シルヴァン: ようフェリクス、暇か? 暇だよなあ。今日も仲良く女の子でも口説きに行こうぜ。
Sylvain: Hey, Felix, you free? You don't look very busy. Let's go find some girls to chat with.
フェリクス: チッ……訓練の邪魔だ。お前一人で行け。
Felix: Chat with them by yourself. You're interrupting my training.
シルヴァン: そんなこと言わずにさあ。ほらほら、長い付き合いだろ、俺たち。
Sylvain: Hey, come on. Don't talk like that. How long have we known each other?
フェリクス: 確かに付き合いは長いが、それだけだ。
Felix: Long enough, if you ask me.
We only know each other because of our parents' friendship. I didn't have a say in it.
parents' friendship -親の意向とするのか。
シルヴァン: 要は腐れ縁だって? いやいやフェリクス、その割に、昔は俺にべったりだったろ。
Sylvain: Is that how it went? Huh. I remember it more like you always following me around.
Whenever there was something wrong—like you lost to your brother or you fought with Dimitri— you'd come crying to me.
You were so meek and pure back then, cute even... like a baby brother.
フェリクス: ……にしろ。
Felix: That's enough.
シルヴァン: へ? どうしろって?
Sylvain: What?
フェリクス: ……いい加減にしろ、と言った。貴様の耳は節穴か。
Felix: I said, "That's enough."
シルヴァン: はは、何だよフェリクス、怒ってんのか?こんなのいつものやり取りだろ。
Sylvain: Hey! Sorry. I just came to see if you wanted to pick up some girls. I didn't mean to get on your nerves.
フェリクス: お前は昔から、人の神経を逆撫でしてばかり……
Felix: Look. You've been getting on my nerves for years.
I've tried to be patient with you, but I'm tired of holding my tongue.
You're reckless in your personal affairs and in battle. And you're always prattling on about women!
シルヴァン: む、何だよ、悪いかよ。可愛い女の子を見て放っておくほうが失礼ってもん……
Sylvain: Well, if a man sees a pretty girl, he can't just let her pass by without commenting. That's just rude.
フェリクス: それにも限度があるだろう、この色情魔。
Felix: You're insatiable. Do you ever stop?
Certainly not to practice your sword technique. You always skip training.
And you never consider how your actions hurt others...or how you hold them back.
insatiable- "色情魔"の部分。飽くことのない、強欲なって意味。色にもあてはまるのだろうか
シルヴァン: そ、そういうつもりはないんだがなあ……。俺だってそれなりには……
Sylvain: That's never my intention. Come on, you know me better than that. I'm not really—
Look, if that's the impression I've given you, then I'm sorry.
フェリクス: ……フン。
Felix: Hmph.
フェリクス: ……悪かったな、この間は。
Felix: Sylvain. I want to apologize for the other day.
シルヴァン: 何の話だ、フェリクス? お前が謝るなんて空から槍でも降ってくるかな……。
Sylvain: The other day? What are you talking about, Felix? Is this a trap?
フェリクス: ……色情魔だのなんだのと言った時の話だ。
Felix: You know...when I called you "insatiable."
シルヴァン: ああ、はいはい、あの時な。いやあ、あの時はそれなりに傷ついたけど……。
Sylvain: Oh, that? Can't say it didn't hurt, but you have nothing to apologize for.
I mean, you've said worse, Felix.
Considerably worse.
Come on, we've known each other since we were kids. We're not going to let your constant verbal abuse get in the way of our friendship, are we?
verbal abuse 言葉の虐待
フェリクス: ……それは、そうだな。
Felix: No, I suppose not.
シルヴァン: なんつーか昔から、俺が馬鹿をやって、お前が突っかかってきて……
Sylvain: Whenever I started doing something dumb, you'd yell at me about it.
フェリクス: 二人まとめてイングリットに説教される。……毎度巻き込まれる俺の身にもなれ。
Felix: And whenever you dragged me into something, Ingrid would find out and start lecturing us.
シルヴァン: そうそう、そうだった。何年経っても俺たちの関係は変わらねえもんだ。
Sylvain: All these years and not much has changed, has it?
シルヴァン: そうそう、そうだった。変わんねえもんだ。……一人、欠けちまったけどな。
Sylvain: All these years and not much has changed, has it? Even if we don't have Ingrid lording over us...
シルヴァン: けど、お前は変わったなあ、フェリクス。ガキの頃はあんなに可愛かったのに……
Sylvain: But you're different, Felix. You used to be so, I don't know...carefree when we were young.
Now you're the exact opposite.
フェリクス: チッ……お前のほうは、今も昔も変わらずろくでなしだな。
Felix: Well, you're not any different. Good-for-nothing then. Good-for-nothing now.
シルヴァン: あっははは、何だよ、それ。今も昔も俺の側にいる奴の台詞かよ?
Sylvain: Again with the abuse! This from the guy who's always been by that good-for-nothing's side.
So did you come to apologize or to insult me?
フェリクス: 訓練場への道すがら、見かけただけだ。
Felix: I was on my way to train and I saw you. That's all.
シルヴァン: まったまたー。……って、お前、まーた訓練場に行くのか? 頑張るなあ。
Sylvain: You're off to train? Again? Now who's insatiable?
フェリクス: お前が怠惰なだけだ。
Felix: Better than sitting idle like you.
シルヴァン: ちょっと怠惰なくらいがちょうどいいだろ。あんまり気張ってると疲れちまうぜ。
Sylvain: A little idleness would do you some good, pal.
Come on. Let me buy you something to eat.
フェリクス: 断る。
Felix: No.
シルヴァン: 俺と一緒に街へ行くのと訓練と、どっちが大事なんだよー。
Sylvain: You have to choose, Felix. Our friendship, or your training.
フェリクス: 訓練だ。じゃあな。
Felix: My training. Good-bye for now.
シルヴァン: あー待て待て、フェリクス!俺も訓練場行くからさ、待てってばー!
Sylvain: What did— Is he— Wait, Felix! I'll come train too. Wait up!
フェリクス: ……食べろ、シルヴァン。
Felix: Sylvain. Eat these.
シルヴァン: 食べろって……何だこの包み。菓子か?
Sylvain: What are "these," Felix? Oh, hey, is this candy?
フェリクス: 街の女に押しつけられた。だが俺は好かん。お前にやる。
Felix: A girl in town gave them to me, but I don't want them.
シルヴァン: そういやお前、甘いもん苦手だったなあ。じゃ、ありがたく。後で食べるよ。
Sylvain: Right, you don't like sweet stuff. Thanks, I'll eat them later.
So, what do you need? Want me to help you get closer to a girl? Just point her out.
フェリクス: お前の頭には砂糖でも詰まっているのか?この間の戦闘での礼を言いに来ただけだ。
Felix: You're incorrigible. No. I wanted to thank you for your help in battle.
If you hadn't spotted that enemy ambush, I would have been killed.
シルヴァン: ああ、そうだったっけなあ……けど、そんなの特別なことでも何でもないだろ?
Sylvain: Nah, I didn't do anything special.
Friends help each other out, especially on the battlefield. Just a little give and take, ya know?
フェリクス: ……変わらんな、お前は。
Felix: You never change.
シルヴァン: おうさ、俺は何にも変わらないぜ。
Sylvain: Nope. I try to stay on an even keel.
フェリクス: お前は、そうやっていつも……
Felix: You're always...
シルヴァン: え? いつも、何だって?
Sylvain: Always what?
フェリクス: ……何でもない。
Felix: Nothing.
シルヴァン: 何だよ、フェリクスらしくねえの。言いたいことがあるならはっきり言えよ。
Sylvain: Come on. If you've got something on your mind, then say it.
フェリクス: ……気が向いたらな。
Felix: Maybe I'll tell you later. Maybe I won't.
シルヴァン: はいはい、それじゃ、お前の気が向くのを飯でも食べつつ待ってるとしますかねえ。
Sylvain: Fair enough. I'll be having something to eat while you're deciding...whatever it is you're deciding.
Actually, come with me. My treat. If you do want to talk, then I'm right there.
フェリクス: ……そうだな。お前には恩がある。今日ばかりは付き合ってやってもいい。
Felix: OK, just this once. Only because you saved my life.
シルヴァン: 腹を満たしたら、その後は女の子を口説きに……
Sylvain: Free food, possible conversation, and when we're done, we can find some girls.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
シルヴァン: 冗談だって、ほんっと気が短い奴だなあ。ほら、一緒に行くぞ、フェリクス!
Sylvain: It was a joke! Felix, I was joking! Come on, let's just go eat.
フェリクス: ……シルヴァン!
Felix: Sylvain.
シルヴァン: ああ……フェリクスか。お前が無事で……良かった。
Sylvain: Hey, Felix. I'm glad you're safe.
フェリクス: お前、俺を庇って……無茶をするな。弱いくせにいつもいつも……!
Felix: You irresponsible fool! Protecting me like that. You're so weak, and yet you always...always...
シルヴァン: いいんだよ、お前が無事ならさ……。お前が生きてりゃ、俺は……
Sylvain: Look, it doesn't matter, as long as you're safe. You can go on living, while I...
フェリクス: 馬鹿野郎ッ、ふざけるなよ。万一死のうものなら、許さんからな……!
Felix: Stop kidding around. You're not going to die. I won't let you.
シルヴァン: ……っはははは!なーんつって。勝手に俺を殺すなよなー。
Sylvain: Heh heh... Nah, I won't die on you. I promise.
You think something like this could kill me? No way.
A little magic will take care of the wound. Some bed rest then I'm good to go out and do it all over again.
フェリクス: ……シルヴァン。
Felix: Sylvain!
シルヴァン: いやー、お前が珍しく慌ててたから、面白くてつい、からかっちまっただけさ。
Sylvain: Oh, come on. That was funny. It's not like you to be so concerned.
フェリクス: ………………。お前は、馬鹿か?正真正銘、フォドラ一の馬鹿なのか?
Felix: You really are a fool. The biggest in all of Fódlan.
I thought something was off. There's no way you could die from such a small cut.
You're so reckless and inattentive, I thought this might be divine punishment.
シルヴァン: おい、さらっと酷いこと言ったなあ!もうちょっと感謝してくれたっていいだろ。
Sylvain: Hey! That's not nice! You should be thanking me.
フェリクス: ……感謝は、している。お前は子供の頃から、いつもこうだ。
Felix: I am grateful. You've been doing this since we were children.
Constantly fooling around, but then showing up and helping when we really need you.
I'll admit, seeing that smile on your face, I almost want to give you a hug. Almost.
シルヴァン: お、おう……。……お前、そんな台詞を吐く奴だったか? 変なもんでも食べたか?
Sylvain: A hug? Did you get hit on the head? Come on. Tell me you want to hug me again. I liked it.
抱擁?頭でも打ったか? なあ、もう1回言って!気に入った!
フェリクス: チッ……もう二度と言うものか、阿呆が!無事だとわかった以上、俺はもう帰る。
Felix: Hmph! I won't be repeating it, you half-wit. You're obviously fine, so I'll leave now.
シルヴァン: ……なあフェリクス。俺たちはさあ、ずっと一緒に育ってきたわけだろ。
Sylvain: You know how we grew up together?
フェリクス: ……そうだな。
Felix: Obviously.
シルヴァン: 覚えてるか? ガキの頃に約束したよな。死ぬ時は一緒だって。
Sylvain: Do you remember the promise we made when we were kids? About sticking together until we die together?
フェリクス: ……覚えて、いる。
Felix: I remember.
シルヴァン: だからさあ、俺がお前を置いて先に死んじまうわけがないんだよ。
Sylvain: Well, I'm really not trying to get myself killed before you. You know that, right?
フェリクス: ……まあ、それもそうだな。
Felix: I know... I know.
But I'm tired of these close calls.
You have to stop fooling around. Take your training more seriously.
You can die whenever you please, but I'm not going down with you
シルヴァン: そうだな。怪我が治ったら、ちょっとは真面目に励むとするさ。
Sylvain: OK, I get it. Once I've healed, I'll get my act together.
フェリクス: ……フン。せいぜい養生しろ。
Felix: Hmph. Then I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Sylvain? Thank you.
シルヴァン: ……おう。気にすんなって。
Sylvain: That's what friends are for, Felix.
After the war, Felix and Sylvain inherited their respective titles of Duke Fraldarius and Margrave Gautier, and set to work restoring the Kingdom.
Each led a busy life, but that only seemed to enhance their friendship over the years.
Each became known for making surprise visits to the estate of the other, in order to deliver the latest taunting in a friendly but relentless game of one-upmanship.
It is said that, in their later years, they became so close that they passed away on the same day, as if conceding that one could not live without the other.
Even after the war's end, skirmishes continued to break out across Fodlan.
Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword.
Decades later, he reunited briefly with Sylvain, who had need of his services as Margrave Gautier. Felix departed as soon as the job was finished, however, and the two never met again.
Years later, a sword that was thought to have belonged to Felix arrived on Sylvain's doorstep.
Even after the war's end, skirmishes continued to break out across Fodlan. Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword. Decades later, he reunited briefly with Sylvain, who had need of his services as Margrave Gautier. Felix departed as soon as the job was finished, however, and the two never met again. Years later, a sword that was thought to have belonged to Felix arrived on Sylvain's doorstep.