フレン: ……えーと。舞踊の本はどこかしら?
Flayn: Now, then. Where is that book on dance...
リンハルト: ねえ、フレン。ちょっといい?
Linhardt: Hello, Flayn. I'm curious if you could confirm some suspicions I have.
フレン: まあ、リンハルトさん。何でしょう。
Flayn: Hello, Linhardt. What is it?
リンハルト: 聖セスリーンって知ってるよね?
Linhardt: I've recently been lost in study on the topic of Saint Cethleann. You're familiar with her life, yes?
フレン: ええ、まあ。それがわたくしと何の関係が?
Flayn: I know a little of her, as do many. But what does this have to do with me?
リンハルト: あれ、やっぱり君と何か関係してるの?そうなんだ。
Linhardt: Interesting that you would ask that. Your question betrays your understanding of my inquiry.
フレン: さ、さあ……?何も関係ないと思いますけど。
Flayn: I am quite certain that it does not, as a matter of fact.
リンハルト: 君って、料理とか園芸とか、そういう細かな作業が苦手だよね。
Linhardt: I have interviewed several members of the academy and the monastery. All agree that you have trouble focusing on detail-oriented work.
As I mentioned, I have been carefully researching Saint Cethleann's history, and I found several intriguing anecdotes concerning her life.
Granted, it is not stated explicitly in the texts, but it is easy enough to read between the lines and get to the underlying truth.
The authors of several tomes, all written within 50 years of Saint Cethleann's passing, imply she found it difficult to maintain focus on detail-oriented tasks.
Then, just this morning, as I was studying statues of Saint Cethleann, I came to realize how similar her visage is to your own. Interesting, no?
フレン: ちょっと、さりげなく失礼じゃありませんこと?
Flayn: I do not appreciate your disrespectful approach to this topic.
リンハルト: 聖セスリーンは偉大な聖人だよ?似てるとしたら光栄なことでしょ?
Linhardt: No disrespect intended, I assure you. Saint Cethleann is a major saint. I only mean to say that looking like her is an honor.
フレン: そ、それは……そうかもしれませんけど、そもそも聖セスリーンに失礼ですわ!
Flayn: I actually meant that you are being disrespectful to Saint Cethleann.
リンハルト: あと、もう一つあってさ。
Linhardt: There was one other item...
フレン: まだあるんですの?
Flayn: If you must...
リンハルト: 君は白魔法が得意だよね。それも、かなり高い適性を持っている。
Linhardt: You are quite skilled in white magic, yes? My understanding is that you have a very high affinity for the art.
フレン: それは、そうですわね。わたくしも、そこは自信がありますのよ。
Flayn: Yes, I do. I am confident in my abilities.
I am glad of my abilities, for it is a way in which I am able to help others.
リンハルト: うんうん。そこもやっぱり、聖セスリーンと同じなんだよなあ。
Linhardt: Indeed! Once more, an echo of Saint Cethleann. I'm so curious as to why such similarities exist...
Her Crest... Perhaps hereditary traits, then? Or is it possible I am allowing myself to see patterns where there are none? Hmm...
フレン: え、ええと、わたくし、本を探しているので失礼いたしますわ。
Flayn: I am very busy searching for a book.
I will be going now.
リンハルト: フレン、フレン。また質問に答えてよ。
Linhardt: Flayn! I have another question for you if you please.
フレン: リンハルトさん、またですか?もう何度となくお答えしましたわよ?
Flayn: Another one, Linhardt? When will you leave me in peace?
リンハルト: いや、大発見があってね。君のセスリーンの紋章は、大紋章だったね。
Linhardt: A breakthrough has been made concerning your Crest. A Major Crest of Saint Cethleann, correct?
フレン: あまり知られないようにしていましたのに、どこでそれを……。
Flayn: Well, yes. I've been trying to keep that quiet.
リンハルト: それで、知ってるだろうけど、僕もセスリーンの小紋章を宿してる。
Linhardt: Part of my interest on this topic is that I possess a Minor Crest of Cethleann myself.
フレン: ええ、それは存じておりますわ。
Flayn: I am aware.
リンハルト: 別に珍しい話じゃない。僕以外にも、小紋章を宿している人は結構いるからね。
Linhardt: Possessing a Minor Crest is uncommon but not rare among the noble families.
However, a Major Crest of Cethleann—that is beyond rare.
フレン: あら、そうですの?
Flayn: Oh, is it?
リンハルト: それで、なぜ君が稀少な大紋章を持って生まれてきたのか、気になってさ。
Linhardt: I am quite curious as to why you were born with such a rare Major Crest.
Given that mine is a Minor Crest of the same type, it's possible that you and I are distant relations.
フレン: あなたと、血が繋がって……?それはないんじゃありませんの?
Flayn: You and I, related? I am quite certain that is not the case.
リンハルト: 何で?自分の先祖のことを全部知ってるの?
Linhardt: Oh? Do you have access to a detailed ancestry? That could be a most useful tome.
フレン: 知りませんけれど……。
Flayn: No, I do not, however—
リンハルト: じゃあ可能性は否定できないはずだよ。もちろん違う可能性もあるけどね。
Linhardt: A shame. Oh, to explore one's lineage and investigate such possibilities.
Alas, the odds of your being a direct descendant of Saint Cethleann are quite low.
The prevailing theory among respectable scholars is that Saint Cethleann died having never married.
フレン: ええ、未婚ですわ。あ、いや、未婚だったはずですわ。
Flayn: It's true she's unmarried. Er, was unmarried, that is.
I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not a descendant of Saint Cethleann. Of this I can assure you.
リンハルト: ふーん……。随分、はっきりと言うんだね。
Linhardt: While I do not subscribe to your absolute certainty, I do agree your relation to her is highly unlikely.
Yet there is some connection between yourself and Saint Cethleann...
フレン: えっ……な、何ですの、それは。
Flayn: What was that you were mumbling to yourself?
リンハルト: ああ、いや……話し疲れたから、続きはまた今度にしよう。
Linhardt: Nothing. My apologies. Simply thinking aloud. I do hope we can continue this discussion sometime.
フレン: もう、何なんですの、あの方は!変なそぶりばっかり!
Flayn: He always acts so oddly... It makes me ill at ease.
リンハルト: あれ?フレン、何か調べもの?
Linhardt: Reading anything interesting?
フレン: リンハルトさん、ご機嫌よう。史書を眺めているだけですわ。
Flayn: Ah! Good day, Linhardt. At the moment, I'm simply browsing history books.
Reading these, it's easy to imagine what it would feel like to exist long ago.
リンハルト: フォドラには千年以上もの歴史があるし、興味深い史料も数多く残っているからね。
Linhardt: Fódlan's history spans thousands of years. We're lucky to have so many detailed records of our past.
I have knowledge of how people lived, who they loved, what wars they fought and why...
But I'd never describe it as feeling like I was living in the past.
フレン: あら、言葉の綾ですわ。
Flayn: And why not? It's only a figure of speech.
リンハルト: それより、僕たちの紋章についての話なんだけど……
Linhardt: About our shared Crests...
フレン: まあ、またですの?
Flayn: Goodness, this again?
リンハルト: ちょっと試したい実験があるんだけど、これがまた厄介なものでさ。
Linhardt: There's an experiment I wish to attempt, although it might prove to be a bit troublesome.
フレン: 厄介な実験……わたくし、痛いのは嫌ですわ。
Flayn: A troublesome experiment? You know I do not like pain.
リンハルト: いや、痛くは……うん? そこはちょっと自信がないけど、痛みよりも問題があって。
Linhardt: Pain? No. There won't... Well...I'm unsure of the results, but that's why they call it an experiment.
It would, of course, require that you and I get married.
フレン: ふむふむ、わたくしとあなたが結婚…………け、け、結婚!?
Flayn: I beg your pardon?!
リンハルト: うん、大紋章と小紋章、しかも同じセスリーンの紋章を持つ2人が結婚して……
Linhardt: Yes. If bearers of major and minor Cethleann Crests reproduce...
What Crest would the offspring possess, if any? I must know and thought the question might pique your interest as well.
フレン: そそそそれって、わたくしとあなたの子供の話をしてらっしゃるのかしら?
Flayn: Are you actually speaking about a hypothetical future with me? Involving...children?!
リンハルト: うん、同種の大紋章と小紋章を宿す者同士が結婚した例は記録上ないんだ、驚くことに。
Linhardt: Yes. Such parentage has never been documented. A whole new field of research awaits.
It would be a worthy experiment, and we'd need only five or so children for a good sample size.
フレン: ちょっと、いったん、 話を戻してくださる!?
Flayn: Do you mind going back to what you mentioned earlier?
リンハルト: ん? どこまで戻るの?
Linhardt: Pardon? Which part?
フレン: 子供を作るところから、結婚するところまで、ですわ!
Flayn: The part about marrying and having children!
I've always believed, rather firmly, that marriage is something between two people who love one another.
リンハルト: うん、僕は君のこと、好きだよ。後は君の気持ち次第かな。
Linhardt: I like you well enough to advance a field of study to previously unknown heights. How do you feel?
フレン: なっ!? 好きなのですか!?わたくしのことが? 初耳ですわよ!?
Flayn: This is the first I've heard of such a thing from you!
リンハルト: そうじゃなきゃ、こんなに君と話したりしないよ。
Linhardt: Do you imagine I've spent all this time talking to you because I was bored?
Anyway, I'm pretty worn out now, so let's continue this conversation another time, yes?
フレン: また! わたくしと話すのって、そんなに疲れるんですの??
Flayn: Does conversing with me tire you out so much?
リンハルト: 誰と話しても同じだよ。考えを言葉にして、口を開いて声にして……疲れるでしょ?
Linhardt: Talking to anybody tires me out. Thinking, putting thoughts into words, opening my mouth—all tiring.
Do give some thought to my proposal. Think of how far we could advance Crest research, you and I.
フレン: 結婚が実験で子供を検証……?わたくしのことは、好き……?
Flayn: Experimental marriage and children? He likes me?
I don't understand. I don't understand at all.
Immediately after the war, Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach. At the same time, Linhardt mysteriously abandoned his claim to House Hevring, and also vanished. It was suspected, among those who knew them, that they had eloped, although no one seemed to know just where they went. Over a decade later, well after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, something strange happened. A sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the Major Crest of Cethleann enrolled. Over the next two years, a young boy and girl with that same Crest also enrolled. Though Crest scholars deduced that they must be siblings, the truth of their lineage was never definitely proven.