リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
Petra, would you pause a moment?
ペトラ: はい……?用、ありますか?
Petra: Yes? Are you wanting something?
リンハルト: うん、君の槍を見てたけど、技の繋ぎ方が良くなくない?
Linhardt: I was observing your spearwork, and I wonder if you don't think your transitions are sloppy.
The way you move your arm before a strong thrust hinders your movement and slows your spear on its way back. It leaves a rather large opening.
ペトラ: 腕の動き、どれ、ですか?右、左?
Petra: Which arm? My left or right?
リンハルト: ええと、右……いや両方かな?腕っていうか肘の動きもだけど……
Linhardt: I think the right... No, actually it's both. It's something about the way you move your elbows.
ペトラ: わたし、わかりません。リンハルト、実演する、ここ、願います。
Petra: I am not understanding. Can you show me please?
リンハルト: いや、実演はちょっと……今は本読んでるし、汗かきたくないな。
Linhardt: Demonstrate? No. I'd hate to get sweat all over my book.
ペトラ: しかし、わたし、できません。あなた、見せる、必要です。
Petra: But I must correct this. Please.
Or are you unable to do, and you can only teach?
リンハルト: うーん、僕にはできないかもね。でも君ならできるよ。だから言ってるし。
Linhardt: I am more of a theorist than a practitioner. I advise, and you implement. Very simple.
ペトラ: ………………。では、助言、再度、願う、します。
Petra: Then...please advise again.
リンハルト: そうだね……上手く伝えられればいいんだけど。
Linhardt: It's all quite simple.
Sometimes you make a big stab downwards, right? Before that, you lift up.
At that point, you sort of let the tension go and stop. It ruins the momentum of the stab.
ペトラ: 振りかぶる、どのように?無駄、減らす、わたし、望みます。
Petra: How can I be lifting up with no... no unnecessary moving?
リンハルト: 腕の動かし方の問題だと思うんだよね。槍の軌跡と筋肉の伸縮を計算して……
Linhardt: It's the arm movement that's extraneous. Calculate the locus of the spear and the elasticity of the muscles.
ペトラ: 軌跡、伸縮、計算……あなたの説明、難解です。
Petra: Locus...elasticity... Can you not just be showing me?
Please. If you are showing me, I will learn it with quickness.
リンハルト: いや、だから実演は……。
Linhardt: I won't waste your time with such demonstrations. You're a smart one, Petra. You'll sort it out.
Besides, I need to go now. I have...a prior appointment to keep.
ペトラ: リンハルト、いつも、言うだけ……。わたし、見返します。
Petra: Linhardt only likes talking. It is on myself to prevail...
ペトラ: リンハルト。わたし、待ちました。見てください。
Petra: Linhardt. I have been waiting for much time. Please, watch me.
リンハルト: うん? ペトラ? 何を見れば……ちょっと、急に槍を振り回さないで……!
Linhardt: Watch what, Petra? Whoa! Hey, careful with that spear!
ペトラ: ……どう、ですか。わたし、研鑽、積みました。
Petra: How did you find that? I did more training.
リンハルト: ……ああ!前に僕が指摘したからか。
Linhardt: Ah, you took my advice, then.
I will say, the problematic maneuver seems improved at least.
ペトラ: 少なくとも、ですか。わたしの技術、評価、足りません。
Petra: At least? It is still no good?
リンハルト: いや、そこはほら、僕、槍は専門じゃないし……。
Linhardt: The spear isn't really my area of expertise, but I've seen enough training to understand the mechanics.
I believe I can use that understanding to further help you improve your spearwork.
ペトラ: わたし、槍、扱う方法、ですか?
Petra: My spearwork?
リンハルト: そうそう。振りかぶって振り下ろす時に無駄があるって言ったよね。
Linhardt: Right. As I said, when you lift up and stab down, the momentum is ruined.
You're trying to swing like a giant. You're not a giant, so that's a problem.
So allow the spear's own momentum to do more of the hard work for you.
ペトラ: 勢い、任せる……。
Petra: Spear momentum...
リンハルト: 槍の重さを利用し、振り上げながら握る手を緩めて……
Linhardt: The spear is heavy. When you lift it up high, loosen your grip a little.
ペトラ: 頂点、達したら、握り直す……!勢い、利用し、振り下ろす……ですか!?
Petra: At the top of my swing...loosen my grip. And then the weight will...carry it down?
リンハルト: そう、そうだよ。力を入れて握りっ放しなんて疲れちゃうしさ。
Linhardt: Precisely. When you put too much power into it, not only do you exhaust your grip, you tire yourself out.
Got it? Ugh, all that effort is taking its toll on me.
ペトラ: あなた、賢い、戦い、活かせます。なぜ、鍛錬、嫌いですか?
Petra: You are very clever. I wonder why you have hatred for training.
リンハルト: 何となく考えちゃっただけで、本当は戦いなんて嫌いさ。
Linhardt: Because training is too much like fighting, and I'd really rather not fight.
Also, I find training terribly dull. Anyway. Good night.
ペトラ: 知恵、使わない、宝の持ち腐れ、です。
Petra: He does not use his cleverness. It is a very big waste.
I want you to use your power, Linhardt...
ペトラ: リンハルト、少し、知恵、借ります。良いですか?
Petra: Linhardt, I need to be asking for your wisdom. Will you consent?
リンハルト: ああ、ペトラか。どうしたの?
Linhardt: My wisdom? About?
ペトラ: わたし、先程、狩り、出ました。鹿、猪、他、多く、狩る、でした。
Petra: I was hunting earlier and the land gifted me with lots of game.
It was all brought by me to the kitchen, and then—
リンハルト: まさか、解体を手伝うの?無理。絶対無理だから。血は無理なんだよ。
Linhardt: You're not asking me for help with the butchery, are you? If so, stop right there. I despise the sight of blood.
ペトラ: いいえ、違います。解体、狩る、すぐ、行う、します。
Petra: No, I am not asking that. All of that work and care is given right after the hunting.
Giving gratitude, bleeding, skinning, all has been done to be making very nice, fresh meat.
That meat is sitting in the kitchen already.
リンハルト: そうなのか……じゃあ何?料理もそんな得意じゃ……
Linhardt: Oh, thank goodness. Then whatever do you need from me? I'm not much of a cook.
ペトラ: わたし、燻製、作る、予定でした。大量の肉、保存、間違い、ありません。
Petra: I want to be smoking the meat, so we can be preserving it.
There is a big quantity of it. But I am without enough firewood for the smoking... I am needing more than I was thinking I would.
The darkness has fallen outside, so it will be difficult to be collecting it right now.
リンハルト: そういうことかあ。一晩くらいなら、寝かせといても……
Linhardt: Why not gather wood in the morning? Get some sleep now.
ペトラ: 熟成、向かない、肉、あります。考える、ほしいです。
Petra: This meat will not be waiting that long. It will be going to waste. Please... Do you have any suggesting for what I can do?
You have much wisdom for giving, so I am hoping you will be helping me.
リンハルト: そこまで言われると困るなあ。うーんと、そうだねえ……
Linhardt: OK, let me see... Easy-to-forage wood at this time of night...
You know, there were a good number of desks and chairs in the ruined corner of the monastery.
Some of the stuff there is salvageable, so none of it has been thrown away.
There's definitely high-quality oak and beech out there. Both would be excellent for smoking meat.
ペトラ: 本当、ですか?素晴らしい、天才の知恵、です。
Petra: Is that factual? I was not knowing that! The wisdom you give is exceptional!
リンハルト: それほどのことじゃ……
Linhardt: Well, I wouldn't say that...
As long as it's anything that looks broken beyond repair, no one should complain.
ペトラ: 感謝する、です。賢者、リンハルト、さあ、行きましょう。
Petra: I am giving you my gratitude, Linhardt. Now, let's be going.
リンハルト: え?~ 行くって、どこに?
Linhardt: Pardon?
ペトラ: 家具、選別、リンハルト、得意でしょう。わたし、力、貸す、望みます。
Petra: You have all of the wisdom about choosing wood for smoking. I am wanting your assistance.
リンハルト: それは面倒だなあ……。いや、選ぶだけならまだいいよ。
Linhardt: But it's bedtime... OK, fine. I can point out the choice smoking wood.
Ugh... Then I'll have to help haul it all back, won't I?
ペトラ: すべて、見通す、知恵、素晴らしいです。是非、願う、乞い願います。
Petra: It would give me great happiness... There is no one better than you for this task!
リンハルト: はあ……。何で君は、僕なんかにそう何度も頭を下げて……
Linhardt: Please stop with the praising.
All right, fine. I'll help.
I'm just...that nice a guy...
ペトラ: リンハルト、謝罪します。掃除の罰、あなた、責任、ありません。
Petra: Linhardt, please accept my apology. You are not deserving of this punishment...
リンハルト: あれを燻煙材にしちゃえって言ったのは僕だからね、その後も結局、付き合ったし。
Linhardt: I am the one who suggested it would be great firewood. I suppose it's only fair I get punished too.
リンハルト: あのゴミの山が帝国軍預かりの資材になってたなんてなあ……。
Linhardt: No one ever bothered to inform me that pile of trash was the property of the Imperial army.
リンハルト: あのゴミの中に、大司教お気に入りの椅子があったなんてなあ……。
Linhardt: How was I supposed to know the archbishop's favorite chair was stashed away under a pile of trash?
リンハルト: いや、くだらないことを思いつくんじゃなかったよ。
Linhardt: My apologies, Petra. My idea turned out to be worthless.
ペトラ: くだらない、ありません。たいへん、くだる、くだります。
Petra: It was not worthless. It had great worth.
You gave me great help so I could be smoking all of that meat. I give you all of my gratitude for that.
リンハルト: まあそりゃ、食糧はいくらあっても困らないだろうからねえ。
Linhardt: Well, at least you'll have no worries about provisions.
I just realized... They didn't actually tell us when the punishment will be over.
ペトラ: 勝手な行い、許す、軍、示しつきません。任務、与えられる、わたし、応える、です。
Petra: You can be leaving if you are wanting to. I will not be telling anyone. This is my responsibility to take.
リンハルト: 君は真面目だし、熱心だねえ……。そういえば、君が探してた本、あったよ。
Linhardt: How are you so obedient and yet so passionate at the— Oh! Look, Petra! The book you were searching for.
ペトラ: !『フォドラ生物体全』、ですか?
Petra: The Complete Guide to Fódlan's Wildlife!
I have so much happiness! You are full of amazement.
リンハルト: 気にしないでよ。本は僕の得意分野だからね。
Linhardt: Heh, well, books are my field of expertise. Still, what a stroke of luck.
ペトラ: ……リンハルト。わたし、あなた、聞くこと、あります。
Petra: Linhardt... Can I be asking you something?
リンハルト: え? 聞きたいこと?
Linhardt: What's that?
ペトラ: 最近、あなた、面倒、言いません。わたしの頼み、引き受けます。
Petra: You are no longer saying I am bothering you. Instead you are helping me with my requests.
What is the reasoning? Why am I not bothering you now?
リンハルト: うーん、何だろうな。
Linhardt: Hmm, interesting observation. I wonder why that is?
You always ask me so earnestly. You seem to throw your entire being into all that you do.
I guess I rather like it...working as hard as you do. On occasion, that is.
ペトラ: 好き……!?努力家、ですか。
Petra: You are liking the hard work?
リンハルト: そうだよ。自分にはないものを持ってるからね。
Linhardt: Yes. You inspire me to be, well, something that is not normally me.
ペトラ: あなた、好き、なら、努力する、続けます、わたし。
Petra: If you are liking it, then I will keep working hard.
With your wisdom, I can be working even harder than before.
That means I will be needing your wisdom from now onward.
With my strength and your wisdom, there is nothing we can't be doing.
リンハルト: ああ、そうかもね。君の努力と、僕の知恵、か。
Linhardt: I think you may be right. Your strength and my wisdom...
That sounds like a wonderful combination.
Petra returned to her homeland of Brigid, and inherited the throne from her grandfather. As ruler, she declared independence from Fodlan, and renegotiated Brigid's diplomatic relationships on more equal terms.
Next, she introduced industrial practices that were modeled on those of Fodlan, vastly improving her homeland's economy.
This rapid development surprised those abroad, until it was discovered that the improvements came thanks to the counsel of Petra's husband, Linhardt, who had left Fodlan to offer Brigid his talent and insight.
It is said that the couple maintained a healthy and affectionate relationship, and that they raised many happy children together.