シャミア: 何だ、ヒューベルト。
Shamir: What is it, Hubert?
ヒューベルト: いえ、貴殿の弓の腕を確かめる機会がありましたのでね。実に見事でしたよ。
Hubert: Nothing in particular. I was just recalling your impressive skill with a bow.
I'm willing to bet you could put an arrow through the neck of an enemy general from quite a distance.
In fact, to any leader's bodyguard, I would go so far as to say you pose the most dangerous kind of threat.
シャミア: そう警戒するな。つまらん奴だ。
Shamir: Don't worry your fragile little self.
Your lady princess is safe. I wouldn't shoot my employer.
ヒューベルト: だといいのですが……契約を平気で破る輩は多いですからな。
Hubert: I would certainly hope not. But there are some mercenaries to whom a contract means little.
And you would do well to remember that Lady Edelgard is no mere "princess."
You should take care to learn the proper form of address for your employer.
シャミア: 様を付けて無礼とは、心外だな。
Shamir: I said "lady."
I already told you. I'm not going to break the princess's contract.
ヒューベルト: また「お姫様」と……!
Hubert: What did I just say?
シャミア: 悪い、癖だ。次は気をつける。
Shamir: Proper address. Right. Next time.
ヒューベルト: ええ、そうしてもらいたい。私にも堪忍袋の緒というものはあります。
Hubert: My patience has limits, you know.
For the moment, you may stand in Lady Edelgard's good graces.
But if you become a problem, I will not hesitate to eliminate you.
シャミア: 物騒だな、ヒューベルト。
Shamir: You're unstable, Hubert.
Be careful who you threaten.
I don't take kindly to those who get in the way of my contracts.
ヒューベルト: ……私を消すとでも?
Hubert: Is that a threat?
シャミア: フッ……その先は口にしないと言ったぞ。
Shamir: Just some advice.
ヒューベルト: これで全員か。主の命を狙う者は……。
Hubert: That's the last of them.
暗殺者: がはっ!?
Assassin: Argh!
ヒューベルト: なに?討ち漏らしが……誰ですかな。
Hubert: Another threat to Her Majesty? Who's there?
シャミア: 私だ。……貸し1つ、な。
Shamir: It's me. You owe me for that one.
ヒューベルト: シャミア殿……ここで何を?
Hubert: Shamir. What are you doing here?
シャミア: 君と同じだ。ただ……相手が限られる。
Shamir: Same thing you are. But I'm after a particular target.
The dark side of the Knights of Seiros is proving troublesome.
I should have known, having been one.
ヒューベルト: なるほど……。これは不覚でした。
Hubert: I was...negligent.
I had thought we'd sufficiently thinned the numbers of these scum. Seems I was mistaken.
In any case, you have my thanks.
シャミア: それが私の仕事だ。気にするな。
Shamir: Save it. Just doing my job.
ヒューベルト: しかし、かつての仕事仲間の命を奪う……そのことに思うところはないのですかな。
Hubert: Even so—killing your former allies. Do you feel no remorse whatsoever?
シャミア: 君はまったく気にしないように見えるが、私には聞くのか。
Shamir: You wouldn't, so why ask?
ヒューベルト: 貴殿は私ではありませんから。教えるのは躊躇われますか?
Hubert: You are not me. Answer the question.
シャミア: ……まあいい。
Shamir: What's it matter?
I owed a debt to Rhea. I served in the Knights of Seiros to repay her.
I repaid that debt. Now I'm here.
I'm sure it was considered dishonorable of me to leave, but that's none of my concern.
I have no connection to the Seiros faith, nor to the ways of Fódlan.
ヒューベルト: くくく……そうでしたな。貴殿はフォドラの西、ダグザの出でした。
Hubert: That's right. You're from Dagda.
Well, consider me glad you're on the right side. At least for the time being.
シャミア: 心配し過ぎると、早死にするぞ、ヒューベルト。
Shamir: You worry too much. Watch out, or it'll be the death of you.
ヒューベルト: さて、片づきましたな。戻ると……
Shamir: All finished. Time to go.
You really must stop sneaking up on me, Shamir.
シャミア: 手が出ても問題ない。受けられる。
Shamir: And what if I don't? I can take you.
ヒューベルト: だとしても、仲間に攻撃など、したくはないのですがね。
Hubert: Maybe. Either way, it's a waste to fight an ally.
シャミア: 仲間、か。まあそうだな。気をつける。
Shamir: We're allies now? I guess I should be more careful with you.
Are you sure it was right to kill them? I believe your mistress told you to let them go.
ヒューベルト: 無論、表向きは逃がしたことにしますよ、シャミア殿。
Hubert: That is exactly what I will say I did.
But leaving them alive would have been a mistake. I did what had to be done.
シャミア: そうか……。君は彼女の崇拝者というわけではない、か。
Shamir: Is that so? Maybe you're not just some sycophant.
It takes guts to disobey a direct order.
ヒューベルト: エーデルガルト様は四六時中、様々なことを考慮、検討し、決断していかねばならない。
Hubert: Lady Edelgard's time is rightfully occupied with a great deal of concern and contemplation.
Her affairs are of far greater consequence than a trifle like this. Much rests on the decisions she makes.
But little details of this kind happen to be my area of expertise. So I simply handle them.
Better that than to burden her with needless debate.
シャミア: 君は、とことん合理的な奴だな。
Shamir: Logical through and through, aren't you?
ヒューベルト: これが、私のやり方ですから。
Hubert: That is how I do things.
シャミア: だが、好きだよ。何事も徹底できる奴は。
Shamir: I like people who are thorough.
ヒューベルト: 貴殿も、貴殿のやり方を、徹底していますからな。
Hubert: You seem quite thorough in your methods as well.
シャミア: ああ、そうだ。わかっているじゃないか。
Shamir: As a rule, I am.
Regarding decisions, I planned on leaving Fódlan after completing my contract...
But now I'm starting to think I might stay here.
ヒューベルト: ここに……その真意を聞いても構いませんかな。
Hubert: Stay here? I'm forced to wonder what your intentions might be.
シャミア: は?真意も何も、君が好きだからと言ったろ。
Shamir: I have no ulterior motives. I've just grown a little fond of you.
ヒューベルト: な……。私が好きとは、どのような意味で?
Hubert: Excuse me? You've what?
シャミア: 君は頭が切れるのに、そういうところは鈍いのか。
Shamir: For someone so intelligent, you're very dense.
It's not just about you though. I've learned to like Lady Edelgard and most everyone else here as well.
I wouldn't mind staying on to work as your specialist.
ヒューベルト: シャミア殿、申し出はありがたいですが、そのような話は戦争が終わってからに……
Hubert: It's a fine offer. But perhaps we should wait until after the war to discuss it thoroughly.
シャミア: ヒューベルト……貸し1つ、忘れたか?
Shamir: Fair, but you owe me, remember?
ヒューベルト: ………………。やれやれ、仕方ありませんな。
Hubert: Not much I can say to that, is there?
As confidant to Edelgard, Hubert disposed of every burden facing his emperor by any means necessary, and excelled at working in the shadows.
Supporting him from the front lines was the former mercenary, Shamir, who commanded the emperor's elite troops.
When the two married, they appeared from the outside to be little more than a lord of the Empire and his dutiful wife. In reality, their nights were filled with fierce combat against rebels, assassins, and those who slither in the dark.
It is reported that one of them was known to often state that, "To find love between life and death is a gift." It is unknown which of the two actually spoke these words.