フェルディナント: ああ、我が麗しき姫君よ。貴方はまるで、真夏の蝉のようだ。
Ferdinand: My princess is lovely, my princess is fair, She sings like sweet cicadas in midsummer's air—
マヌエラ: 真夏の蝉?それって、うるさくて喧しいってこと?
Manuela: Cicadas? Those noisy little bugs that swarm about? Endlessly mingling with one another?
フェルディナント: あ、いや、そんなつもりは……。訂正させてもらえますか?
Ferdinand: Oh! Good point. I will revise...
My princess is lovely, my princess is fair, She sings like a swallow in midsummer's air—
マヌエラ: 渡り鳥……。群れからはぐれ、独り寂しく冬を越すのね。
Manuela: Migrating birds... Never stick around for long. Always off to find love somewhere else...
フェルディナント: い、いえ。私が言いたいのは、つまり……
Ferdinand: No! Wh-what I meant was, ah, hm...
マヌエラ: はあ、フェルディナント。いつものあなたらしくないんじゃない?
Manuela: Oh, Ferdinand. You're just not yourself today.
You don't seem focused. Your poetry...lacks poetry. Perhaps a break is in order.
フェルディナント: 折角の機会に休むなんて、できませんよ。
Ferdinand: I would not dream of stopping now. This is my golden opportunity!
マヌエラ: 折角の機会?どういうことかしら、それ。
Manuela: Pardon me?
フェルディナント: それは……こうして、貴方と二人きりで話す機会です。
Ferdinand: We are finally alone. Just the two of us.
マヌエラ: あらあら、あたくしと話すことがそんなに貴重?
Manuela: Why...yes. We are, aren't we?
フェルディナント: 実は私……以前から、マヌエラ様が憧れの存在でした。
Ferdinand:You see, Manuela, I have long admired you.
マヌエラ: 憧れ……?
Manuela: Is that a fact?
フェルディナント: はい。貴方が歌劇団で活躍していた頃、幾度となく舞台を拝見しました。
Ferdinand: I saw you perform countless times while you were with the opera company.
マヌエラ: あ、そういうこと。でも嬉しいわ。ふふっ。
Manuela: I see. So, what did you think?
フェルディナント: 凛々しい立ち姿、心に響き渡る歌声、貴方のすべてに魅了され、夢中でした。
Ferdinand: The figure you cut, that heartbreaking voice... I was mesmerized.
That is why I am tongue-tied. I am nervous about speaking to you alone, after idolizing you for so long.
マヌエラ: もう昔のことよ?あの頃の歌姫はもういないわ。
Manuela: There's no need to be nervous, Ferdinand. That songstress you recall...is long gone.
I get nervous too, you know. But I want you to feel relaxed around me. Understood?
フェルディナント: は、はい。善処します。
Ferdinand: Yes! Uh, ahem... Yes, I promise to try.
マヌエラ: それにしてもあなたがねえ……意外だったわ。
Manuela: You're really full of surprises, you know that?
I assumed you'd be more interested in combat than the arts.
Come and chat sometime? I'd love to hear more about how my performances mesmerized you.
マヌエラ: ええと……。使えそうなのは……。
Manuela: Hmm... Let's see... Has to be here somewhere...
フェルディナント: おお、これは麗しの姫君。何か、本をお探しですか?
Ferdinand: Oh, my princess! Pray tell, are you seeking a book?
マヌエラ: ええ、ちょっとね。それよりフェルディナント。
Manuela: Ferdinand... You should probably settle down a little with the "princess" talk.
Just speak to me normally. My "princess" days are long gone.
フェルディナント: そんなことはありませんとも!
Ferdinand: I could not disagree more!
To me, you will always be that dazzling songstress, that veritable princess of the opera.
From ages five to eleven, I never missed a single one of your performances.
Seeing you on stage was like glimpsing heaven. I was overcome with bliss.
マヌエラ: まあ、そこまで言ってくれるなんて。あらやだ……目にゴミが。
Manuela: You're going a little overboard. And I... I think I may have something in my eye.
フェルディナント: 中でも、貴方の剣舞と歌が華麗に融合したあの演目が、一番印象に残っています。
Ferdinand: An elegant coalescence of beautiful song and frenetic swordplay. That was the most memorable aspect for me.
Onstage, weapon in hand, letting your ballad soar to the heavens...
Honestly, the first time I held a sword, it was not to train. I was trying to do your sword dance.
マヌエラ: あら、そうだったの。あなたの武具好きも、元を正せばあたくしの剣舞が始まり?
Manuela: I inspired your love of weaponry? How...flattering?
フェルディナント: そのとおりですよ。貴方のおかげで、今の私があるのです。
Ferdinand: Correct! It is all thanks to you.
マヌエラ: それはちょっと、言い過ぎだと思うけれど……
Manuela: Oh, come now...
Although I'm honored if my stage presence had any such influence on your life.
フェルディナント: 光栄なのは私のほうですよ。貴方という存在に巡り会わせてもらった……
Ferdinand: The honor is all mine. You blessed me by returning to my life.
No matter where I go, or who I end up marrying, my childhood memory of you is inscribed in the deepest depths of my heart.
マヌエラ: ………………。
Manuela: ...
フェルディナント: どうかしましたか?
Ferdinand: Is something the matter?
マヌエラ: ……何でもないわ。一抹の虚しさを覚えただけよ。
Manuela: Oh, nothing. I just feel a little empty inside now...
フェルディナント: 赤き雨を浴びて……燃える大地越えて……♪空を割る剣を……呼び戻す天を……♪
Ferdinand: ♪ How the crimson rain of pain it came, falling hard upon a land aflame. When the sacred blade it split the sky, until the heavens heard our cry...♪
♪In the hour of vengeance, will you heed the call? On the red fields of revenge, will you help avenge? We must fight strong and stand tall! ♪
マヌエラ: あら、フェルディナント。その歌……
Manuela: Oh, Ferdinand! That song...
フェルディナント: こ、こ、これはマヌエラ様!訓練とは珍しいですね!
麗しの姫君と共に鍛錬できるなんて、私は感激です! さあ、剣を……
Ferdinand: Manuela, ah, hello! What a treat. It is most rare to see you at the training grounds.
I have never had the honor of sparring with a princess. Why not grab a sword?
マヌエラ: ……フェルディナント。隠さなくてもいいわよ?
Manuela: Ferdinand. That's called changing the subject.
That song you were singing, is it the one you said made such an impression on you?
フェルディナント: ……聞こえてしまいましたか。そのとおりですとも。
Ferdinand: So, you heard me...
I hope it was not too grating on your ears.
マヌエラ: 落ち込む必要なんてないわ。覚えていてくれて、嬉しいのよ、あたくし。
Manuela: You've nothing at all to be embarrassed about! I'm pleased if one of my songs stayed with you like that.
Ahhh, it really takes me back. I remember the big battle in the first act...
♪ How the crimson rain of pain it came, falling hard upon a land aflame. When the sacred blade it split the sky, until the heavens heard our cry...♪
♪In the hour of vengeance, will you heed the call? On the red fields of revenge, will you help avenge? We must fight strong and stand tall! ♪
Wow. My heyday is behind me, that's for sure.
フェルディナント: いえ……見事でした!子供の頃に見た貴方の勇姿そのものです。
Ferdinand: No, that was...wonderful! Exactly the voice I recall from my childhood.
To have witnessed this performance in such an intimate setting... I am deeply moved!
I cannot stop trembling. I feel as though I am going to cry. You have shaken me to my very core!
マヌエラ: お、落ち着いて。感動してくれたのは、痛いほど伝わったから、ね。
Manuela: All right, Ferdinand. Relax. I can see that it's affected you deeply.
フェルディナント: ……ここまで来たら、更なる夢を、叶えさせてはもらえないでしょうか。
Ferdinand: You made a little boy's cherished dream come true. Perhaps you can help realize one more.
マヌエラ: 更なる夢……何かしら?
Manuela: Another one? And what would that be?
フェルディナント: この剣舞の相手、私に務めさせてほしいのです。
Ferdinand: Would you do the sword dance with me—the one that accompanied the song?
It had a part for a male performer if I recall.
I would be truly honored.
マヌエラ: あの頃のようにはいかないと思うけど……そこまで言われたら断れないわね。
Manuela: I'm sure I can't do it as well now as I could then. But you're just so adorably...you. I can't resist.
フェルディナント: ……ありがとうございます。長年の夢が一つ、叶いました。
Ferdinand: Thank you so much. That has long been a dream of mine, and you made it a reality.
マヌエラ: 驚いたわ……。これほど綺麗に合うなんて。
Manuela: I gotta say, Ferdinand, you're full of surprises.
It was like dancing with a pro. Perfect timing, always in step...
フェルディナント: はい。 これも貴方を想う気持ちのなせる業かと。
Ferdinand: All thanks to you. You inspired me.
マヌエラ: それか、あたくしのあなたを想う気持ちのなせる業かもしれないわ。
Manuela: Or perhaps it was you who inspired me.
Almost immediately after becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand married Manuela, and the two dedicated themselves to reformation efforts. Manuela lent her considerable talent and experience, using personal connections she'd gained in her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people. Between her personal skills and her ability as a physician, she became so essential that the emperor saw fit to make her the new prime minister. As she spent more time in the capital, bringing the reforms that helped Aegir territory to the Empire at large, Ferdinand stayed behind, minding his own lands and looking after their child.
Almost immediately after becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand married Manuela, and the two dedicated themselves to reformation efforts. Manuela lent her considerable talent and experience, using personal connections she'd gained in her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people. Between her personal skills and her ability as a physician, she became so essential that she was called upon to help bring the reforms that helped Aegir territory to Fodlan at large. While she traveled the world, Ferdinand stayed behind, minding his own lands and looking after their child.