メルセデス: ………………。
Mercedes: ...
フェルディナント: おお、メルセデス。奇遇ではないか。
Ferdinand: Oh, Mercedes. This is unexpected.
メルセデス: あら、フェルディナント。あなたもお祈りに~?
Mercedes: Hello, Ferdinand. Did you come to pray?
フェルディナント: ああ、そうだ。それに大聖堂の空気が好きでね。
Ferdinand: I did. I quite like the atmosphere in the cathedral.
It is holy and solemn. Perfectly suited to a noble, wouldn't you say?
メルセデス: う~ん……?そう、かも……?
Mercedes: Uhh... I guess so.
フェルディナント: そうだろう?やはり、わかる者にはわかるのだな。
Ferdinand: You guess so? I think the matter is rather clear-cut.
It is incumbent upon nobles that we pray regularly to the goddess.
フェルディナント: エーデルガルトも教団の手法は否定するが、主への祈りを否定することはない。
Ferdinand: Even Edelgard, who opposes the church's methods, does not deny us the right to pray to the goddess.
フェルディナント: 信仰の面でも貴族が平民の模範となる。これも貴族の大事な役割だと思わないかね?
Ferdinand: The piety of the nobles is a model for commoners— it teaches them the value of devotion.
メルセデス: そう、ねえ。そういうことも、あるわよねえ。
Mercedes: Absolutely. I know exactly what you mean. I couldn't agree more.
フェルディナント: にもかかわらずだ。ほとんど祈りをしない貴族も少なくない。
Ferdinand: These days many nobles scarcely, if ever, pray.
Look around! You and I are alone in this cathedral. It is really quite a shame.
メルセデス: う~ん、私は……厳密に言うと、今は貴族じゃないんだけど~……。
Mercedes: Ah, well, I don't really know that I count as a noble anyway.
フェルディナント: 貴族たちの誇りが失われかけている……。君はよく独りで祈っているのかね?
Ferdinand: I am afraid the nobility seems to be losing its way. When you pray, you are usually alone, right?
メルセデス: ……そう、ねえ。よく、あるわねえ。
Mercedes: Umm...yes. You're right. I usually am.
フェルディナント: やはりそうか。しかし、無理強いはできんな。
Ferdinand: Precisely. Where are the others? Of course, you cannot force people to worship. That is out of the question.
Nobles must determine for themselves what they will believe and how they will pray.
A religion foisted on you without your say is not much of a religion at all. Do you not agree?
メルセデス: ……そう、ねえ。……うん、そうよ……ねえ。
Mercedes: Yes, I definitely agree. Definitely...agree.
フェルディナント: だからといって、手をこまねいているわけには……
Ferdinand: On the other hand, we cannot stand idly by while...
メルセデス: ……なんだか眠くなってきちゃったわ。じゃあね~。
Mercedes: Um, it was great talking to you, but I'm getting pretty sleepy. I'm going to head off to bed. Good night!
フェルディナント: 君は何か考えはないか……うん?メルセデス、どこだ?
Ferdinand: All in all, one has to conclude... Mercedes? Where did she go?
I must have inspired her to go out and revive the faith! Perhaps I should do the same. I cannot let her show me up...
帝国兵 / 教団兵: へっへっへっ……。いいだろ、売れよ!
Imperial Soldier / Church Soldier: Come on! Sell it to me!
メルセデス: あら? あれは……。
Mercedes: Huh? What's going on here?
Hey! Stop that! Can't you see he's not interested?
帝国兵 / 教団兵: はあ?俺たちは商売の話をしてるんだよ、商売の。
Imperial Soldier / Church Soldier: We're just talking business here. Now move it along.
メルセデス: あら、そうだったんですか?やだ、私ったらてっきり……。
Mercedes: Oh! I just thought it looked a little...
Actually, now I'm curious.
What kind of business are you conducting?
I've been told I have a keen eye for appraisal.
教団兵: はっ、俺がこいつから剣を買うだけだ。あんたの出る幕はねえぜ。
Church Soldier: Just trying to buy a sword...
I told him to name his price, but he won't give it up!
メルセデス: まあ! いくらでも、だなんて~。甘いお菓子もお化粧道具も買い放題ね~。
Mercedes: Any price? You must be able to afford anything your heart desires!
But did you consider that he might have a good reason to not sell it?
Maybe it's a family heirloom. Or simply his favorite sword.
教団兵: はあ? うるせえよ!てめえ、痛い目に遭いたいのかっ!
Church Soldier: No one asked for your appraisal! Now move it! Or are you looking for trouble?
フェルディナント: そこまでだ!
Ferdinand: That is quite enough!
You would dare threaten a woman? I will not permit such ungentlemanly conduct.
メルセデス: あら~、フェルディナント。ねえ、あなたはどう思う~?
Mercedes: Oh. Hello, Ferdinand. Do you have an opinion on all this?
フェルディナント: な、何の話かね?とにかく私の背に隠れたまえ。
Ferdinand: Behind me, milady! I will protect you!
教団兵: なっ、何だてめえ。やろうってのか?
Church Soldier: Who are you? You looking for trouble too?
フェルディナント: おっと、それ以上近づかないほうがいい。私の剣の錆にはなりたくないだろう?
Ferdinand: Keep your distance, gutless knave! I just cleaned my sword, and if I maim you I will have to clean it again.
Neither of us wants that, so I suggest you leave at once.
教団兵: ちっ、覚えてろよ!
Church Soldier: Gah! Forget it! You're not worth my time!
教団兵: あ、ありがとうございます。おかげで助かりました。
Church Soldier: Ah, thank you so much... You saved me there.
フェルディナント: ……さて、これで一件落着だな。怪我はないかね? メルセデス。
Ferdinand: Well, that was taken care of. Are you hurt, Mercedes?
メルセデス: 怪我? ええ、大丈夫よ~。話をしていただけだし……
Mercedes: Hurt? No, I'm fine. We were only talking.
フェルディナント: 無事で良かった。いや、礼には及ばないぞ。貴族として当然のことをしたまでだからな。
Ferdinand: Ah, I'm glad! I do not abide uncouth behavior. Stopping it is my duty as a noble!
フェルディナント: それにしても恐喝を止めるとは、随分と大胆な行動だったよ、メルセデス。
Ferdinand: You know, stepping in to prevent extortion, that was quite brave of you.
メルセデス: ……? ああ、あの時の……。あれは話を聞いてあげていただけよ~?
Mercedes: What? Oh, you're talking about that time in town. I wouldn't say I did anything brave, really. I just asked what was going on.
フェルディナント: 謙遜するな。弱者を救い、立派に貴族の務めを果たしたのだろう。
Ferdinand: No need to be humble. Helping the weak is precisely what a virtuous noble does.
メルセデス: う~ん、それはなんだか……。ちょっと違うような。
Mercedes: I...I don't think what I did was quite the same thing.
フェルディナント: ほう、それはどういう意味かね?
Ferdinand: What do you mean by that?
メルセデス: 世の中には、お金じゃ買えないものがあるって、わかってほしかっただけよ~。
Mercedes: The point I was trying to make is that some things in this world can't be bought or sold with money.
I think I let myself get a little too worked up though.
It's just... When I saw it happening, it reminded me of my own past...
フェルディナント: ふむ、自分のこと……か。
Ferdinand: Your past. Hm.
You were originally the daughter of House Bartels, a minor noble family, I heard.
You abandoned your title, and now you live as a commoner.
Is there more to the story? Pray tell.
メルセデス: 私と母は、バルテルス家を逃げ出したのよ。……つらいことが、たくさんあって。
Mercedes: Life was becoming... difficult for us, so my mother and I fled from House Bartels.
We found refuge in a small church in Faerghus and lived there for a few years.
A man appeared one day and said that he wanted to adopt me.
It was obvious he only cared about my bloodline and Crest.
The priest refused to let me go, but the man used his money to overwhelm the church. In the end, I had no choice but to leave with him.
That solider we saw... I guess he just reminded me of my adopted father.
フェルディナント: ……なるほどな。その男は、君を利用して貴族に成り上がろうとしているわけか。
Ferdinand: The man who exploited you so he could join the nobility. Yes, I understand.
But I must confess, that part of the story confuses me. There is nothing to gain from having a noble title.
メルセデス: あら~?
Mercedes: Hehe.
フェルディナント: 何かおかしかったかね。
Ferdinand: What's so funny?
メルセデス: ううん、フェルディナントが、貴族という身分に価値がないなんて言うと思わなくて。
Mercedes: I never though I'd hear you question the value of nobility, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: ああ、そういうことか。間違いではない。
Ferdinand: Oh, well... That's not quite what I meant.
Using someone else to obtain hight status, with no effort and no accomplishment...
Certainly, you can obtain a title like that, but it hardly makes you a noble.
メルセデス: そういうことだったのね~。
Mercedes: I completely agree.
フェルディナント: それに引き換え、君の身分は平民だが……その心身は貴族のままだ。
Ferdinand: By the same token, although you are legally a commoner, in your heart you are a proud and virtuous noble!
That is what I think, at any rate.
フェルディナント: メルセデス!ここにいたか!
Ferdinand: Mercedes, finally! There you are.
メルセデス: あら、フェルディナント。そんなに息を切らして、どうしたの~?
Mercedes: Ah! Ferdinand! Why are you so short of breath?
フェルディナント: ふっ、なに。君に見せたいものがあってね。
Ferdinand: I just wanted to show you something.
メルセデス: なにかしら~……え? ええ~!?
Mercedes: What's this... Um... Oh!
フェルディナント: わかったようだな。これは、君の養父の作った取引の書類だ。
Ferdinand: Yes. These are financial records that I recovered from your adoptive father.
They prove that when he adopted you, large sums of money changed hands.
メルセデス: 入手って……どうやって?
Mercedes: Where did you come across these?
フェルディナント: フェルディアに潜入し、彼の身の回りを探っただけさ。
Ferdinand: I stealthily made my way into Fhirdiad and looked around his estate. It was easy.
That kind of thing is no trouble for an intrepid young noble such as myself.
メルセデス: す、すごいわね~。……じゃなくて、危ない真似はしないで、フェルディナント。
Mercedes: That's amazing! I mean... amazingly irresponsible!
I can't believe you put yourself at risk for my benefit. I really wish you wouldn't do such things!
フェルディナント: いや、自分のためだとも。私が我慢ならなかったのさ。
Ferdinand: No, I did it for my benefit. I could not help myself.
With these documents, we can show everyone what a scoundrel your adoptive father really is.
His noble aspirations will be crushed. The lord of the region will probably rescind his adoption contract.
In other words, you will be free.
Here, take them. Do with them what you will.
メルセデス: ……本当に?これがあれば……私は、自由になれるの?
Mercedes: Do you really believe these will set me free?
フェルディナント: ああ、もちろんだとも。
Ferdinand: Yes. Of course.
You will be free to decide your own path in life and go wherever your heart leads you.
メルセデス: 私の……人生……。
Mercedes: That does sound nice...but...
I'm sorry, Ferdinand, but I think you should hold on to the documents.
フェルディナント: なっ……!それはいったいどういうことだ?
Ferdinand: Why? Is that not what you want?
メルセデス: ……私はずっと、誰かに流されるまま、適当に生きてきたわ~。
Mercedes: I've lived so much of my life following everyone else's lead...
So much so that I've come to terms with it. It's almost unavoidable at this point.
But with these...I could regain my freedom and change all that.
フェルディナント: ……君の言葉は、時にとても難解だな。君は、自由な人生を送りたくはないのか?
Ferdinand: You baffle me. Do you not wish to be free?
メルセデス: ふふ……そうね、フェルディナントらしく言うなら、こんな感じかしら~。
Mercedes: Of course I do. Let me try that again in a way you might understand.
Ahem. A true noble cuts their own path, seizing freedom from the clutches of tyranny!
フェルディナント: ……ふっ。これは一本取られたな。ならば、この書類は私が預かろう。
Ferdinand: I cannot argue with that. Fine, then. I will hold on to the documents.
メルセデス: ……ふふっ、だけどあなたの気持ちは、本当に……本当に、嬉しかったわ。
Mercedes: But I am really very happy that you're so concerned with my well-being, Ferdinand.
It means so much to me that you went through all that trouble on my behalf.
フェルディナント: そうか……ならば私は、君の心からの笑顔を見られた、それだけで十分かな。
Ferdinand: Of course, Mercedes. The smile on your face is well worth the effort.
After the war, Mercedes traveled to Fhirdiad to pay a visit to her adoptive father. Though she introduced Ferdinand, she left out the small detail that they were engaged to be wed. Married in secret, Ferdinand and Mercedes worked together to reform the new Duke Aegir's territory, and the effort was so successful that Emperor Edelgard named Ferdinand her prime minister. It was a busy life for him indeed, but as he was known to say to his government colleagues, coming home to a smiling family made all the hard work worth it.
After the war, Mercedes traveled to Fhirdiad to pay a visit to her adoptive father. Though she introduced Ferdinand, she left out the small detail that they were engaged to be wed. Married in secret, Ferdinand and Mercedes worked together to reform the new Duke Aegir's territory, and the effort was so successful that he was called upon to work as a leader in the central government. It was a busy life for him indeed, but as he was known to say to his government colleagues, coming home to a smiling family made all the hard work worth it.