Hanneman: And that should explain it. Did you understand all of that, young Annette?
ハンネマン: ……というわけだ。理解したかね、アネット君?
アネット: はい! ありがとうございました!あと、ここもちょっと疑問なんですけど……
Annette: I did! Thank you very much! Oh, but I was also wondering about this part here... It seems a bit off.
ハンネマン: ほう、この記述に疑問を抱くとは君の理解力はなかなかに進んでいるようだ。
Hanneman: Questioning something like this is proof that your understanding has grown. Most impressive.
Sit there, and I'll put this on the blackboard so you may copy it into your notes for later study.
アネット: はい、ハンネマン先生!よろしくお願いします!
Annette: Wonderful! I can't wait!
ハンネマン: ……というわけだ。こちらも問題ないかね、アネット君?
Hanneman: I believe that should explain everything, yes? Any further questions?
アネット: はい! ありがとうございました!あー、何だかすっきりしました!
Annette: None! Thank you so much! Ah, I feel so great.
I'm really sorry for taking up so much of your time though...
ハンネマン: 気にすることはない。君の知的好奇心は、格別に素晴らしい。
Hanneman: Not at all! Not at all. Your intellectual curiosity is marvelous to see.
And you have a top-notch character. Keep on as you are, and I sense a bright future for you.
ハンネマン: 君の成長する姿を間近で見ることができ、教師冥利に尽きるというものだよ。
Hanneman: Seeing you continue to grow and succeed is more than a humble professor, like myself, deserves.
アネット: 本当ですか?ありがとうございます、頑張ります!
Annette: Really? That's so nice of you to say! I'll do my best!
I'm honored to be your student.
ハンネマン: うむ。他の諸兄らも君を見習って励んでほしいものだが……。
Hanneman: If only your friends would learn from your example.
Yes, a classroom full of attentive, studious pupils would be quite refreshing after all these years.
Have a good evening, Miss Annette. And do not hesitate to ask any other questions.
アネット: はいっ、ハンネマン先生!それでは、失礼します!
Annette: I won't, thank you! Good-bye for now!
ハンネマン: 待ちたまえ。そのまま進むと、3歩後につまづくぞ?
Hanneman: Wait! You'll trip if you leave like that!
アネット: ! あ、あはははは……すみません。ありがとうございます、先生。
Annette: Ahh! I'm sorry! Thank you!
ハンネマン: すまないな、アネット君。この部屋の掃除まで買って出てもらって。
Hanneman: Thank you for volunteering to clean this room, Miss Annette. Most appreciated.
アネット: いえいえ、気にしないでください。いつもいろいろ教えていただいてますし……
Annette: Don't worry about it. It's the least I can do to repay you for all you've taught me.
It seems like a small payment, honestly. I wish I could do more!
ハンネマン: そうかね。ではお言葉に甘えよう。では、書棚を掃除してくれたまえ。
Hanneman: In that case, I have nothing to worry about. Do make sure you get the bookshelf as well. Be thorough.
アネット: この棚……ですか?埃一つないように見えるんですけど……。
Annette: The bookshelf? But it's not even dusty...
ハンネマン: 汚れは見えないところにこそあるものだよ、アネット君。では取りかかるのだ。
Hanneman: Dirt always lurks in the places you can't see. Best of luck on your hunt!
アネット: は、はい! 任せてください!
Annette: Oh, OK! Leave it to me!
アネット: よいしょっと……うわあ、珍しい書物ばかりですね!
Annette: Whoa! There are a lot of rare books here...
ハンネマン: こ、これ、アネット君。踏み台の上でそのように飛び跳ねては……。
Hanneman: Miss Annette! Please stop jumping on the stool. You'll tumble down and crack your skull.
アネット: えっ? あ、わわわわ……きゃーーーーっ!!!!
Annette: Huh? Whoa!
ハンネマン: 大丈夫か、アネット君!?ほら、立てるかね?
Hanneman: Miss Annette! Are you all right? Can you stand?
アネット: は、はい……。大丈夫です……。す、すみません……。
Annette: Yes... I'm fine... Sorry...
ハンネマン: ふう……幸い、君も書物も無事なようだ。それでは散らばった物を戻すとしよう。
Hanneman: What a blessing neither the books nor yourself came to any harm. Here, I'll help you clear them up.
Oh, my... The inside of this bookshelf is quite filthy.
アネット: 汚れは見えないところにこそある、ハンネマン先生の言ったとおりでしたね。
Annette: So dirt was lurking in the places we couldn't see, just like you said!
ハンネマン: 君が本をすべてぶちまけたおかげだ。災い転じて福となす、か。
Hanneman: And we found it thanks to the books falling. Every cloud has a dusty lining.
アネット: ……ハンネマン先生。あたし、この汚れ、すごく気になります!
Annette: This dirt is really bothersome...
ハンネマン: 同感だ、アネット君。ここは二人で協力し、この汚れを根絶やしにしようではないか。
Hanneman: Agreed! Shall we endeavor to get rid of it together?
アネット: はいっ!今度こそ、あたしに任せてください!
Annette: You can count on me!
ハンネマン: こ、これ、アネット君。その勢いでまた飛びはねてはいかんぞ?
Hanneman: Steady. Don't go leaping about in your enthusiasm!
アネット: あれ? あんなところに埃が積もってる……誰も掃除してなかったのかな。
Annette: Hm. There's a lot of dust here... It looks like nobody's cleaned it in ages.
Oh, I can't just leave it! It must be cleaned!
アネット: よいしょっと……ふんぬっ……。
Annette: Urgh... Gah...
Ohh! Can't...quite...reach... Just a little...further...
If only...I was...taller...
ハンネマン: アネット君、その姿勢を続けると、あと数秒で書棚が倒れるぞ。
Hanneman: Miss Annette! If you carry on like that, I daresay the bookshelf shall give out in a few moment's time.
アネット: ハ、ハンネマン先生……!
Annette: Professor Hanneman!
アネット: ふ、ふう……助かりました!実は、この上に埃が溜まってて……。
Annette: Phew! Thank you so much! There was just so much dust up there...
ハンネマン: わかっている。先程、我輩も気づいて、布巾を取りに行ってきたところだ。
Hanneman: I understand. I had noticed it myself, actually, and was just on my way to get a cloth for it.
How about you leave this part to me?
アネット: はい、ありがとうございます!助かります!
Annette: OK! Thank you!
ハンネマン: 礼には及ばない。それより君、あの埃に気づくとは良い目をしている。
Hanneman: No need to thank me. I must admit, I'm rather impressed by your keen dust-spotting eye.
アネット: あはは……ああいう掃除のやり残しって気になって気になってしょうがなくて。
Annette: I just couldn't rest easy thinking that we hadn't finished cleaning in here.
ハンネマン: 同感だ。我輩もあの手の汚れを放置できる者の気が知れんのだよ。
Hanneman: I'm quite the same. How anyone can abide dust—even hidden dust—well, I can't grasp the idea.
アネット: 先生も……あたしたち、同志ですね!あ、先生に同志は失礼でしょうか……?
Annette: You and I are like two peas in a pod! Oh, I'm sorry. That's a bit rude of me...
ハンネマン: なに、構わんよ。早速だが……アネット君、同志から君に提案がある。
Hanneman: We do seem to be similar in a number of ways, yes? So I have a spot of advice for you, if you don't mind.
アネット: はい、何でしょう?
Annette: Yes?
ハンネマン: 今度から、高所にある汚れを発見した場合、直ちに吾輩を呼びたまえ。
Hanneman: Next time you identify a dusty patch in an inaccessible location... please send for me?
アネット: それは助かりますけど……その程度のことで忙しい先生をお呼びするわけには。
Annette: That's very kind, but I wouldn't want to bother someone as busy as you!
ハンネマン: いや、我輩はもう見たくないのだ。書物が君と共に宙に舞う、あの惨劇を……!
Hanneman: Nonsense! I'm keen to avoid a repeat performance of the Tragedy of Miss Annette and the Books.
アネット: あ、あの時はすみません……。じゃあ、今度からは遠慮なく呼ばせていただきます。
Annette: Oh gosh, I'm so sorry about that... Right. Next time, I'll definitely call for you!
ハンネマン: うむ。くれぐれも無茶はせんようにな。君に万一のことがあっては困る。
Hanneman: Indeed. I would never forgive myself if you managed to pull a whole bookcase over on yourself.
アネット: は、はい。ありがとうございます!気をつけます!
Annette: I promise that won't happen! Most likely!
アネット: ハンネマン先生、事あるごとにお時間を取らせてしまって、すみません。
Annette: I'm so sorry for always taking up your time, Professor Hanneman...
ハンネマン: いつでも相談に来るように言ったのは我輩だ。遠慮は要らない。
Hanneman: Nonsense. I told you to come to me any time you needed help.
Nothing to be sorry about at all. So what can I help you with today, Miss Annette?
アネット: えっ?そ、そんなことは、ありませんが……。
Annette: Hm? Oh, uh... nothing in particular.
ハンネマン: 学問の範疇からは外れるだろうが、君を悩ませていることがあるはずだ。
Hanneman: Perhaps not related to your studies, but I sense something else troubles you.
アネット: ハンネマン先生は、お見通しなんですね。……なら、お言葉に甘えさせてもらいます!
Annette: You see right through me, Professor Hanneman. OK. Here goes.
The truth is... I've been wondering what I'll do when the war finally comes to an end.
ハンネマン: ふむ。君の父親であるギルベルト殿は、長年王家に仕えてきた騎士だったし……
ハンネマン: 君は魔道学院の優秀な卒業生であり、士官学校の成績も格別だった……
Hanneman: Your marks at both the school of sorcery and the military academy were exceptional.
You have many, many options. The only trouble I see for you is in picking which one to chase.
アネット: ……そうなんです。いろいろやりたくて、迷っちゃって。
Annette: You've hit the nail on the head. There's so much I want to do, I feel completely lost...
ハンネマン: 迷い、か。我輩には単に踏ん切りがついていないだけに見えるぞ。
Hanneman: Lost, hmm? It seems to me that you're just lacking in decisiveness.
アネット: 踏ん切りが、ついていない……?
Annette: You think so?
ハンネマン: ならば、先に述べるとしよう。戦争後に我輩がどうしたいか、を。
Hanneman: For example, I've already been considering my own future, once this war ends at last.
I think I might leave Garreg Mach.
I've spent a great deal of time researching Crests, both in the Empire and at the monastery.
Fódlan is large, with much to see and learn. It would be a shame to spend all my years in too few places.
アネット: ……大修道院を出るんですか?それなら、どこへ……?
Annette: But where will you go?
ハンネマン: そうだな……例えば、フェルディアの魔道学院はどうだろうか。
Hanneman: That's the question, isn't it? I've considered the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad.
It would be good to get a new viewpoint on Crest research. There are certainly discoveries to be made.
However, new places are daunting. Yet I'd have no complaints if I had a former student as an apprentice.
Say, a former student who is brimming with curiosity, talented at magic, and as tidy as myself?
アネット: それって、まさか……
Annette: You don't mean me, do you?!
ハンネマン: そういった道もある、という話だ。すべては君の意思次第であろう。
Hanneman: I was merely expressing a possibility. It all depends on your own feelings and interests.
アネット: ……あたし、ハンネマン先生みたいな教師になれたらなあって思ってたんです。
Annette: I have considered that it might be nice to be a professor like you...
But I'm such a scatterbrain! And I make mistakes all the time, so I'm not confident I can manage...
ハンネマン: そのようなこと、君の素晴らしさの前では些細な問題だ。
Hanneman: Those are but minor side notes compared to your wonderful qualities, Miss Annette.
You are serious in your studies and possessing of excellent character. You surpass even myself.
アネット: ……本当ですか? ……そっか。あたしには、そういう道もあるんだ。
Annette: Do you really think so? Maybe I can do it after all...
ハンネマン: うむ、こうして話していると、かなり現実味を帯びてきたな。
Hanneman: I truly feel you could, yes. You could accompany me to Fhirdiad.
I think that would be most splendid, don't you?
アネット: ハンネマン先生と一緒なら、きっとどこでも頑張れると思います。
Annette: I feel like, with your guidance, I could excel anywhere!
ハンネマン: しかし、まずは戦争を終わらせることだ。勝利と生存なくして進むべき道は拓けん。
Hanneman: First, though, we must put an end to this war. The future cannot begin until we achieve victory.
アネット: はいっ。あたし、これからも頑張りますから!
Annette: That's true! I'm going to try my hardest to make sure that happens!
ハンネマン: うむ。期待しているよ、アネット君。これからもよろしく頼む。
Hanneman: I know you will, Miss Annette. You have my full support.
After the war, Annette and Hanneman both accepted teaching positions at Fhirdiad's school of sorcery.
There, while educating the next generation of mages, they made great strides in their research of Crests and magic.
Working side by side, the pair-formerly teacher and student, now partners and colleagues-brought great progress to the world and prestige to their institution.
It is said that the wait list for students to enroll in either of their classes was notoriously long.