a lake?
セテス: ただの独り言だ、気にするな。それより聖インデッハだが……
Seteth: Hm? Nothing. Now, something else to know about Saint Indech is that he had incredible skill with his hands.
And that skill made him beloved by the people, because he constantly applied it to their benefit.
The moral of the story is that shortcomings can be made up for with talent and kindness.
ベルナデッタ: へえ……あたしも手先の器用さは、そこそこだって自分では思ってますけど……
Bernadetta: I like it...but I don't have any talents like that.
I can't even imagine being that helpful to people. Saint Indech must have been really gifted.
セテス: そんなに断言せずとも……。
Seteth: Don't be so quick to dismiss your abilities.
You and he are actually alike in more ways than one. You possess Indech's Crest, after all, do you not?
ベルナデッタ: そう、なんでしょうか?確かにあたしの紋章はそれですけど。
Bernadetta: Um. Yes, I do. You really think we're alike?
Now I want to know all about him!
Do you think I could read your fable when it's done?
セテス: ああ、いいとも。彼の……生は良き模範となるかもしれん。
Seteth: Absolutely. Indech's...example is something that we can all learn from.
ベルナデッタ: ありがとうございます。楽しみですねー。
Bernadetta: Thanks so much! I'm excited to see it!
ベルナデッタ: セテスさん、お借りしてた寓話の本、お返ししますね。
Bernadetta: Here's your book of fables you lent me, Seteth.
It was so interesting to learn all about Saint Indech that I read it cover to cover in one sitting!
セテス: 早いな。面白かったなら何よりだ。
うん? 何やら紙が挟まっているが、これは……絵か?
Seteth: Impressive. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hm, what's this sticking out between the pages? Is this an illustration?
ベルナデッタ: あいええ!? か、返してください!間違って挟みっ放しに……!
Bernadetta: No, nothing like that! I must have stuck it in there and forgotten... Just, um—give it back, please!
セテス: いや、間違ったわけではないのでは?これは挿絵だろう。
Seteth: Are you certain this was accidental? It quite fits the descriptions in this chapter.
Ah, I see. You included an illustration where you thought the visual would be helpful.
ベルナデッタ: 違いますうう……。自分のために描いたんです!
Bernadetta: No-no-no-no, not at all! I was just fooling around...
I have an overactive imagination, and I forgot to take it out before I gave you the book back.
セテス: ふっ、しかしこの挿絵は素晴らしいぞ。これがなくては私の本は不完全なくらいだ。
む……このインデッハと仲睦まじそうな男は? 私に似ている気がするが……。
Seteth: It really is a lovely drawing, you know. Now that I've seen it, the book would feel incomplete without it.
But who is this man next to Saint Indech? I can't help but notice he bears a resemblance to me.
ベルナデッタ: えっと……それは、聖キッホルさんです。インデッハさんの親友って書いてあった。
Bernadetta: Oh, um, that's Saint Cichol. The book describes him as one of Saint Indech's closest friends.
I got the feeling he was a very serious man but also really kind. You know, like you.
So that probably explains the, um, resemblance.
セテス: そ、そうか。聖キッホルの絵の元になるとはな。
Seteth: I have to say, I never would have expected to be a reference model for Saint Cichol.
What a curious ambivalence...
ベルナデッタ: な、何とも復讐したい気分!?やっぱりダメでしたかああああ!
Bernadetta: Wh-what about furious violence?!
セテス: 違う。複雑な……つまり、嬉しさと恥ずかしさが共存する気分ということだ。
Seteth: No, what I meant to say is that I am both flattered and a little embarrassed to be portrayed in this way.
Perhaps it is because, in my study of him, I feel like I've also become a friend to Saint Indech.
Records show that Saint Indech and Saint Cichol worked together to achieve great things.
If possible, I would like it if the two of us could similarly combine our efforts.
ベルナデッタ: ええっ!何でそこであたしたちの話に!?
Bernadetta: Wh-what? How do we figure into this?
セテス: 二人と同じく、我々はキッホルとインデッハの紋章を持つ同士だ。
Seteth: We each bear their respective Crests, do we not?
One might also say that, just as I am this book's author, you are now its illustrator.
So, why don't you do some more illustrations? And color them as well. We'll add them to the book.
ベルナデッタ: それって、ベルがやるんですよね?じ、自信ないですよお!
Bernadetta: You really want me to? I don't know if I'm good enough for something like that!
セテス: ベルナデッタ。絵の色づけが終わったのか?
Seteth: Ah, Bernadetta. Have you finished your illustrations?
ベルナデッタ: セテスさん。やっと……やっとできましたよおおお!
Bernadetta: Yes, I have! Finally.
This is the first time I've ever made anything for a real live book. I was up all night finishing these!
Bernie's all "Berned" out now. I guess if they're no good, we'll just have to "Bern" 'em all, eh? Heh-heh!
セテス: 燃え尽きたのか燃やすのかどっちなのかね。……ともかく見せてくれ。
Seteth: Let's...leave the topic of burning aside for now, shall we? Show me what you've done.
ベルナデッタ: ど、どうでしたか?
Bernadetta: So, um... Wh-what do you think?
セテス: うむ、文句のつけどころもない。やったな、ベルナデッタ。
Seteth: This is excellent work.
The color, especially. It truly brings your art to life.
I will see that the new edition of our book is added to the Garreg Mach collection.
ベルナデッタ: ほ、本当ですかあああ?はあ、良かったー……。
Bernadetta: Really? Oh, that's such a relief!
It was a tough job, but—yeah! There's nothing Bernie can't handle!
セテス: いつも思うが、君は掌返しがすごいな。実は、一つ気にかかるところが……
Seteth: You certainly do have some impressive mood swings. Actually, there is one thing I'd like to discuss.
ベルナデッタ: ぷええっ!? 何か問題が!?やっぱりあたしの絵なんて落書き以下あ……
Bernadetta: Oh no... What did I get wrong?!
セテス: 落ち着け。この最後に描かれているのは……ベルナデッタ、君だな?
Seteth: Relax. I simply wanted to ask you about this last image. This is you, here, is it not?
ベルナデッタ: あ……は、はい!そうですが、何か……!?
Bernadetta: Um, yes. Is that wrong? What's wrong with it?
セテス: となると、その隣に描かれているのは、もしかして私か?
Seteth: Nothing at all. I'm only curious. Does that make me the person standing beside you?
ベルナデッタ: い、いいえ。それはキッホルさんです。
Bernadetta: Oh. Um, no. That's Saint Cichol.
セテス: 聖キッホル? ……とすると、これはどういう位置づけの絵なのだね?
Seteth: Is that so? Then I must ask—what relationship are you suggesting you have with him?
ベルナデッタ: この本、キッホルさんから見たインデッハさんみたいな印象が強くて……
やっぱり、変でしたかね。余計な絵ですか!? どうなんです!?
Bernadetta: Well, I got the impression that the story of Saint Indech was told from Saint Cichol's point of view.
So I just imagined that I asked Saint Cichol about it, and, um, that's where the picture came from.
I guess I overdid it, huh? That's weird, isn't it? It's really weird. We can scrap it. Let's just get rid of it.
セテス: そういうことか。はっはっは、これは面白いな。
Seteth: Ah, so that's why! Hahaha! That's amusing!
ベルナデッタ: つ、つまり!?
Bernadetta: Um... It is?
セテス: いや、本の最後を飾るに相応しい絵だと私は思うよ。
Seteth: Very much. And I think this is a very fitting end to the book, actually.
Saint Cichol and Bernadetta. They would have made quite an interesting pair, I think.
In fact, if the two of you had lived in the same time, I am certain you would share a deep bond.
ベルナデッタ: えええ? 聖人のキッホルさんとですか?恐れ多いですよおおお!
Bernadetta: What?! Saint Cichol and me? N-no way!
I've already got my hands full just trying to be friends with you!
But I've managed that at least, right? Haven't I?
セテス: はっはっはっは!
Seteth: Haha! Absolutely.
After the war, Seteth remained at the monastery and dedicated himself to the restoration of the church.
He was soon joined by Bernadetta, who abandoned her inheritance to House Varley and took up residence at Garreg Mach to commit to a life as a recluse.
As the years wore on, Seteth wrote many fables, first in his spare time, and then later as his main preoccupation. His stories became famous among children throughout Fodlan.
As he gained renown, many began to inquire about the wonderful illustrations that accompanied the writing. In response to these questions, Seteth was known to shrug and say, "Ask my wife...if you can find her."