リンハルト: やあ、リシテア。君の秘密を知ってしまったんだけど。
Linhardt: Aha, Lysithea. It's wrong to tease, yet I can hardly help myself... I know a secret. Your secret in fact.
リシテア: 秘密? どうせ根も葉もない話でしょう?そんなの気にするだけ時間の無駄ですよ。
Lysithea: I think you mean a baseless rumor. Why are you wasting your time? And mine, for that matter.
リンハルト: いやー、それはどうかな。
Linhardt: Well...
It's a secret that could completely overturn what is considered common knowledge in Crest research...
リシテア: ま、待って! 黙って!ちょっと……場所を変えましょうか。
Lysithea: Shut your mouth! Just...ugh. Let's go talk somewhere other than here.
リシテア: ……それ、どこで知ったんですか。
Lysithea: OK. Where did you hear about it?
リンハルト: ハンネマン先生の部屋で、不慮の事故があってね……。
Linhardt: There was a sort of accident in Professor Hanneman's room..
リンハルト: かつてハンネマン先生が使っていた部屋を漁っていたら、見つけてしまってね……。
Linhardt: Well, I found something while searching through Professor Hanneman's old room.
リシテア: やっぱり……だ、誰にも言ってないでしょうね!?
Lysithea: I should've figured. You haven't told anyone, have you?
リンハルト: もちろんだよ。君が2つの紋章を宿してるなんて知れたら実験……
Linhardt: Of course not. If someone else were to learn you have two Crests, I might lose you as a test subject.
リシテア: わーっ! まーっ!やめ! やめて!
Lysithea: Ah! Please stop talking so loudly!
So what if I have two Crests?
If you insist on speaking of it, please do so quietly.
リンハルト: ああ、やっぱりそうだったのか。鎌をかけて良かったよ。
Linhardt: My intuition was correct! You do have two Crests.
リシテア: なっ……ええっ!?わたしのこと騙したんですか!?
Lysithea: Wait— What?! Did you just trick me?
リンハルト: 騙したなんて人聞き悪いな。仮説を述べただけだよ。
Linhardt: "Trick" is such a strong word. I think of it as testing a hypothesis.
The truth is I simply made an educated guess.
リシテア: ……まあ、自分で認めちゃった以上、しょうがないですね。はあ……。
Lysithea: Ugh. Well, now that I've confirmed it for you, there's not much I can do.
リンハルト: それより、どうして2つ宿してるの?生まれつき? それとも何かの魔法で?
Linhardt: I disagree. For example, you could tell me if you were born with them. Or is the source magical?
What does it feel like to use both Crests at the same time? Is it pleasant? Painful? Euphoric?
リシテア: いい加減にしてください!
Lysithea: Enough is enough!
I am done talking about this!
As though I'd speak of this to the likes of you.
リンハルト: やっぱり秘密にしたいのかな。僕だけにでも教えてくれないかなあ……。
Linhardt: I understand her desire for privacy, but to refuse my request for knowledge? It's... Well... It's rude.
リンハルト: 来たね、リシテア。君の紋章について僕の立てた仮説を聞い……
Linhardt: There you are, Lysithea. I've been looking for you. So I have a hypothesis about your Crests...
リシテア: あんた、この差出人の名前のない手紙は何ですか!
Lysithea: I know you're the one who sent me that "anonymous" letter.
"There are things we must discuss..." Ugh, it sounded like some bizarre love letter.
リンハルト: いや、そんなつもりなかったけど、もしそうだったらどうするのかな。
Linhardt: What? No. Of course not. However, I wonder what you would have done if it was...
リシテア: えっ? あんた相手にそんな……でも……
Lysithea: Now I'm just confused...and grossed out.
リンハルト: 面倒だからこの質問はいいや。それより、僕の話を聞いてよ。
Linhardt: I'm sorry, but that is not the overall topic of discussion. Do pay attention.
リシテア: 聞いておいて何ですか!もう!
Lysithea: Pay attention to you? As though anything you say is worth listening to.
It's not like you can tell me anything I don't already know.
リンハルト: 君は自分の紋章を良く思ってないよね?だからだよ。
Linhardt: You don't have a very positive opinion of your Crests, do you? That's why you should listen to me.
リシテア: ……!
Lysithea: Um...
リンハルト: どう考えても、人の体は2つの紋章を宿して生まれてくるようにはできていない。
Linhardt: I've dug through all my books, and there's no record of anyone being born with two Crests.
You are, to be blunt, an impossible occurrence.
For you to have a second Crest, it must have been forcibly implanted after birth.
リシテア: それが、あんたの仮説ですか?
Lysithea: Is that your theory, then?
リンハルト: うん、そうだよ。
Linhardt: Yes. It is.
To further the theory, if the power exists to implant a Crest, then it must be possible to remove one too.
And that is the real issue at hand.
リシテア: え? 紋章を消せる!?
Lysithea: I... I could have one removed?
リンハルト: ハンネマン先生が研究を続けててね。僕もそれに協力してるんだよ。
Linhardt: That's what Hanneman is working on understanding. I'm helping him with it.
リンハルト: ハンネマン先生が研究してたみたいでね。僕が勝手にそれを引き継いだんだよ。
Linhardt: That's what Hanneman was working on understanding. I'm continuing his work.
リシテア: ハンネマン先生が……。
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman...
リンハルト: それで、君の答えはどうなのかな。紋章を消したいわけ?
Linhardt: Based on your reaction, it seems you want one of your Crests removed...
I don't think I'd give up having two Crests if I were you.
リシテア: ……それを得るために、おぞましい実験を繰り返されたとしても?
Lysithea: Is that so? Even if you'd gone through horrifying experiments, endless trauma, and if you knew that all this pain meant you'd die very, very young...
That's what you'd think?
You're completely lacking in empathy, so of course you would make such a crass and foolish assumption.
リシテア: ……リンハルト。お菓子を並べて、何してるんです?
Lysithea: seem to have lined up your desserts very meticulously.
リンハルト: ああ、リシテア。人生の選択だよ。
Linhardt: What you see before you, Lysithea, is a life choice.
リシテア: はあ?何です、それ。
Lysithea: Oh really?
リンハルト: これは、軍で一番お菓子作りが得意な人に、戦時中にも拘わらずかなりの無理を言い……
Linhardt: The most skilled pastry chef in the army has been asked to do the impossible in the heart of wartime...
Source high-quality ingredients, employ advanced baking methods, and create...these two pastries.
リシテア: え……すごく気になるんですけど。わたしにも食べさせなさいよ。
Lysithea: Wow, you've put a lot of thought into this. May I?
リンハルト: いいよ。ただし一つだけね。それぞれ味は違うけど。
Linhardt: Of course. You can have but one though, and it should be noted that they taste completely different.
I thought I'd split them between us, seeing as they were made so carefully and are so very, very special.
リシテア: ふーん……ありがとう。で、それのどこが人生の選択なんですか?
Lysithea: Ah. Thanks. So, what exactly is the life choice you mentioned?
Also, if you are not partaking, I'll just go ahead and eat them both.
リンハルト: 駄目だよ。片方を食べたら、もう片方は絶対に口にしちゃいけない。
Linhardt: Oh no. For you see, if you eat one, you simply cannot—must not—eat the other.
Should you eat both, a pair of ingredients—one in each pastry—will combine to poison you.
リシテア: げっ……。一つなら大丈夫なんでしょうね。
Lysithea: That seems unnecessarily intense. Just one won't kill me, then?
リンハルト: もちろんだよ。これは、片方を食べると、もう片方は味わえないという選択なんだ。
Linhardt: Of course not. But making this choice means you will not be able to taste the second dessert...ever.
No matter what I tell you, you'll never know which one tasted best.
And if you are underwhelmed by your choice, you'll regret your decision forever.
リシテア: それでも思い切って、どちらか選ぶしかないでしょう?
Lysithea: So...I should just pick one and be done with it.
リンハルト: ……君はもう選択してるからね。
Linhardt: But you've already chosen, haven't you? Not between the pastries but your life paths.
You would gamble on the chance of living a long life, even if it meant losing your two Crests. Correct?
Hence my current choice.
リシテア: あんたの……選択?
Lysithea: Wait—whose choice are we talking about now?
リンハルト: もしかしたら2つの紋章があっても、長生きできるかもしれない。
Linhardt: A shortened lifespan doesn't necessarily mean a short life. Even with two Crests, you might live a long time.
And with you around, the study of Crests will undoubtedly reach previously unimagined levels.
On the other hand...
Getting rid of them could help someone that I care about. Maybe. Or maybe it won't help at all.
Unfortunately, one never knows until they eat the pastry. Even then, you can never taste them both...
リシテア: リンハルト……。って、ちょっと待ってください。
Lysithea: Hang on, Linhardt.
Do you mean to tell me you care about me? Since when?
リンハルト: いつだっけ。まあでも君は僕にとって大切な人だよ。家族にしたいくらい。
Linhardt: When indeed. You are someone I care about though. So much so, I wish we could be family, you and I.
リシテア: 家族……!?それって……ええっ!?
Lysithea: Family?! That escalated rather quickly.
Although...having more family does sound nice.
リンハルト: あ、そうだ。このお菓子は二つとも食べていいよ。
Linhardt: Anyway, I need to be going. Oh, and feel free to eat the pastries.
I made up the poison bit because I didn't know how else to say what I wished to say.
And because...well, because I believe there are choices we can make where you can have both.
I'll show you somehow...before the war is over.
リシテア: ちょっ、え、あの……リンハルト!?本当に毒、入ってないでしょうね!
Lysithea: Are you sure these aren't poisoned? Linhardt, wait! Wait!
Though Linhardt researched vigorously for a method by which to remove the Crests from Lysithea and save her life, the war ended before he could reach any conclusions.
Lysithea, deciding that she should return home to her parents, thanked Linhardt and took her leave of Garreg Mach.
Not to be deterred, Linhardt set his affairs in order, renounced his noble title, and followed Lysithea to Ordelia territory to continue his research. Years later, his efforts bore fruit, and Lysithea's Crests were successfully removed. With a new future ahead of her, Lysithea, too, renounced her noble claim, and the couple married as commoners. It is said they raised a very happy family.