ローレンツ: これは、ドロテアさん。相変わらず花も恥じらう美しさだ。
Lorenz: Ah, Dorothea. Your beauty puts even the most pristine flower to shame.
ドロテア: ふふっ、ローレンツくんも相変わらず、口が達者ですねえ。
Dorothea: Ah, Lorenz. As silver-tongued as ever.
ローレンツ: いや、それほどでもないさ。それでは、失礼……
Lorenz: Oh, not at all. I must bid you good day.
ドロテア: ……あら、やっぱり本当なんですね。あの噂……。
Dorothea: I see the rumors are true. What a shame.
ローレンツ: うん? 噂とは、いったい……僕に関することかな?
Lorenz: Rumors? About me? Whatever do you mean?
ドロテア: ええ、そうよ。貴方って、誰彼構わず口説くようでいて……
Dorothea: Why, that you are always ready to flirt...
Unless she's a commoner. Then you'll bid her good day as quickly as possible.
Like you did with me just now. Are we so unpleasant to speak to, us commoners?
ローレンツ: これは、真っ直ぐな質問だな。まあ、言わずもがなの質問なのだが……
Lorenz: That is a rather, ah, pointed question. But I do happen to have an answer for you.
As the heir to House Gloucester, I am in search of a bride of suitable status.
ローレンツ: 家の発展に利する相手でなければならない。これは名家に生まれた者の責務なのだよ。
Lorenz: I seek to build upon the honor of my house, and to do that, I require a noble wife.
ローレンツ: それに、同盟も一枚岩ではない。だから、同盟にとっても有益な結婚をしたいのだよ。
Lorenz: The Alliance isn't fully unified. I require someone who will help bring it together.
ドロテア: ふーん、自分の好き嫌いじゃないんですね。平民でも相応しい人はいる気がしますけど。
Dorothea: I'd think you could find plenty of suitable women even among the masses.
ローレンツ: それはどうだろうね。僕の妻になれば、嫌でも貴族社会に加わることになる。
Lorenz: Do not be so certain. A lady who marries me must be prepared to enter noble society, whether she wishes to or not.
It is a complex web of etiquette and expectation. Not a world one could easily step into without the proper upbringing.
What's more, House Gloucester would hardly see much benefit were I to join myself to the household of a commoner.
ドロテア: 流石は名家の御曹司、ご立派なお考えですこと。
Dorothea: Oh, I can imagine.
Well, I suppose that means any friendship between you and I is doomed as well.
ローレンツ: な、なに?いや、流石にそこまでは……
Lorenz: Isn't that a rather excessive conclusion?
ドロテア: 私も貴方と一緒で、将来の相手を捜しているの。
Dorothea: You want someone to birth your house's next generation. I want someone to share my life with.
I'm not even an option in your eyes, and you are hardly viable in mine.
However, we are all friends in here, are't we, so I suppose politeness, at the very least, is in order.
ローレンツ: おっと、ドロテアさん、今日もまた一段と麗しく……
Lorenz: Looking as lovely as ever today, Dorothea.
ドロテア: そういうのは貴族の方へどうぞ。私には不要ですから。
Dorothea: Oh, save it for your noble girls, Lorenz. I'm not in the mood.
ローレンツ: む……今のはただの挨拶だ。別に君を口説いたわけでは……
Lorenz: I was only being polite.
ドロテア: 私、貴方にとっては女じゃないですから。それじゃ、失礼します。
Dorothea: And it really was quite wonderful to be so near your elegance. Now, if you'll please excuse me.
ローレンツ: 待ちたまえ!いくら何でも君の態度は無礼だぞ。
Lorenz: Now hold just a moment! I have tolerated quite enough of this impertinence.
Not a word has escaped my lips to imply that you are anything less than a highly attractive woman.
But I am the heir to a noble house. I have a duty. Thus I am unable to engage in courtship with you.
What is it about my circumstances that you seem to find so very amusing?
ドロテア: ……ええ、笑うわよ。女の子を道具みたいな選び方して。
Dorothea: Um... all of it?
You're no different from the men who flirted with me when I was in the opera.
As long as you're getting what you're after, you don't much care what a woman wants, needs or feels.
ローレンツ: なっ……。君は僕のことをそんなふうに見ていたのか!?
Lorenz: That is truly what you think of me?
I am afraid you have completely misunderstood.
ドロテア: あら、何が誤解だって言うのかしら。
Dorothea: Oh, have I? Do explain.
ローレンツ: 貴族の令嬢というだけなら、いくらでも結婚の当てはある。
Lorenz: If noble status was my only priority, then I could be married a hundred times over by now.
But birthright is not sufficient for me. I am not looking merely for an accessory.
Marriage is a relationship of mutual respect, support, and trust.
If my wife and I are of the same mind, and of the same worth, then together we can achieve anything.
That is why I make overtures to so many ladies. I am in search of an ideal.
ドロテア: つまり……想い合える相手を捜してるってこと?
Dorothea: You're searching for someone who matches your vision of a perfect spouse?
How odd. So am I. And everyone else.
ローレンツ: ああ、その点においては、そうなのだろう。僕の場合、貴族という条件はあるが……
Lorenz: My standards are somewhat more exacting, but yes, I suppose on that point we are similar.
Please understand that I am acting with the best of intentions in search of a partner.
ドロテア: ………………。随分と……真面目なのね。思ったより。
Dorothea: You're more serious than I thought.
And so earnest... It's almost adorable.
If you met a peasant girl and fell madly in love, would you be able to give her up? Break her heart?
ローレンツ: 当然だろう。貴族と平民では生きる世界が違うのだから……
Lorenz: I would have no choice. The worlds of the nobility and the common folk are simply too far apart.
I cannot choose to abandon my duty merely for the sake of a fleeting emotion.
ドロテア: そうかしら。私、貴方は自分に嘘をついてると思いますけど。
Dorothea: Lorenz, you are dangerously close to dedicating your life to the lie that nobility is something special...
I hope you realize that before it's too late.
ドロテア: ……ふう。戦い続きで嫌になるわねえ。
Dorothea: Too much fighting. I need a moment's peace...
ローレンツ: ん? ドロテアさんじゃないか。
Lorenz: Why, if it isn't Dorothea.
ドロテア: まあ、ローレンツくん。どうしてこちらへ?
Dorothea: What are you doing here?
ローレンツ: 修道院の見回りさ。最近、侵入者が多いからな。
Lorenz: Patrolling the grounds. There have been entirely too many raids as of late.
And yourself?
ドロテア: 別に何もしてません。戦い続きで疲れたから、束の間の休息を。
Dorothea: Nothing. Not really. I just need a bit of quiet.
ローレンツ: そうか。平民の君にまで負担をかけ、貴族として面目ない。
Lorenz: It is regrettable to see you so troubled by this war. This is not a burden any commoner should have to bear.
ドロテア: いいのよ。それよりローレンツくん、結婚相手は見つかったかしら?
Dorothea: Don't trouble yourself on my account. So, did you ever find that wife you were looking for?
ローレンツ: なぜその話を今?捜すどころの状況ではないが……
Lorenz: This is hardly the time or place for me to be searching for a bride. Why do you ask?
ドロテア: 実は……ねえ、ローレンツくん、突然だけど、伝えたいことがあるの。
Dorothea: The truth is... I know this is sudden, but there's a war on, and who knows what tomorrow brings, right?
ローレンツ: 伝えたいこと?いいだろう、聞こうか。
Lorenz: Go on.
ドロテア: 私、貴方のことがずっと好きだったの。でも、もう諦めるわ。
Dorothea: I've always been quite fond of you. But I've also, well... I've given up on you.
ローレンツ: な!? ……いきなりだな。そして、なぜ諦めるのだ?
Lorenz: That is... sudden. But why would you give up on me?
ドロテア: 貴方は貴族で、私は平民……道ならぬ恋は実らない……。
Dorothea: You're from a noble family, and I'm a commoner. It would have been scandalous.
I did what I could to be worthy of you, but you never noticed...
So I've resigned myself to a lonesome life, my feelings unrequited.
ローレンツ: そ、そうか。……い、いや、しかし、そんなに簡単に諦めていいのか? 本当に?
Lorenz: You found it so easy to give up on me? Truly?
This war has changed my mind on a great many things, you know! I've given it all a lot of thought!
ドロテア: ふふふふっ、そんなに慌てて……冗談よ、ローレンツくん。冗談。
Dorothea: I like seeing you flustered, you know that? It makes joking with you so much more fun.
ローレンツ: じ、冗談……だと?
Lorenz: Joking?
ドロテア: ええ、そうよ。人の心を動かすのが、私の仕事だったもの。
Dorothea: Yes, joking. It used to be my job to pluck at people's heartstrings, remember?
And I'm much better at it than you are. Admit it, Sir Lorenz.
ローレンツ: はは……はっははは! 参ったな。完敗だよ、ドロテアさん。
Lorenz: Haha...hahaha. I concede defeat.
But... But your words have cut straight through to my heart. And now I must tell you how I feel.
I've always been charmed by you. I do not think I realized just how thoroughly until this moment.
ドロテア: でも、私とは結婚できないのよね。残念だわ、ローレンツくん。
Dorothea: You and I both know that doesn't matter. Not really. We can never get married.
ローレンツ: ああ……そうだな。今はできない。僕は僕の信念に対して決着をつけていない。
Lorenz: Perhaps not now. I've not determined where I stand when it comes to marriage.
But when this war is over, I will make a decision.
ドロテア: あら……それまで私が待ってられるかしら。
Dorothea: You will, huh? Gosh, I sure do hope I'm not already married by then.
ローレンツ: ふっ、それは心配ないさ。僕を超える男が、現れるはずもあるまい!
Lorenz: Oh, that's hardly a concern. No one you find could possibly compare to me!
As the new head of House Gloucester, Lorenz first worked to restore his own territory, and then expanded his vision to include reforms for all Fodlan.
At the height of his storied political career, he announced his marriage to Dorothea, who had returned to prominence with the Mittelfrank Opera Company.
The elaborate wedding was the most talked-about social event of the season, and the fashions on display from the savvy nobleman and the stylish songstress set the trends with young people across Fodlan for a decade.