ペトラ: フェルディナント、いますか?先生、呼んで……
Petra: Ferdinand? Our professor is wanting to see you...
フェルディナント: ……ふむ。
Ferdinand: Hmm.
ペトラ: ……とても、集中している、ですか。
Petra: He has much concentration right now. I will wait for him to be finished reading.
フェルディナント: ……そうか。
Ferdinand: Mm hmm...
ペトラ: ………………。
Petra: ...
フェルディナント: ……なるほどな。外交も武具の発達に影響を及ぼす、か。
Ferdinand: Diplomacy has an effect upon weapons development. Yes... That makes sense.
Oh! Petra! How long have you been there?
ペトラ: 少し、前。あなた、専心します。故、気づく、ありませんでした。
Petra: A short time. You were devoting all of your attention to that book.
フェルディナント: いや、失礼。私としたことが、つい熱中していたようだ。
Ferdinand: Forgive me. I was fully absorbed in my reading.
I see you have been reading as well. Anything interesting?
ペトラ: フォドラの歴史、勉強します。
Petra: I am studying the history of Fódlan.
フェルディナント: 歴史書か……熱心だな。しかもフレスベルグの年代記とはまた……。
Ferdinand: A history book! What a keen student you are. And it's about House Hresvelg. Certainly a stimulating topic.
ペトラ: フォドラのこと、深く知る、望みます。……あなた、どのような本、読む、ですか?
Petra: I am wishing to learn all about Fódlan. What is the book you are reading?
フェルディナント: 私か? 私は趣味のようなものでね。フォドラの地域ごとの武具の変遷史だよ。
Ferdinand: Oh, this? This relates to a little hobby of mine— the regional history of weapons development in Fódlan.
Militaries have to adapt their weapons according to terrain and climate, and they have to keep up with technologies in other regions. It's very interesting.
ペトラ: なるほど……興味深く、あります。流石、フェルディナントです。
Petra: Yes, it is interesting. I see why you would be enjoying that kind of reading.
フェルディナント: ほう、君も興味があるのか?ならば是非、読んでみてくれ。
Ferdinand: Oh, does that excite your curiosity too? Perhaps you would care to read more about it, then.
This is just one of 18 volumes. And our library has the entire collection!
ペトラ: 感謝します。武具の研究、わたし、参考、できます。
Petra: I give you my gratitude. Research of weapons could be a good reference for me.
Oh, please take my apologies. I was meaning to tell you that our professor is wanting to see you.
フェルディナント: なに? 君が物忘れとは珍しい……。では失礼するよ!
Ferdinand: Oh! It is not like you to forget something. I suppose I ought to be going, then.
ペトラ: ……珍しい、確かです。しかし、稀、あります。
Petra: Yes, it is a rarity that I forget something. But it is not impossible.
フェルディナント: 武具の手入れ中か。余念がないな、ペトラ。
Ferdinand: Taking care of some weapon maintenance, Petra? You seem completely absorbed.
ペトラ: フェルディナント、ですか武具、手入れ、とても大切。
Petra: Yes, taking care of the weapons has great importance.
フェルディナント: ああ、そのとおりだな。その武器……ブリギットのものかね?
Ferdinand: I cannot argue with that. That weapon there... is it from Brigid?
ペトラ: いいえ、ダグザの武器、です。ブリギットの人、よく使う、使いました。
Petra: No, it is a weapon of Dagda. But the people of Brigid use... I mean, used them often.
フェルディナント: そうか……珍しい形状だとは聞いていたが、実際に見るのは初めてだな。
Ferdinand: Fascinating! I have read about the weapons of Dagda, but this is my first time seeing one in person.
ペトラ: ダグザ、武具や武術、様々、流入しました。ブリギットの戦い方、影響されます。
Petra: Lots of weapons and fighting techniques came from Dagda to Brigid.
フェルディナント: なるほど……ブリギット諸島は、西方のダグザ大陸から影響を強く受けたのだな。
Ferdinand: Ah, so Dagda to the west had a big influence on the Brigid archipelago...
I am fascinated by foreign fighting techniques. Would you consider teaching me sometime?
ペトラ: 承知、ですが、武術……説明、困難です。わたしたち、組み合う、しますか?
Petra: I will. But it is difficult to explain fighting with words. We can try sparring, maybe?
フェルディナント: 実際に見せてくれると?それはありがたい、受けて立とう。
Ferdinand: Yes, a practical demonstration! I would be quite grateful.
ペトラ: では、いきます!
Petra: Let's have our beginning, then!
フェルディナント: はあ……はあ……。ペトラ、ここまでに、しよう。
Ferdinand: Perhaps we should stop there...
ペトラ: あなた……ダグザの武術、わかりました?
Petra: Oh? Do you think you have understanding of the fighting techniques from Dagda?
フェルディナント: ふう……。ああ、身をもってな。正直、フォドラの外の技術と侮っていたよ。
Ferdinand: Yes, now I have experienced it firsthand. I used to look down on foreign fighting styles, but I was clearly remiss.
The footwork, the nimble way you shift your weight, is extraordinary. I will have to remember those moves for the next time I am in battle.
Clearly, you have honed your skills through practice. Your fist felt as sharp as a spear.
ペトラ: 戦う技術、ブリギット、より、必要です。ダグザとフォドラ、挟まれています。
Petra: Brigid is stuck between Dagda and Fódlan. It is of much importance to hone our fighting techniques.
I am of the royal family, but I am a warrior before that. I must fight to live and to protect my home.
フェルディナント: ……以前、帝国は侵攻してきたブリギットとダグザの連合軍を散々に撃退した。
Ferdinand: When the alliance of Brigid and Dagda encroached on the Empire they were always driven back.
But perhaps the Empire's victory was due to geographic advantage or divine intervention rather than military superiority.
Having met you, that is what I think.
I cannot help but feel a little disgraced. I help foreign fighting styles in such low regard without ever seeing them for myself.
ペトラ: わたしも、フォドラ、来て……様々、知って、恥じています。
Petra: When I came to Fódlan... I felt disgraced from many things that I learned.
But there is no disgrace in losing ignorance. We need to be learning and growing with each other, always.
フェルディナント: ああ、共に進もう。我々はいつだって、前を向かねばならない。
Ferdinand: Yes, by working together we can make progress. And both sides need to look ahead, to the future.
ペトラ: フェルディナント。
Petra: Ferdinand...
フェルディナント: うん? ああ、ペトラか。何か私に用かね?
Ferdinand: Huh? Ah, Petra. Is there something I can help you with?
ペトラ: いいえ……けれど、あなた、寂しく、見えます、ですから。
Petra: No, I am not needing help. I was just thinking that you look... lonely.
フェルディナント: 寂しい? この戦争の最中にかね。生きるのに必死でそんな余裕はないさ。
Ferdinand: Lonely, in wartime? Hardly. I am too busy trying to survive to feel lonely.
But once we have survived, what will you do with yourself, Petra? Return to your home?
フェルディナント: エーデルガルトはブリギットとの関係修復のため、君に王となってほしいと言っていた。
Ferdinand: Edelgard said she would like you to ascend the throne in Brigid, to ensure good relations between the nations.
フェルディナント: 帝国の人質だった君は、帝国が打倒されればいよいよ完全に自由の身だろう。
ペトラ: ……はい、帰ります。
Petra: Yes... My plan is to be returning home.
But if Brigid and Fódlan can be friendly, I will be able to have visits whenever I choose.
Maybe it is even possible for me to be living in Fódlan.
フェルディナント: フォドラに、移り住む?君は故郷にいたくはないのかね?
Ferdinand: Live in Fódlan? Do you not want to go back to your homeland?
ペトラ: ブリギット、帰る、望んでいます。しかし、フォドラも、わたしの故郷、です。
Petra: I do have the hope of returning one day, but Fódlan is also like a homeland to me now.
I came to Fódlan nine years ago. I have been living half of my life here.
My family is living in Brigid, but in Fódlan, I have new family and new friends.
フェルディナント: 新しい家族、か……。私たちのことをそう言ってくれるとは嬉しいね。
Ferdinand: New family? I am glad to hear you feel that way about us, Petra.
In that case, we will have to make sure that none of us die. We do not want to lose anyone in the family.
ペトラ: はい、わたしたち、勝ちます。あなたも、死なせません、
Petra: Yes! We will be winning, and you will not be dying!
フェルディナント: ふっ、私は死にはしないさ。戦後にも、やらねばならぬこともできた。
Ferdinand: Hah, do not worry. I do not intend to die. I have some things to do when the war is over.
ペトラ: ……戦後、ですか?
Petra: Things?
フェルディナント: ああ。フォドラとブリギットの、懸け橋となる。
Ferdinand: Yes. You and I can be the link between Fódlan and Brigid.
ペトラ: ……!
Petra: Oh!
フェルディナント: 実は先ほど、嘘をついた。寂しさなどないと。
Ferdinand: OK, I have to confess, I fibbed a little... About not being lonely.
When this war ends, I will be quite lonely indeed... if you go back to Brigid.
ペトラ: 本当、ですか?
Petra: Is that a truth?
フェルディナント: そうだ。だから、私は決めたのだ。両者の仲を取り持つ役目を私が務めると。
Ferdinand: I have just made a decision. I will work as an ambassador, improving relations between our people.
Whether you are in Brigid or Fódlan, I will be there too.
Then both places can move forward together, in eternal friendship...
We ought to join forces and make that a reality. Do you not agree?
ペトラ: ありがとう、フェルディナント。感謝、感激、です。
Petra: You have my gratitude, Ferdinand. All of it!
I have loneliness just like you...but your words gave me great happiness.
Please do what you are saying... and be a bridge for Fódlan and Brigid.
フェルディナント: 任せてくれたまえ。そして、行く行くは……
Ferdinand: You can count on me. We will keep at it, and one day...
ペトラ: ……はい、同意する、します。そのような未来……あります、ことを。
Petra: Yes! One day we will be seeing that future!
After officially becoming Duke Aegir, Ferdinand asked Emperor Edelgard if she would make him her minister of foreign affairs rather than her prime minister. She granted his wish, and his first task in his new position was to negotiate with Petra, who had inherited the throne of Brigid and declared her Kingdom's freedom from Imperial vassalage. Ferdinand and Petra collaborated to deepen the friendship between their nations and forge a strong, enduring alliance. As a symbol of the nations' friendship, Ferdinand and Petra took up residence together in Nuvelle, on the western fringe of Fodlan. It is said that they negotiated for years to achieve this compromise.
After officially becoming Duke Aegir, Ferdinand worked to restore the territory, and as part of that effort, sought to develop an improved relationship with Brigid. He reached out to Petra, who had inherited the throne of Brigid, and she agreed to send resources for the relief effort. At the same time, the two continued their private relationship across borders, and when Aegir territory had recovered, they married. Ferdinand relocated to Brigid with his queen, and the pair worked tirelessly to improve diplomatic relations. Their work involved much travel, but they made sure to find time once in a while to stop and enjoy their happiness.