ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん♪ 本も借りられたし、今日も良い引き籠もり日和になりそう。
Bernadetta: ♪ Hm hm-hm-hmm... ♪ Another fine day alone in my room, and plenty of books to read.
フェルディナント: ベルナデッタ、君に話がある。
Ferdinand: Bernadetta, I have something to discuss with you.
ベルナデッタ: は、話!? なな何でしょおおう!このベルナデッタ、一切の悪事など……!
Bernadetta: Um, what? I didn't do anything!
フェルディナント: ……少し落ち着きたまえ。何も怒ってなどいない。
Ferdinand: No need to be defensive. I am not angry.
ベルナデッタ: いやあ、その顔は絶対怒っていますううう!助けてくださいいいいい!
Bernadetta: Oh, you definitely are! I can tell! Just get it over with! What did I do?!
フェルディナント: だから怒ってなど……。ああ、聞く耳も持たないか。
Ferdinand: You did not do anything wrong! Please listen.
Look, just breathe, will you?
ベルナデッタ: 無理ですっ!
Bernadetta: Can't...breathe...too...scared!
フェルディナント: そうか、無理か……。
Ferdinand: I see that you are struggling. Please calm down.
ベルナデッタ: 無理じゃないですううう!許してえええっ!
Bernadetta: Easy...for...you...to say!
フェルディナント: ……話というのは、君の引き籠もりについてだ。
Ferdinand: I just wanted to discuss how you are always hiding in your room.
It seems like something must be troubling you, for you to shut yourself away like that.
If something is the matter, maybe I can help. But you need to tell me what it is first.
ベルナデッタ: え?……いや、遠慮します。結構です!
Bernadetta: No! Um, no thanks. I'm fine! See, I'm breathing now. You fixed me. Can I go?
フェルディナント: 遠慮することはない。引き籠もりの貴族と蔑まれてきた日々にお別れできるのだぞ。
Ferdinand: Do you not realize that life is passing you by? Have you no desire to venture beyond this reclusive lifestyle?
There is a whole world waiting for you out there. The social life of a noble is actually rather—
ベルナデッタ: ふ、ふざけんなです!絶対嫌ですから! 断固拒否ですううう!
Bernadetta: Just stop it! I'm not interested!
フェルディナント: ……これは重傷だな。
Ferdinand: Bernadetta, this is unhealthy behavior.
フェルディナント: この手を取れないというのなら、抱きかかえてでも……
Ferdinand: I beg you to take my hand. Otherwise, I will have to pick you up and carry you, and neither of us—
ベルナデッタ: ベルは引き籠もりのままでいたいの!邪魔しないでええええ!
Bernadetta: What if I actually like being alone?! Is that so hard to imagine?! It's none of your business! Get lost!
フェルディナント: え……うおっと!
Ferdinand: Aaagh!
ベルナデッタ: はっ!?あ……あ……
Bernadetta: No... Oh no!
フェルディナント: ……っく!手首を捻ったか……。
Ferdinand: Ah, ouch... I sprained my wrist...
ベルナデッタ: も……もうダメだあああ!絶対に仕返しされるうううあああ!
Bernadetta: Oh, no-no-no-no. Now you've done it, Bernie. Now, you're his eternal rival.
フェルディナント: そんなことはしない。今のは私が……
Ferdinand: I do not wish to hurt you. Actually, I—
ベルナデッタ: あたしやられるうう!やられちゃいますうううう!
Bernadetta: No! I'm done for! You'll be the death of me for sure!
フェルディナント: はあ……。出直したほうがよさそうだな……
Ferdinand: Maybe I should just come back later...
フェルディナント: ベルナデッタ、少しいいだろうか?以前のことで……
Ferdinand: Bernadetta. If you have a moment, I would like to discuss what happened before.
ベルナデッタ: で、出たああああ!助けてくださいいいいいい!
Bernadetta: Ah, my nemesis! The hour of fate arrives... Help!
my nemesis って使われてるのに違和感…ラスボス名…
フェルディナント: ベルナデッタ、落ち着きたまえ。扉は開けなくていい。聞いてくれないか。
Ferdinand: I am not here to hurt you! You need not even open the door. Just listen to me.
ベルナデッタ: 開けなくていいんですね!な、なら、聞きます。
Bernadetta: I...don't have to open the door? Is this a truce? OK. OK, I like truces!
フェルディナント: ありがとう。この前は勝手に話を進めてしまい、本当にすまなかった。
Ferdinand: Thank you. I would like to apologize for sticking my nose into your business the way I did.
I thought you might be unhappy all cooped up in there, and that maybe I could help.
But I've had time to reflect on what you said, and I realize I was mistaken.
ベルナデッタ: あ、あたしは、このままで、いいんです。いえ、このままがいいんです。
Bernadetta: Oh... Um, thanks for caring, but I'm fine actually.
フェルディナント: ……そうか。やはり君への理解が足りなかったようだ。
Ferdinand: I see that. I suppose that is what I am trying to say.
I should not have pushed you to do something that you did not wish to do.
And for me to frighten you like that... That was unbecoming conduct for a noble.
ベルナデッタ: そ、そうですね。
Bernadetta: Maybe a little bit.
フェルディナント: 私は恥ずかしい。誇り高き貴族に相応しい言動が何一つできていなかった。
Ferdinand: Frankly, I am embarrassed by my behavior. I disgraced myself.
As for my injury, you need not feel guilty or afraid. The sprain was a result of my own thoughtlessness, not anything you did.
I have always strived to be a good person...but I suppose all that striving was for nothing. I have failed in my duty as a noble.
ベルナデッタ: フェルディナントさん!
Bernadetta: Um, Ferdinand?
フェルディナント: ……ベルナデッタ?
Ferdinand: Yes, Bernadetta?
ベルナデッタ: な、何だかよくわからないけど、そういうことは言っちゃいけないと思います!
Bernadetta: I don't really know much about this sort of thing... But you shouldn't say things like that about yourself!
It wasn't all your fault, you know. I'm to blame too.
I hurt you, and I'm sorry.
フェルディナント: いいのだ、軽傷だったし、すぐに治ったさ。
Ferdinand: Really, it is fine. It healed quickly.
ベルナデッタ: あの、積み上げてきたものは、簡単に崩れません!
Bernadetta: And...it wasn't for nothing either!
フェルディナント: そう……だろうか。
Ferdinand: I am not so sure.
ベルナデッタ: あたし、引き籠もりが嫌ってわけじゃないですけど……
Bernadetta: I do like my time alone. Actually, it's more of a need.
But you're right. I also need to venture out every once in a while.
Maybe if I work as hard as you do, I can try it a little more.
フェルディナント: ……そうだね。君は私が初めて出会った頃より、遙かに活動的になっている。
Ferdinand: Yes. Keep working at it. You are already much more outgoing than you used to be.
ベルナデッタ: でも失敗しちゃった日は、やっぱり外に出られません。怖くて。
Bernadetta: When I mess up or even when it's just a bad day, it's hard for me to step outside. I'm too scared.
But the next day, I try again...because I know that one mistake doesn't ruin everything.
So you're still... I mean, just because you... That doesn't mean...
Ah, I...don't know how to put it, but that's how it is. So, um... The end.
フェルディナント: ははは! そこで話が終わるのかい。あはははは!
Ferdinand: What a graceful end to the conversation.
ベルナデッタ: ひ、酷いです! 真面目に話してたのに!……笑ってもらえて良かったですけど。
Bernadetta: Hey, come on! That was serious! Ugh, at least I got you to laugh.
フェルディナント: ふっ、戦争の最中ではあるが、こうして紅茶を飲む時間は気が安らぐな。
Ferdinand: Ah, even with the fires of war raging all around use, tea never fails to soothe the soul.
Do you not agree, Bernadetta?
ベルナデッタ: えっ、あ、はい!別にそんなこと……そうですね。
Bernadetta: Um, I hadn't thought about it, but...yes!
フェルディナント: だろう?……そういえば、思い出したことがある。
Ferdinand: Excellent! Oh, that reminds me...
ベルナデッタ: 思い出したこと、です?
Bernadetta: Hm? What's that?
フェルディナント: うむ。実は昔、とある令嬢と私との縁談の話が両親に来ていてな。
Ferdinand: A long time ago, my parents were in talks to arrange my marriage with a certain young lady.
She never set foot outside of her room, and she made little dolls to curse her perceived enemies.
Such were the rumors. Frightened, I dissuaded my parents from going through with their plans.
ベルナデッタ: えええ……恐ろしい相手ですね。あ、でも引き籠もりってとこは共感しますけど。
Bernadetta: I can see that. She does sound pretty frightening. I relate to the staying in the room part though...
フェルディナント: いや……その噂の令嬢は君だよ。ヴァーリ家の娘だった。それを思い出した。
Ferdinand: That girl was you, Bernadetta. A daughter of House Varley.
ベルナデッタ: な、何ですと?呪いの人形って何の話ですかあああ!
Bernadetta: What?! I don't make dolls to curse people!
フェルディナント: 確か、君は刺繍が得意だったろう。人形でも作っていたのではないかね。
Ferdinand: You are a skilled embroiderer, no? I guess I was wrong. You were not making dolls.
ベルナデッタ: 人形は作っていたけど、可愛いやつです!食虫植物とか……
Bernadetta: I did make dolls but cute ones! Nice little carnivorous plants and things!
フェルディナント: ……聞かぬが花だったな。
Ferdinand: Ah, hmm... Maybe I should not have brought this up.
ベルナデッタ: ……?食虫花も作ってましたよ?
Bernadetta: Why not?! Carnivorous plants are adorable!
フェルディナント: いや、いい。ともかくその縁談……
Ferdinand: Aha, yes. Adorable.
Anyway, If I had actually known you, I would have accepted the proposal.
ベルナデッタ: ……!ほ、本気ですか?何が目的で!どんな企みがあると!?
Bernadetta: Um... Why? Did you have some scheme in mind?!
フェルディナント: 目的も何も……君をこの目で見知ったからだが……。
Ferdinand: No. I just mean, now that I have gotten to know you, I would have been happy to...
ベルナデッタ: ……そ、そうですかあ。へえ、フェルディナントさんがあたしを……
Bernadetta: So you're saying you'd...with me?
Heh heh... It's...getting kind of hot in here, isn't it? Maybe, um... Maybe it's the tea...
フェルディナント: 急にもごもごとどうしたのだね。まあ、昔の話だ。
Ferdinand: Why are you getting so worked up? That was all a long time ago, now.
ベルナデッタ: む、昔の話!?
Bernadetta: Long time ago?
フェルディナント: ああ。今の私たちは大いなる目的のために戦う仲間同士だ。
Ferdinand: Yes, Now we are soldiers fighting together in the same great conflict, right?
And my parents are gone, so any agreements they might have cooked up would be completely invalid.
ベルナデッタ: そうですね?
Bernadetta: I...guess so...
フェルディナント: それに、縁談で結ばれていたら、今のこの関係も築かれなかったかもしれない。
Ferdinand: Just think. If we had been married, we would not have been able to build such a deep friendship.
ベルナデッタ: あ、それは思います。きっと仲良くなれませんでしたね!
Bernadetta: That's true. Yeah, we never would have gotten this close!
I would've given up on the relationship my parents chose for me and shut myself away even more.
フェルディナント: ならば、呪いの人形姫から逃げた判断は、間違いではなかったということだな。
Ferdinand: So, all in all, I am glad I refused to marry that doll-cursing princess.
ベルナデッタ: ま、またその話をおお!呪いの人形なんて作ってませんーっ!
Bernadetta: Hey! I said I never made curse dolls!
フェルディナント: あはは、まあ良いではないか。君とこの大修道院で出会えて良かったよ。
Ferdinand: Haha! Sorry, sorry. I am just glad to have met you at the monastery.
I had better take my leave. We should have tea together again sometime soon!
ベルナデッタ: あ……。はい、また。
Bernadetta: Yeah. Um, see you.
I'm...glad we met here too.
♪ Hm hm-hm... Hm hm-hm hmm... ♪
After the war, Bernadetta renounced her claim to House Varley. She married Ferdinand, the new Duke Aegir, and the two contributed to relief efforts by instituting reforms across their Dukedom. Due to the success of those policies, Ferdinand was offered the position of prime minister by the emperor. He accepted, leaving the management of Aegir territory to his wife, while he worked to apply their ideas to the Empire at large. Since Bernadetta did not like to leave home, Ferdinand's life involved a lot of travel to and from the capital, but it is said he always embarked on his return home with a smile on his face.
After the war, Bernadetta renounced her claim to House Varley. She married Ferdinand, the new Duke Aegir, and the two contributed to relief efforts by instituting reforms across their Dukedom. Due to the success of those policies, Ferdinand was offered the opportunity to help govern all Fodlan. He accepted, leaving the management of Aegir territory to his wife, while he worked to apply their ideas to the world at large. Since Bernadetta did not like to leave home, Ferdinand's life involved a lot of travel, but it is said he always embarked on his return home with a smile.