メルセデス: あらあら、ヒルダ。困った顔してるわね、どうしたの~?
Mercedes: Goodness, Hilda. You look worried. Is something the matter?
ヒルダ: あ、メルセデスちゃん。実は温室のお花にお水をあげなきゃいけないんだけどー……
Hilda: Oh, Mercedes! I was on my way to the greenhouse, to water the flowers.
But I have a meeting with the professor right now, so I'll have to be quick.
メルセデス: あらあら、こんな朝から呼び出しなんて、きっと急ぎの用事なのね~。
Mercedes: It must be urgent to call you at this hour of the morning!
Go see what the professor needs from you. I can take care of the flowers.
ヒルダ: え? いいのー?助かるー!
Hilda: Oh, are you sure? Thank you so much!
メルセデス: いいの、いいの~。じゃあ、そのお水、貸してね。
Mercedes: It's no problem at all! Let me take the water from you.
ヒルダ: うん、ありがとー。後でお昼、一緒に食べようねー。
Hilda: Thank you again! I'll see you at lunch.
メルセデス: わかったわ。じゃあ行ってくるわね~。
Mercedes: Right! I'm off!
ヒルダ: あ、先生に呼ばれてるのは明日だったー。よろしくねー、メルセデスちゃん!
Hilda: Oops, my meeting with the professor was tomorrow. Anyway, thanks, Mercedes!
ヒルダ: 随分経ったけど、メルセデスちゃん、まだ帰ってきてないような……。
Hilda: Still no Mercedes.
All she had to do was water a few plants. I didn't think it would take this much time.
It's almost noon. Maybe I'll go see what she's up to.
メルセデス: こんなものかしら~。ふふっ、よし、完璧ね~。
Mercedes: And that's the last of that! Perfect!
ヒルダ: こんなものかしら~、じゃないわよー、メルセデスちゃん!
Hilda: What's taking you so long?
メルセデス: あらあら、ヒルダ。先生のほうは、もういいの~?
Mercedes: Oh, Hilda! Is your meeting with the professor over already?
ヒルダ: それは……もういいのー。それより、もうお昼の時間なんだけどー。
Hilda: Um, yes. It's almost lunchtime. What are you still doing here?
メルセデス: お昼……? あらあら、本当~。気がつかなかったわ。
Mercedes: Lunchtime? I hadn't realized how late it was...
After watering the flowers, I noticed that the greenhouse was in need of some tidying.
I must have gotten a bit carried away. It's so pleasant working in here!
ヒルダ: そ、そうなんだー。メルセデスちゃんは優しいのねー。
Hilda: Oh, "pleasant," sure! You're such a kind person.
メルセデス: そんなことないわ。じゃ、お昼に行きましょうよ~。
Mercedes: No, no. It was my pleasure. Anyway, shall we head to the dining hall?
ヒルダ: ……あたしがやったほうが早かったような。むしろ、待ってるほうが疲れちゃったわ。
Hilda: I should have just done it myself. Waiting for her was so exhausting...
メルセデス: ヒルダ、どうしたの?早く行きましょう。お腹空いちゃったわ~。
Mercedes: What was that, Hilda? Come along, I'm hungry!
ヒルダ: そ、そうだねー。何、食べようかなー。
Hilda: Uh, coming! What should we eat?
メルセデス: おはよう、ヒルダ。何か困ってることはないかしら~?
Mercedes: Good morning, Hilda. Is anything troubling you today?
ヒルダ: うーん、今はないかなー。
Hilda: Nope. Nothing.
If there was, I don't think I'd ask for your help.
メルセデス: まあ……私、何かヒルダの気に障ることをしちゃったかしら~?
Mercedes: I'm sorry to hear that. Have I done something to upset you?
ヒルダ: そんなこと、あるはずないでしょー?ただ、頼み事はちょっと不安っていうかー。
Hilda: Not exactly. You go overboard helping me, is all.
You do way, way too much.
So I feel guilty, like I'm putting you out.
メルセデス: あらあら、ごめんなさい。かえって心配させちゃっていたのね。
Mercedes: Goodness! It was never my intention to have you worry about me!
ヒルダ: 心配、っていうか……。じゃあ聞くけど、メルセデスちゃん?
Hilda: Hm. Can I ask you something?
メルセデス: 何かしら~?
Mercedes: Of course. What is it?
ヒルダ: 今日、この後は何をする予定なの?
Hilda: What are you doing today?
メルセデス: そうね~、朝のお祈りは終わったから、聖堂のお掃除に、温室のお花のお手入れ……
Mercedes: Following my morning prayers, I'll be cleaning the altar then caring for the flowers in the greenhouse.
Then it's off to the library to help organize and sort, then to the dining hall to wipe down the tables and chairs. The floors could use a good polish too...
Oh! And the weather's so nice that I might air out the bedding! After that it's—
ヒルダ: ちょ、ちょっとー!他にもまだあるのー!?
Hilda: Wow, you're still not done? There's more?
メルセデス: あっ、食堂の布巾がほつれていたから、縫い直して刺繍を入れようと思ってたの~。
Mercedes: Well, the dishcloths in the dining hall are all frayed, so I was hoping to mend them.
ヒルダ: 何で刺繍まで!!おかしいでしょ!!
Hilda: Sewing! Don't you think that's too much?
メルセデス: どうしたの、ヒルダ~?急に大声なんて出して。
Mercedes: Whatever do you mean? And why are you speaking so loudly all of a sudden?
ヒルダ: はあ……食堂はあたしがやるよ。……ただし、刺繍まではしないけどー。
Hilda: Ugh! I'll help with the dining hall. But I am not sewing.
メルセデス: まあ、手伝ってくれるの?とっても助かるわ~!
Mercedes: You want to help? That would be delightful!
ヒルダ: ……あなたってさー、みんなのお願い、ぜーんぶに応えようとしてるでしょ?
Hilda: Everyone asks you for help, and you always say yes, don't you?
メルセデス: そうねえ。それができたら一番だとは思ってるわ~。
Mercedes: I suppose. I believe it's important to help where you can.
If you see someone in trouble, you can't leave them, can you?
ヒルダ: ちょっと優しすぎだよ、メルセデスちゃん。偉いとは思うけど、共感はできないわー。
Hilda: You're too kind, Mercedes—literally. I can't empathize.
メルセデス: あら、共感できないことはないでしょ~?私たちって、似た者同士だと思うわ~。
Mercedes: I'm sure you can. You and I are very similar in that way.
ヒルダ: えええ? どこがよ。全然、似てるとこなんて……
Hilda: Are you serious? How? We have nothing in common.
メルセデス: だって、私が困ってると思ったから助けてくれようとしてるんでしょ~?
Mercedes: That may be so, but you thought I was in trouble and you agreed to help, didn't you?
ヒルダ: そりゃまあ、そーだけど……。
Hilda: Well, I mean, yes.
メルセデス: 私のしてることと同じよねえ。嬉しいわ、自分に似た仲間がいてくれて~。
Mercedes: That's exactly what I do! I'm so happy to have found a kindred spirit!
ヒルダ: ううん……まあ、嬉しいって言うなら、そういうことにしといてもいいか……。
Hilda: Uh... If that's what makes you happy, OK. Kindred spirits, let's go with that.
メルセデス: これからも、あなたが手つだってくれるなら、もう少し増やしても大丈夫そ……
Mercedes: Now that I've got you at my side, I can take on even more responsibilities!
ヒルダ: それは、だめえええ!
Hilda: Not a chance!