ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん……♪良いお天気で絵筆が進むなあ。
Bernadetta: ♪La la-la la-la laa...♪ Such lovely weather for painting!
リンハルト: ……あれ、ベルナデッタ?
Linhardt: Bernadetta?
ベルナデッタ: ぶっふうううう!はいっ! どなたでしょうかああああ!
Bernadetta: Ah! Who are you?! Where did you come from?!
リンハルト: どなたって……。リンハルトだよ。ここで何をしてるの?
Linhardt: It's just me, Linhardt. What are you doing?
ベルナデッタ: な、何をって……。え、絵です。邪魔ですよね! 帰ります、帰りますから。
Bernadetta: Painting! Just painting! Not important. Am I in your way? I'm in your way. I'll just go. I'm going.
リンハルト: いや、邪魔だなんて言ってないけど。僕は本を読みに来ただけだよ。
Linhardt: No need for all that. I just came out here to read.
I'll stay quiet and still so as not to bother you. How's that?
If you want to go, that's fine too.
ベルナデッタ: 帰りたいわけじゃないですし……いや、その……か、帰ってやるもんですか!
Bernadetta: Um... No, I'll...stay.
リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: Ugh...
リンハルト: ……そういえば君って、普段、引き籠もってるよね?
Linhardt: Say, aren't you usually holed up inside?
ベルナデッタ: ひあああ! ご、ごめんなさい!今日は外にいて、ごめんなさいいい!
怒ってますか? 怒ってますよね?すぐに片づけて引き籠もりますううう!
Bernadetta: Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for coming here! I'm sorry for bothering you!
You're mad, aren't you? You look really mad! I'll just pack up! I'll be gone before you know it!
リンハルト: 別に怒ってないって……。むしろ、僕は君に憧れを抱いてる。
Linhardt: Mad? At you? Never. I rather admire you in fact.
I fantasize about shutting myself in my room and never going outside again. It sounds like paradise.
However, I wouldn't be able to perform my research. That, Bernadetta, is a problem.
ベルナデッタ: あ、憧れ!? あたしに!?……はっ、さては何か企んでいるでしょ!
Bernadetta: Wh-what? You admire me? Nu-uh. No way. I know a trick when I see one! What are you plotting?!
So you want to copy me, is that it? And what's a copy do with the original? Replace it!
Well, I've got you figured out. I won't just sit back and take it... I'll fight you!
リンハルト: いや、そんな気は全然……。はあ、もう面倒臭いからそれでいいよ。
Linhardt: What? That's n— Ugh, this is too much hassle. I'm leaving.
ベルナデッタ: ひえ!? た、助けてえええ!命だけはご勘弁をおおおお!
Bernadetta: Ah! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: ...
リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
ベルナデッタ: ……うーん。もう少し赤を足そうかな?
Bernadetta: Hmm... A little more crimson, maybe?
リンハルト: ……朱色のほうがいいんじゃない?
Linhardt: May I suggest vermilion instead?
ベルナデッタ: なあっ!? 何ですか、急に!どうせあたしなんて才能ないですよ!
Bernadetta: Vermilio—ah! I know. I see it. you don't have to say it. I've got no talent at all...
リンハルト: 君の才能の有無は知らないけど、あの花を描くなら朱色が合うと思うよ。
Linhardt: I said nothing about your talent. I simply suggested vermilion over crimson.
Do you know vermilion? It's just a softer shade of crimson. I believe it would... Oh, forget it.
This is your artistic vision, and I am but a meddler. I am going to read my book and leave you to your art.
ベルナデッタ: ……いえ、いいんです、別に!好きに言えばいいじゃないですか!
Bernadetta: Um... N-no, it's fine. Say what you want to say.
It's...good advice. I'll use vermilion. Thank you.
リンハルト: ……そろそろ戻るか。
Linhardt: Well, I'd best be heading back.
ベルナデッタ: ……はあ。やっと出来た! ……ような気が。
Bernadetta: Phew. Finally done! I think.
リンハルト: ああ、絵が完成したんだね。ふうん。
Linhardt: All finished?
ベルナデッタ: えっ、ちょ、ちょっと……。見ては! 見てはいけませんって! こら!
Bernadetta: Uh, please, don't look at it!
リンハルト: ……色使いが全体的にぼんやりしてるね。やっぱり赤のほうが良かったかなあ。
Linhardt: Everything looks a bit faded, doesn't it? Ironically, crimson may have been a better choice after all.
The sense of distance on the petals is a little strange. Perhaps you should pay closer attention to such details as you paint.
A preliminary sketch would do wonders. Still... Ah, forget my pedantic comments. You really do have potential.
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: ...
リンハルト: ベルナデッタ?
Linhardt: Bernadetta?
ベルナデッタ: あああああ! もうダメ! 無理です!絵筆なんて折ってやりますううう!
Bernadetta: Ugh! Idiot! Hopeless! Waste of time! Just burn the whole thing, Bernie!
Break your stupid brushes and never paint again!
リンハルト: ……行っちゃった。事実とはいえ、言わないほうが良かったか。
Linhardt: Huh. Perhaps I should have kept my thoughts to myself.
リンハルト: ……あれ、ベルナデッタ。絵筆を折ったんじゃなかったの。
Linhardt: I was under the impression you were going to break all of your paintbrushes.
ベルナデッタ: う、うるさいです!余計なお世話ですよ、リンハルトさん!
Bernadetta: Cut it out, Linhardt!
リンハルト: いやあ良かったよ。僕も少し心が痛んでたからね。
Linhardt: I'm just glad you're back to painting. I felt terrible about what happened last time, you know.
I guess I should have kept my opinions about your painting to myself.
ベルナデッタ: ふん!知りません!
Linhardt: Hm. Maybe you should have.
リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: ...
リンハルト: ……この状況って、何て言うのかな?
Linhardt: So what do you suppose is the name for this kind of situation?
ベルナデッタ: えっ、何ですか?この状況が……何!?
Bernadetta: Um, what situation?
Am I in your way again? I must be. OK, let me pack my things and I'll be off.
リンハルト: はあ……。そうじゃないって。
Linhardt: Ugh... No. That's not what I mean.
I'm talking about when two people are together but not together. When they're basically by themselves.
ベルナデッタ: それぞれ一人……? さあ、何でしょう。あたしはずっと一人ぼっちでしたので……。
Bernadetta: Um, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm always alone.
リンハルト: うん? 一人ぼっち……そうか、それなら二人ぼっちってことだね。
Linhardt: Oh? Alone? Well, there it is then. I suppose you could say we're alone together.
We're each here alone, yet together. So we're alone... together. What do you think?
ベルナデッタ: 二人ぼっち……何ですか、それ。はっ、まさか!
一人ぼっちがいいから、ベルは帰れっていう遠回しな言葉ですか!? そうなんでしょ!
Bernadetta: Alone...together? Oh... Wait, I get it.
That's just a nice way of saying you want to be alone, right? Alone-alone. If that's what you mean, I'll go.
リンハルト: 帰らないほうがいいよ……。何しろ、二人ぼっちは作業に適した状況だからね。
Linhardt: Please, Bernadetta. You shouldn't go. Being alone together means accomplishing more.
We each have the concentration one gets from time alone but also the thrill of being with someone else.
I find it to be an exhilarating environment. Have you felt that as well?
ベルナデッタ: ええ? あ、あたしは、その……。一人のほうが好きな気がしますけど……
Bernadetta: Huh? Me? Um, I'd rather be alone, but...
When I'm painting and I know you can see, I worry about what you might point out about it.
Is that the thrill you mean? Because I feel that.
リンハルト: ……まあ、僕は好きに指摘するけど。ほら、その絵も、随分上達したね。
Linhardt: Here's what I wish to point out about your painting... You've really improved.
Your lines are bolder, your color choices more informed, and your composition as a whole...
ベルナデッタ: り、リンハルトさんが褒めたあ!?これは明日、雪!? いや、嵐ですか!?
Bernadetta: Did you actually just praise me, Linhardt?! What's next, a rain of flying pigs?!
リンハルト: 僕は思ったことを言ってるだけなのに。まあいいや。それで……
Linhardt: I was just...saying what I think.
Look, you probably have talent, and you work hard too...
ベルナデッタ: また……な、何を企んでるんですかああ!褒めたって何も出ませんよ!
Bernadetta: Oh no. I'm on to you now. You're scheming, but you won't get anywhere by flattering me!
Try all you want to get your hooks into my heart—you won't fool me!
リンハルト: ……?君の心は褒めると奪えるのかな。
Linhardt: I'm not sure how praising you means I'm trying to get my hooks into your heart...
ベルナデッタ: そ、そんなことありませんから!ベルの心は鋼鉄です! 奪えません!
Bernadetta: I have a heart of stone! No one will ever get to it!
リンハルト: そうか、残念だな。じゃあ褒めないことにするよ。
Linhardt: What a shame. I suppose I'll stop praising you, then.
ベルナデッタ: え? いや?も、もっと褒めてくれていいんですよ!?
Bernadetta: Y-you will? No, I...I didn't mean it that way! You can, um... You can praise me as much as you want!
リンハルト: よくわからないけど、わかったよ……。……君は可愛いね。
Linhardt: I don't understand you one whit. However, if you want praise, then praise you will get. You're cute.
ベルナデッタ: へ?ふふふふふ不意打ちはダメですうううう!
Bernadetta: Ah! Don't say stuff like that!
Linhardt and Bernadetta caused quite the stir after the war when they abandoned their inherited titles and eloped to Garreg Mach. Returning to the monastery, where they were always most comfortable, the couple lived peaceful lives away from the hassle of politics. When the Empire's efforts to restore the church were complete, the Officers Academy reopened, and two eccentric individuals took up professorships there. One was perpetually asleep, or absorbed in absentminded study; the other refused to show herself at all unless it was time to give a lecture.
Linhardt and Bernadetta caused quite the stir after the war when they abandoned their inherited titles and eloped to Garreg Mach. Returning to the monastery, where they were always most comfortable, the couple lived peaceful lives away from the hassle of politics. When the church was fully restored, the Officers Academy reopened, and two eccentric individuals took up professorships there. One was perpetually asleep, or absorbed in absentminded study; the other refused to show herself at all unless it was time to give a lecture.