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メルセデス: あら、イグナーツ。どうしたの~? そんなに急いじゃって。
Mercedes: Oh my, Ignatz. You're in a hurry. Is something the matter?
イグナーツ: 先生が、全員、訓練場に集まりようにって。メルセデスさんは聞いてないんですか?
Ignatz: The professor wants us to gather at the training grounds. Didn't you hear?
メルセデス: 聞いたわよ~。もう少ししたら行くつもり。
Mercedes: Of course I did! I'll head over in a bit.
イグナーツ: あの……急がなくていいんですか?先生が呼んでいるんですよ?
Ignatz: Um. Are you sure you want to wait? I can hear the professor calling.
メルセデス: でも、お昼の時間が終わったら、でしょう?まだ余裕があると思うけれど……
Mercedes: We're not needed until after the lunch hour. We have plenty of time.
イグナーツ: ……そ、それもそうですね。ボク、こういう時、慌てちゃって。
Ignatz: Oh, I guess so. I was just panicking a bit.
I wish I could be calm like you.
How are you so unflappable?
メルセデス: う~ん……だって、あんまり慌てても仕方ないじゃない?
Mercedes: Well, rushing around doesn't help, does it?
I mostly try to stay out of everyone's way.
There's no point in overexerting yourself. Anything that needs doing will get done eventually.
イグナーツ: ……それはつまり、人生を達観しているってことでしょうか?
Ignatz: Hm! So that's the secret to happiness.
メルセデス: う~ん……? そんな高尚な話じゃない気もするのだけど~……。
Mercedes: I suppose, but it's not nearly as philosophical as you make it sound.
イグナーツ: いいえ、すごいです。ボクなんか、自分だけ他人とずれていないかいつも気になって……
Ignatz: No, it's perfect. I feel like I don't quite fit in with other people.
So in situations like this where I have to talk to someone, I panic a little.
Please, teach me how to be as calm and collected as you are.
メルセデス: もう、さっきから大げさよ、イグナーツ。私はただ、ぼんやりしてるだけなのに~……
Mercedes: Honestly, Ignatz, you're making this out to be much bigger than it is. I mostly just don't pay attention.
Being like me is more trouble than it's worth.
イグナーツ: でも、メルセデスさんは何だかいつも幸せそうというか……あ、ごめんなさい!
Ignatz: But you always seem so happy! Agh, I'm sorry...
メルセデス: ふふっ、謝らなくていいのよ~。もっと堂々としていなきゃ。でしょう?
Mercedes: There's no need to apologize.
Come on, let's head to the training grounds. I may slow you down though.
イグナーツ: そ、そうですね。急ぐ必要はありませんし……
Ignatz: All right. We don't have to rush...
But I'm going to anyway. See you there!
メルセデス: あらあら。そんなに慌てて、転ばないでね~。
Mercedes: Goodness! Don't strain yourself!
イグナーツ: はあ……。
Ignatz: ...
メルセデス: あらあら、イグナーツ。ため息なんてついて、どうしたの~?
Mercedes: Oh, Ignatz. What are you sighing over?
イグナーツ: あ、す、すみません! 神聖な場所でため息なんて、良くないですよね。
Ignatz: Sorry! I shouldn't sigh in such a holy place.
メルセデス: ううん、別にそんなことはないわよ~。私だって、よくため息をついているわ。
Mercedes: There's nothing wrong with it. I sigh here all the time.
The goddess receives all our prayers and our sighs.
What's bothering you? I'd be happy to talk about it, if you'd like.
イグナーツ: い、いえいえ、そんな!別に悩みってほどじゃないですよ……。
Ignatz: Oh, it's nothing. Not worth talking about.
メルセデス: あらあら、そうなの……?私じゃ、相談相手には頼りないかしら~?
Mercedes: Is that so? Am I not worth talking to?
イグナーツ: そんなことはありません!……じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて。
Ignatz: That's not what I meant! Sorry to offend you. I'll tell you about it.
I'm just uncertain about my future. My father wants me to be a knight.
I don't think I can handle it. Can you imagine a knight as pathetic as me?
メルセデス: 頼りないとは思わないけど~。もしかして、他にやりたいことがあるの~?
Mercedes: I don't find you pathetic at all. Is there something you would rather pursue?
イグナーツ: あはは、お見通しですね……。ボク、昔から絵を描くのが好きで……。
Ignatz: Well, I've always loved painting.
メルセデス: あら、じゃあ絵描きさんになりたいのね?素敵な夢じゃない! いいと思うわ~。
Mercedes: You want to become an artist? How wonderful!
イグナーツ: メルセデスさんは、何か将来の夢とか、目指していることとか、あるんですか?
Ignatz: What's your ambition?
メルセデス: 私は、困っている人たちを助けるみたいな、そんな仕事がしたいわね~。
Mercedes: Me? I simply want to help people with their troubles. Those who can't help themselves.
メルセデス: まあ、あんまりはっきりしたことは考えていないのだけれど~……。
Mercedes: I haven't spent much time considering how I would go about that though...
メルセデス: 例えば、教団で修道士として働くとか~…… まだ、ぼんやりとしか考えていないけれど。
Mercedes: I've considered working for the church, but that's only a vague idea...
メルセデス: あ、ごめんなさい。ついつい話の腰を折ってしまったわ。
Mercedes: Oh, I'm sorry. We were supposed to be discussing your troubles.
イグナーツ: と、とんでもないです。でも意外でした。それに、ちょっと安心したというか……。
Ignatz: Not at all. I'm actually feeling a little better.
Knowing that you aren't sure about your future, I don't feel quite so...alone.
メルセデス: あらあら、みんなそんなものよ~。迷わない人なんて、この世にいないでしょ?
Mercedes: Everyone in this world feels a little lost, you know.
I really do believe that the life of an artist is a wonderful dream to pursue.
There was a beautiful painting of the goddess in the church where I used to live.
Whenever times were difficult, I would stare up at her and sigh. Thinking about that painting helps me even now
イグナーツ: 女神様ですか……。ボクもいつか、描いてみたいなって思っていたんです。
Ignatz: . I've always wanted to paint the goddess.
メルセデス: まあ! あなたが描く女神様も!誰かの支えになるかもしれないわよ~?
Mercedes: You should! I'm sure your painting will help someone else in their time of need.
イグナーツ: ボクの絵にそんな力があるかは……でも、もしそうなったら嬉しいですよね。
Ignatz: I can't paint anything powerful enough to do that. I wish I could. Maybe one day...
I'll give that some thought. Thank you, Mercedes.
メルセデス: あら、イグナーツ。お祈りかしら?それともまた、悩んで?
Mercedes: Are you praying, Ignatz? Are you concerned about something?
イグナーツ: ……あれから考えたんですけど、やっぱり絵描きになるなんて無謀な夢なのかな、と。
Ignatz: A little. I'm coming to accept that I will never be an artist.
I'm self-taught, so my style and technique are probably all wrong. I don't know what I'm doing.
Besides, how could I persuade my father? I can't even imagine his reaction. He'd disown me.
メルセデス: 決められた道を外れるには、勇気が要るわ。簡単にできる選択じゃないわよねえ。
Mercedes: It takes courage to stray from the path that has been set out before you. It's never easy.
I'm in a similar position. I have been carrying out my adoptive father's wishes up until this point.
イグナーツ: だけど……何ですか?
Ignatz: But?
メルセデス: 夢を見るのは、悪いことじゃない……私は、そう思ってるわ~。
Mercedes: It's never a bad thing to have dreams. That's how I feel, at least.
I can't imagine a life in which I've given up on my dreams. How could anyone find happiness in that?
Even with your father's demands, you can still work toward one small dream at a time.
イグナーツ: ……そっか。そうですよね。ボクも絵描きになるって夢があるからこそ、頑張れる。
Ignatz: You know, I suppose you're right! My dream of being an artist gives me the energy to go on.
You're really wise, Mercedes.
メルセデス: あら? 私、しっかりしてるなんて数えるほどしか言われたことないわ~。
Mercedes: Oh, goodness. That's not how most people would describe me.
I just don't want you to give up on your art.
Besides, I genuinely do want to see your painting of the goddess.
イグナーツ: そ、そうですか……?そう言ってもらえると嬉しいな……。
Ignatz: Really?! I'm pleased to hear you say so!
You said you're in the same position as I am. What did you mean by that?
メルセデス: 私も将来を決められているのよ~。貴族との結婚をね。
Mercedes: My future has been decided for me as well. I'm to be married off to a nobleman.
イグナーツ: け、け、結婚!?
Ignatz: What?!
メルセデス: あら、そんなに意外かしら~?似た境遇の子もいると思ってたけれど~。
Mercedes: Is it really that surprising? I think many young women face the same fate.
イグナーツ: それで、その、するんですか……結婚。もしボクがメルセデスさんだったら……。
Ignatz: So, um... Will you get married?
メルセデス: そうねえ、どうかしらねえ。まだ、そんなに深く考えてはいないわね。
Mercedes: Hmm... I suppose I haven't given it much thought.
Whatever may happen, I'm sure everything will work out in the end if I don't give up on my dreams.
イグナーツ: 何とかなるわよ、ですか。……やっぱりメルセデスさんはすごい人だ。
Ignatz: "Everything will work out in the end." Mercedes, you're amazing.
I think that, whatever you do, wherever you go, you'll help a lot of people.
You're so kind, I know you can— Oh!
メルセデス: ……? 急におかしな顔をて、
Mercedes: What's wrong,Ignatz?
You have a strange look on your face.
イグナーツ: あの、ボク、ずっと女神様を描きたくて、でも、どうしても描けなかったんです。
Ignatz: For my whole life, I've wanted to paint the goddess. But I never could.
Whatever shape I gave her, she never seemed quite right. But it's just come to me.
メルセデス: まあ、素敵! そういうことってあるのね。忘れないうちに描いたほうがいいわ~。
Mercedes: It's wonderful how inspiration can strike so suddenly! Quick! Paint before you lose it!
イグナーツ: はい、じゃあ協力してください!
Ignatz: I will! Will you help me?
メルセデス: 協力?私にできることなら手伝うけれど……
Mercedes: I'd be happy to help, but I'm not sure what I can do.
イグナーツ: 気づいたんです! ボクが思い描いていた女神様は、メルセデスさんそのものだって!
Ignatz: Don't you see? The goddess I imagined and tried to paint so many times—she's you!
I have to get my supplies. Stay right there.
メルセデス: あらあら……聖壇の前であんなこと言って、罰が当たらないかしら~……。
Mercedes: Well! To say such a thing directly before the altar! That must be some kind of sin...
I'll say an extra prayer for him.
Mercedes left home and opened a small orphanage in the Faerghus region with her mother. There, she took in and raised children who had lost their families in the war, regardless of their blood or circumstances of birth.
Some years later, she was reunited with Ignatz, who had persuaded his family that he should become a painter and traveled all through Fodlan painting beautiful landscapes.
His greatest masterpiece, however, was a portrait that was entitled The Smiling Saint. It is said that the woman whose face inspired it became the love of his life, and that she spent all of her remaining days close by his side.
Mercedes left home for a life as a cleric at Garreg Mach. There, she took in and raised children who had lost their families in the war, regardless of the circumstances of their birth or bloodline. Some years later, she was reunited with Ignatz, who had persuaded his family that he should become a painter and traveled all through Fodlan painting beautiful landscapes. His greatest masterpiece, however, was a portrait that was entitled The Smiling Saint. It is said that the woman whose face inspired it became the love of his life, and that she spent all of her remaining days close by his side.