ヒューベルト: おや、ペトラ殿ですか。常ながら、精が出ますな。
Hubert: Petra. Industrious as ever, I see.
ペトラ: ヒューベルト、ですか。はい、わたし、精、出します。
Petra: Hello, Hubert. Yes, I am trying to be... industrious.
I must be working hard to improve my position. Right now it is not a good one.
ヒューベルト: いえいえ、それを考慮しても余りある努力を、貴殿はしていますよ。
Hubert: Even accounting for that, your efforts are impressive.
I wish a little of you would rub off on certain people here. One troublesome slouch in particular.
ペトラ: 爪の垢、飲ませる……飲ませますか?羞恥、厳しい、避ける、望みます。
Petra: Rub? I will not be rubbing on anyone!
ヒューベルト: ……比喩です。本気ではありませんよ。もちろん。
Hubert: Not literally.
I never would have imagined you would adjust so well to life in Fódlan.
When I first met you, you couldn't understand a single word of the language.
You had the look of a cornered animal. So much so I thought you'd grown up in the wild.
ペトラ: わたし、幼い、でした。……恐ろしい、体験、する、します。
Petra: I had more youth then. And the experience was... terrifying.
My grandfather ordered me to go to Fódlan with suddenness.
I was stolen to a strange land filled with strange people. The treatment I was receiving was like... like I was a strange beast.
ヒューベルト: そうでしょうな。客人とは言っても、実のところは人質。
Hubert: It is unfortunate, but while you were called our guest, you were actually a hostage.
You were meant to be insurance that Brigid would not restore its alliance with Dagda and attack us.
The Empire required leverage, and after all, you are the princess of Brigid.
ペトラ: わたし、故郷、離れる、悲しみました。しかし、帝国、来る、喜び、ありました。
Petra: It gave me sadness to leave my home, but I am not unhappy that I came to the Empire.
I have learned much understanding from the outside world. My experience has made me become who I am.
And meeting you and Lady Edelgard has had great value for me.
ヒューベルト: 逆境に打ち克つその心意気、私も見習わなければなりませんな。
Hubert: I admire your spirit in the face of adversity. You set a strong example to follow.
ヒューベルト: くくく……私たちもまた大いなる逆境に、立ち向かっていくのですから……。
Hubert: And there is much more adversity to come.
Hubert: After all, we face great adversity, even now.
ヒューベルト: 西……ブリギットの方角を、見ているのですかな、ペトラ殿。
Hubert: Looking out toward Brigid, are you?
ペトラ: はい、そうです。わたし、時折、懐郷の想い、浮かびます。
Petra: Yes. There are some times I cannot stop my thoughts from going home.
It will be much time before I return. Brigid feels... far away.
ヒューベルト: 確かに、かなりの距離がありますからな。海を越えねばなりませんし。
Hubert: It is quite a long way. To say nothing of the sea that lies between here and there.
Being unable to return must further add to the distance in your mind.
ペトラ: それ、ある、思います。わたし、まだ、帰れません。
Petra: It is as you say.
When I return to Brigid... I will be the new queen.
ペトラ: 帝国との関係、良くし、ブリギット、属国、脱する、望みます。
Petra: I am wishing to help relations with the Empire.
Petra: I am wishing to show my strength during this war and to help relations with the Empire.
ヒューベルト: 貴殿なら、必ずや実現できるでしょう。エーデルガルト様ほどではありませんが……
Hubert:I believe you will be successful.
You may not be Lady Edelgard's equal, but you are resourceful enough to make an excellent queen.
And, unlike Lady Edelgard, you will not be forced to harden your heart.
ペトラ: わたし、『エーデルガルト様ほどでは』、ない、ありませんか。
Petra: Not Edelgard's equal, is that what you are saying?
ヒューベルト: もちろんですとも。貴殿の優秀さはまったく否定しません。
Hubert: Understand that I mean no disrespect by this.
But it is a fact that you are far beneath her.
Make no mistake about what would happen if you were to raise your banner in revolt against her.
She would crush you mercilessly.
ペトラ: それ、才覚の差、違います。国力の差、わたし、思います、が。
Petra: That is not a difference of equal... of equality. It is a difference of power.
ヒューベルト: もし同等の条件で戦っても、我が主が勝ちますよ。
Hubert: Even if our homelands were on equal footing, Lady Edelgard would still prevail.
ペトラ: 歴史、もし、ありません。わたしとエーデルガルト様の差、歴然です。
Petra: I can see with clarity the difference between me and Lady Edelgard.
But that has no matter. I would never lose.
ヒューベルト: くくく……面白いですな。それが大言壮語でないことを願いましょう。
Hubert: How amusing. For your sake, you had better hope you are right.
ペトラ: ヒューベルト、願い、あります。
Petra: Hubert, I have a request to give you, if I may be doing that?
ヒューベルト: なんでしょうか、ペトラ殿。改まって珍しいですな。
Hubert: Hello, Petra. How unusually formal.
ペトラ: あなた、わたしとエーデルガルト様、比較する、常、です。
Petra: You are always comparing me against Edelgard.
I have been observing you, and you are not often making comparisons like that.
So why are you always comparing me? I do not enjoy being compared.
ヒューベルト: ふむ……言われてみると、そんな気もします。
Hubert: Hmm. An astute observation.
I should point out that such a comparison only reflects well on you.
I am perhaps doing so because you are both royalty.
ペトラ: わたし、納得できる、できません。
Petra: That is not making sense to me...
In battle, you and I are the same. Neither of us has a higher rank than general.
Edelgard is leading the entire army, but you and I are both leading a part of the army.
That should be making us... what is it... Ah! Comrades in arms.
ヒューベルト: 戦友、ですか……
Hubert: Comrades in arms, you say...
ペトラ: あなた、わたし、見る時、エーデルガルト様、通してのみ、見ます。
Petra: When you are looking at me, you are thinking of me compared to Edelgard.
But I want you to be looking at me only as myself. Do you have understanding?
I do not want you seeing me as foreign royalty, but as your comrade in arms, who is working with you at your side.
ヒューベルト: ……そうですな。貴殿には、とんだ失礼をしました。
Hubert: Ah. I understand you, now. It seems I've done you a great disservice, Petra.
Your friendship is important to me. I am sorry that I've failed to make that clear.
By comparing you to Lady Edelgard, I have treated you merely as one chasing after her shadow.
I have done so even while believing that the Empire and Brigid would never go to war again.
ペトラ: やめる……できますか?あなたの中、エーデルガルト様、存在、大きいですから。
Petra: Do you really think you can stop comparing? I am knowing well that Edelgard takes a big place inside your heart.
ヒューベルト: ……わかりません。貴殿を見ると、どうしても我が主を思い出してしまう。
Hubert: I do not fully understand it, but when I look at you, I simply cannot help but think of Her Majesty.
Your past, full of hardship. Your unwavering determination. Your uncommon excellence.
As such, I cannot promise never to compare you. But I will try my best to do so less often.
ペトラ: ………………。
Petra: Hm...
For now, that will be OK. But I will not be giving up on this.
And I want you knowing that one day, when you are comparing, you will be finding I have won the comparison.
ヒューベルト: くくく……貴殿が勝つというのも、面白いかもしれませんな。
Hubert: Heh. What an amusing thing to say.
Lady Edelgard's face would contort most bitterly were she to hear it.
ペトラ: そして、彼女より、わたし、選び、ついてくる、もらいます。
Petra: Be marking my words, Hubert. One day, between the two of us, you will be choosing me.
Shortly after the war, Brigid renegotiated its diplomatic arrangement with the Adrestian Empire, ending its service as a vassal and becoming a full ally. As part of that agreement, Petra, queen of Brigid, was wed to Hubert, Marquis Vestra. Some say that the marriage was purely political, ordered by Emperor Edelgard, while others insist that it was of their own accord. Although they led busy lives, and sometimes lived separately. Still, their shared home in the western Fodlan village of Nuvelle was filled with their many children, suggesting a loving union.