ラファエル: うおおおおおお!おりゃああああ!
だりゃああああ! ……んん?何だ、この音?
Raphael: Raaww! Hrrnngghh!
Hrraaggh! Yrraagh!
Hyaaaggh—huh? What's that noise?
Heh... Sounds like someone's having fun. Maybe it's coming from the greenhouse.
ベルナデッタ: 久しぶりに吹いたなあ。うーん、良い気持ちー。
Bernadetta: That was really fun, Bernie.
Good thing I found such an out-of-the-way spot to play. Only the pretty flowers heard me here.
Isn't that right, little flower? You're the only one who heard, aren't you? What did you think?
ラファエル: すっごく良かったぞお!
Raphael: That was amazing!
ベルナデッタ: ひ、ひひゃあっ!? 花が喋ったあああ!?しかも野太い声……!
Bernadetta: Ah! Why's your voice so deep?!
ラファエル: いやあ、違うぞ。ベルナデッタさん。オデだよ、オデ。
Raphael: What? I'm no flower.
ベルナデッタ: あああ……ラファエルさん……聞いてました? 聞いてましたよね!?
Bernadetta: Oh no. Raphael, you heard it all, didn't you?
ラファエル: おう、ちゃんと聞いてたぞ!何かの楽器の音だよなあ?
Raphael: I did! What kind of instrument was that?
I could hear it all the way over at the training grounds. It was great. I didn't know you could play!
ベルナデッタ: おおお、とんだお耳汚しをおおお!許して! 許してください!
Bernadetta: All the way from the training grounds?! Ugh!
ラファエル: 許す? お前、オデに何かしたのか?良い音を聞かせてくれただけじゃねえか。
Raphael: That's right. Then I came here to tell you how good you sounded!
ベルナデッタ: そんなはずありませんもん!ベルを褒めて、何をするつもりです!
Bernadetta: Good? No. No, I'm on to you.
First you flatter me, then you get me to perform on stage in front of everyone to humiliate me!
ラファエル: ああ? みんなの前で? それはいいな!うんうん、みんなに聞かせてやれよ!
Raphael: Uhhh...no? But that's a great idea. Everyone should be able to hear your music!
ベルナデッタ: あああ! やっぱりいいいい!ラファエルさんは恐ろしい人ですううう!
Bernadetta: Ah! I knew it! Monster!
I won't fall victim to your schemes!
ラファエル: ……何なんだ? よくわからねえけど、オデ、怖がらせちまったのかなあ。
Raphael: I don't know what just happened, but I think I might have scared her...
ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん……♪
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm hm-hm... ♪
ラファエル: ………………。
Raphael: …
ベルナデッタ: ふんふふんふん……♪ふふふーん……♪
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm hm-hm-hmm... ♪
ラファエル: ………………。
Raphael: …
ベルナデッタ: ふんふーふふーん……ん?
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm, hmm... Hm? ♪
ラファエル: ………………。
Raphael: …
ベルナデッタ: い、いやあああああああ
Bernadetta: Aaaah! Ambush! I knew you were out to get me!
ラファエル: うわあ、ベルナデッタさん!お、おち、落ち着いてくれよお!
Raphael: Ahh! Bernadetta! Please, c-calm down!
ベルナデッタ: な、何ですか!そうやって見張って!
Bernadetta: Calm down?! Sure, why shouldn't I? Nothing's more relaxing than being spied on!
I just love it wh-when huge scary men lurk behind me with their insidious smiles and heinous schemes!
Ugh! You just want to make me a laughing stock—ruin me in front of everyone. I know it!
ラファエル: なあ、ちゃんと話を聞いてくれよお。オデ、この前の楽器が聞きたいだけなんだ。
Raphael: Please! Listen! I only came to hear you play. That's it. Promise.
I'm not gonna make you perform in front of everyone else. I just wanted to hear you myself.
ベルナデッタ: ラファエルさんにだけ?ほんとにラファエルさんにだけですか?
Bernadetta: J-just you? Nobody else? Really?
ラファエル: ああ、だけどお前、すぐ逃げ出すから、何て声かければいいかわかんなくて……
Raphael: Really. I kept trying to ask, but you always ran away.
ベルナデッタ: だからって、柱の陰から覗かれてたら、怖いに決まってるでしょお!?
Bernadetta: That doesn't mean you can just watch me creepily from the shadows, you know. That would scare anyone.
ラファエル: だって、お前、どう近づいたって怖がるじゃねえかよお……。
Raphael: You're right. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get your attention. You get so scared.
But it looks like I ended up scaring you anyway. I'll leave you alone, Bernadetta...
I really just wish I could have heard you play.
ベルナデッタ: ……ラファエルさん。
Bernadetta: Raphael?
ベルナデッタ: ……ラファエルさん。
Bernadetta: There he is. OK, Bernie, you can do this.
ラファエル: ……! ベルナデッタさん!
Raphael: Oh! Bernadetta! Sorry, just passing through.
Didn't mean to scare you again...
ベルナデッタ: いえ、いいんです。わかってますから。今日はあたし、お話が合ってきたんです。
Bernadetta: No-no, it's all right. Actually, I came to talk to you.
I owe you an apology. It's, um, long overdue.
ラファエル: おう? オデに謝りてえ?
Raphael: Huh? What do you have to apologize for?
ベルナデッタ: ……あたし、ダメなんです。あなたを見ると、怖い考えしか浮かんでこなくて。
Bernadetta: I'm hopelessly terrified of you, so every time I see you, I kind of lose my mind.
But once you're gone and I get time to calm down, I realize I'm making a big deal out of nothing.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before. I feel awful! I hope you can forgive me!
ラファエル: そ、そんな……顔上げてくれよお。別に気にしてねえからさあ。
Raphael: Come on, now. It's all right. I wasn't really that bothered by it. Promise.
I shoulda been more careful not to scare you. I'm a big guy, and my muscles can be intimidating.
ベルナデッタ: 違います!あたしが、あたしが全部悪いんですううう!
Bernadetta: No! No, you did nothing wrong! It's all my fault.
ラファエル: うーん、じゃあ二人とも悪いってことにしとかねえかあ?
Raphael: How about this? Let's say it's both our fault and call it even.
But you know, I've been thinking...
You really are scared of everything. Is there something we can do to fix that?
ベルナデッタ: うう……ひぐっ……治せ……治るんですか!?
Bernadetta: You mean like a cure?
ラファエル: おう、たぶんな。お前、人と話すのが苦手だろ?
Raphael: Something like that. I think we can figure this out. Your biggest fear is talking to people, right?
If that's the case, you need to change the way you think about talking!
Right now you think it's bad so you're afraid to do it. I figure if you talk to more people, then you'll think talking is good!
It might be hard to suddenly start talking to people though...
You're gonna need to take it slow. Oh! I know! Start with me!
ベルナデッタ: ラファエルさんと!?こ、怖い……せめて後ろ向きでなら!
Bernadetta: W-with you? That'll be, um...tough. Maybe, um... Maybe if you turn around? Face the other way?
ラファエル: 仕方ねえなあ。ほら、じゃあこれで話せるな。
Raphael: I guess...if that's what you need. How's this?
I bet if you get used to talking to me, your fears will go away in no time!
ベルナデッタ: な、なんかでっかい背中だけですでに圧倒されそうなんですけど……
Bernadetta: You're, ah, still really intimidating.
But OK, I'll give it a try...
ベルナデッタ: ラファエルさん、今日は良いお天気ですね。
Bernadetta: Hi, Raphael! Lovely weather today, isn't it?
ラファエル: そうだなあ。こうして空を見てると、故郷のことを思い出すぞ。
Raphael: Sure is! Staring up at the sky on a clear day always reminds me of my hometown.
ベルナデッタ: ラファエルさんの故郷って、どんなところですか?
Bernadetta: What was it like there?
ラファエル: そうだなあ、のどかな場所だぞ。こんなふうに空が綺麗でよう……
Raphael: Hmm...let's see... Well, it's a real calm and peaceful place. Big, clear skies too, just like this.
It's full of friendly people and delicious food. Talking about it makes me want to go back.
ベルナデッタ: そうですね。戦い続きでなかなか帰れないですもんね。
Bernadetta: Yeah... It's a shame we're stuck fighting in this war.
ラファエル: ああ、そうだな。妹も大きくなっただろうなあ。
Raphael: Right? I wonder what my little sis is up to. She's probably grown so much by now...
I haven't seen her since I came back to Garreg Mach. She probably wouldn't even recognize me anymore.
ベルナデッタ: そんなことないですよ!こんな怖い……じゃなかった、大きい……
ええと、特徴のあるラファエルさんだから、大丈夫です! あたしが保証します!
Bernadetta: I'll bet she would! How could she possibly forget such a terrifying— Um...
Such a terrific big brother? There's no way!
ラファエル: そうかあ?お前が言うんなら、安心だなあ。
Raphael: You really think so? That's a relief.
All this relief's making me hungry! Want to head to the dining hall?
ベルナデッタ: あっ、ええと、今日はですね。料理してきたんで、ここで食べましょう!
Bernadetta: Oh! Um... Actually, we can eat here. I cooked something up for us today.
ラファエル: んお? そうなのか?ふへへ、楽しみだなあ。
Raphael: Oh yeah? I won't say no to that!
ベルナデッタ: ラファエルさんがお肉好きだと聞いて……骨付き肉です!
Bernadetta: I heard you really like meat, so, um—here you go!
It's my first time cooking something like this. I can at least guarantee it isn't poisoned.
ラファエル: 肉! わかってるなあ、お前!オデは肉なら毒でも食らうぞおお!!
Raphael: Meat? That's my favorite! I'd probably eat it even if it was poisoned!
Om mmm mmm... Mmm? Mmm mmm...
ベルナデッタ: どうです?
Bernadetta: Is it, uh...good?
ラファエル: ……ぷはー。すっげえ、美味えよ!
Raphael: Graaah! That was amazing!
ベルナデッタ: ほ、本当ですか?
Bernadetta: Really? You like it?
ラファエル: ああ。肉が口に入れたん瞬間にほぐれるくれえ柔らかくて、味もすっげえ染みてる!
この口中に広がる濃厚な甘さ……甘さ?何でこれ甘えんだ? 肉だぞ?
Raphael: So tender! So juicy! So full of flavor! It was practically falling off the bone!
The flavor was so rich and sweet! I— Wait...how can meat be sweet?
ベルナデッタ: えっ、甘いお肉ってダメですか?美味しいと思ったんですけど……。
Bernadetta: Is sweet bad? I thought it was pretty tasty, myself.
ラファエル: いや、めちゃくちゃ美味えよ!美味えんだけど……? まあいいか!
Raphael: No, no, no! It was delicious! I couldn't believe it!
I'd eat more fruits and vegetables if they were this good!
If all food tasted like this I...I just don't know what I'd do with myself!
ベルナデッタ: ……あ、あたしで良ければ、いつだって作ってあげますよ。
Bernadetta: Well, if you like it, I wouldn't mind, um, making more. Whenever you want, really!
ラファエル: ……!がっはっは! それはありがてえ。
Raphael: Really?! That would be great!
We gotta get this war over with so you can have more time to cook!
ベルナデッタ: そうですね。そういうのも良いかも……。
Bernadetta: You know, I'd actually like that.
When Bernadetta first inherited control of House Varley, she hid away and would not dare involve herself in political or administrative affairs. During this time it was Raphael who came to her aid, encouraging her to work through her fear of people. The training period was difficult-"humiliating," according to the journals Bernadetta left behind-but in the end, it had its desired effect. The leader of House Varley became an outgoing and authoritative individual, taking part in public policy. She even took on a very muscular husband.