ローレンツ: 君を花に喩えるなら、そう、鈴蘭。君は鈴蘭のように可憐で繊細だ。
Lorenz: To find the analogue of your beauty in nature, I can turn only to the lily. Only that flower is so sweet and so delicate as to approach your loveliness.
Why, just look at these soft, delicate fingertips you have. It is as though they could blossom into fragrant lilies before my very eyes.
令嬢: 花屋を口説きたいのなら、どうぞ花屋へ行ってください。
Woman: If you're so wild about flowers, why don't you try a flower shop?!
シルヴァン: ……はっははははは! どうやら俺は、見てはいけない場面に出くわしたようだな!
Sylvain: Ho-ho! Oh, wow. That was... I'm sorry I saw that, but I am so glad I saw that.
ローレンツ: ぬ……君にはわからないようだが、僕はあの女性を試していたのだ。
Lorenz: Oh, did you not realize? I was only testing her.
Any woman who is taken in by such simple flattery is ill-suited to my noble disposition.
シルヴァン: よく言うぜ。ありゃ、どう見ても情けなく振られただけじゃないか。
Sylvain: Oh, OK. I'm glad you explained it because I thought you just got rejected, just flat-out, no-way-to-make-yourself-feel-better-about-it rejected.
And the reason, Your Nobleness, is because that is really not the way you go about hitting on a girl.
ローレンツ: フン……大口を叩くからには、君にはその口説き方とやらができるのだね?
Lorenz: Oh, is it not? And I suppose you consider yourself an expert on the subject.
シルヴァン: おうさ、当たり前だろ?そこで見てな、お坊ちゃん。
Sylvain: Pay attention, kid. Maybe you'll learn something.
シルヴァン: ……こんな気持ちは初めてだ。君の顔を見た瞬間に、運命を感じた。
Sylvain: When I saw you, I just had to come over and say hello because finding you here...feels like fate.
Maybe we could go get some tea. Get to know each other better?
令嬢: その、何かの間違いかと……。失礼します。
Woman: I think you must have mistaken me for someone else. Someone who cares. Please excuse me.
ローレンツ: ……大言壮語もいいところだな。
Lorenz: Exquisite. Simply masterful. When is the wedding?
シルヴァン: おかしい……あの手の女の子は、ああいうのに弱いはずなんだが。
Sylvain: That's weird. Girls...usually fall for that speech. You must have spooked her.
ローレンツ: 名門と言われるゴーティエ家も、嫡子の君がこれでは……フッ。
Lorenz: To think that the noble House Gautier would be blessed with such a graceful and charming heir.
シルヴァン: お前の独りよがりな口説き文句よりは、よっぽどましだと思うがな。
Sylvain: Please! I'm a much better heir than a self-important failure like you.
ローレンツ: ふん、話にならん。
Lorenz: This is not worth my time.
シルヴァン: ハッ、お互い様だ。
Sylvain: You took the words right out of my mouth.
シルヴァン: 君、若いのによく頑張ってるなあ。このご時世、仕事も楽じゃないだろう?
Sylvain: I just wanted to say that I've been watching, and I'm really impressed by how hard you work. Very dedicated for someone so young.
町娘: ……はあ、ありがとうございます。
Town Girl: Oh, um, thank you.
シルヴァン: 本当に、君の努力はたいしたものだ。だからたまには、肩の力を抜いて……
Sylvain: I really admire your...everything. But, ya know, everybody needs to relax now and then. I was wondering if maybe you and me could...
町娘: あ、すみません。忙しいのでもう行きますね。
Town Girl: I'm quite busy. I should get going. Bye.
ローレンツ: ……見ていられないな。
Lorenz: That was difficult to watch.
シルヴァン: 言ってろ。ああいう女の子ほど、包み込む大人の余裕を見せればこう、ぐっと……!
Sylvain: Lorenz, ever since you started hanging around, I've had no luck. Usually, if I show a girl I'm mature, noble, and interested, she's an easy catch.
ローレンツ: その理屈は理解できんこともないが、結果があれでは何の説得力もない。
Lorenz: Your logic is sound, I will admit, but your results are less than entirely convincing.
Honestly, all this talk of maturity and experience from a shallow person like you is rather laughable.
シルヴァン: 軽薄だとお? ならお前にはあるんだろうな、大人の余裕とやらが!
Sylvain: Shallow? What, like Your Nobleness is some properly cultured man of the world?
ローレンツ: フッ、もちろんだとも。我が真綿のごとき優しさ、見ているがいい。
Lorenz: Naturally. My bearing is as elegant and refined as silk. Observe.
ローレンツ: 君、先ほどから考え込んでいるようだね。何か悩み事でもあるのかい?
Lorenz: You seem to be deep in thought. Is there something on your mind?
Please allow me to lend you my ear. I will gladly shoulder any of your burdens.
令嬢: あら、ありがとう。けれど、あなたに聞いてもらう悩みはないわ。
Woman: Oh, thank you. But it's not something I really want to talk about.
ローレンツ: ……惜しかった。彼女に僅かでも悩みがあれば……。
Lorenz: So harsh―even the slightest worry, I would have been happy to listen...
シルヴァン: ハッ、なーにが真綿のごとき優しさ、だ。適当にあしらわれただけじゃねえか!
Sylvain: Hah! Why, yes, your silky bearing was quite impressive.
You're always going on about nobility, but that's no way to win a woman.
Your problem, and I may have told you this before― at least twice―your problem is, you're pretentious.
ローレンツ: ふん……君のような男に、そんなことを言われるとはな。
Lorenz: That's rich, coming from you.
Your bearing is so flippant that you utterly fail to gain a lady's trust! How can you not see that?
シルヴァン: てめえ……!
Sylvain: All I'm failing to see, is you getting a girl's attention!
ローレンツ: 何を……!
Lorenz: How dare you!
シルヴァン: ……だが、お前の言葉ももっともだ。今後は、心がけてみてやってもいい。
Sylvain: Ugh, listen. I'm sorry. That was mean. And you're probably right about me not being serious enough.
ローレンツ: ……ああ、同感だ。僕も君の言葉を、頭の隅の隅にでも留めておくことにしよう。
Lorenz: I will concede I feel the same. Enough, at least, to keep your advice at the back of my mind.
I was a touch too stubborn.
シルヴァン: ああ、戦いも同じで、自分のやり方に固執すると失敗するもんだ……。
Sylvain: It's the same in battle, isn't it? If you don't bend a little, you fail.
ローレンツ: だが……
Lorenz: Even so...
シルヴァン: ああ、だが……
Sylvain: Yeah... With that being said...
ローレンツ: シルヴァン、君にだけは負けていられないな……!
Lorenz: I will outclass you, Sylvain!
シルヴァン: 気が合うな、ローレンツ。さあ、次の戦いに赴くとしようぜ……!
Sylvain: Bring it on, Lorenz!