ヒルダ: ……ふう。全然終わらないわ。あっ、フェルディナントくーん。
Hilda: It just never ends... Oh! Ferdinand!
フェルディナント: うん? ヒルダか。私に何か用でも?
Ferdinand: Hilda! Do you need something?
ヒルダ: あのさー、実はあなたにお願……
Hilda: I just have a tiny favor to ask.
フェルディナント: 残念だが、お願い事は聞けないな。
Ferdinand: I apologize, but I must graciously decline.
ヒルダ: ええっ、まだ最後まで言ってないのに……。どうしてわかったの?
Hilda: You didn't even let me say what it was!
フェルディナント: ふっ、君の考えていることなら、だいたい想像がつくからね。
Ferdinand: I can proffer a guess.
Instead of relying on others, why not try doing something on your own?
Nobles should not be lazy or idle. We should accomplish our goals through earnest effort.
ヒルダ: ええー、そんなこと言われてもなー。まあ、あなたはそんな貴族の鑑だもんね。
Hilda: Easy for you to say! You're the very model of a diligent noble.
Always contemplating the noblest course of action, never stopping to take a break...
Your chore today was repairing the weapons, right? There are so many weapons here, and yet you're already done. That's pretty impressive.
フェルディナント: ふん。あの程度、誰であってもできるさ。
Ferdinand: It was nothing! Anyone could have done the same.
ヒルダ: そんなことないよー。だってあたし、現にできてないもん。
Hilda: I don't think so! I certainly couldn't.
フェルディナント: できてない? 何がだね?
Ferdinand: I do not believe that to be true.
ヒルダ: 今ね、この書庫の備品を整理してるの。だけど全然終わらなくて、困ってたんだー。
Hilda: Look at me. I'm supposed to be organizing these library supplies, but I have no idea where to start.
フェルディナント: 備品の整理程度で、なぜ困るのだね?並べて個数を調べるだけだろう。
Ferdinand: What could be difficult about such a task? You simply line them up and count them.
ヒルダ: 数が多すぎるのよー。あなたみたいに頭が良ければ簡単な方法も思いつけるのになー。
Hilda: There are too many! Maybe it doesn't seem difficult to you, but that's just because you're so clever.
フェルディナント: ……方法がないわけではないな。
Ferdinand: Granted, there might be some creative approaches to completing the task...
ヒルダ: どんな方法?教えて教えてー!
Hilda: Oh? Please, enlighten me!
フェルディナント: 少しだけだからな。よく見て起きたまえ。まず、備品を大きさごとに分けるのだ。
Ferdinand: Hm. I can point you in the right direction. To start, divide them up by size.
ヒルダ: ふむふむ。次はどうするのー?
Hilda: Right, right. I'm with you so far. And then what?
フェルディナント: 次は備品ごとの並べ替えだ。こうすることで数を調べやすくなるからね。
Ferdinand: Now, put similar items together. That makes it easier to get a handle on the numbers.
ヒルダ: ほうほう。それからそれからー?
Hilda: I see! Then what?
フェルディナント: そして数を調べる時だが……、こうして、束にして数えれば効率的だろう。
Ferdinand: Now that you have arranged everything you can begin counting. See how easy it is?
ヒルダ: うわあ、あっという間に終わったねー。おかげで助かっちゃった。
Hilda: Wow! You did that in no time! You really saved my neck there.
Thanks, Ferdinand. Bye!
フェルディナント: ふっ、お安いご用さ……と、しまったな。思わず全部やってしまった。
Ferdinand: It was nothing! I... Oh. I suppose I ended up doing her work after all.
ヒルダ: はあ、何だか喉が渇いちゃったわー。何か飲みたいなー。
Hilda: Wow I am thirsty. I could really go for something to drink.
WOW のあとに, とかないのか?
フェルディナント: ヒルダ! 見つけたぞ。
Ferdinand: Hilda! There you are.
ヒルダ: あっ、フェルディナントくん。この前はありがとうー。
Hilda: Hey, Ferdinand! Thanks for your help earlier.
フェルディナント: 礼は結構。そんなことより……、君は骨の髄まで徹底した無精なのだな。
Ferdinand: I do not desire your gratitude. I have a bone to pick with you.
At the library, you pawned your job off on me!
ヒルダ: えー、あたし頼んでないよー?あなたが進んでやってくれたんじゃない。
Hilda: Actually, I never asked you to do the whole thing. You started teaching me how, and got carried away.
Meanwhile, I was just awestruck by your cleverness and generosity.
フェルディナント: そ、そうだったのか?……おっと危ない。その手には乗らないぞ。
Ferdinand: Ah, well... Hey, wait a moment! Your charms won't work this time. You were just using me.
ヒルダ: ひどーい。感激したのはホントなんだよ?
Hilda: Aw, that hurts my feelings. I really was awestruck.
If I had to arrange all the library supplies on my own, I'd have been there past nightfall.
フェルディナント: ふん、あの程度の数。地道にやれば、遅くとも夕方までには終わるだろう?
Ferdinand: With a steady pace, you would have finished by twilight at the latest.
ヒルダ: まっさかー。紅茶も淹れられないあたしが、そんなに早くできるわけないわー。
Hilda: Oh, no. I'm not competent enough, honestly. I don't even know how to make a cup of tea.
フェルディナント: それは余りに悲観的……いや、それより、君は紅茶も淹れられないのかね?
Ferdinand: You're quite a defeatist, Hilda. I... H-hold a moment. Did you just say you cannot make tea?
ヒルダ: うん、熱いものに触るのが苦手なの。お湯が手にかかったらって思うと……。
Hilda: That's right. I can't touch things that get hot. I'm always scared of getting burned.
フェルディナント: ふっ、慎重に注げばいいだけのことだろう。仕方がない、君に紅茶の淹れ方を教えよう。
Ferdinand: Trust me, it is not difficult. You just need to be cautious as you are pouring. I can teach you.
ヒルダ: わー、嬉しい!是非お願いしますー!
Hilda: Really? Great! Please teach me, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: 貴族ならば、正しい紅茶の淹れ方くらい、知っておくべきだからな。
Ferdinand: This is a crucial skill for nobles, Hilda. If nothing else, you must learn the art of tea brewing.
フェルディナント: いいかね? まず湯を多めに沸かし、その間に茶葉を……
Ferdinand: Look here. You bring the water to a boil, and you put the leaves in here...
All right, that should be enough time steeping. Now we can drain the water, pour the tea, and enjoy.
ヒルダ: へー、手間暇かけて淹れるのねー。それでは、いただきまーす。
Hilda: That took longer than I expected. Well, thanks. Bottoms up!
フェルディナント: 茶葉によって蒸らす時間を調整するのが、上手く淹れるコツさ。これからは自分で……
Ferdinand: You may have to steep it for more time or less, depending on the leaves. From now on, you can—
ヒルダ: はあ、美味しかった。ご馳走様でした。フェルディナントくん、またお願いねー。
Hilda: Mm. That really hit the spot! Thanks. I'm a slow learner, so I hope you'll teach me again sometime.
フェルディナント: ああ、またな。……む?ヒルダ、次は自分で淹れるのだよな?
Ferdinand: She...she fooled me again! That was the last time, I swear it.
ヒルダ: あっ、いたいた。フェルディナントくーん。
Hilda: Ferdinand. There you are!
フェルディナント: ……! ヒルダ!お願いはもう聞かないからな。
Ferdinand: Stay back, Hilda! I will no longer entertain your clever little requests. Your wiles will not work this time!
ヒルダ: ……ひっどーい。そういう態度、女の子に対して失礼よ。
Hilda: You shouldn't yell at a noble maiden. It's a no-no, etiquette-wise.
By way of an apology, you may brew me some tea.
フェルディナント: ……礼を欠いていたことは詫びよう。だが紅茶を淹れるのは断る。
Ferdinand: I am sorry to have offended you, but delightful as it sounds, I will not be brewing any tea at present.
Besides, I taught you how to do it before. You should be able to do it on your own, so why don't you?
ヒルダ: うーん、教えてはもらったけど、やっぱりあなたみたいには淹れられないと思うの。
Hilda: You did show me how to do it, but I can't do it as well as you.
フェルディナント: ほう、なぜかね?
Ferdinand: And why not?
ヒルダ: まず茶葉の選び方が上手だったでしょー?ちゃんと気温や湿度を考えて選んでたよね。
Hilda: You selected just the right leaves, and you boiled them just right. You even considered the room temperature and humidity.
Then you set out just the right pot, along with the right cups. You immediately picked out a design that you knew I would like.
When you poured, the temperature, the timing, and the technique were all impeccable.
フェルディナント: ヒルダ……実は君、紅茶にかなり詳しいんじゃないか?
Ferdinand: Hm. You seem to know an awful lot about tea, for someone who cannot even pour it.
ヒルダ: ううん、全然詳しくないよー? あなたのやり方を見ていて何となく感じただけー。
Hilda: Oh, uh, not really! Maybe I picked up a couple of things from watching you.
Even the sound of the liquid pouring into the cups was like music. Taken as a whole, it was an almost spiritual experience. A symphony for the senses.
フェルディナント: いや、私は単に伝統的な作法に則って淹れたまでだが……。
Ferdinand: I was just making tea in the traditional fashion.
ヒルダ: ふーん、そうなんだー。でも、本当に伝えたいのは、ここから。
Hilda: Oh, I'm so flustered, I'm not getting my point across. I'm trying to say that...
Your tea is like love.
You're devoted to bringing happiness to those who drink it. I could taste that from the first drop.
フェルディナント: ……ま、まあ、他人に出すものだからな。そのくらいの愛は込めるさ。
Ferdinand: Well... When serving another, one must put in a little bit of love.
But I must say, you surprise me. Not many are so attentive to the finer points of tea.
I made quite the impression on you! Perhaps I ought to pour you another cup.
Not many が主語
ヒルダ: 本当?やったー、ありがとうー!
Hilda: Really? Oh thank you, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: ああ。茶器を選んでくるから、少し待っていてくれたまえ。
Ferdinand: I shall find us a suitable brew. Wait here a moment.
ヒルダ: ふふっ、フェルディナントくんって単純。でも、本当に優しいんだなー。
Hilda: Haha! Oh, Ferdinand! So simple. And yet... so kind.
ヒルダ: はあ、何だか喉が渇いちゃったわー。何か飲み……
Hilda: Oh dear, I'm thirsty again. If only I had a drink.
フェルディナント: ヒルダ。紅茶なら用意してある。良ければ飲みたまえ。
Ferdinand: I have some tea. You are welcome to drink some.
ヒルダ: ……! いっけなーい。忘れ物しちゃったー。
Hilda: Oh dear! I forgot to get my—
フェルディナント: ふっ、ヒルダ。忘れ物とはこれのことかい?
Ferdinand: I found it. Here it is.
ヒルダ: ああ、そういえばまだ返してなかったっけ……。
Hilda: Oh dear! I didn't return my library book!
フェルディナント: ヒルダ、書庫の本のことだろう?先程、私が返却しておいたよ。
Ferdinand: I returned your book a little while ago.
ヒルダ: あ、ありがと……。
Hilda: Oh. Thank you.
Ferdinand, how did you get so good at doing things for me? It's like you know what I need before I do.
フェルディナント: ふっ、これまで君からは実に様々なお願いをされてきたからね。
Ferdinand: I have lots of practice fielding your requests.
All I need to do is think for a bit, and I know what you need. I can practically read your mind.
ヒルダ: 丸裸って。それじゃあ、今あたしが何を考えてるかわかるー?
Hilda: Oh, you know what it's like in here, huh? OK. Tell me what I'm thinking about right now.
フェルディナント: ふむ、そうだな……。お菓子が食べたい、かね?
Ferdinand: Hmm... You want a snack.
ヒルダ: ……うーん、ざんねーん!正解はねー……。
Hilda: Sorry! Nice try. Actually, I was thinking...
I've become quite fond of you.
フェルディナント: ……ふっ、それも仕方あるまい。だが私の有能さを理解する君になら……
Ferdinand: I suppose that is inevitable. I am rather fond of you as well. I find your laziness endearing.
ヒルダ: ……なんてね。冗談でしたー。本当は紅茶を……
Hilda: Hey, the "fond" thing was just a joke! Really I was thinking about tea. Kinda thirsty.
フェルディナント: ……惚れられるのは大歓迎だよ。
Ferdinand: I admire you, Hilda.
ヒルダ: え……? 今、なんて?
Hilda: You what?
フェルディナント: 惚れられるのは大歓迎、と言ったのだ。
Ferdinand: I said, I admire you.
You are gifted and accomplished. I used to underestimate you.
ヒルダ: そ、そんなことは……。
Hilda: I said I was kidding, didn't I? This is all a bit—
フェルディナント: それなのに、君は怠惰を演じて自分の才能を誰にも見せようとしない……。
Ferdinand: You feign sloth to obscure the considerable breadth and depth of your talents.
Such delicate discretion, such noble prudence! If only I could emulate it.
ヒルダ: 謙虚……初めて言われたわー。物は言いようね。……でも、ありがとう。
Hilda: I've never been called prudent before, but...I like hearing you say it. Thank you.
You're good at giving compliments.
In return for all your help, I promise that I'll keep being prudent.
フェルディナント: 望むところだ。では、行くとしようか。
Ferdinand: I appreciate that. Shall we go?
ヒルダ: えっ、行くって、どこへー?
Hilda: Huh? Go where?
フェルディナント: ふっ、紅茶を淹れてほしいのだろう?ならば食堂に決まっているだろう。
Ferdinand: I thought you wanted some tea! The dining hall is the place for that.
ヒルダ: ……! ふふっ、フェルディナントくん。本当に優しいんだからー。
Hilda: Oh, Ferdinand! You're too kind.
After becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand married Hilda, the daughter of Duke Goneril. The marriage was warmly received by the people, with high expectations placed on them as they set about restoring the territory.
Hilda rarely took part in politics herself, but she still contributed greatly by recommending exceptional people to influential positions.
Her hobby of creating fashionable accessories also bore fruit, as her designs achieved widespread popularity, and she created the first artisan academy in Fodlan.
The school produced many talented craftsmen, including Ferdinand himself, who was said to craft handmade trinkets for his wife.