リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: ...
ハンネマン: リンハルト君。熱心に読んでいるようだが、紋章関係の本かね?
Hanneman: Ah, Linhardt. Reading as studiously as ever, I see. Anything to do with Crests?
リンハルト: ああ、ハンネマン先生。これは釣りについての本ですよ。
Linhardt: Hello, Professor Hanneman. Actually this book's about fishing.
ハンネマン: ほほう、君は釣りにも興味があったか。これは意外な発見だな。
Hanneman: I didn't realize you were interested in fishing. What an unexpected discovery.
I had heard that you were only interested in Crests, to the exclusion of all else.
As it were, I had rather thought I could train you as my successor, should we get to know one another better.
リンハルト: うーん……期待を裏切って非常に申し訳ないですが。
Linhardt: I'm sorry to betray your expectations.
Truth be told, I've been thinking of giving up on my Crest research.
ハンネマン: な、何とっ!? ……それは何故だね?まさか、紋章学より釣りが良いと!?
Hanneman: What?! Whatever for? Don't tell me you believe fishing to be a more worthwhile pursuit!
リンハルト: いや、釣りは関係ないです。紋章学自体は面白いんですけど……
Linhardt: No, it's nothing to do with fishing. I adore the subject of Crests.
But to study them, you have to consult the people who bear them, right?
I just don't have the energy for that.
ハンネマン: 紋章は人の身に宿るものだからな。それは避けようのない苦労であろう。
Hanneman: It is an unavoidable hardship, I admit...
But the satisfaction of making a real breakthrough is second to none!
リンハルト: まあ、魚を釣った喜びで代えちゃおうかなって……
Linhardt: I'm sure the satisfaction of catching a fish is pretty great too.
ハンネマン: は、早まってはならん!リンハルト君!
Hanneman: Consider this, child.
Luring fish from the depths pales in comparison to untangling the mysteries of a Crest. Why? It all comes down to purpose. Purpose, I say!
リンハルト: お、落ち着いてください。わかってます、わかってますから。
Linhardt: Calm down. I get it. Really.
ハンネマン: ……いや、わかっておらん!君は、何か目的を見つけるべきだな。
Hanneman: Evidently, you do not. You must have something to work toward in life.
The ultimate goal of fishing is to eat the fish. The goal of solving the mysteries of Crests is... Well, you must find that for yourself.
What do you hope to uncover once everything is finally explained?
What motivates you to keep digging deeper?
リンハルト: ……なるほど。目的ですか。考えたことなかったですね。
Linhardt: I...had never thought about it like that.
Perhaps if I did have a goal, I might share your enthusiasm on the subject.
リンハルト: ハンネマン先生、少しいいですか?
Linhardt: Professor Hanneman, do you have a moment?
ハンネマン: リンハルト君か。いいとも、大歓迎だ。
Hanneman: Linhardt! Of course.
リンハルト: 前に貴方から聞いた、何か目的を見つけるべきだって話。
Linhardt: Last time we talked, you mentioned the importance of having goals.
I gave it some thought, and in the end, I couldn't find one.
ハンネマン: うむう……焦る必要はないぞ。生きていくうちに突然、現れることもある。
Hanneman: Hmm... Well, no need to panic. Sometimes, a goal can reveal itself to you without warning.
リンハルト: そうですねえ。ちなみに先生の目的は何なんです?
Linhardt: What's your goal, if you don't mind me asking?
ハンネマン: 我輩の目的かね?
Hanneman: Oh, mine?
I want to create a world where everyone can access the power of Crests. Where no one has to suffer from having or not having that power.
リンハルト: 皆が?それは……壮大な夢ですね。
Linhardt: Huh. That's a pretty big dream...
But then wouldn't you end up studying everyone?
In that world, you'd be killing yourself trying to do research on every person alive.
ハンネマン: まあ、そうなるかもしれん。だがその時、骨を折るのは我々だけではない。
Hanneman: Ah, you may be right. But at least then, we wouldn't be the only ones taking such pains.
The more people who have Crests, the more people who will do research.
And with more students, the research will progress far faster than it is today.
That also means there would be less of the back-and-forth you don't have the energy for, which should make you happy.
リンハルト: そうかもしれませんね。
Linhardt: Hmm, maybe so.
ハンネマン: おや、あまり気乗りしないかね?
Hanneman: Does that still do nothing to pique your interest?
リンハルト: 有り体に言えば、まあ。
Linhardt: To be brutally honest...
It would be way less exhausting but less satisfying as well.
That's like fishing at a market.
ハンネマン: うむ、そこまでわかっておるか。なればこそ我輩は研究するのだよ。
Hanneman: Hmm, so you at least understand that much. That is why I do research.
If someone's going to see results someday, then I want it to be me.
That's a thought that keeps me moving forward, even when it is difficult to do so.
リンハルト: それを情熱と言うのでしょうね。僕にはないものだなあ。
Linhardt: That sounds like enthusiasm. That's not something I have.
But if we worked together...I wonder if it would spark that enthusiasm.
ハンネマン: つまり……我輩と共に、紋章学を究めんとすると?
Hanneman: Are you saying you would agree to study Crests with your old professor?
リンハルト: 少なくとも独りで釣りをするよりは、面白そうな気がするので。
Linhardt: In the end, I think it would probably be more interesting than fishing alone.
I don't even have anyone to show any big fish I catch.
ハンネマン: はっはっは、我輩は今まさに大魚を釣り上げた気分だが……
Hanneman: As it were, I feel very much like someone who's made a catch!
But the future shall hold even greater things than that. That's a promise.
英語、最初 Ho ho ho ho~って笑う