コンスタンツェ: ……あら?あれはまさか……
エミール! エミールではありませんこと!貴方、私に言うことがあるんじゃなくって?
Constance: Well, well... Look who it is.
Emile?! It is you, isn't it? Are you feeling more talkative than when I saw you last?
イエリッツァ: ……その名で、私を呼ぶな。
Jeritza: Do not call me that.
コンスタンツェ: まさか貴方が士官学校の教師を経て、今では帝国の将軍になっているなんて……
Constance: Oh, look at you. From professor at the Officers Academy to an Imperial general...
Though you seem idle enough now. Might you spare a moment for a proper apology?
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
コンスタンツェ: メルセデスお姉様がバルテルス家からいなくなっても、報告の一つもせず……
私たち、幼い頃からの付き合いだというのに! 薄情者ですわ!
Constance: Could you not have even informed me when dear Mercedes left House Bartels?
To say nothing of the scandal you caused... Granted, I can hardly blame you, that family being what it was.
But did it never occur to you that I ought to have been consulted?!
We've only known each other since childhood! Such callousness! Such rank insensitivity!
Emile! Are you listening?!
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
コンスタンツェ: あら、逃げるつもり? おーっほっほ!私からは逃げられませんわよ!
Constance: You think you can escape? Ahaha! I won't be denied this time.
You may think yourself skilled with a blade, but remember that my spellwork is peerless.
Dealing with you would be no more than a murmured word and a flick of a finger.
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
Restrain yourself, Constance.
コンスタンツェ: これでも加減していますのよ?だいたいエミール、貴方はいつもいつも……
Constance: I am the model of restraint. On the contrary, Emile, it is you who insists on being so―
イエリッツァ: その名で呼ぶなと言ったはずだ……。
Jeritza: I said not to call me that.
コンスタンツェ: あら、皆の前ではイエリッツァ将軍と呼んであげてるでしょう? 感謝なさいな。
Constance: You know I've not slipped from using General Jeritza in public. And this is the thanks I get?
コンスタンツェ: ところで貴方、メルセデスお姉様とちゃんとお話はしたの? しましたわよね?
Constance: Tell me, have you had a proper chat with Mercedes? You have, surely.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方は昔から言葉足らずで、皆に誤解されやすい性格なのですから……
Constance: Ugh. You've always been the sort to keep your own counsel and let others draw their own conclusions.
イエリッツァ: お前は……少しくらい、黙ることを覚えたらどうだ……。
Jeritza: Would it kill you to be silent for once?
コンスタンツェ: お待ちなさい、エミール!どこへ隠れようと無駄ですからね!
Constance: Emile, stop! This isn't over!
イエリッツァ: ……おい。
Jeritza: Hey.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほ!私に何か用ですの、エミール!
Constance: Ahaha! Did you send for me, Emile?
イエリッツァ: ……私のことを、周囲に触れ回るのは止せ。
Jeritza: Stop gossiping about me.
コンスタンツェ: あら、触れ回るだなんてとんでもない。ただの世間話ですわよ?
Constance: Gossiping? About you? You wound me, Emile. So what if your name falls from my lips now and then?
イエリッツァ: 私の素性が割れるのは、困る……。
Jeritza: If you speak of my past, there will be consequences.
コンスタンツェ: ですから、貴方がバルテルス家の人間だ、という点は伏せているではありませんの。
Constance: I am aware. I have been silent regarding you secretly being of House Bartels.
No. When I speak of you, I bandy gentler truths, such as your fondness for kittens and ice cream.
All the silly little details that make you seem human.
イエリッツァ: ……そういう問題ではない。
Jeritza: Those details are nobody's business but mine.
コンスタンツェ: はああ……エミール、貴方、軍の皆から何と言われているかわかっていて?
Constance: Oh, Emile, do you have any notion what the rank and file say about you?
イエリッツァ: 知らん……。
Jeritza: No.
コンスタンツェ: 「近寄りがたい」「怖い」「物騒」「何を考えているのかわからない」……
Constance: They use words like "unapproachable", "menacing", and "inscrutable".
Regardless of your skill with a blade, fighting a war as if it were a long series of duels will end in death.
And that is why I do what I can to ingratiate you with the soldiers you lead! No thanks necessary.
イエリッツァ: 迷惑だ……以前のことを、まだ根に持っているのか……。
Jeritza: I see that you are still...unhappy with me.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほ!いったい何のことかしら?
Constance: Ahaha! Whatever do you mean?
イエリッツァ: 戦いは、孤独なもの……。徒党を組んでの戦いなど、つまらん……。
Jeritza: The battlefield is solitary, in the end. I've no interest in camaraderie with soldiers.
コンスタンツェ: それでは貴方、少なくとも戦いにおいては自分の能力が完璧だとでも言うのかしら?
Constance: Are you implying that, in combat, you are an utterly matchless warrior?
That you can vanquish any foe singlehandedly? That you need no cohort supporting you?
How perfectly presumptuous! Even I can admit my reliance upon others.
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
コンスタンツェ: 戦況を見定めて、貴方が次に戦う相手を指示してくれているのはどなたかしら?
Constance: While you fight, who stands beside you to gauge the tide of battle?
Who eliminate the archers aiming for you? Who heals whatever injuries you might sustain?
These are questions you should be asking yourself, Emile. I ask them for you because we are old friends.
イエリッツァ: ……お前は昔から、すぐに正論をぶつけてくる女だった。
Jeritza: Always quick to cut to the heart of the matter.
コンスタンツェ: ふんっ、貴方は昔から、いろいろと面倒な男でしたわよね。
Constance: Just as you are ever an ache in my side.
コンスタンツェ: きっとお姉様は今でも貴方の態度に頭を痛めていらっしゃるはずですわ。
イエリッツァ: 勝手に、言っていろ……。
Jeritza: Whatever.
But...there is a truth in your words.
However, it is not up for discussion. Stop gossiping about me.
コンスタンツェ: はいはい、考えておきますわ。
Constance: I shall...consider it.
コンスタンツェ: 感謝いたしますわ、エミール。
Constance: I must thank you, Emile.
イエリッツァ: ……何の話だ。
Jeritza: Why?
コンスタンツェ: 先日の戦いでは貴方に世話をかけてしまいましたわよね。
Constance: You came to my aid in that recent skirmish.
I loathe being in anyone's debt, so I brought something as thanks.
How it warms my heart to see you taking my advice about learning to work with others!
イエリッツァ: ………………。……そうか。
Jeritza: not recall...
コンスタンツェ: あら……貴方、本当に忘れてしまったような顔をしていますけれど?
Constance: You don't recall working with others? Or you don't recall coming to my aid?
イエリッツァ: ……戦場でのことは、よく覚えていない。
Jeritza: My memories from battle are always a blur.
The creature that you me and is not me.
コンスタンツェ: ふうん? よくわかりませんけれど、私と同じようなものかしら?
Constance: Hmm. That sounds perfectly meaningless, and yet I may know exactly what you mean.
That aside, this should serve to balance the scales between us. Here.
イエリッツァ: ……これは。
Jeritza: This...
コンスタンツェ: 昔、貴方が私にくれたのと同じ花ですわ。下の街の花屋で見つけましたのよ。
Constance: It's the same variety of flower you would give to me, those many years ago. I found it at a florist in town.
Though I suppose you memory of those days isn't as sharp as mine.
イエリッツァ: いや……。この花のことは、覚えている……。
Jeritza: I remember this.
I gave you a rose when Count Nuvelle brought you along on his visit to House Bartels.
I used to tend to the roses with Mercedes and Mother in the garden.
コンスタンツェ: ……覚えていましたのね。本当に、綺麗でしたわ、バルテルス家の庭園は。
Constance: So you do remember. The garden of House Bartels did tend to make an impression.
イエリッツァ: あの庭は……母上やメルセデスにとって、心安らげる唯一の場所だった。
Jeritza: Mother and Mercedes were always so blissful when they spent time there.
コンスタンツェ: 花を一輪手折って、私に差し出した貴方は、まるで物語に出てくる騎士様のよう……
Constance: You picked a rose and gave it to me, like the knights in the stories.
Your story took a tragic turn... Time has had its way with you.
イエリッツァ: ……私の台詞だ。
Jeritza: I thought the same upon seeing you.
コンスタンツェ: あら、よく言いますわね。私は華麗に成長しましてよ。貴方と違って。
Constance: Your sympathy is noted. Out of the two of us, only I could be said to have aged gracefully.
イエリッツァ: ……そういう意味ではない。
Jeritza: That is not what I meant.
We cannot go back in time. That was my meaning.
コンスタンツェ: なぜ、戻れないと決めつけますの?
Constance: Do not be so hasty.
Anything lost can be regained.
The garden may be gone by now, but that will change once I have rebuilt House Nuvelle!
You'll see when you walk into the grand rose garden I will shall have planted in the center of the estate.
You'll come and see it, won't you, Emile?
コンスタンツェ: もちろん、メルセデスお姉様も貴方のお母様も。
Constance: Along with Mercedes and your mother, of course.
イエリッツァ: ……できるのか、お前に。
Jeritza: You believe you are capable of that?
コンスタンツェ: あら、ヌーヴェル家の再興には貴方も協力するんですのよ。
Constance: With you assisting me? It is practically guaranteed.
イエリッツァ: 私が……
Jeritza: Is it now...
コンスタンツェ: 再興の過程では、粗野な方が野蛮な行動に出るかも……そうしたら貴方の出番ですわ。
ヌーヴェル家復興の一助となれるなんて、光栄でしょう? おーっほっほっほっほ!
Constance: Some will undoubtedly take forceful issue with the restoration. That's where you come in.
What a privilege I am granting you, to play a part in the return of my noble house! Ahaha!
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: Hm-hm...
コンスタンツェ: ……あら、珍しい。貴方、まだそんな顔で笑えましたのね。
Constance: A smile? Spreading across your face? Now that is a rare blossom indeed.
イエリッツァ: さあ、な……。お前が相手だから、かもしれん……。
Jeritza: Only in the company of a select few.
After the war, Jeritza and Constance joined the battle against those who slither in the dark. In that dire struggle, which raged across the continent, Constance earned her noble title with powerful magic that proved essential to victory.
Her rise in status ruffled more than a few feathers, but Jeritza kept the Imperial nobility in line.
It is said, in the ballads composed about the couple, that they swore their wedding vows in the beautiful rose garden they had planted together on the Nuvelle estate.