イグナーツ: はあ、はあ。今日の訓練は厳しかったなあ……。
Ignatz: Phew, today's training was murder...
Ah, Shamir! I have a question for you.
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: …
イグナーツ: あのー、シャミアさん?
Ignatz: Um... Shamir?
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: …
イグナーツ: ……そ、そうか。精神を集中する訓練中なのかも……。
Ignatz: Oh, I suppose she's meditating or something.
Never mind then, I guess...
シャミア: ……どこへ行く?
Shamir: Where are you going?
イグナーツ: わ、わわわわ!?しゃ、シャミアさん?
Ignatz: Agh! Shamir?
シャミア: 聞きたいことがあるんだろ?
Shamir: Don't you have a question?
イグナーツ: い、いえいえ!そんなにたいしたことじゃ……!
Ignatz: Uh, n-no! It's not important.
シャミア: 瞑想は終わりだ。何かあるなら言え。
Shamir: I'm finished meditating. Speak.
イグナーツ: あ、いや、もう……。シャミアさんも、お疲れでしょうし……。
Ignatz: Ah, no, it's not... You're probably tired anyway.
シャミア: 教わる立場の者が、遠慮などするな。いいか。
Shamir: Always be willing to speak and ask questions. Understood?
イグナーツ: は、はい。次からはそうします……。
Ignatz: Y-yes, understood. I'll remember that for next time.
シャミア: 次から?今は遠慮するのか。
Shamir: Next time?
イグナーツ: ええと、今日はもう大丈夫です。すみません、失礼します……。
Ignatz: Um, yes, I'm OK for today. Sorry to disturb you. I'll be leaving now.
シャミア: ……難しい奴だな。
Shamir: Why must he be so difficult?
イグナーツ: あの……シャミア、さん?
Ignatz: Um, excuse me. Shamir?
シャミア: どうした?聞きたいことがあるなら聞け。
Shamir: What is it? Do you need something?
イグナーツ: は、はい。ボク、フォドラの外の世界に興味があって……。
Ignatz: Yes. I was curious about the world beyond Fódlan.
シャミア: ……ほう。
Shamir: Oh.
イグナーツ: シャミアさんはフォドラの外から来たんですよね?
Ignatz: You came from somewhere outside Fódlan, right?
I'm curious about your homeland, what kind of place it was, and I thought you might...
シャミア: ……断る。
Shamir: I will not.
イグナーツ: ……え?
Ignatz: Sorry?
シャミア: 私が語ったところで無意味だ。
Shamir: There's no point in me telling you about it.
イグナーツ: ……そ、そうですか。それじゃあ……。
Ignatz: I, uh, I see. All right, then.
シャミア: 待て。誤解しているだろ。
Shamir: Wait. You misunderstand.
Hearing me tell stories about the things I've seen...
What good is that? That's just my experience.
If you want to know about the world, you need to experience it for yourself...is what I meant to say.
イグナーツ: そ、そうなんですか?良かった……。
Ignatz: Oh! That's what it was. That's...good.
シャミア: 良かった?
Shamir: How so?
イグナーツ: その、ボク、シャミアさんに嫌われてるのかな、って……。
Ignatz: I thought maybe you didn't like me.
シャミア: さて、どうだろうな……。君はどう思う?
Shamir: Is that what you think?
In your experience, do I seem to dislike you?
If you can't determine something as simple as that, then you would gain nothing from the outside world.
イグナーツ: え、あの……わかりません……。こんなんじゃダメですね、ボク……。
Ignatz: Oh, um, I don't actually know! I'm not very good at reading people, I guess.
シャミア: ならば私に聞いて、確かめたらどうだ。目の前にいるのだから。
Shamir: Ask me. I'm right here.
イグナーツ: そんな勇気、ボクには……。
Ignatz: I... I'm not that brave.
I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone! I'll be going now!
シャミア: 確かめる度胸もないか。それとも……どちらでもいい、か?
Shamir: Not brave enough to ask a simple question...or does he just not care?
シャミア: ……結論から言えば、私は君を嫌ってなどいない。
Shamir: To put it plainly—no, I do not dislike you.
イグナーツ: そうなんですね!勇気を出して、聞いてみて良かった……。
Ignatz: Really? Oh, whew, I'm so glad I asked!
シャミア: どちらでもいい、わけではなかったか……。で、君はなぜ外の世界に興味があるんだ?
Shamir: Hm, so he does care... Why were you asking me about the world outside Fódlan before?
イグナーツ: それは……まだ見ぬ風景が、まだまだたくさんあるんだって気づいたからです。
Ignatz: There's so much I have yet to see.
Even these days, when it's ravaged by conflict, the world is so diverse.
Buildings and landscapes and geography differ vastly from place to place.
There's so much variety within Fódlan, and the outside world must be even more varied!
I feel so inspired just thinking about it. So I'd like to travel there some day.
シャミア: そうか。……いいんじゃないか?
Shamir: I see. You should go.
イグナーツ: そ、そうでしょうか?
Ignatz: You think so?
シャミア: 言っただろ。見知らぬ世界を言葉で伝えるのは難しい。
Shamir: I told you before. In order to know the world, you have to experience it for yourself.
There is much to see. Even simple things. Flowers. Food. Varieties that don't exist in Fódlan.
New smells. New tastes. I could tell you about them...
But you would only imagine them, not comprehend them.
If you want true understanding, go out into the world. See it with your eyes. Feel it with your skin...
Speak to its people. Then you will know.
イグナーツ: そ、そうかもしれませんね……。
Ignatz: Yes. Perhaps so...
シャミア: ……何だ。言いたいことは、はっきり言え。
Shamir: Is there something else?
イグナーツ: ……シャミアさんがボクにこんなに話してくれたの、初めてだなって。
Ignatz: You've never talked to me like this before, Shamir.
シャミア: ……些細なことだ。
Shamir: It's nothing.
イグナーツ: す、すみません……。
Ignatz: Ah, sorry...
シャミア: フ……。君の話を聞いていると、私も将来について考えねばと思わんでもない。
Shamir: Hearing you talk about exploring the world made me think about what I should do with myself.
イグナーツ: シャミアさんは将来、何かやりたいことがあるんですか?
Ignatz: Do you have plans for the future, after the war?
シャミア: 特に決まっていない。その点、私より君が一歩前にいる。
Shamir: Not yet. You're ahead of me there.
I must find my own path.
イグナーツ: ボクがシャミアさんより一歩前に?そ、そんな、ボクなんて……。
Ignatz: Ahead of you, Shamir? I highly doubt that.
シャミア: 謙遜する暇があったら、私を励ましでもすればいい。
Shamir: If you have time for empty compliments, you have time to encourage me instead.
イグナーツ: は、はい。では、シャミアさん、頑張ってください!
Ignatz: Yes, of course. Shamir, may you find success in everything you do!
シャミア: フフ……了解だ。
Shamir: Thank you, Ignatz. I'll do my best.
Soon after the war, Shamir disappeared. Ignatz searched unsuccessfully for her for a time, but finally gave up and went home. With hard-won permission from his family, he then set out to travel the world as an artist. Years later, he encountered Shamir by chance at an inn. When she saw that Ignatz had not yet left Fodlan, she encouraged him to leave the region, and offered to stay at his side and guard him until he did. It is rumored that he was overjoyed by this offer, and that the pair soon departed Fodlan to the west by sea, but where they traveled after that is unknown.