フェルディナント: おお、マリアンヌ。君も主に祈りを捧げていたのかね?
Ferdinand: Ah, Marianne. Praying to the goddess?
マリアンヌ: ……はい、フェルディナントさん。
Marianne: Yes, I am.
フェルディナント: うむ、そうか。熱心に通うとは、殊勝な心がけだな。
Ferdinand: Excellent! So persistent in your devotion. I quite admire that about you.
マリアンヌ: いいえ……そんなことは。
Marianne: Oh, no. It's not like that.
フェルディナント: ふっ、謙遜は要らない。君ほど篤信な者はそういないだろう。
Ferdinand: No need for false modesty. I hardly know anyone with more piety.
マリアンヌ: はあ……それでは失礼します……。
Marianne: I need to be going.
フェルディナント: む、待ちたまえ。
Ferdinand: Wait a moment!
マリアンヌ: はい、何か?
Marianne: Oh! Um, yes? Did you need something?
フェルディナント: 以前から気になっていたが……君は、もう少し堂々としたらどうだ?
Ferdinand: I have a suggestion. I have been meaning to tell you about it for a while. Have you ever considered projecting more confidence?
Your every word is laden with pessimism and devoid of enthusiasm.
To gain the trust of commoners, you must appear self-assured at all times.
マリアンヌ: 私が貴族として民と接する機会なんて、たぶん、ありませんから……。
Marianne: I have no need to earn the trust of the common people as a noble.
All I want is to live a quiet life and to not be a bother to anyone. I dare not hope for anything beyond that.
フェルディナント: しかし、君は辣腕を振るうエドマンド辺境伯の一人娘なのだろう?
Ferdinand: But you are the only daughter of the esteemed Margrave Edmund!
Regardless of what you hope for, you must concede that you have inherited certain responsibilities, by virtue of your birth.
マリアンヌ: それなら……私は、無責任な人間で構いません。失礼します……!
Marianne: If that's the case, then I don't care to be a responsible person. Farewell!
フェルディナント: あっ、マリアンヌ!……君は貴族であることが嫌なのか?
Ferdinand: One would think she does not wish to be a noble...
マリアンヌ: 今日も快晴ね、ドルテ。ふふっ、みんなも気持ち良さそう。
Marianne: Are you enjoying this lovely day, Dorte? Everyone seems to be in such good spirits.
フェルディナント: マリアンヌ、少しいいだろうか?
Ferdinand: Marianne, do you have a moment?
マリアンヌ: ……! フェルディナントさん。な、何かご用でしょうか?
Marianne: Oh! Ferdinand! What do you need?
フェルディナント: 君の言葉が私の心に刺さって、四六時中、頭を離れなくてね。
Ferdinand: I have been thinking about what you said.
マリアンヌ: ……不快にさせて、ごめんなさい。私の言葉なんて……気にする必要は……。
Marianne: I didn't mean to upset you. You should just ignore me and—
フェルディナント: ああいや、誤解しないでほしい。決して不快になったわけではない。
Ferdinand: You misunderstand. It is not that you upset me.
Honestly, you mystify me. You are a noble, and yet you do not wish to be one. Is that not so?
I did not expect to hear that from the daughter of Margrave Edmund.
マリアンヌ: ……私は、義父の本当の娘ではありません。
Marianne: But... I'm not actually his daughter.
He's a distant relative. We share very little of the same blood.
フェルディナント: ほう……そうだったのか。だが遠縁なら、生まれも貴族だったのだろう?
Ferdinand: But still, you come from a noble lineage, do you not?
マリアンヌ: ……地方の小貴族に過ぎません。
Marianne: Oh, no. I'm just a minor noble from the countryside.
フェルディナント: 小さくとも貴族の家に生まれた。そして、今も貴族だ。
Ferdinand: Minor though it may be, you were born into a noble family. Which means you are a noble too.
We did not choose to become nobles. We were born into the nobility.
マリアンヌ: そんなこと、わかっています……。だから私は……
Marianne: I understand, but that's why...
Why I said I don't care to be responsible. I had no say in the matter!
フェルディナント: ……!マ、マリアンヌ?
Ferdinand: Marianne! I—
マリアンヌ: 私も両親も、この血筋と紋章のせいで散々、翻弄されてきました……。
Marianne: My parents and I have suffered because of this bloodline and Crest.
Even so, I am prepared to do what I must as the daughter of a noble family...
But to be told that's still not enough, I... I just... Ugh!
フェルディナント: そ、そうか。事情は呑み込めないが……まずは落ち着いてくれたまえ。
Ferdinand: I... I see. I will not pretend to understand. But you should try to calm down a bit.
Certainly, things did not turn out the way you had hoped. But the conditions are such that—
マリアンヌ: 現状なんて、変えようがありません。もう、いいんです……。諦めてますから。
Marianne: The conditions? Those will never change. There's nothing to do but give up!
Please, just leave! Ignore me!
フェルディナント: ……わかった、退散しよう。私の言葉は届かぬようだ。
Ferdinand: There will be no convincing you. Very well. I will go.
マリアンヌ: はあ……はあ……。主はなぜ、私にこんな受難を……。
Marianne: Oh Goddess... Why did you curse me with such suffering?
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: ...
フェルディナント: マリアンヌ、祈らないのかね?
Ferdinand: Marianne. Are you not going to pray?
マリアンヌ: もう済ませました。……あの……何か?
Marianne: I've finished. What is it?
フェルディナント: いや……実はずっと詫びたいと思っていた。出過ぎた真似をしてすまない、と。
Ferdinand: I just wanted to apologize.
マリアンヌ: ……いいんです。フェルディナントさんは、何も悪くありませんから……。
Marianne: It's fine, Ferdinand. You did nothing wrong.
フェルディナント: ……あの時、君に帰れと言われ、最後まで伝えられなかったことがある。
Ferdinand: Last time we spoke, I did not quite finish saying what I wanted to say.
You say I did nothing wrong, so perhaps you will hear me out this time?
マリアンヌ: ……何ですか?
Marianne: Very well. What is it?
フェルディナント: 現状を嘆くのではなく、受け入れた上で何をするかを問うべきではないか?
Ferdinand: Rather than mourning the way things are, is it not better to accept reality and move forward from there?
マリアンヌ: ……受け入れて、問う?
Marianne: Accept and move forward?
フェルディナント: ああ、そうだ。
Ferdinand: Precisely.
You curse your heritage and reject your present situation. That makes you gloomy, even despairing.
As long as you are held back by that way of thinking, nothing is ever going to change.
マリアンヌ: あなたなら……どんな境遇でも、受け入れられると?
Marianne: What about you? Do you really believe that you accept whatever comes in life?
フェルディナント: 無論、受け入れるとも。
Ferdinand: I do. Come what may, I will never falter.
Ferdinand: Look at me. I lost my lands, my wealth, my status. I accept this reality, dark as it is.
マリアンヌ: ……どうして?
Marianne: How?
フェルディナント: ふっ、どうしても何も、人は何かを成し遂げるために生まれてくるものだろう?
Ferdinand: Well, each person is born with a purpose.
We must fulfill that purpose, no matter our circumstances. It imbues our lives with meaning and direction.
That is what I believe, anyway. Everyone has something they are meant to accomplish. That is true for nobles, commoners, even bandits.
マリアンヌ: ……そう、ですか。成し遂げるために、人は生まれる……。
Marianne: I-I see... so that's what you believe.
Do you... really think it's possible that someone like me has a purpose to fulfill?
フェルディナント: ああ、もちろんだ。
Ferdinand: Yes! Of course.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: Oh!
I'll give this some serious thought. Thank you, Ferdinand. Your words have deeply moved me.
フェルディナント: ふっ、そうか。君の答えが、無事に見つかることを祈るよ。
Ferdinand: Is that so? How wonderful! I will pray that you find the answers you seek.
マリアンヌ: ……美味しい。
Marianne: Mmm... delicious...
フェルディナント: マリアンヌ、君の隣は空いているかね?
Ferdinand: Marianne, may I join you?
マリアンヌ: フェルディナントさん。ええ、どうぞ。
Marianne: Yes, Ferdinand. Of course.
フェルディナント: ん? うむ。………………。
Ferdinand: Hmm...
マリアンヌ: あの……何か?
Marianne: Um, is something wrong?
フェルディナント: あ、いや失敬。……以前とは、雰囲気が変わったような気がしてな。
Ferdinand: I am sorry, but, uh... You seem very different. Compared to how you were before.
マリアンヌ: ふふ……そうでしょうか。
Marianne: That may be true.
フェルディナント: ほら! そんな微笑みを、私に見せてくれたことなどなかっただろう?
Ferdinand: Right there! You are smiling. I do not think I have ever seen you smile.
マリアンヌ: あ……恥ずかしい。
Marianne: Please... you're making me blush...
フェルディナント: 恥ずかしがる必要はないさ。しかし……何か心境の変化でもあったのか?
Ferdinand: I do not mean to embarrass you! I am just saying, you seem to have truly changed.
マリアンヌ: そう見えるなら……あなたのおかげだと思います。
Marianne: Well, I have you to thank for that.
In truth, I spent a lot of time thinking about what you said.
It meant so much when you told me that everyone has a purpose to fulfill. Even me.
フェルディナント: 素晴らしいことだな。それで、答えは見つかったのかね?
Ferdinand: I am so glad to hear you say that, Marianne. I wonder, did you find a purpose for yourself?
マリアンヌ: いえ、まだ……。でも、そう思えただけで、生きるのが苦痛じゃなくなったというか。
Marianne: No, not yet... But I've been much happier since I started thinking about it more.
I remembered a time back when I was working at the animal clinic. The rest of the staff was so thankful for the work I had done.
Even in something as simple as looking after animals, I was able to make myself useful to others.
Thinking about it made me realize that anyone can make other people happy. Even someone like me.
フェルディナント: ……ふっ、なんだ。君はもう答えを見つけているではないか。
Ferdinand: It sounds to me like you have already found your answer.
マリアンヌ: えっ?
Marianne: What do you mean?
フェルディナント: 自分の行動で誰かを幸福にする。とても達成しがいのある答えだと思うがね。
Ferdinand: Making people happy. If you ask me, that is a truly worthwhile purpose.
マリアンヌ: はい……!
Marianne: You may be right!
Ah! I just remembered! I wanted to ask about your food.
フェルディナント: うん? 何かね?
Ferdinand: Yes, what about it?
マリアンヌ: 今日、当番で……私が作ったんです。どうでしょうか……?
Marianne: Today was my turn to prepare the meal. How is it?
フェルディナント: ……おお、美味いな!
Ferdinand: Oh! It is delicious!
The flavor and the texture are superb. So you are certainly making me happy!
マリアンヌ: 良かった……!
Marianne: I'm glad you like it.
フェルディナント: ……もっと自分を好きになりたまえ。君は本当に魅力溢れる女性なのだから。
Ferdinand: I hope you will learn to like yourself. For what it is worth, I like you.
マリアンヌ: え……。
Marianne: Oh?
フェルディナント: それで……もし良ければだが……また料理を作ってくれないか?
Ferdinand: Maybe, if you have the time, you can cook something for me again?
For me alone, I mean.
マリアンヌ: はい……喜んで!
Marianne: Of course! It would be my pleasure!
Ferdinand announced his engagement to Marianne just after becoming the new Duke Aegir. While he got started restoring his territory, Marianne returned home to study politics under her shrewd adoptive father.
When she returned to Ferdinand's side, they were wed, and with her new skills she proved herself to be an asset to the rebuilding effort.
Aegir territory flourished under their reign, becoming one of the most prosperous regions in all Fodlan.
It is said that Ferdinand commissioned a bronze statue of his wife to honor her, but that Marianne ordered it to be hidden away in storage for eternity.
Ferdinand announced his marriage to Marianne just after becoming the new Duke Aegir.
With the support of Margrave Edmund, they set to work restoring Aegir territory.
The support of Marianne's adoptive father was essential, but not sufficient, for the relief effort.
As more difficulties arose, Marianne herself took on an increasing amount of responsibility. She proved quite capable and dedicated, and the Dukedom progressed through a steady recovery under the couple's collective efforts.
It is said that Ferdinand commissioned a bronze statue of his wife to honor her achievements, but Marianne ordered it to be hidden away in storage for eternity.