リンハルト: ……ふああ。少し眠くなってきたなあ。
Linhardt: I do believe a nap is in order...
ドロテア: あら、こんなところでお昼寝だなんて、風が心地良さそうですね。
Dorothea: Oh, this is lovely... Just feel that breeze...
リンハルト: ……ドロテアか。僕に何か用なの?
Linhardt: Dorothea? Whatever are you doing here?
ドロテア: そうですねえ、用と言えば用かしら。寝転んでる貴方が気になって……。
Dorothea: I was thinking of relaxing here, but it looks as if someone else is lounging in my spot already.
Taking a nap in public like this? Really, Lin. The nobles look down on such behavior.
リンハルト: 一応、僕も貴族なんだけどな。……知ってるよね?
Linhardt: You do know I am of noble birth.
ドロテア: ふふっ、ごめんなさい。リンくんって貴族っぽくないから。
Dorothea: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just teasing. You never do act very noble though. Why is that?
リンハルト: 人の在り方は人それぞれだよ。僕はこの生き方がいいし。
Linhardt: Each person must follow their own way. This is how I prefer to live.
Even if some of the more pretentious nobles like to poke fun at my ways.
ドロテア: ふうん……馬鹿にされて悔しくないんです?
Dorothea: Doesn't that bother you?
I mean, really? It doesn't hurt your pride or anything?
リンハルト: 自尊心?そんなもの、生きるのには不要さ。
Linhardt: What use is pride? It doesn't feed nor clothe you. It offers no warmth on a cold night.
ドロテア: 貴族というと何かと自尊心が高いけど……本当に貴方は変わってるんですねえ。
Dorothea: First time I've heard a noble say something like that.
リンハルト: ま、そうかもね。僕の父……内務卿のヘヴリング伯と言えばわかるかな。
Linhardt: Well, most nobles are... Oh, what is the polite way to say it? Fools. Yes. They are fools. As for myself...
My father is the Minister of Domestic Affairs, and he has pride enough for the both of us.
For example, did you know he and the Minister of Military Affairs cannot get along, although they value each other greatly?
リンハルト: でも自尊心が邪魔して仲直りできない。そのせいで帝国は文官も武官も不仲さ。
Linhardt: His pride gets in the way, so he can't make amends. That is why there is discord between civil ministers and military officers in the Empire.
And so pride serves no good purpose in politics either. So tell me, what use is it?
リンハルト: でも自尊心が邪魔して仲直りできない。そのせいで帝国は文官も武官も不仲だった。
Linhardt: His pride gets in the way, so he can't make amends. That is why there was discord between civil ministers and military officers in the Empire.
And so pride serves no good purpose in politics either. So tell me, what use is it?
ドロテア: うーん、文官と武官の仲が悪いのは、ずっと昔からじゃないかしら?
Dorothea: I wonder if bad blood between civil and military leaders is somewhat unavoidable...
The Minister of Domestic Affairs is in charge of all civil officials, so if they just give in easily, their subordinates would lose respect, right?
I get the feeling that if your pride isn't equal to the responsibility you bear, then you aren't fit to lead.
Also, I happen to think pride can be quite charming.
リンハルト: ……魅力的になる必要なんてある?生きる邪魔にしかならなさそうなんだけど。
Linhardt: And how necessary is charm? It just gets in the way of living your life.
ドロテア: えっ? 魅力がないと、人から見向きされなくなっちゃいません?
Dorothea: If you lack charm, nobody will give you a second glance.
リンハルト: そしたら、ずっと昼寝してられるね。楽しそうだなあ。
Linhardt: Right, which means more time for napping.
ドロテア: ええ? ……魅力が、生きる邪魔?そんなこと、あり得るのかしら……。
Dorothea: Lin... You can't really believe what you're saying, can you?
教団兵: おい、知ってるか?ドロテアさんって、孤児だったらしいぜ。
Church Soldier: How did you know Dorothea was an orphan?
教団兵: へえ。さる名高い貴族に取り入って、修道院に入学したって噂もあったよな。
Church Soldier: I hear she buttered up some noble and he enrolled her in the academy...
教団兵: この学校には場違いじゃねえか?なんかがっかりだなあ……
Church Soldier: Does someone like that even belong here?
帝国兵: それで俺らより上の立場で命令してんのか。なんかがっかりだなあ……
Church Soldier: She's higher ranking than us lot. How disappointing.
ドロテア: ……はあ。
Dorothea: ...
リンハルト: 言わせておきなよ。
Linhardt: I suggest ignoring them.
ドロテア: きゃあ! リンくん。やだ、脅かさないで。
Dorothea: Ah! Lin, don't scare me like that!
リンハルト: 君が勝手に驚いただけで、脅かしたわけじゃ……まあいいや。
Linhardt: You seem less scared than surprised, but that's quibbling, I suppose.
As for those two gossips? Unimportant. I suggest forgetting all about them and their petty words.
Join me for a meal. I've been the target of a lot of gossip, and eating generally makes me feel better.
ドロテア: ……貴方と一緒にしないで。そんな簡単に割り切れたら苦労しません。
Dorothea: Don't pretend we're the same. If I could brush it off so easily, I would.
リンハルト: 別に難しいことじゃないと思うけどなあ。何が問題なんだろ。
Linhardt: It doesn't seem particularly difficult. Where's the problem?
Is this about your pride?
ドロテア: ……全然違いますから。
Dorothea: No. Not even a little bit.
リンハルト: じゃあ……
Linhardt: What then?
ドロテア: ……リンくん。独りにしてちょうだい、お願い。
Dorothea: Lin. Please just...go away. I want to be alone right now.
リンハルト: いいけど、自分の生き方は自分のものだよ。他人の言葉で変わるようなもんじゃない。
それに…… ああ、ごめん。つい話しちゃう。やめるよ。
Linhardt: That's fine. But your life is your own business. It's not something that can be affected by the petty words of a stranger.
Ah, sorry. I kept talking, didn't I? I'll stop now.
ドロテア: ええ……。
Dorothea: Please do.
リンハルト: ふむふむ……
Linhardt: Hmm... Where has it gone?
ドロテア: リンくん、ちょっといいかしら?
Dorothea: Lin, you got a minute?
リンハルト: あれ、ドロテア。独りでいるのは終わったの?
Linhardt: Oh, Dorothea. Are you done being alone?
ドロテア: そんな言い方しないで。ごめんなさい、私が悪かったわ。
Dorothea: Please don't say it like that...
I let the gossipers get to me...and I snapped at you. Can you forgive me?
リンハルト: いいけど、何を許すの?別に許すようなことされた覚えがないよ。
Linhardt: You have my forgiveness, although I remember no wrong doing on your part.
ドロテア: ……そ、それならそれでいいけど、とにかくありがとう。
Dorothea: Oh, well... Thank you, I guess.
リンハルト: どういたしまして。そういえば、割り切れた?
Linhardt: So do you feel better?
ドロテア: ええと、陰口のこと?全然……良かったら話を聞いてくれます?
Dorothea: About the gossip? Not even a little bit. I... I need someone to talk to, and I figure it should be you.
リンハルト: え……まあいいか。何?
Linhardt: Oh? OK. What is it?
ドロテア: 私、あの兵士たちに言われたこと、自分でも思ってるんです。
Dorothea: About the things that those soldiers were saying... The truth is, I agree with them.
Selfish as I am, I curried favor with a noble so I could enroll here. An orphan like me, here. Crazy, right?
ドロテア: 周りは貴族やお金持ちの生徒ばかり。どう考えても場違いでしょ?
Dorothea: Everyone else here is noble or rich or both. I don't deserve any of this. Honestly, I don't deserve to be here at all.
ドロテア: それがいつの間にか兵を率いるようになって先生の指揮で戦う将に……分不相応でしょ?
Dorothea: And now, to be leading troops as one of the professor's generals... I'm way out of my league.
ドロテア: もちろん私は自分のために頑張ってるけど、本当にそれでいいのか悩む時も……。
Dorothea: I'm doing the best I can, of course, but sometimes I wonder if it's enough...
リンハルト: ふーん、ドロテアってさ、何でも向き合わなきゃいけないって思ってない?
Linhardt: Dorothea, if I may offer a bit of advice. You have no reason to face anything you do not wish to.
If the past distresses you, then just let it go. It's as simple as that.
ドロテア: でも、自分の過去よ?そんな捨てるなんて……
Dorothea: But it's my past. You can't escape your past...
リンハルト: 君はきっと、これまでつらいこともたくさん乗り越えてきたんだろう。
Linhardt: You've probably overcome a lot of tough times, haven't you?
I think that's incredible, really, but why not just let go of the suffering and run away from the memories that cause you pain?
I suspect you'll find it a better way of living. I know I do.
ドロテア: でも逃げたら……、これまで頑張ってきたことが無駄に……
Dorothea: That's not living, Lin. It's running away. If I leave my hardships behind, then all of that means nothing.
リンハルト: そうかな。少なくとも、今の君は変わらずここにいるでしょ。
Linhardt: Good point. Well said. Yet I propose ignoring your past changes nothing of who you are today.
I see before me a great woman who should not be bothered by idle gossip.
Even if you dropped everything and took a nap for a thousand years, you would still be you.
ドロテア: ふふっ。その喩えはよくわからないけど……貴方が羨ましいわ。
Dorothea: What an example... I don't quite get it, but I am a bit envious of you.
Still, I can't live the way you do.
リンハルト: そうかな。じゃ、試しに昼寝しに行こうか。
Linhardt: At least try it. Go take a nap where a noble will see you. Give them something to talk about.
試してみて。 貴族に会える場所で昼寝をしよう。 彼らに話す何かを与えよう
ドロテア: ええ……そうしてみようかしら。
Dorothea: Heh. Maybe I will.
リンハルト: ……ああ、ドロテア。ここにいたんだね。
Linhardt: Ah... Here you are.
ドロテア: リンくん。私に何か……もしかして、食事のお誘いかしら?
Dorothea: What's up, Lin? Come to invite me to dinner?
リンハルト: いや、それもあるけど……君に言わなきゃならないことがあって。
Linhardt: Well, that too, but first there is something I wish to say.
I believe I previously implied that it's OK to live out your days by running away from what troubles you.
And I think that I was unkind to you.
ドロテア: 不親切って?どういう話かしら?
Dorothea: What are you talking about?
リンハルト: 実を言うと、僕は不安に感じてることが一つだけあるんだ。
Linhardt: To be honest, while I try to be easygoing, I currently feel a bit uneasy about something.
One of the effects of running away constantly is that eventually one runs out of places to, well, run.
Because I avoid memories I find unpleasant, the number of things I avoid is forever increasing.
I've never learned to deal with the pain of my past, so I can never increase my tolerance toward new pains.
ドロテア: それで?
Dorothea: And?
リンハルト: それだけ。でもたまにすごく不安になる夜もある。
Linhardt: That's all. But there are some nights where it really worries me.
ドロテア: ふふっ、ふふふふっ。何だ、そんなことだったの。
Dorothea: That's what you wanted to say?
It'd be the same if you weren't avoiding things. You'd just be up at night wondering what was coming next.
Thank you, Lin. I appreciate you showing me a glimpse of your real self for the first time.
リンハルト: 初めてって……。僕が口にすることは、全部本音だよ。
Linhardt: For the first time? Each time I speak, I show my real self.
ドロテア: 本当に?なら、あの時の言葉も?
Dorothea: So, what about that conversation we had?
リンハルト: あの時って、どれかな。
Linhardt: Which conversation?
ドロテア: 私は頑張ってる、立派な女の子だと思う……ってやつ。本当?
Dorothea: When you said I was a great woman. Was that true?
リンハルト: ああ、そうだよ。
Linhardt: Of course. You have too low an opinion of yourself.
ドロテア: そうなのね。慰めの言葉かと思っていたわ。
Dorothea: I thought you were just trying to make me feel better.
I didn't really think you looked at me that way, Lin.
リンハルト: 何かおかしいかい?随分と嬉しそうだけど。
Linhardt: Why? Is it so strange? You seemed rather happy about it at the time.
ドロテア: あはははっ! おかしいわ。リンくんって、本当におかしい。
Dorothea: Haha, it's not weird... OK, it's kind of weird. Haha... You're weird, Lin.
You know, I'm hungry all of the sudden. Maybe I laughed too much.
リンハルト: あ、そういえば、僕は君を食事に誘いに来たんだけど……
Linhardt: Good. I was going to invite you to dinner.
ドロテア: あれ?そんな話だったかしら?
Dorothea: You were?
リンハルト: ……最初に君に聞かれたときに、それもあるけど、って言ったよ?
まあいいや。食堂でいいよね? 街に出るのは面倒だし。
Linhardt: When I walked in, you asked if I'd come to invite you to dinner.
I said yes. But I can't be bothered to walk into town. Shall we visit the dining hall?
ドロテア: えええ……。
Dorothea: What?
Oh, fine. Show me this easygoing way of yours.
After the war, Linhardt decided to inherit his title. He spent several years studying his territory, learning to manage its affairs, and when he was finally ready to become the new Count Hevring, he announced his marriage to Dorothea. Somehow, despite all this activity, Linhardt actually managed to keep up with his Crest studies. Though his results were dubious at times, his new wife helped him alter them so that they would be of use to people. Their relationship was unlike anything the nobility had ever witnessed. When faced with this accusation, Linhardt and Dorothea could only laugh and note that the past was of no significance to them.