イグナーツ: あ、先生!頼まれていた地図が……
Ignatz: Oh, Professor! Here's the map you..
Well... There's always next time, I suppose.
レオニー: イグナーツ!あんた、先生に用事があったんじゃないの?
Leonie: Hey, Ignatz! Didn't you have something to talk to the professor about?
イグナーツ: え? ……いえ、急ぎの用じゃないので。気にかけてもらっちゃってすみません。
Ignatz: Oh, no, nothing urgent.
You didn't cut short your conversation because of me, did you?
レオニー: わたしがそんな気を遣う性格に見える?あんたじゃあるまいし。
Leonie: Come on, do I seem like the type to do that?
No, I just had a couple of questions about the bows. We're done now, so I thought I'd come and tell you.
イグナーツ: 弓の?何か問題でもあったんですか。
Ignatz: The bows? Is something wrong with them?
レオニー: 最近、修理に出る弓の数が多かったから、試しに弦の素材を丈夫な物に変えたんだよ。
Leonie: Lots of them have come in for repairs lately, so I switched out some of the strings for stronger ones.
They've been breaking less, but now they're harder to draw.
イグナーツ: それは大変ですね。使い慣れた物のほうがやっぱりいいんじゃないですか?
Ignatz: Ah, I see. I suppose people would prefer if you went back to the lighter bowstrings.
レオニー: まあ、力が要るってだけなら、腕力を鍛えればいいだけなんだけど……。
Leonie: Maybe. If the only issue was draw weight, I'd just tell people to get stronger arms.
But the real problem is that you can't shoot as fast. Arrows also fly too far now.
イグナーツ: 速く射れないのは問題かもしれませんけど、飛距離が出るのは良いことなのでは?
Ignatz: I can see how slower shooting is a drawback, but the arrows flying father... That actually sounds like a good thing.
レオニー: それが、開けた平地では利点にもなるが、短距離だとむしろ命中率が下がるんだ。
Leonie: Sure, on open plains. But up close, you lose accuracy.
That's why I thought it might be good to use different bowstrings for different scenarios. I wanted the professor's opinion about that.
イグナーツ: なるほど! とてもわかりやすかったです。レオニーさん、弓に詳しいんですね。
Ignatz: Oh, good point! You know a lot about bows, don't you?
レオニー: まあね。猟師の村で生まれ育ったから、小さい頃から弓は身近な存在だったんだよ。
Leonie: Guess I do. I grew up in a hunting village, so I've been around them my whole life.
I wouldn't say I'm necessarily better than anyone, but at least I know what I'm doing.
And you? Do you have something you're really good at?
イグナーツ: あ、あは、あははは……。ボクには、そんなものは……。
Ignatz: Me? Oh, no. I don't think so.
レオニー: そう?……ま、そのうち見つかるといいな。
Leonie: Well, I'm sure you'll find your thing someday.
イグナーツ: そう、ですね……。………………。
Ignatz: I hope so.
レオニー: ハァッ!
Leonie: Hngh...
Who's there?
Oh. Hey, Ignatz.
イグナーツ: す、すみません。邪魔するつもりはなかったんですけど……。
Ignatz: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you.
レオニー: 邪魔だなんて言ってないじゃない。あんたはすぐにそう勘ぐるんだから……。
Leonie: Relax. You're not interrupting.
イグナーツ: すみません。レオニーさんがここで弓の練習をしてるなんて知らなくて……。
Ignatz: I'm sorry. I didn't know you were training out here.
レオニー: たまに一人でここに来て練習してるんだ。ここのほうが実戦に近いだろ?
Leonie: I sometimes come here to practice by myself. It's more like a real battlefield, you know?
Shooting the targets in the yard lets you train your aim and all, but the tension just isn't the same.
イグナーツ: 確かに、実戦感覚とは違いますよね。じゃあ尚更、邪魔できません。
Ignatz: You're right. A real battlefield feels quite different. But if that's the atmosphere you want, I feel even more like I'm intruding.
レオニー: もう、いいってば。折角なんだから休憩に付き合ってよ。
Leonie: Oh, knock it off. You're already here. May as well stick around while I catch my breath.
イグナーツ: ……あ、はい。すみません。気を遣わせてしまって。
Ignatz: Ah, okay. Sorry. Thank you. Sorry to bother you.
レオニー: 気を遣ってるのはどっちだよ。さっきから、もう何回「すみません」って言った?
Leonie: You know you've said you're sorry about a dozen times since you got here?
イグナーツ: すみま……うう。
Ignatz: Oh, I'm so... Ah.
レオニー: はっはっは! まあ、いいや。それもイグナーツの美徳ってやつだもんな。
……ん? その紙の束は?あ、もしかして絵を描きに来たの?
そういや、イグナーツは絵が上手いって、誰か言ってたな! よく描いてるのか?
Leonie: It's fine. I guess it's part of your charm.
Hey... What's that bundle of papers? Oh, did you come here to paint?
I remember now! Someone said you're a great artist. You paint a lot, right?
イグナーツ: あ、はい。時間が出来たらよく……。描くのは好きです。気持ちが落ち着くし。
Ignatz: Uh, yes. Yes. When I have time, that is. I enjoy painting. It helps me relax.
レオニー: へえー。……じゃあ、それがあんたの「誰にも負けないもの」になるかもな。
Leonie: Ah! Well, that could be your thing.
イグナーツ: え? 「誰にも負けないもの」?
Ignatz: My... "thing?" Huh? What do you mean?
レオニー: 前にあんたに聞いたら、そんなものはないって言ってただろ。
Leonie: Last time we talked about it, you said you didn't have a thing you were really amazing at.
But if you like painting so much, it must be a skill you're looking to master.
イグナーツ: ぼ、ボクの絵なんて、趣味ですよ!そんなに上手くないですし!
Ignatz: M-my paintings are nothing but a hobby! Besides, I'm not that good. I never took art lessons.
When... When I was little, I drew a picture for a young girl. The picture made her so happy that I decided to keep at it. That's how it started.
レオニー: ふうん……じゃあ誰かを喜ばせたくて絵の腕を磨いてるってわけか。
Leonie: So, you're practicing your art to make other people happy? Is that it?
イグナーツ: ああ、いえ、そんな大層なことじゃ……。今は本当に、趣味で描いてるだけで……。
Ignatz: Oh, no, that's an overstatement. I must insist, again, it's just a hobby.
Even if I were to become a master artist, it wouldn't be a useful skill.
レオニー: 確か貴族のお抱え商家だったよな。なら、絵を描けるってのは役に立つんじゃ?
Leonie: Aren't you from a merchant family employed by the nobles? I'd think it would be really useful there.
イグナーツ: いえ、次男なので、家は継がないんです。親からは騎士になれと言われています。
Ignatz: I'm not inheriting the business. My brother is. My father said that I'm to become a knight.
So my art won't do anyone any good. At all. Ever.
レオニー: イグナーツ……。
Leonie: Oh, Ignatz...
イグナーツ: あ、レオニーさん。これから訓練ですか?
Ignatz: Ah, Leonie. Off to train?
レオニー: いや、もう終わって戻ってきたとこだよ。あんたは? これから絵を描きに?
Leonie: Already done. What about you? Off to draw?
イグナーツ: ボクも帰ってきたところです。これから描いた絵に着色しようかなって……。
Ignatz: No, I'm on my way back. I was thinking of adding a little color to my latest piece, so...
レオニー: そういえば、まだ一度もあんたの絵を見たことないんだよな。ちょっと見せてよ。
Leonie: Come to think of it, I've still never seen your work. Here, let me take a peek.
イグナーツ: え、そんな急に! 心の準備が!
Ignatz: It doesn't work like that! You have to let me know in advance. I need time to prepare.
レオニー: はは、何だよ心の準備って。邪魔するぞー。
Leonie: Oh, lighten up!
レオニー: お、すごい紙の束。全部、絵なのか?どれどれ、ちょいと拝見……。
Leonie: Wow! Look at all that paper! Are these all drawings? What should I look at first?
イグナーツ: 遠出するたび、その土地ならではのものを探して描いてたら、溜まっちゃって……。
Ignatz: Wherever we travel, I try to capture the feeling and character of the landscape. I guess they've all kind of piled up.
Each place is unique, not just the geography, but also the clothing and the architecture and so on. Everywhere has its own design sensibilities.
レオニー: 本当だ。一口に彫刻と言っても、随分、趣が違うんだね。
Leonie: Yeah. You'd think there'd be only one way to do stuff like engraving, but it actually varies a lot.
イグナーツ: 同盟領内ですら北と南で作風が違うんです。帝国領はもっと独特で面白いですよ。
Ignatz: Just within the Alliance, the styles are quite different between the north and south. And the Empire's even more diverse.
レオニー: ふうん……お、これは風景か。すごいな……青空を紙の中に閉じ込めたみたいだ。
Leonie: Oh, here's a landscape. What a bright blue sky! You really make it seem alive.
イグナーツ: 空の青も、季節によって違うんです。夏は青が濃くて、冬は輝いて見える……。
Ignatz: The blue of the sky changes with the season too. In the summer, it's darker. And yet in the winter, it's almost luminous.
And, of course, the landscape below affects the sky's appearance, by virtue of contrast.
It's hard to get the color just right, so I spend a lot of time experimenting with pigments, and—
Oh no! I'm sorry. I've been talking your ear off.
レオニー: ……イグナーツ。あんたはやっぱり絵描きになるべきだよ。
Leonie: Listen, Ignatz. You need to become a painter.
イグナーツ: え……?
Ignatz: Huh?
レオニー: 何の役にも立たないなんてことはない。あんたの絵は誰かを感動させられる絵だ。
Leonie: Don't say it's not useful. Your talent moves people.
Someday, I'm sure your art will save someone's life.
イグナーツ: ああいや……そうでしょうか……。
Ignatz: Oh, no, I wouldn't go nearly that far.
レオニー: 現に、あんたが絵を描き始めたのは、喜んでくれる子がいたからなんだろう?
Leonie: Remember that girl you told me about? You made her so happy. And you were only just starting out.
Think about what you could do now that you've had so much practice! This is your calling.
イグナーツ: ボクの役割……?
Ignatz: You think so?
レオニー: そうだ。人間の役割ってそういうもんだろ。誰かが代わりになることはできないんだ。
Leonie: Yeah! It's something you can do that no one else can.
I envy you. I wish I had a gift like that.
So stop apologizing for your talent and just do it!
イグナーツ: レオニーさん……。はい、前向きに考えてみようかな……。
Ignatz: Thank you, Leonie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot to think about.
レオニー: イグナーツ、今日も絵を描いてるの?
Leonie: Hey Ignatz! Drawing again?
イグナーツ: はい、戦中に不謹慎だというのはわかってるんですけど……。
Ignatz: I am. I suppose that's rather irresponsible, as we're in the midst of a war.
But ever since we last spoke, I've felt keen to pursue my artistic aspirations.
レオニー: 人には役割があるって言ったろ。描くのが役割だと思うなら堂々としてなよ。
Leonie: Like I said, it's your calling. Don't feel bad about it.
イグナーツ: じゃあ、遠慮なく!レオニーさんは弓の練習ですか?
Ignatz: All right, I'll try to embrace it! And you, are you practicing archery today?
レオニー: ああ、次の戦いで使う弦の具合を確かめておこうと思ってね。
Leonie: More just double-checking this bowstring. I want to make sure it's ready for the next battle.
イグナーツ: そうですか。では、お互いに自分の役割に専念しましょう。
Ignatz: Okay. Well, let's both do our best!
レオニー: ふふ……その様子なら、絵描きになるって腹はくくれたのかい?
Leonie: That's the spirit! Does that mean you've finally accepted that you're an artist?
イグナーツ: 戦争が終わったら、親に切り出してみます。平和な時代には騎士の需要も減るだろうし。
Ignatz: I'll try to discuss it with my parents after the war. There's little demand for knights in peacetime.
In fact, painting might be a more reliable way for me to support my family. I'll try to persuade them with arguments along those lines.
レオニー: よく言った!あんたも少しは頼もしくなったじゃないか。
Leonie: Good point! I'm glad you've got some confidence.
イグナーツ: あはは……ところで、レオニーさんは戦争が終わったら、どうするんですか?
Ignatz: Come to think of it, Leonie, what will you do when the war is over?
レオニー: ん? わたしかい?わたしは一流の傭兵になるのが夢だからね。
Leonie: Me? I'm going to become a top-tier mercenary.
イグナーツ: 平和になっても戦うんですか?
Ignatz: A mercenary in peacetime?
レオニー: まあ、この戦争が終わっても、国が安定するまでは、何かしらあるだろ。
Leonie: Even after the war's over, there'll be plenty of work for me to do before peace really takes hold.
I'll pay what I owe my village back, with interest. After that, I don't know. Never thought about it.
イグナーツ: レオニーさんなら、何でもできそうですけどね。
Ignatz: I'm sure you can do whatever you put your mind to.
レオニー: そんなことないよ。歌姫になれって言われても土台無理だしな。
Leonie: Hardly. Lots of options just don't suit me. I mean, could you imagine me as a songstress?
But yeah, I don't know. Once I've paid off my debts, I guess I'll just have to find something new.
イグナーツ: 急いで探す必要もないと思いますけど。ゆっくり旅でもしながら探してもいいし。
Ignatz: I don't think there's any rush. You can travel and relax and think about it.
レオニー: 旅か……悪くないな。じゃあさ、あんたも一緒に来るかい?
Leonie: Travel, huh? There's an idea. Wanna come with?
イグナーツ: え? ぼ、ボクですか?
Ignatz: Huh? Me?
レオニー: いつか、楽しそうに話してただろ。土地ごとに意匠が違って面白いとか。
Leonie: Sure. You were really excited about different styles across the world, weren't you?
Don't you want more of that? Maybe even see the sky in a new shade?
イグナーツ: ……行きたいです、ボク。世界を見て回りたい。
Ignatz: Yes, I suppose I do. I'd like to see the whole world.
レオニー: もし親に反対されたら、わたしが強引に連れていったことにすりゃいいよ。
Leonie: If your parents object, we'll just say I kidnapped you.
Actually, feel free to say that, even if you go alone.
イグナーツ: いえ、レオニーさんと一緒に行きたいです!二人で見る世界は、一人で見るより……
Ignatz: Oh, no. I want us to see the world together. Your presence makes every landscape more beautiful.
レオニー: ちょちょちょちょっと待って!なんか急に情熱的だね!?
Leonie: Hey, hold on! What's this all of a sudden?
イグナーツ: え、いや、あれ!?そういう意味では……!
Ignatz: Oh, uh, that's not what I meant!
レオニー: ……あはははは!あんたといると飽きないよ!
Leonie: Haha! You're hilarious, Ignatz.
There's never a dull moment with you around.
Leonie took over the mercenary company formerly led by Jeralt. Though she earned a great deal of renown, the work began to dry up as the postwar chaos subsided. It was around that time she had a chance reunion with Ignatz, who had persuaded his family to allow him to wander the world as an artist. Remembering how they had once promised to travel together, Leonie disbanded her mercenary company and resolved to accompany him. The pair left Fodlan, searching for sights hitherto unseen. Where their journey took them remains unknown.