リンハルト: ……ふああ。うららかな陽光が、僕を眠りへと誘う……。
Linhardt: Just look at this place... It's so beautiful. I believe I should take a nap and enjoy it properly.
フェルディナント: 何をのん気に黄昏ているんだね、リンハルト。
Ferdinand: Linhardt. Lost in thought, I see. Unacceptable!
Are you not aware that a noble's duty is to be ever vigilant?
リンハルト: ……ああ、君か。僕に何か用?
Linhardt: Rest increases alertness. Is there something I can do for you, Ferdinand?
フェルディナント: ふん、たまたま通りかかっただけだ。それにしても……
Ferdinand: Well, I was just passing by, and I thought I could give you a little advice.
You always seem to be napping. Why not spend your free time doing something productive?
リンハルト: ……そんなこと言われてもね。体力もないし、すぐ疲れるんだよ。
Linhardt: Easier said than done, Ferdinand. I'm afraid I suffer from a constitution that tires easily.
フェルディナント: ふむ……ならば体を鍛えるのだな。鍛えれば、できる仕事も増えるさ。
Ferdinand: Hmph. Some training will remedy that.
Let us work on that today. I will train you myself!
Arise, Linhardt! The righteous path of the noble lies before you!
リンハルト: ……大げさだなあ。君はいつも全力で生きているねえ。
Linhardt: You're always giving it your all, aren't you?
フェルディナント: ああ、全力だとも。全力のどこが悪いというのだ?
Ferdinand: Yes, I am. is there something wrong with that?
リンハルト: いやいや、悪いなんて言ってないって。一生懸命で前向きで、むしろ素晴らしいよ。
Linhardt: Of course not. In fact, I rather enjoy your demeanor. You go all out even when other wish you wouldn't.
You work hard, inspire the admiration of others, and your dignity as a noble is beyond reproach.
フェルディナント: よくわかっているじゃないか。私は貴族として皆を導いているのだよ。
Ferdinand: I consider it my mission to serve as a guide and a model for other members of the nobility.
リンハルト: おまけに万能で、見目麗しく……それと比べたら僕なんて赤子も同然さ。
Linhardt: As capable as you are striking. Next to you, I am a mere infant.
フェルディナント: いやあ、それ程でもない……私もそうありたいと日々研鑽しているがね。
Ferdinand: Oh, you are far too kind... Although I do work hard each day to achieve all of which you speak.
リンハルト: 紅茶や乗馬みたいな趣味もあって、君ほど貴族らしい人を見たことがないよ。
Linhardt: You've mastered all the important noble skills. You drink tea, talk about how great you are, ride horses...
フェルディナント: そうだな。ついこの前も遠乗りに……
Ferdinand: Indeed! I went for a ride earlier today.
リンハルト: それから、えーと……もういいや。
Linhardt: Is that so? You'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away...
フェルディナント: む?リンハルト、どこへ行くつもりだ?
Ferdinand: Hm? Where are you going?
リンハルト: 貴族の中の貴族フェルディナントに後を託して、僕は赤子らしく寝てくるよ。
Linhardt: I must get some sleep, being the infant that I am. Farewell for now, Ferdinand, oh noble among nobles.
フェルディナント: 貴族の中の貴族……!そこまで言ってくれるとは……
って、今寝ると言ったか!?おい! 待ちたまえ!
Ferdinand: "Noble among nobles"? Seems a bit much.
Did he say "get some sleep"? Hey, wait!
フェルディナント: ここにいたか、リンハルト。
Ferdinand: Linhardt. There you are.
リンハルト: うん? ああ、フェルディナントか。何の用?
Linhardt: Observant as ever, Ferdinand. What can I help you with?
フェルディナント: ふっ……これまで君には、あの手この手でかわし続けられてきた。
Ferdinand: You have been utilizing clever tricks to give me the slip.
But not today. Prepare yourself!
"A noble cannot escape from his duty." Hold these words in your heart.
リンハルト: はあ……今日の君は本気みたいだね。なら、僕もそれに応えるしかないか。
Linhardt: It seems you really mean it this time. I suppose I have no choice but to outmatch you.
フェルディナント: おお! ついにその気になったか……!今また一人の貴族が真なる道に立ち返った!
Ferdinand: Finally, a little enthusiasm. You are bravely stepping upon the path of nobility.
Let us begin!
リンハルト: ああ、それじゃ……
Linhardt: Come now, Ferdinand, Don't be foolish. I can't possibly train with you...
I have places to be.
フェルディナント: なあっ!?に、逃がさんぞ!
Ferdinand: Wait! I will not allow you to get away!
リンハルト: ぜえ……はあ……駄目だ、もう、走れない。
Linhardt: I... I can't... I can't run anymore.
フェルディナント: はあ……はあ……さあ、リンハルト、観念したまえ。
Ferdinand: Just admit defeat...
リンハルト: はあ……ちょっと……お互い、休まない?
Linhardt: Can't we... just a minute... Ferdinand... let me... let me catch my breath.
フェルディナント: はあ……、情けないな……。少しだけだぞ。
Ferdinand: Well, maybe just for a moment... I could use a rest myself.
I am surprised you could run that far.
I had assumed that all that lounging around would have dulled your constitution. But I had a difficult time keeping up.
リンハルト: 面倒事から逃げてばかりだったしね。それで足が速くなったのかも。
Linhardt: The fear... of having to exert myself really helped.
You're none too slow yourself.
It's been a while since I ran like that. It actually feels pretty good.
フェルディナント: ふっ、そうか。
Ferdinand: It does, does it not?
Well, how about we say that thrilling chase was your training for the day?
If you will excuse me, I am going to run even more, so I can catch you next time!
リンハルト: これだけ走った後に?ふふ、本当に君はいつも全力なんだね。
Linhardt: After all the running you already did? That's our Ferdinand. You always give everything your all, don't you?
フェルディナント: ふっ……。全力のどこが悪いというのだ?
Ferdinand: Haha, and what is wrong with that?
リンハルト: 悪くなんてないよ。君を見ると、心からそう思える。
Linhardt: Nothing whatsoever, Ferdinand. I mean that.