死神騎士: ………………。
Death Knight: ...
ベルナデッタ: ……! ……!?! ……! ……!! ……!!!
Bernadetta: Aaah!
死神騎士: ……む?
Death Knight: Hm?
ベルナデッタ: ……っ、ぴうっ!?
Bernadetta: Ah... Aaaah!
ベルナデッタ: はっ!……あれ? 悪夢を見てたような……
Bernadetta: Hm? Huh? Ugh... I must've had a nightmare...
イエリッツァ: 起きたか。
Jeritza: You're awake.
ベルナデッタ: あんぎゃあああ……って、えと、ええと……イエ、イヤ、イウ……
Bernadetta: Aaah! I mean,! Yeh... Yeh... Yooo...
イエリッツァ: ……イエリッツァだ。
Jeritza: Jeritza.
ベルナデッタ: はい、そうです!イエリッツァ先生ですよね!
Bernadetta: Uh, yeah! That's it. Professor Jeritza!
イエリッツァ: 先生ではない……。
Jeritza: I'm not a professor.
ベルナデッタ: ええ?イエリッツァ先生じゃないんですか!?
Bernadetta: Wait, what? You're not Professor Jeritza?!
Oh, yeah! Professor Jeritza's always a mask. So then... Uh... Who are you?
イエリッツァ: ……いや、イエリッツァだ。
Jeritza: Jeritza.
ベルナデッタ: うえええ?意味がわかりません!
Bernadetta: Uh... I don't understand.
Look... Are you Professor Jeritza, or aren't you? Please, make yourself clear!
イエリッツァ: イエリッツァだが、先生ではない……。
Jeritza: I am Jeritza, but I am not a professor.
ベルナデッタ: イエリッツァさんだけど……先生ではない……? 同名の別人です?
Bernadetta: A Jeritza who is not a professor... So there are two Jeritzas running around the Monastery?
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
ベルナデッタ: ひぎっ! ……あ!わかった! わかりましたよ!!
Bernadetta: Oh, wait... Ah! Aha! I got it. I get it now!
You're no longer a professor, therefore you're just Jeritza. Plain old Jeritza.
Our professor isn't a professor anymore, either, but doesn't mind the title.
I guess I figured you'd be fine with being called professor as well.
plain old
イエリッツァ: そもそも教師すら、方便だった……。
Jeritza: When I was teaching, it was a simply a task. Nothing more.
ベルナデッタ: ……? よくわかんないですけど、イエリッツァさんも大変そうですね?
Bernadetta: I don't really get it, but it sounds like there's a lot going on in that skull of yours, Jeritza.
Oh, Bernie, what the heck are you even doing in the infirmary?
イエリッツァ: 私を見て、倒れたからだ……。
Jeritza: You took one look at me and passed out.
ベルナデッタ: そんなことあるわけないじゃないですかー。イエリッツァさんを見て倒れるなんて……
Bernadetta: Huh? Don't be silly. There's absolutely no reason I'd faint at the sight of you, Jeritz―
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
ベルナデッタ: な、なんか、寒気がしたので、あたし部屋に帰りますうううう!
Bernadetta: I... Uh... Uh! I'm coming down with a sudden cold, I think. Yeah. I've...uh...gotta run to my room!
ベルナデッタ: イエリッツァさん……。
Bernadetta: Jeritza?
イエリッツァ: 何だ……?
Jeritza: What.
ベルナデッタ: ふっふっふ……ベルは気づいてしまったんです。
Bernadetta: Heh heh, I've got it all figured out.
イエリッツァ: ……?
Jeritza: Hm?
ベルナデッタ: イエリッツァさんの正体についてです!
Bernadetta: Your true identity!
イエリッツァ: ……!
Jeritza: Hmm...
ベルナデッタ: あたしの推測が正しければ、イエリッツァさんは……
Bernadetta: If my detective skills are correct, then you...are...
The Death Knight! ...Right?!
イエリッツァ: ああ……。皆が知っていることだが……。
Jeritza: Everyone already knows that.
ベルナデッタ: えっ……みんな知ってるのおおお!?何でですううううううう!!?
Bernadetta: Huh? What? Everyone knows?!
Ugh, and here I thought that I had uncovered your big, spooky secret.
Oh,'re such a shut-in that you missed the biggest news in town...
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
ベルナデッタ: こ、こうなったら……あたしにだけ何か秘密を教えてください!
Bernadetta: So here's the deal, Jeritza. You've gotta tell me a secret about you that nobody else knows.
イエリッツァ: なぜだ……。
Jeritza: Why?
ベルナデッタ: だって、頑張って調べたのに無駄だったなんて悲しいじゃないですかあ!
Bernadetta: Because! I sleuthed for hours upon hours! That's gotta be rewarded!
イエリッツァ: 私に聞かれても、知らん……。
Jeritza: Just stop.
ベルナデッタ: そんなあ……あ、そうです!教えてほしいことありました!
Bernadetta: Aw, come on. Please? Oh, oh! I know! I've got it!
Why do you wear that crazy-looking armor when you're pretending to be the Death Knight?
Are you just into the look of it? You like spooky stuff?
イエリッツァ: ……む。
Jeritza: Well...
I may have been drawn to that aspect. To look sinister. To embody death.
ベルナデッタ: そ、そうなんですか……。
Bernadetta: Oh, I see!
I thought, maybe you put on that mask and armor because, just like ol' Bernie, you don't like talking to people.
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: Heh heh...
イエリッツァ: それも、あるかもしれん……。人と会話するなど、くだらん……。
Jeritza: There may be some truth to that. Talking to people is intolerable.
ベルナデッタ: そうなんですか!?ふっふっふ、親近感湧いちゃいますね!
Bernadetta: Oh yeah?! I think I'm sensing a real kinship between us!
So with that whole spooky getup on, it allowed you to speak to people with confidence!
イエリッツァ: いや……
Jeritza: No...
ベルナデッタ: あ、イエリッツァさん、そのことは誰にも言わないでくださいよ?
Bernadetta: Oh, hey, Jeritza? Don't tell anyone about this, OK?
This is our little secret!
イエリッツァ: 構わんが……。何の意味がある……?
Jeritza: I don't mind, but... I also don't understand.
イエリッツァ: 最近、食事の時間が重なるが……。
Jeritza: Lately, I've noticed that our lunch times seem to coincide with one another's, and I―
ベルナデッタ: え、えっと迷惑でした!?ベル、調子に乗り過ぎですかああああ!?
Bernadetta: Oh no! Am I bothering you? I am, aren't I? I knew you were getting too carried away, Bernie!
I mean, it's no wonder you don't wanna have lunch with me anymore. Just having me around probably makes your food taste awful...
イエリッツァ: 味など、変わらん……。事実を口にした、だけだ……。
Jeritza: My food tastes the same as it always does. I was merely stating a fact about our lunches coinciding.
ベルナデッタ: そ、そうですか……。
Bernadetta: Oh...
イエリッツァ: だが、理由は気にかかるな……。まさか……
Jeritza: But I am curious as to why you want to eat with me. It isn't that you―
ベルナデッタ: ぎゃああああああ!お許しをおおおおお!
Bernadetta: Aaah! Please forgive me!
I am so sorry I've been using you to avoid people!
The truth is hardly anyone ever comes near us, and it's been such a relief!
イエリッツァ: それだけか……。なら、構わん……。
Jeritza: That's it? Well, then. I don't mind.
ベルナデッタ: へ? いいんですか!?
Bernadetta: Huh? You...don't?
イエリッツァ: 以前、親近感が湧くと言っていたからな……
Jeritza: When last we spoke, you mentioned feeling a kinship to me...
So I wondered if you were thinking that we may be...kindred spirits, of a sort.
ベルナデッタ: えっ、はい、うん?その……
Bernadetta: Oh? Uh... Hmm... I...
I mean, of course not, Jeritza! I didn't mean anything like that at all! Ha! Kindred spirits?! Us?! Ha...ha... Haaa...
But I mean... Totally hypothetical here, but, uh... If I did think we were kindred spirits, would...uh...there be a problem with that?
イエリッツァ: 私が人を嫌うのは……、距離を取らねば命を奪うからだ……。
Jeritza: Yes. There would. The reason I dislike because if I don't keep my distance, it is only a matter of time before I kill them.
If you continue spending time near me, death may find its way to you.
ベルナデッタ: え、ええ……。そうなんですか……。
Bernadetta: Uh... Oooh. I see.
I, uh... I'm not quite sure how to say this, but...I'm willing to take the risk.
I mean, we're in the middle of a war! I could die at any point now, even tomorrow!
So if being near you means feeling comfortable during my final hours, well, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me!
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
ベルナデッタ: ……ベル、さっき嘘ついちゃいました。同類視してないって。
Bernadetta: I...wasn't entirely being honest with you just now, about the whole kindred spirits thingy...
Want the real truth? I actually think we are. You and I have a whole lore in common.
We both had a dark, troubling past. We both build walls around ourselves in response to that, to keep people out.
Me, I take all my past hurts out on myself, but you... Jeritza, you take yours out on the world.
Maybe that's why you harm people.
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: Hmm...
ベルナデッタ: あっ……。ああ、あああ、偉そうでごめんなさいいい!
Bernadetta: Uh. Uh! Ah! That was really overstepping, wasn't it? I'm sorry!
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
After the war for Fodlan, Jeritza threw himself fully into the struggle against those who slither in the dark. Visage masked by the likeness of death itself, he laid waste to his enemies with a scythe that terrified friend and foe alike. When it was all over, he stole away in secret and vanished. At the same time, a mysterious guest arrived in Varley territory, which Bernadetta had inherited from her father. On that day, the reclusive noble and her guest were seen walking the grounds pleasantly together. A rendition of that scene, said to be painted by Bernadetta herself, remains at the estate to this day.