height というキーワードがあるyupeco.icon
フェルディナント: しかし、運命というのは数奇なものだね。君とここでこのような再会をするとはな。
Ferdinand: Life is a series of peaks and valleys. Our reunion is, to my mind, the highest of peaks.
コンスタンツェ: ええ、そうですわね。……私としては、いささか不本意ではありますけれど。
Constance: Spoken like one who's never known the lowest of valleys.
フェルディナント: ああ。かつて私たちは、帝都の社交界に並び咲く2輪の花と喩えられていた。
Ferdinand: To think, we were once a pair of bloom, flourishing side by side in the upper echelons of Enbarr society.
Despite our differing aspirations, I think together we could have taken the mantle of leading the Empire.
コンスタンツェ: ……そんなことも、ありましたわね。
Constance: Tread carefully, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: だが、君の家を悲劇が襲った。私でさえ口にしがたい未来が待っていた。
Ferdinand: Some part of me clung to hope that you might emerge from the wreckage. I am glad you have.
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
Constance: ...
フェルディナント: 当事者である君の心情は、推して知るべしだろうな。
Ferdinand: I know that was a difficult time for you.
コンスタンツェ: 推して知るべし!?
Constance: Oh, so you surmised that the single-most-humiliating event of my life was "difficult," did you?
It is becoming clear to me that this conversation is a waste of my time.
フェルディナント: き、急にどうしたのだね!?
Ferdinand: Oh! That was rather brusque.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方に、私の気持ちがわかるとでも?すべてを失った私の気持ちが!
Constance: Well, pardon me if I seem unmannerly in the face of a reminder of all I have lost.
My family, my home, my friends, my people, everything. I am all that remains.
フェルディナント: ……!
Ferdinand: I... I...
I did not intend to offend you, Constance.
コンスタンツェ: ではどんなつもりなのかしら!流石は貴族の中の貴族ね。
Constance: Then what did you intend? How like the "noblest of nobles" to be unaware of the suffering one causes.
You can't grasp what it is to be a newly minted peasant, can you?
フェルディナント: そうではなく、本当に心配して、慰めの言葉を……
Ferdinand: That is simply not true. I care about you, and I was attempting to offer some words of comfort.
コンスタンツェ: 結構!私に慰めの言葉など不要ですわ!
Constance: Enough. I need more than words―more than you have offered to provide.
Though I am without status now, my spirit is no less noble.
It will not do for you to condescend to me in my houseless state.
フェルディナント: す、すまなかった。……私が悪かった。
Ferdinand: You have my sincerest apologies. That was a grave misstep.
I did not mean to come across as condescending. I was merely being careless with my words.
As you say, I have never experienced loss at such a staggering magnitude.
I cannot imagine the pain you have endured.
コンスタンツェ: もう結構ですわ!これ以上はやめてくださる?
Constance: Indeed, you cannot. I advise against trying.
The more you harp on it, the more irritated with you I become.
Never shall a day pass that I don't work toward restoring my house and reclaiming my title.
You, on the other hand, seem content to remind that it is lost. Thank you, but I had not forgotten.
フェルディナント: 待て、コンス……
Ferdinand: Constance, please!
コンスタンツェ: 社交界で私と火花を散らし、貴族の矜持を語り合った貴方は見る影もありませんわね。
Constance: I see no trace of the boy who made waves with me at balls and embodied the finest in the nobility.
This newfound arrogance of yours is a discredit to House Aegir.
フェルディナント: コンスタンツェ!
Ferdinand: Hello, Constance.
コンスタンツェ: これはこれはフェルディナント様。今日も眩いばかりで私が翳りますわ。
Constance: Greetings, Ferdinand. My condolences on your misfortune that our paths have crossed again.
フェルディナント: む……こちらの君だったか。まあいい、聞いてくれ!
Ferdinand: Oh dear. I am not used to hearing you deprecate yourself like that. Never mind, just listen.
コンスタンツェ: はい、私のような者に、いかなるご用でしょうか。
Constance: If it is an audience you require, I will endeavor to meet that need.
フェルディナント: うむ……以前のことで、どうしても君と話したくてね。
Ferdinand: When we last spoke, I was attempting to connect with you, to listen and show you some empathy.
But I was so clumsy with my words that I came across as callous and conceited. I hurt you, I know.
コンスタンツェ: まあ。誇り高きフェルディナント様が驕り高ぶることなどあり得ませんわ。
Constance: The notion that a noble of House Aegir could display arrogance is difficult to credit.
That you even deign to speak to me is a testament to your humility.
As grateful as I am for the honor, it would be best for us both if I take my leave.
フェルディナント: ああ、ごきげ……っ!?いや待ってくれ。
Ferdinand: No. Please, hear me out.
Though your words chafed, I see now that they were perceptive. I was being arrogant.
I tend to...overcompensate. Perhaps I make a fool of myself, bragging about my superiority to Edelgard.
コンスタンツェ: とんでもないことでございますわ。貴方様が道化なら、私は底の抜けた鍋でございます。
Constance: You do yourself a disservice! If you are a fool, I am Folly herself!
フェルディナント: そこに、父の失脚が重なり……私は完全に打ちのめされてしまった。
フェルディナント: それに、今の私はほとんど何も持たぬ身。父の行方も知れず、付き従う者も少ない。
フェルディナント: 行方不明だった父も、先日……。
コンスタンツェ: 聞き及んでおりますわ。まことにご愁傷様でございます。
コンスタンツェ: ですが、フェルディナント様は素晴らしきお方。
Constance: But you must know that it is no reflection on your sterling quality, Ferdinand.
Even in the face of such adversity, you never strayed from the correct path.
フェルディナント: ふっ……そうだといいな。とてもそうとは思えないが。
Ferdinand: If that was the right path, the wrong path hardly bears thinking about.
Still, your kindness has eased my worries a bit.
コンスタンツェ: ……人生は山あり谷ありと申しますけれど、私には山など見えません。
Constance: A wise noble once said that "life is a series of peaks and valleys." But I have struggled to find the peaks.
I was once pushed to the nadir of a valley and have spent my days confined there ever since.
There is little chance that I will ever return to the heights I once knew.
But it will not be for lack of trying.
フェルディナント: コンスタンツェ……。
Ferdinand: Your persistence is admirable.
コンスタンツェ: 私には、貴方様の前にこそ山が見えますわ。
Constance: You are too gracious. I see the highest of peaks on your own road.
The way is steep, but not long. You will reach it yet.
And if my words might reach the ears of a man who has attained such heights...
Perhaps one who has reached his summit might pull a climber up behind him?
Such is my heart's desire, unspeakable though it may be.
フェルディナント: ………………。
Ferdinand: ...
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほ!そこの貴方!
Constance: Ahaha! You there!
フェルディナント: おお!? 私のことかね?どうしたのだ、コンスタンツェ。
Ferdinand: Aha! Is there something I can do for you, Constance?
コンスタンツェ: どうしたもこうしたもありませんわ。私の話です!
Constance: Is there something you can do!? Of course there is!
フェルディナント: 君の?いったい何であろう。
Ferdinand: Well, what is it?
コンスタンツェ: 以前のことを覚えていらっしゃって?
Constance: It ought to be plain.
フェルディナント: いや、以前のことと言われても、いったいどの話なのか……。
Ferdinand: I do not follow. Please clarify what you mean.
コンスタンツェ: 私がつまらぬ願いを漏らしてしまったあの日のことですわ!
Constance: Have you forgotten the day I revealed to you my silly little dream?
If you weren't paying attention, I shall be cross.
フェルディナント: ふむ……もしや、君ではないほうの君が私に願ったあれかね?
Ferdinand: Oh, yes... You must be referring to the oblique request you made concerning peaks and valleys.
Not seeing a peak ahead of you, you hoped I might help lift you out of your lowly sta―
コンスタンツェ: そそそれですわ!それ以上、仰らないで結構!
Constance: Precisely! You've summ up completely.
Now that you know of what I speak, I want you to forget it immediately. Act as if you heard nothing.
フェルディナント: わ、忘れろ!?せっかく思い出したというのにか?
Ferdinand: You want me to forget the occasion you just asked me to remember. I see.
Before I discard this memory entirely, might I be so bold as to ask...why?
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、わかりませんの?弱みを知られたくはないからですわ。
Constance: Is it not obvious? I don't want my weakness bandied about.
I vowed to restore House Nuvelle through my own grand achievement.
Just as I would not abandon this dream, I would not accept it being handed to me.
Though if I am to be quite honest...
The real reason is that letting you in on this vulnerability as a discretion I won't repeat.
フェルディナント: そういうことか……。……ふっ、皮肉なものだな。
Ferdinand: I see. What a curious situation.
コンスタンツェ: 皮肉……?
Constance: I don't take your meaning.
フェルディナント: 5年前、私はすべての自信を失い、打ちのめされて弱い自分を晒してしまった。
Ferdinand: Five years ago, with the cladding of my highborn status stripped away, I was vulnerable and exposed.
フェルディナント: かつて多くのものを失った私は、打ちのめされて弱い自分を晒してしまった。
Ferdinand: The hand of fate stripped everything from me, leaving m vulnerable and exposed.
フェルディナント: 君の言葉を借りるなら、本当に……登るべき頂など見えもしなかった。
Ferdinand: To borrow your words...I was in a valley and a thick shroud of fog obscured the peak before me.
Now the cloud has lifted a bit, and I can see a glimpse of what lies ahead.
コンスタンツェ: 何を考えていたんですの?
Constance: And what, dare I ask, do you see?
フェルディナント: もし君の前に山が聳え立ち、私の前にも同じように険しい道が続いているのなら……
Ferdinand: There is a towering cliff for you to scale...and a long, rocky path lying ahead of me.
Rather than ascending separately, we can join hands and face these obstacles together.
Then we can reach the heights of our forebears―or, dare I say, even higher.
コンスタンツェ: 二人で力を合わせ、切磋琢磨し……。
Constance: Even higher, you say?
Now you remind me once more of the boy I knew. I have but on concern.
フェルディナント: 何だね、コンスタンツェ。
Ferdinand: And what might that be?
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、私の登る速さについてこられて?
Constance: That I shall outpace your laggardly efforts.
フェルディナント: なっ……!
Ferdinand: Huh? I was being sincere, you know!
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほっほ!
Constance: Ahahaha!
After officially becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand found that he had a new neighbor in Constance, whose revived noble house was granted the old Hrym territory for its domain.
It was a prescient move by Emperor Edelgard, as Ferdinand and Constance were quick to marry and merge their adjoining territories.
The couple's diverse talents helped them overcome countless obstacles together, in pursuit of a restored land and a new social order for the Empire.
After officially becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand found that he had a new neighbor in Constance, whose revived noble house was granted the old Hrym territory for its domain.
They were married in short order, and their adjoining territories were merged.
The couple's diverse talents helped them overcome countless obstacles together, in pursuit of a restored land.
They had many children, including one who became well-known in her own right for the advancements she brought to her mother's research. For generations thereafter, House Nuvelle stood at the forefront of magical progress.